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Thank god silverlight didn't gain momentum
There's worse: software rendering using <div>s for pixels
A: jquery bind vs on vs click

dystroyThe answers are in the first line of each documentation : bind : As of jQuery 1.7, the .on() method is the preferred method for attaching event handlers to a document. click : This method is a shortcut for .on('click', handler)

@JanDvorak Pff.. who needs canvas? Just use divs
@Neil what about tables?
@JanDvorak You simulate tables using canvas
Are there any stats on WebGL vs Stage3D?
@Shea I can't. mustache.me isn't my service
@phenomnomnominal what stats would you be looking for?
WebGL looks good... if it were supported on my machine
Number of polys supported at 60fps would be a good place to start
WebGL is miles... what am I saying, worlds away from being competitive on that sector
never heard about stage3d
@GNi33, that's ridiculous.
is it?
why would it be?
Name something you can do in Stage3D and Flash that you can't do in WebGL and JS?
i'm not saying you can't do it, but WebGL simply isn't there yet
Justify that?
big WebGL - projects are still performing terrible compared to Flash Stage3D, browser-support is slowly getting there, but that will take some time too
I think you cannot use WebGL on every browsers
that's all
webgl is sniping my amd drivers ..
biggest disadvantage is discovered in webgl .
@GNi33, I'm running a demo with 3000 cubes in Stage3D and WebGL and getting almost triple the frame rate in WebGL
I've lost track on how the state with hardware-acceleration is nowadays
And browser support is hardly an argument when no browser will support Flash without a plugin?
That's kind of the point
to be totally honest, it's been some time since i checked, but hardware-acceleration may be the real key
I think it's still currently Flash > HTML5 & WebGL & WebSocket & Steve Jobs
@TemporaryNickName Well i wouldn't say so
@phenomnomnominal looking at the usage-statistics flash still has (where it has been on desktop, like 98%?), i stopped seeing this as an argument against flash
@TemporaryNickName Surely Flash is everywhere but thats because its easy and not because it works better
sure, it sucks, you know i'd take javascript over flash anytime
still i don't see WebGL as a competitive player right now
this will change, and i'm looking forward to it
I'm sitting here right now running WebGL in Chrome, FF, Safari and Opera
@phenomnomnominal What about IE?
show me a full-stack game implemented in WebGL
Who gives the tiniest bit of a fuck about IE
Of course the platform can't develop if only a handful of people are making games for it
People will get a platform if they see compelling gaming experiences on them
@phenomnomnominal hm, would be really interesting seeing this one in Stage3D too
@phenomnomnominal the 25%+ userbase of IE
I just think it should be up to us, as people who are clearly interested/passionate/invested in the web as a platform to push it forward, rather than relying on what is basically a hack.
all i can say is that it performs terrible on my late 2008 MBP here
posted on March 27, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} What's this? A Trial of the Clone APP? With audio by Wil Wheaton, co

@Nexxpresso, yes, because grandparents and commercial enterprises are interested in 3D games...
@phenomnomnominal the problem is many people who just want to game still use IE
@GNi33, well a lot has changed in 5 years :)
yeah, it's much more about a target audience than plain usage statistics here
@Nexxpresso, like I said, if they want to game, they'll download Chrome.
@phenomnomnominal and all i can say is that i've been running great-looking Stage3D - games on this one without any problems ;)
@phenomnomnominal yeah true
My boss just told our banker he is moving our business to a new bank because their website for our rrsps requires ie5+
"for security reasons we must insist you use ie5+"
wait.... what?
@rlemon fuck, i've gone mad on the last website i saw this on
but like... it's a fucking bank man! a bank!
Big red letters "This site only works in IE " wut?
AKA, we have hacks that only work in IE, don't make us fix our broken site.
for security reasons... just put that in front of a sentence and people will obey your lazy web-breaking shit
Hi people....
I mean, I just changed my useragent and I was fine... which means no activeX controls are being used.. which means there is not effing point for IE sniffing
Well flash won't it die with more and more mobile use?
it did, on websites and stuff
No. There'll be stupid flash games for a long, long time.
it won't go away on the game - sector for a long time however
27 mins ago, by Amaan Cheval
I'd say that Flash isn't broken, nor is it dead
and seriously, i don't even care
Flash is horrible broken and annoying shit.
HTML5 is great, but it isn't going to replace Flash
It can't, it's a revision of a markup language
@rlemon I don't know if you saw the edit, the question is less trivial than initially :
Q: Loop through arrays logging all combinations

Wesley SkeenI have a set of arrays for example ["a1", "a2"] ["b1", "b2", "b3"] ["c1", "c2"] ["d1", "d2", "d3", "d4"] There can be any amount of these arrays. Using the first array, is there a good way to loop through the other arrays logging each combination. For example a1,b1,c1,d1 a2,b1,c1,d1 a1,...

@Zirak Haha, you know, I'm talking about HTML5 as the buzzword
Mainly canvas and WebGL
no one said anything of trivial. I just see no effort to solve from the OP. — rlemon 21 secs ago
he literally just gives you the input and the required output and says "How do I do this whole middle area here"
I very much dislike these types of Qs
Q: Image slider code explanation needed

user2132308This code is a image changer that fades between images. Im new to jQuery, if someone could please explain to me how this code works : function slideSwitch() { var $active = $('#slider IMG.active'); if ( $active.length == 0 ) $active = $('#slider IMG:last'); var $next = $active.next().lengt...

Close please, Too localized
@dystroy He wanted the cartesian-product? (or cross-product)
@Zirak Not sure about Cartesian, he wanted to log all possible combinations.
@rlemon done (the closing you requested)
It looks a lot like a Cartesian product
yea, I try to spend a few minutes each morning cleaning up the new questions
I don't often answer them, just comment and vote
@Zirak Yeah, it does
I may have something like that
@Zirak can you speak of Cartesian product when you have n arrays (not 2) ?
Why not?
> In mathematics, a Cartesian product is a mathematical operation which returns a set (or product set) from multiple sets
OK... I didn't do a lot of maths in the last 20 years...
I'm doing Math right now. It's interesting and boring at the same time
@AmaanCheval which math?
@TemporaryNickName Highschool Math, so it's got a bit of everything
I was very interested in maths (and good at it) when young. Now I'm old I don't use my brain anymore...
I'm doing Limits right now
@AmaanCheval I agree, highschool Math is extremely boring
is that part of physics?
No, not really
It's the awesome part of differential mathematics.
Which is instrumental to physics
That's more of a philosophical question, though :p
IDK, I didn't pay attention in math class. But if you study hard then you will destroy college calculus exams
I didn't either. I have my final exam tomorrow
More than not paying attention in class, I wasn't there in class at all
Learn your maths, it might be useful one day and that day will be amazing. When asked "can you find a solution to optimize this industrial process parameterization in a reliable way", some people will look for libraries hoping for a magical solution. Other ones will do it.
Yeah, I know Math is important. I just hate the way they teach it, so I just study it on my own. This term I procrastinated too much
@dystroy You missed a closing quote mark
Pay attention when they teach you decimal, binary, hexadecimal numbers and etc. You will probably going to be learning about these in first year at college so if you know them already then girls will talk to ya =D
Hahaha, we learned about those this year, and I did know about them already
Maths ==> girls is a fallacy.
(ok, my wife is a scientific girl and I seduced her with math problems a few years ago, but's that's not frequent)
Feynman disagrees
alert("aaaa") not working i am waiting your helps plase. — user1513228 13 mins ago
For the most part
@dystroy Hahaha seduced her with that? Nice
@GNi33 Hahaha, come on, give him a few helps
@GNi33 Some people are past any help... just shoot him in the head, don't let him suffer anymore...
why are they even asking questions if they're not accepting the simplest of tips?
user\d+ == vamps
Fourier Transforms === most useful maths so far
developer-tools how i find . — user1513228 19 secs ago
i quit
should i really link to google right now?
@dystroy :))
the counterexample that makes true
@GNi33 I don't like the fact kolink just gives the answer
Anyone here playing Simpsons Tapped Out?
@dystroy yeah, tbh i didn't even see the missing }, i just stopped looking at the code when i saw that he's running over the array-index
@phenomnomnominal It's incompatible with my phone. :/
This kind of answers doesn't help OP learn...
yeah, though it seems this guy doesn't even want to learn
I voted to close as too localized. No effort -> no help.
Yay scholarship moneys! I can eat again!
@phenomnomnominal Congrats!
For future reference: soylent.me
I signed up
There was a guy on reddit or hn who was saying basically living from that stuff. Of course he was young.
Could be the guy who made it ^
You've got to think though, is it really the food, or the fact that he's exercising more and focusing on what is going into his body
Yeah, he's been expanding his studies
But not enough to actually find definite results
Definitely interesting though
He said he'd be starting a KickStarter campaign later to spread the studies to more people
I haven't been eating meat or soft drinks for about a month now and it's made a massive difference
So here's to all of you tab-lovers. That's why you don't use tabs, because they do this to your code. gist.github.com/calvinmetcalf/4469674#file-pouch-idb-js
Look at the awesome consistency there.
@OctavianDamiean: Tab-lovers will blame your editor for not keeping it consistent
@ThiefMaster Tab-lovers can screw themselves.
why does my function work when i call it per onclick but not if i call it in a fucking js??
@Zirak it accepts 0-5 before the question mark
@Nexxpresso: Sorry, my crystal ball is not working well. Why not show us the actual code?
I will first try to fix it myself
Im just talking away my aggression
@Nexxpresso As long as you don't have a proper avatar you'll always read sentences like that.
Help-vampires and noobs tend to have the default avatars provided by gravatar.
@OctavianDamiean I will go to lunch fix this stupid code and then get a proper avatar i promise
@phenomnomnominal So lunch,fix code,get avatar,learn basic english?
already thought that one
@Nexxpresso So close.
Alas, it is 2.16am and I must sleep.
Fare thee well brothers.
@OctavianDamiean :'(
Java and JavaScript are similar like and Script are similar
> I'm going to smash your face into a car windshield and then take your mother, Dorothy Damiean out for a nice seafood dinner and NEVER CALL HER AGAIN!
^ that was got the tab comment
have theese creepy quotes been added manually into the bots memory or does it just remind random posts?
@Jan-StefanJanetzky the bot just spends his free time browsing the interwebs
Q: JavaScript if statement isn't working

user2215743I'm quite new to JavaScript but I can't get this if statement to work. if (ofsted=1) { ofsted25=6; } else if (ofsted=2) { ofsted25=13; } else if (ofsted=3) { ofsted25=19; } else if (ofsted=4) { ofsted25=25; } No matter what "ofsted" is, "ofsted25...

religious war - == or === ?
!!>typeof localStorage
@Jan-StefanJanetzky "undefined"
== because the shorter code is, the better it is!
Crashing airplanes into large buildings because we have a difference of opinion!
@Alnitak depends on what you want to compare. sometimes you do want to compare apple and pie
@Alnitak what? people still think they shouldn't use === ?
@Jan-StefanJanetzky then manually coerce the pie to an apple
@FlorianMargaine indeed, and with his rep the current top answer should no better
explicit > implicit
=== > ==
== should = === but js sucks
has anyone ever been to one of those drive thru atms?
why do they have braille on them?
iirc, yeah
but I see where you're going with this
not do they, why do they.
what point does it serve. blind people don't drive.
!!> true === 1
@crl true
Zup guys
@crl false
@rlemon in case the guy who wants to withdraw isn't the driver
afaik, it's more cost effective to make a universal dial, rather than have a machine just for the drive through dials
@FlorianMargaine I see your logic, and still think it's stupid.
(the braille not the logic)
so you'd give your credit card number to some friend of you driving you to withdraw some money?
@Shea makes a good point
OK, another brain buster... Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
@rlemon LOL
you've got me on that one
@rlemon So they don't get knocked unconscious and crash their planes uselessly into the ocean... rather than into a battleship.
@canon ok mr hot shot. If a turtle loses its shell is it naked or homeless?
probably deformed and/or dead lol
turtles !== snails
not hermit crabs either....
turtles do need their shells
removing it from the turtle kills the turtle
@rlemon are the two mutually exclusive?
Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?
good question, so I Googled it
I cheated, so I'm out lol
can't believe the upvotes on that question, there's all sorts of crappy misinformed answers getting votes :(
@Alnitak you really need to reference what you're talking about, that was confusing until I scrolled up
@rlemon Because if someone survives but gets an infection because of that and dies afterwards the relatives can file a suit.
I'm sure I'm miles away.
@FlorianMargaine @dystroy your jokey comments actually don't help, either...
@OctavianDamiean if they 'survive' they are re-executed. there is no 'ohh well you survived it'
they have botched them before and prisoners tried to fight it (in the US) claiming they were already executed and the state couldn't do it again. They were executed again
@Alnitak Uhm, weak comparison? No, one is with type coercion the other one not.
@rlemon answers said you get pardoned if you survive, and I believed it. did the internet lie to me?
@OctavianDamiean "weakly typed"
Or did you mean that with weak comparison?
== is "weakly typed comparison", === is "strongly typed"
I've seen that terminology used before, I'll allow it.
@Shea yes.
"sir, you raped and killed 26 people, but we fucked up your injection so you are now free to go with a full pardon" - never going to happen.
Personally I don't quite like that terminology. It doesn't really make sense but whatever.
Q: Javascript board game: looking for optimization

AnilaI posted this question on stackoverflow before but received no answers so I decided to post it here and see if someone could suggest me something. I'm working on a html/javascript game for android. It's a board game which does the following. It has tiles of different colors and user can place on...

@rlemon Well, when you put it that way... lol
=== is faster than == as well.
^ just saying
@rlemon that too
not that you need more reason to use === other than plain logic
@rlemon Sounds like Russian roulette but with an injection.
@rlemon that's actually news to me, but it makes sense now that I think about it
@rlemon Which is obvious when you think about what type coercion means. :D
so much wealth of information this morning lol
I think I'm going to suggest a new coding rule at the office - if you use == or != you must put in a comment declaring that it's intentional and why
wouldn't life be easier if the roles were switched?
I mean, from the start
@Alnitak That's actually not a bad idea.
@Alnitak just forbid the usage of ==
I'll print a poster. I'm the only one writing JavaScript code but I'll do it anyway.
@Alnitak I have used == because i wanted the coercion but it is always meant to be.
someone know how to edit Sass sources directly in chrome?
I do often see var a = 1; if( a == 1 ) {

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