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getting dizzy.
@dievardump unonebox :P
Q: Open xml file with different extension using loadXMLDoc

Andy SelectI've got a file with an extension of .abc which is an XML file and I am processing the XML using XSL. I open an HTML page which loads the XML using loadXMLDoc like this: xml=loadXMLDoc("Example.xml"); xsl=loadXMLDoc("Example.xsl"); The problem is I need to open "Example.abc" not "Example.xm...

@BenjaminGruenbaum use killit :P
anyone feels like posting a proper answer containing a good implementation of that? old question but yuck, w3schools (and a horribly ugly function from that site)
1 message moved to Trash can
@ThiefMaster That answer seems OK, I think your comment is enough
@ThiefMaster Why don't you do it ?
because i'll leave in about 2 minutes to the cinema
(and i'm lazy *hides*)
@ThiefMaster Maybe change the link to MDN, it is not plagiarism, it's 5 lines of code
I'm not leaving then I'll assume I'm too lazy here.
SO going slow for anyone else?
@Loktar not for me
you guys read about this?
Im sure you have by now. Largest ddos in history
Hey guys, can anyone help me with a "pre-questioning matther on stackoverflow" ? :)
!!/google matther
@MostafaShahverdy what is it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Party pooper.
matter :D
okay i am better
@dievardump At least I'm not a slide pooper :P
but you wish you were
I am developing an extension for chrome here github.com/shahverdy/JS-Injector
I'll give you a harlem Shake Pooper
I'll never be 13 again :/
You'll see!
otherwise you wouldn't obsess over it like a 12 year old girl and justin bieber
@MostafaShahverdy cool, like userscripts,
@BenjaminGruenbaum hey benjamin!
how are you!
you are here again!
I'm here a lot of time, I have this chat open when I do most stuff
I made a userscript that does very similar stuff without the pretty ui
> Produces a small input area for you to execute Javascript on the page. Saves scripts in LocalStorage and executes on page load.
well, I have a problem with my own
@rlemon I think what he is doing is something like tampermonkey
I want scripts run right before page loads
@MostafaShahverdy ok, that's not a problem usually
@MostafaShahverdy It's an option in your manifest.json
but using localstorage make me use requests
      "run_at": "document_start",
yeah, I use that
localStorage makes you use requests?
care to elaborate ?
let me explain with codes ...
If I get "injects" from localStorage, then I have to use a "sendMessage"
right ?
No, you can use a content-script directly, you don't have to pass messages
I use contents scripts
I'm guessing you're using a background page, iirc you can access localStorage from the page directly
@BenjaminGruenbaum but this would be the localstorage of the page's origin, no ?
but each has a localStorage for itself
so I HAVE to send massages
@dystroy that right
Hmmm, so you'd like persistent extension storage that would be synchronous
@rlemon Or like me with you. And I can be more violent than a 12yo girl. Because... EYE FOOHKIN LOF YA
@MostafaShahverdy I'd like one.
@AmaanCheval HALP!
@rlemon What's up?
Haha, what do you mean?
no srsly... node.js? simple question?
oh yeah, a massage would be quite nice now
I can't remember if you node.js
I do a bit
I sometimes do if necessary...
@GNi33 I'm here.
docs are a PITA unless you know where to start
@rlemon don't ask to ask, just ask
I have very little. Florian will probably be more helpful
but florian is like pro. I need someone to splain it to me like i'm 5
@MostafaShahverdy Wouldn't it be more convenient to use developer.chrome.com/extensions/storage.html ?
if I'm real pro I can explain to you like you're 5
otherwise I can't tell I'm pro.
Not always.
You have to be pedagogically good for that
@dystroy That's the only option
@MostafaShahverdy From the page :
> Your extension's content scripts can directly access user data without the need for a background page
if a dev can't communicate, I don't consider he's a good dev.
@dystroy Hmm, let me see
@MostafaShahverdy look at storage.sync
disclaimer : I never used this kind of storage in my extensions
var http = require('http');
var users = [];

function User(properties) {
	Object.extend(this, properties);

var server = http.createServer(function _server(req, res) {
	// all I want to do is send to the client (webpage) the number
	// of connected users
@FlorianMargaine communicate and communicate with a 5yo is not the same thing.
That's why there is some SCRUM MASTER
To facilitate communication
Between devs and Product owners
long vAxis lebels are showing dots in Google chart automatically
@rlemon That is AMAZING, U WRITE?
where do I start? a good tut or something? problem is right now I don't even know where to begin looking and the tuts i've found are all from 2010
@SupriyoJana Yeah! Exactly!
someone who know won't need those complicate word that neophyte don't understand to make his point. (S)He will use metaphor and comparison n' stuff ya know
@rlemon the server variable is the same for every user connected, right?
@rlemon nodebeginner.org , I can walk you through it if you'd like
@BenjaminGruenbaum I RIGHT. U RIGHT?
is there any way to make that show entire lebel
is that possible ?
@rlemon you don't like books, right?
@FlorianMargaine is it?
@SupriyoJana No, it is a known bug.
It is.
would be an ebook in that case
@GNi33 I prefer online resources - they are free and updateable.
Once it listens, it listens.
@rlemon read nodebeginner.org , srsly
@rlemon node is more like java/c# than like PHP. It's an application server; all the users go through the same process
Ohh - I spent a few hours in searching
literally, the same PID
@SupriyoJana I'm kidding, of course it is possible, everything is possible if you just believe
@rlemon Just res.end(users.length, 'utf8'); I think?
so the server object is used by all the users connected
and so is your users array
@BenjaminGruenbaum if only my keyboard had a conscience everything would be... magic
@AmaanCheval He isn't adding a user to the array, or removing it from the array on disconnect
@AmaanCheval hurr durr, how do I add and remove users from the array - i.e. how do I know a connection vs disconnect
@rlemon Dude. It's HTTP.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oops, I assumed he just left those parts out
@rlemon the callback on createServer is the connection-listener basically
@BenjaminGruenbaum how is that possible
if that one fires -> somebody is connected
@rlemon Read nodebeginner.org, it's clear and simple, it's a good headstart
can you please give me a clue
@GNi33 but I tested that and I got two hits per connection and nothing on client disconnect
Why on Earth is there vanilla-JS AJAX functionality on a site that uses jQuery?
no... he's got another problem
@rlemon v
Curse you legacy cooooode!
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. Hypertext is a multi-linear set of objects, building a network by using logical links (the so-called hyperlinks) between the nodes (e.g. text or words). HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext. The standards development of HTTP was coordinated by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), culminating in the publication of a series of Re...
@SupriyoJana In order to believe in that, you first must believe in yourself. In order to succeed you must first succeed within
> Note that there may be multiple requests per connection (in the case of keep-alive connections).
read up on how this works :P
@rlemon you probably got two hit's on the connect because the browser automatically checked for the favicon
@AmaanCheval same TCP/IP connection, yeah
And yeah, @GNi33 is likely correct there
but GL finding this out...
@BenjaminGruenbaum dude, I got it... the first three times you posted it.
Ill flag you for spam ;)
A: monitor connected clients using node.js

steweTry this: var http=require('http'); var connected_users={}; var server=http.createServer(function(req,res){ res.end('hi'); }); server.on('connection',function(socket){ socket.__fd=socket.fd; connected_users[socket.__fd]=socket.remoteAddress; console.log(connected_users); s...

and yeah this ^
see I was using .addEventListener and getting errors :/
@rlemon Basically, you'll have to build your own router here
stupid tut from 2010
@rlemon Please google your questions before you ask them here.
@BenjaminGruenbaum cept I did, don't be a dick.
I wrote the rules I think I know them
@BenjaminGruenbaum :D
I love coffeescript: [a,b,c]=$[i-1..i+1];c?=z;
@rlemon Don't be rude, the users of this chat are just trying to help you.
Node is pretty hard to find good resources on in general
I'm such a dick XD
there is a nice website to find out information though
it starts with an s, ends with a w
no, you posted the same link 4 times and didn't read when I sad "I'm reading tuts but they are all old and none of them are helping"
@rlemon Don't be sad :(
followed like 4 tutorials and all of them were dated and throwing errors
@BenjaminGruenbaum i came out with a better solution
@dystroy This seems to be a better solution ;)
using "cookies"
That was fine like a month ago when I was trying to learn node
@AmaanCheval That's a great idea!
is better for hsi question
@rlemon personally i sometime use ebook to get a good base on a complex subject. It help get the basic more quickly.
@BenjaminGruenbaum bit confused as I am allowing google to render those lebel automatically, but do you think that we can sent those lebel to google to get them rendered on chart ?
is that possible ?
@Darkyen not really a better idea :P
@FlorianMargaine No clue what this is.
@SupriyoJana I have no idea what you're talking about...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, what's a lebel?
@MostafaShahverdy Don't forget to come back make an announce when your extension is finished :)
announcement, bad frenchie
@dystroy sure, of course
@FlorianMargaine desoled
@dystroy oh btw tommorrow and friday I'll be at Lyon
@FlorianMargaine Hum... free for lunch ?
around Part-Dieu
sure, if it's not too far away for you
@rlemon well, if you're interested just ping me, got a pdf date jan. 2013 lying around here. depends on how deep you wanna get into it
I'm at 5 mn of la Part Dieu
@BenjaminGruenbaum vAxis lebel, which are being rendered automatically along the y-axix, say for example 1000, 2000, 3000 and so on
heh, cool
gimme your phone
I'm easy to recognize : I have a monkey on the back
now it makes sense why internet explorer suckks!
@FlorianMargaine You won't have an email capable engine ?
@dystroy I'll be right here btw maps.google.com/…
@Darkyen Really like that!
tel number sent
got it
mail is more reliable than calling? really? :P
my friend owns blogsprite.com .... one reason not to sign up
@FlorianMargaine Le Gabion ? OK restaurant (I made a critic on tripadvisor)
Yay, Florian has a date
@AmaanCheval y u happy ?
@Darkyen Hahaha, it looks pretty strange
it just makes me scared!
@Darkyen Just teasing
@dystroy lol
@AmaanCheval dont do.. it gives me bad imaginations
really bad ones
@dystroy I'll send you a mail when I'll be ready, dunno yet when the training will be over
@FlorianMargaine who said that?
@dievardump dystroy, over mail
@Florian what day, about what hour ? It's the other side of la Part-Dieu, more like 15 minutes from home.
@dystroy thursday or friday, you choose.
hour: can be from 12h15 to 13h45
Tomorrow is ok for me.
@dystroy question: is the restaurant often full?
@GNi33 I repeat, I want the PDF.
oh well
let's go for tomorrow
I never know: tomorrow or tommorrow?
I don't know if the restaurant is often full, it's not the best here. And if you live near the sea, you might be disappointed by the fish.
@FlorianMargaine Tomorrow
@AmaanCheval e-mail address?
@dystroy I don't like fish, no worries :P
It's a fish restaurant...
I think it'd be better to go somewhere else :D
okay, give me a sec
@FlorianMargaine no worry, we'll find somewhere to eat, it's Lyon...
let's just meet up half ways and we'll sort it out?
Bing search engine ... where you end when you are lost or mistype your URL
Play, or die.
@GNi33 yea i'll take that. My issues with the API docs is they are like reading the W3C spec to learn how to use JS for the web. it's way overwhelming and i would need to consume 40% of the docs just to start.
anybody has any idea why on this page -> goo.gl/lZ8aP there is chapter leadership but on this page there is not -> goo.gl/WZ31M
@Extelliqent why using a shortener?
This is like my 10th attempt at grasping node.js and it's fucking annoying when every doc or tutorial I read online does not work out of the box because node.js has changed.
@FlorianMargaine halfway, there's this one : maps.google.fr/…
@rlemon mail?
@Happyninja link is so long
Im gonna freak out
@Extelliqent i got a better trust in longer url than shorter one and this chat will deal with it so it doesn't look horrible and long
@Happyninja here you go :0
@AmaanCheval @rlemon okay, sent you a link
The leadership bar is missing in the second one. and I cant figure out why
tell me when you got it...
@rlemon lets teach each other ;)
@dystroy looks good
@GNi33 10 seconds remaining
@Extelliqent what do you mean by chapter leadership?
server is pretty fast
who do you host with
just a simple world4you - host
@Happyninja when you go to brightpink.org/i-am-high-risk/chapters you will see chapter leadership on the right pane
@Extelliqent it has a display:none
not much used though, i gotta freaking finish my page
dude, that's my fucking name ;)
there is javascript code that suppose to populate chapter leaders based on which one is clicked
So I got my Nexus 4 yesterday, somebody give me suggestions on some first things I should do (its OEM unlocked, and rooted)
oh, you mean the page itself? :D
Evening people\
@dievardump jquery suppose to take care of that.. Idk why it's not
> <div style="width: 800px; margin: 0 auto;>
@GNi33 tisk tisk tisk
@Extelliqent jQuery's not suppose to take care of anything. jQuery does what you tell it to do.
proudly made that pic with lememe
@dievardump here is the code
:8516143 i used that nick since i was about 11 or 12
I don't use lememe... I use the guy who stole the code.
@dievardump this code is taking care of that in the old website but the new one.
@GNi33 I wonder why that didn't ping me
function fillLeadership(name, positions, image, chapter_type) {
    if (name) {

        if (chapter_type == "1") {
            chapterLeadershipTitle.html("CHAPTER LEADERSHIP");
        } else {
            chapterLeadershipTitle.html("ALLY LEADERSHIP");

        for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
            var leader = jQuery('<div class="chapter-leader-item"><div class="chapter-leader-image" style="background:' + (image[i] ? ('url(' + image[i] + ')') : 'none') + '"> </div>' +
^ here is the code, not as ugly.
Maybe because I deleted it
1px solid #dadada;
@rlemon thanks!
@AmaanCheval probably because you deleted your message, have you downloaded it?
i wonder if it was actually in design
or he just found it to sound good
@GNi33 Almost done
can anyone has any idea why longer vAxis label in Google chart is showing 3 dots at the end ?
@GNi33 dude, did you even notice the error in the code from your site?
it seems like it's not even going into the query because name is not given
you don't close the wrappers style attribute
@rlemon Not as ugly as what? :P
really? :D
@GNi33 Done. Thanks!
@PeeHaa the same code not indented ;)
Any of you implemented a mail opened tracker?
@rlemon Ah right :P
@rlemon haha, yeah. didn't take much care when i put my old page down
$("<div><p><strong>This is the worst possible <em>fucking</em> way to create DOM elements</strong>!</p></div>");
@rlemon That was what I was about to yell
@dievardump - server side image image would do the tricks
@SupriyoJana That's what I was thinking of.
@dievardump a blank image
ah, i'm sick of templating now, better finish off some server-side tickets now to finally go home then
@rlemon K I'm home, wanna learn node?
@rlemon Wait, you think this isn't ugly? Boy, do I have news for you.
you guys couldnt figure it out either.. it's though.
in 3 hours @BenjaminGruenbaum I will be all yours
Has anyone any idea on why longer vAxis label in google chart appends 3 dot ( . ) at the end?
h1 this is conteeeent
  span this is contennnnnnt
  span.toto this is conteeeent
  span[class:toto tutu tata,id:salmon] this is contennnnnnt
got tied up doing actual work :(
Templating is awesome
@ShotgunNinja "not as ugly"
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do too! I'm guessing you're going to make rlemon do the Exercise you have in that Google Docs page?
Homework? pfft.. fuck that.
@AmaanCheval no, that would take at least a few hours
I just got SSL working \o/

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