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Meh, I guess I'll go with nginx in front of CouchDB.
nginx FTW
It's the best idea since I already use nginx as a webserver. :)
@OctavianDamiean Setting the proxy up should be fast both in config and in performance
@OctavianDamiean nginx is good.
@dievardump "Quand on mettra les cons sur orbite, tu vas tourner"
hey anyone using sublime text 2?
@OctavianDamiean better mongodb
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Yea ... no. Thanks.
can someone tell me how to add a return \n in sublime text when doing a find & replace?
couchDB - all the things !
@OctavianDamiean oh sure :)
pls help me with find & replace on sublime :(
I'm actually a professional when it comes to CouchDB, so believe me when I tell you no.
@FlorianMargaine When will the the idiots in orbit what?
@OctavianDamiean did you tryed both?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick: are you trolling once again...?
"When we'll put the idiots in orbit, you're gonna spin"
@phenomnomnominal ^
@ThiefMaster ?? what i sad not serious this time? it's a cospiracy?
Please help me convince this guy, the one with the OOP approach, that he's mainly bringing java's verbosity in javascript :
Q: random dice nr, javascript

spovellIs it possible to make these three functions at the top into one and still not get the same random nr at each dice, when i click a button to roll all three? to clearify the functions are for when i click on a single dice, and the function at the bottom is for when i want to roll all three att the...

@OctavianDamiean Should I buy Battlefield 3?
Hahahaha nice
This guy is pretty funny (I'm going to ignore copy if he says anything) youtube.com/…
okay learnt diamond square now lets code ;D
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Well obviously I tried CouchDB since I was doing it professionally, that is I got paid to implement systems with CouchDB and I've of course also tried MongoDB. I'm never gonna say system A is better than B without taking a deep look into both systems.
@OctavianDamiean ok, hwich are main differences between these two systems dude?
@AmaanCheval Well, they are working on BF4 already but BF3 is pretty fun too.
dude do not play pc games is for kids
@OctavianDamiean I don't have a dedicated graphics card. Should I expect lag?
@AmaanCheval yes
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick I actually think that you are doing it unintentionally. That's interesting.
@Darkyen The integrated Intel HD 3000 is pretty good
I think you don't even get how annoying you are.
Most games work without any lag on medium settings for me
@AmaanCheval Then rather forget about it.
@OctavianDamiean lol you always bring me out of the right way ... how to say you a diabolus :D
Intel HD 3000 is known to be bad :P
medium settings are fine -_-
i thought u wanna play uberrealisticness
@OctavianDamiean do you use sublime text dude?
codepen.io/darkyen/pen/wcrjE <- if this doesnt lags on ur pc medium games will run fine
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Yes.
@Darkyen Lags every 5 seconds or so
so dude pls, how do i make a find & replace adding a return space?
@jAndy and head.js (used here, but there is probably smaller) is 1.9k minified + gzipped
@AmaanCheval so no
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Well what are you going to match this on?
for example i need to replace "hey" => "hey"\n
Uhm, but where? What's the constraints for the match?
@Darkyen Well, to be fair, I have a few Flash videos streaming, Steam, VLC, iTunes, and Chrome with ~15 tabs
I think that's decent enough
@OctavianDamiean if found "hey" replace with "hey"\n @OctavianDamiean
@AmaanCheval Not for BF3, believe me.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick that's not even a string
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, gotcha
I'm running WebGL stuff in Chrome and Canary at 60fps and yours lags a little @Darkyen
@JanDvorak uh? i just want to add a return at the end
@Darkyen HAH!
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick look where the quotes are
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick That way you'd add it at the wrong place. "hey\n" is what you actually want.
Fullscreen, it lags a little less, every 15 seconds maybe
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick unless you want to replace '"hey"' with '"hey"\\n'
@OctavianDamiean @JanDvorak rly sorry i fixed , double quotes were only for example sorry :P
hey => hey\n
forget double quotes
!!/tell donot mdn string replace
@JanDvorak are you talking about sublime text? :O
Your question is so vague.
!!/tell donotus google sublime text string replace
?? come on :D i told you i'm on sublime text
Do you literally want to match on every hey in a file?
find & replace in directory
@phenomnomnominal thats why i said
so every file in directory
if something can run my demo lag-less it can run anyting ;D
@OctavianDamiean hey=>hey\n
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick What system are you on?
but it puts me \n as string
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Well as what else would you like it!?
@OctavianDamiean \n = return , i need a return after "hey"
@Darkyen That's either your sloppy code or the WebGL acting up which is causing a lag.
not \n as string but a return (enter key)
i thought \n was return key code
So you just want to add a new line after each hey?
@OctavianDamiean dude :P
my sloppy code ?
its just 6 ... divs
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Then you want a \r which is a carriage return.
@OctavianDamiean ok but it puts that as proper string, i tryed enabling regex button on left of find and replace bar, but seems not having any effect :(
@OctavianDamiean thanks for supporting me
anybody's on with me to reinvent jQuery?
@FlorianMargaine sure
I recommend using wooden rods for structural support
I already made dom-create, dom-append and foreach-shim
(dom-append accepts nodelists of children.)
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Yea, I actually don't think you should be using Sublime Text for that, especially if you want to do that for an entire directory.
@OctavianDamiean no dude sublime it's really ok it rocks, just days ago i used to add new lines and i don't remember how i made that :( pfff need to google hard
You've added a carriage return using Sublime Text's find and replace?
@OctavianDamiean sure dude i forgot how :/ daaamn anyway, let's see stackoverflow.com/questions/15603630/…
i love find a replace ...sometimes i think how time it saved to me when huge refactoring, it's a god's hand, expecially find and replace in enteire directories
@Zirak Thanks. Eatliz is pretty cool
..... awk
..... find
.... grep
.... xargs
.... should I keep going?
Basically all of the above.
forgot about ack.
hey Benja
that is awesome do you use it?
Hahahaha Benja
my friend is called Benja, my real friend
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick that's a contradiction
Benja Boy, I like that, it sounds like you'd be so dangerous.
u all my BIG friends
hey Octo , hey Am
all big friends dudes
don't like Octo?
@OctavianDamiean that sublime-devtools integration seems really nice
men how do you close your facebook account?
You know, overdoing stuff isn't ... I don't know why I even try.
@crl the link is somewhere in the help section
@cri with javascript, you need a js script
If only sublime was open source :/
@FlorianMargaine k looking
Benja i use it i not payed don't give a f on alerts :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum They've got licences for sale, so that wouldn't be good for them
It's got a license the majority of its users don't buy anyway
I would be willing to pay for added value though
Yeah, but making it open source would make it much easier to remove that popup that asks you to buy it
they should leave that open source and add cool features only for premium they will get also more premimum accounts for sure
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Showing great support for developers there.
If they'd let me do testing in different browsers over a test stack easily - I'd pay for that
@OctavianDamiean :D i told ^ above how they should do, and they will reach more people doing like that
I'm wondering if my facebook account gets deleted if I use it for spam etc.
Reliable testing? Sure, I'd be throwing money at them
@AmaanCheval I actually paid for it (well, my work did). I would be willing to pay more for added value
@JanDvorak it depends on which kind of spam
If they'd give me good node.js tools (like what cloud9 does but without the need for the cloud to be always present) I'd pay
I haven't paid for it yet, but I plan on getting a key when ST3 is out
Like ubuntu one, only more functional
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Yea, no again.
@OctavianDamiean no what? :D
i agree with Benjy
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick what kind of spam gets me perma-deleted (more than I could delete it by myself) but not jailed or fined or fired or...?
@AmaanCheval ST2 has the plugin support, but ST3's the future
@AmaanCheval so you going crazy with alerts like me? @OctavianDamiean this is proving i'm right
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Basically everything you ever said and will say, in this and every known and unknown dimension.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick No, I like the app, and I want to support it, but I'm sort of broke.
I wouldn't pay for it if I didn't get it from work
@OctavianDamiean u too funny dude lol :D i like your sarcasm
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick It's not sarcasm, it's genuine dislike
Hahaha, the one time you weren't sarcastic with him
@AmaanCheval supporting is not necessary pay for an app
@AmaanCheval I know right? :D
hey Benjaaaa come on be friendly
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, $70 is pretty steep. But I've used it for so long now
we are closing to a friendship @BenjaminGruenbaum
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick eh?
@AmaanCheval Like I said, I paid for it, I probably wouldn't if it was my money though
@BenjaminGruenbaum i mean we are really close to become rly big friends
By we, do you mean you and your other yous inside of your head?
me and my avatar
Thought so.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Not really, no. I still don't like you, we can talk I'm a nice guy, but that doesn't mean I value your opinion or anything. You're a troll and a noob that shows little to no effort to learn
> you and other yous
Until you change that, you don't have my respect or attention
Does this guy think he's funny or something?
ok Benji i'll find out somenthing better ONLY for you
I believe so. Don't know why though.
I think he's just a kid.
@AmaanCheval you should bring more respect to anyone not only me
We're forgetting that he's probably actually 13, he just started middle school.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Fair enough, I guess. I've dealt with younger cousins, and they aren't nearly this annoying
May god have mercy with his teacher's souls.
@OctavianDamiean lol
Or the other horrifying alternative
That he isn't a kid.
@phenomnomnominal that he's 50?
they only asks for homeworks i made an ajax app who made them for me
the employer won't have much mercy.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick what app?
Although no matter what, the person who taught him English should be shot.
@JanDvorak it will when the employer is mom
@BenjaminGruenbaum personal app it makes homeworks
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick how does that work?
i'm italian for the people
@phenomnomnominal Haha, that bothers me quite a lot too. But I don't think it's fair on our part
@BenjaminGruenbaum secret only for friends
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick oh come on, tell me what app
Benji if you want i reply you all things you sad to me :D
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick come on, tell me what app you're making
@AmaanCheval ?? you sad i'm not funny
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick What did I sad to you :( Now I'm really sad :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum i already made , it's just a simple homework maker :D
nothing interesting rly
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick cool! show me
but it's not online dude :D
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick does it have jQuery in it?
i have it on local
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick twice?
jquery ui + jquery + jquery.min
1.7.1, 1.8.1, 1.9.1, & 2.0b, plus UI
and random mootools somewhere
Because it's only good if there's jquery and jquery.min
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Do you know what AJAX is?
Benji not i'm for AC Milan
K, I'm done feeding the troll
? so this is trolling? :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Mate, isn't it obvious? That app ajaxes around, emitting lots of little stars while unicorns circle around his head solving his homework.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick not really, just spam
^ I would pay good money for that
@OctavianDamiean lol .. so you dudes all interested on my app , i told you it's a code jungle nothing more :D
IOW, a question-spam bot?
ahaha but you took seriously AC Milan spot? lol
Now, moving all of these messages to the PHP room, THAT would be trolling XD
Are there Orangutans in your jungle?
i know what is ajax dude, hope you gotcha :D
@OctavianDamiean sure also Octangurangus lol
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick that was offensive, apologize
i can't say "a" you took that as offensive, who are you CIA or FBI?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Apologize RIGHT NOW
We're the dipshit police.
And you're wanted for being a complete and utter fuck head
@phenomnomnominal indeed :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nice.
@phenomnomnominal be friendly
@phenomnomnominal should I star or flag?

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