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@FlorianMargaine Are you admitting you have no class?
if ('#' + tar).hasClass('.lock'){ stuff }
how would i make the above opposite? sorry for being a bit dumb
that's not gonna work
if (!$('#' + tar).hasClass('.lock')) {
$('#' + tar + ':not(.lock)').doStuff(); // take that. jQuery FTW!
well two words to my college :3
fuck you :D
thats two words and a emoticon.
'u' isn't a word.
they tell me i have to join a viva 1200 kms away in < 6 hours
@phenomnomnominal it is when i'm playing scrabble.
datass is also one word
Scrabble words have to be a minimum of three letters :P
DAMNNNN becomes one for me
two, good sir.
I dub thee, cheat.
err this aint fb
cya all
Scrabble is a word game in which two to four players score points by forming words from individual lettered tiles on a gameboard marked with a 15×15 grid. The words are formed across and down in crossword fashion and must appear in a standard dictionary. Specified reference works (e.g., the Official Club and Tournament Word List, the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary) provide a list of permissible words. The name Scrabble is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the United States and Canada; elsewhere, it is trademarked by Mattel. The game is sold in 121 countries and there are 29 differen...
Touché, kind Lord Lemon
although some versions may be that three letters is minimum
here the official version, it is two.
the only good game on my phone when I had one was scrabble, also have played a lot of scrabble. it's a wonder i'm not a better speller.
is it possible to design desktop javascript apps in chrome os yet?
!!/google desktop javascript apps in chromeos
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
!!/google is it possible to google if it is possible to design desktop javascript apps in chrome os yet
@phenomnomnominal [\*](http://google.com/search?q=is%20it%20possible%20to%20google%20if%20it%20is%20possible%20to%20design%20desktop%20javascript%20apps%20in%20chrome%20os%20yet) [Google Chrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome) ; [Chrome OS, Not Android, is Google's Future - TechPinions](http://techpinions.com/chrome-is-more-important-to-google-than-android/11575) ; [Samsung Chromebook Review \($249 ARM-based model\) - Liliputing](http://liliputing.com/2012/11/samsung-chromebook-review-249-arm-based-model.html)
wow, bot hates me
!!is it possible to google if it is possible to design desktop javascript apps in chrome os yet?
@phenomnomnominal But of course
sure, loves you.
umm i actually read most of those... even seen the vid
!!do you love rlemon?
@phenomnomnominal By all means
i'm asking if anyone is doing it
If it can be done in JavaScript, it has been done in JavaScript
is anyone developing metro style already>
@rlemon, HOLY SHIT
that's nice
Even if wasnt JS it would be nice!
@okok [0]
like an array
@rlemon That shit is fucking awesome!
@okok yup
Still not able to invert my if-condition :(
@Dave why not?
@PeeHaa @phenomnomnominal yea, and he does the math in so little code. i'm blown away.
if (!$('#' + tar).hasClass('.lock')) {
aint working
I'm still looking for some hidden external resource
@rlemon quite impressive if i hadn't seen it i wouldn't have believed it was possible in js
@okok if you do not know js, it hurts a lot.
@StefanDenchev codepen.io
just check out the experiments there
@okok jquery is great help but js is a must
@StefanDenchev, anything is possible in JS
@rlemon Just to let you know who okok is, to save you some energy. He's our strange Italian teen.
where is that button when I need it
ok Bulk Trash is back, @okok don't troll.
@rlemon, there's something a bit broken with the initial conditions haha
@rlemon still remember a google app from a few months ago, it was some kind of wave thing really cool
new attitude?
okok that was three sentences joined into one
you cheated
by comma
make the grid a bit bigger, and it rips itself apart
Well, if you can behave, you're welcome.
@StefanDenchev CSS as well. codepen.io/rlemon/pen/kIiDE (optimized for chrome)
like... hulk?
@OctavianDamiean remember this ^^
not hogan(JS)
THE hulk
@copy my first codegolf :P (it sucks though)
A: Draw A Sierpinski Triangle

Florian MargaineCommon Lisp, 158 chars (loop for i from 32 downto 0 do (loop for j from 32 downto 0 do (if (eq 0 (logand (round (- i (/ j 2))) j)) (format t "Δ") (format t " "))) (format t "~%")) Correctly formatted: (loop for i from 32 downto 0 do (loop for j from 32 downto 0 do (if (eq 0 ...

@rlemon huh?
well, 2nd after the intel 8086 emulator that I never finished
@FlorianMargaine why did u not finish
quit while ur ahead?
@OctavianDamiean look at the pen mate.
I bet you're a poker player
too lazy to keep going
@rlemon good point
the logic was written
then I had to implement every opcode...
wow... that was an unwitting wit-thing
@rlemon Oh boy! We were so young back then. Good ol' times.
you're repeating yourself a lot.
Sorry, it's my cat
Someone motivate me to write my thesis proposal...
/me kicks @phenomnomnominal ass into gear
@okok actually done that, don't remember a thing
@okok There's no best way for that. Unfortunately the only really working solution is to use Flash for that. :/
As much as I hate it.
@okok, use Flash
okok use google for fucks sakes
we're not you personal research team!
@phenomnomnominal if not now, when? if not you, who? if NOT... no finish, no graduate. Y U NO WANT TO GRADUATE
@skopp, it's not due til the 4th though, why should I start today?
@phenomnomnominal lol
is he already annoying anyone else?
So much.
I have my thesis topic at least
@phenomnomnominal Because you have more time to chill come the 4th-ish... while all about you are scrambling and scurrying about writing horseshit
thats all I needed to hear.
@phenomnomnominal The weirdness of kids on the internet?
there are chat-related badges?!? Really?!?
@OctavianDamiean what is it with today;'s youth?
well a few
not many, there should be more
Optimizing Augmented Reality Rendering based-on Human Visual Perception. BOOM
huh, not bad!
@phenomnomnominal what is that?
@phenomnomnominal So you're going to work for Google on their glasses afterwards?
> Nice library that works in Flash 10
@okok Thank you okok!
don't be a troll
@OctavianDamiean, haha maybe, I'm more looking at Weta Digital again to be honest, I want me an Oscar.
the second answer? that tells the user to just copy the text himself?
@phenomnomnominal huh, you know if you need a contact in Hollywood let me know.
I'm not even kidding.
@OctavianDamiean my mums cousin just got an Oscar nom this year haha
And my supervisor won an technological achievement award this year too
@okok thats not js dude, thats js telling the user to copy the text himself.
@phenomnomnominal ahem... don't make me go Samuel L Jackson now
function copyToClipboard (text) {
  window.prompt ("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", text);
albeit funny, not automatic
@phenomnomnominal The visual effects guy for the movie 2012 is a good friend of mine. That's what I meant. :)
execCommand is not well supported. ergo you have to use flash
Who doesnt hate flash
what if every time you went to a website it just copied some crap to your clipboard
hmm funny i do remember doing it.... oh well...
@StefanDenchev execCommand('copy')
but it's not well supported.
@skopp, We want to optimise rendering based on how the eye works, for example we can minimise the size of the light map with no perceivable difference in the output image. So we render stuff with different optimisations using bi-directional pathtracing etc, and composite them into some real world scenes and see at what point the optimisations stop looking real.
@OctavianDamiean, dude that's awesome! Shitty movie, great VFX!
@phenomnomnominal there we go. That's your start (explaining to me). Now carry on... offline :)
@phenomnomnominal I know right? The effects were awesome. :)
srsly, get off the nets
@skopp, but the net is fun.
@OctavianDamiean, not every day you get to destroy the whole world!
unholsters gun
@phenomnomnominal umm yup, so don't spoil it :)
I have had it with these monkey fighting snakes
on this monday to friday plane
Bah... @phenomnomnominal I'm in the same boat TBH
@phenomnomnominal The fun thing is he's started out with making the effects for the series Charmed, yea that crappy series but hey, he's got his foot into Hollywood.
Got an article for a mag due like two days ago
Haha nice!
alas, the internet is fun as you said
@skopp, we'll at least mine isn't late!
That's what I said
@phenomnomnominal well i'm off to game. gist.github.com/rlemon/e2ff662e4731ecf81a95 install this
a month ago
just incase you need it
!!/ google ditto clipboard
@phenomnomnominal adds a button 'Bulk Trash' that allows you to send all visible messages in the room from a given user to the Trash Can room
have fun
@copy I fixed it.
@rlemon, where does the button go?
badger badger ba...ok sorry
@BadgerGirl Get copy to get you a RPi!
@phenomnomnominal beside 'Upload'
Hmm, ran it in console and no work?
@OctavianDamiean He's already getting one for himself.
@BadgerGirl I know. :D
yea :P
I run the moustache script so I have to wait for onload before I copy over the list.
I feel kinda guilty for him getting a RPi.
@OctavianDamiean what can I do with mine that is cool
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, it's your fault.
the best I see atm is using it like a high powered arduino
@rlemon You can send it to Austria to get free hosting.
so is anyone doing metro style apps in js?
It is basically AWESOME
how much are they there? shit, I payed 35 bucks for mine.
@phenomnomnominal awesome no?
No wait, you need your own RPi.
I will expand to allow for delete until selected message as well.
but only from single user.
It is just a colocation offer.
then add multi user select
two people starred " → 1 message moved to Trash can - 2h ago by rlemon "
you should make it so it's 'bulk trash', not 'Bulk Trash' :P
@OctavianDamiean so far, with a high end sd and rasbian I have seen nothing but massive errors and lag
Why would they do that
@rlemon So you just have to pack it up and send them the preconfigured thing.
@skopp, look at the message that was trashed
@skopp Troll messages deserve to be binned
Is it that bad?
@OctavianDamiean idk if it is something i'm doing or not, I hear everyone else ranting they are so great
// TODO: This application is about to be suspended. Save any state
// that needs to persist across suspensions here. If you need to
// complete an asynchronous operation before your application is
// suspended, call args.setPromise().
@PeeHaa excuse me, I'm just going to faceplant my face
@rlemon Like, does the base system lag?
1 message moved to Trash can
1 message moved to Trash can
@OctavianDamiean it's not fast but I have just run a basic gui, nothing special
@okok, stop spamming.
1 message moved to Trash can
@rlemon Ah! Well I will run it headless.
I want to make a robot :/
Troll messages deserve to be binned. Messages about messages being binned deserve to be starred.
okay... I'm jealous
@phenomnomnominal you are abusing your moderation arms, dude, i was seriously asking, i got a problem with focus
I also want stars
put my Meccano to good use.
I'm not a mod
@OctavianDamiean did you talk to your agent?
@phenomnomnominal ok what you are doesn't matter, you can't remove serious question wtfff
@BadgerGirl You mean about the flight and stuff?
seriously does anyone have any idea how to do a metro style app with js ? this is like impossible....
@okok, make a fiddle.
@phenomnomnominal ok
Not yet but this week we have a week off school so I have more time.
@rlemon Do you like the Bahamas?
@OctavianDamiean never been
@phenomnomnominal why does when i focus in then leave mouse it returns blank? jsfiddle.net/GAM8J
@rlemon Do you like BadgerGirl, copy and me?
why not
@phenomnomnominal i'm misunderstanding :focus meaning?
@rlemon Would you like to meet us all? :)
@okok, focus is when an element is clicked on
@okok are you serious?
@OctavianDamiean Is he your date?
I think it only works on input elements?
look for :target docs
@rlemon do u like me?
@phenomnomnominal @StefanDenchev serious, so why it takes blank after focus/click on?
@BadgerGirl I'm considering it. I mean look at him.
but use js for this
@skopp sure why not
I don't like anyone
@OctavianDamiean but you'll have to shave first. I don't like a beard rash
@rlemon naaa pls, i have already a js jungle here :/
then you are doing it wrong
because I haven't shaved my armpits in 4 years
and I bath bi-annually
@skopp yuk...
@rlemon i have no doubt
@rlemon hehe, no jokes aside, I was invited to BadgerGirl and copy's wedding on the Bahamas and I have the permission to invite someone.
@rlemon do you still like me
Listen, I am half way through my 40 of rum and it's only 6:50pm. you people need to stop with the insanity. you drive me to drink!
ok ok
@rlemon, i knew you were a pirate.
@OctavianDamiean and you decided to invite someone from chat...
@OctavianDamiean haha, well sure. depending on price and time.
maybe :active is the solution? ever wondered when to use :active :)
I'll be your date!
Hell yea! :D
price and time permitting ofc.
damn.. that was easy...
eligible lemon #1: It's our first date, where do you take me?
@BadgerGirl you're the one with the exact date.
and if I come home without a kidney... so help you god....
Everyone in the room is invited. It's in July, in Bahamas... we don't have a date yet.
@BadgerGirl i'll be there
yea but group deals here woman!
we need to know about the deals!
@rlemon just stick to the rum and don't touch the wine :)
dats jesus blood it is, fuck that. I aint drinkin that.
@rlemon i come with you dudes
@BadgerGirl one rule, @okok isn't invited.
@rlemon lol for the first time since september
@StefanDenchev Robert's ma bro. ;)
we be tight yo
But not too tight, you know. :D
@OctavianDamiean because of stretching?
yea, separate beds.... unless there is an open bar.
@BadgerGirl what are you planning in bahamas chica?
I mean yea, you're hot 'n stuff but I'm straight. :D
@okok A secret wedding.
Which isn't secret anymore.
:D nice :D
@OctavianDamiean the question is just how straight you are :)
Feb 14 at 4:05, by phenomnomnominal
yea, well, I was here when it all started...
@StefanDenchev As straight as night's dark.
take that!
@BadgerGirl who are the lucky dudes?
91 chars in Common Lisp... looks good
lololol @ okok
ehm wedding is not for marriage?
omfkg my dummy english sorry
@OctavianDamiean and @rlemon
@okok nope
@okok could be dudettes , no sexism
lol sorry i have no sexual preferences np
dont u watch movies
also, @OctavianDamiean, Community: first eppy, first minute, "you've heard it's loser college .... thats what you've heard! however! I wish you luck! .... ok you know.. ugh ohh, you know there is more to this speech...." - were you not already laughing?!
or everyone will say i'm also sexist
@okok you bi mate?
@StefanDenchev lololololol
@StefanDenchev yes BISONTE
@rlemon Wait a minute!
Now that that I read it I actually recognize it. :D
80 chars...
I'll have to watch it over a couple of times to get all the hidden stuff.
@rlemon, the best bit about Jim Rash is that he won a fucking Oscar for writing the descendants haha!
@rlemon Oh yea, before the actual wedding we should establish one rule. No drinking for both of us, I don't want to come home as Mr. Octavian Lemon ...
so can i know what a wedding is?
Jamie Foxx and Cristoph Waltz deserve oscars
fuck that, i'm indian. drinking and gambling is in me blood!
it just makes no sense to write windows apps in js... I mean it doesn't... Right?
@StefanDenchev windows apps in js?
js is for browsers i think/thought

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