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Glee is the worst TV series ever. If anybody disagrees and thinks that there's a TV series X, where X is worse than Glee, then don't tell me, because it might make me commit suicide
@copy It wasn't so bad. :(
@copy isn't there a TV series version of Twilight?
@copy I still don't know how you got that into 88 characters
Okay, nevermind
@Badger: !!!!!!!!!!!!
@RenjithJR ?
Good morning.
@JanDvorak if you really want to know, see my last answer on codegolf.se
@RenjithJR Yes?
@Badger: today leave?
@copy If I do, I'll be obliged to submit no more to AnarchyGolf. (or to submit while admitting inspiration)
My keyboard is really broken
@copy wow. Nice code.
Now I'll try to read it :-)
@copy Few seconds into reading it, and I already see I could have saved a character in my solution :-/
Why can't Elvis Presley drive in reverse? Because he's dead
@copy after decompiling, I'm finally starting to think I understand the logic ;-) kudos
Very nice approach adding the whitespace
twitch.tv/no63datsik streamin, failed 6 pool
Q: Functional solution for finding the dependency tree of a file?

DokkatFILES = { a:[], b:["a"], c:["b"], d:["a"], e:["b","d"], f:["e"], g:["f","d"], }; function dep_tree(file,prev_deps){ var deps = [], prev_deps = prev_deps ? prev_deps : []; iter(FILES[file],function(_,child_file){ if (contains(prev_deps,child_fil...

Q: Is this code for getting the dependency tree of a file correct?

Dokkatfunction dep_tree(graph,node,prev_deps){ return uniq(flatten(graph[node].map(function(child_node){ if (contains(prev_deps,child_node)) throw "Circular reference between "+child_node+" and "+node; return dep_tree(graph,child_node,prev_deps ? prev_deps.concat(node) ...

Hello my
family :D
@Darkyen hello
and with that being said .. good morning
we are in 2013 why to code yet? Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress they all everyday stronger and powerfull, so why to code yet??
Don't mark variables private, just shoot trespassers in the head
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick what?
@JanDvorak troll question for sensess debate.. dont answer
@Darkyen the flag is valid, then?
@JanDvorak I wouldn't say that
Who flags donotus's sentences ? They're plain stupid but not offensive.
They aren't inappropriate, offensive, or spam most of the time
The times that they were, he deleted them
K, I won't validate those. from now on.
Recursion is always the answer
Hello people. What would be good sites for an experienced dev/pm looking for a fun new job ?
On this very day 2 years ago
i started learning javascript
@dystroy wasn't he warned not to speak them troll questions ?
@AmaanCheval LOL
!!/choose study play
@AmaanCheval play
@XCritics I'm afraid I can't let you do that, XCritics
I can only dream
@XCritics Hah!
!!/choose "Deus Ex: Human Revolution" "L.A. Noire" "Max Payne 3"
@AmaanCheval Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Alright, then
Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster. — Wirth’s law
"Deleted by Community" means that it was killed by the LQ/Late queue?
By the way, did you know about the $` and $' replacement patterns?
@JanDvorak you mean in js regex ?
@dystroy yes
!!> ["abcde".replace(/c/,"$`") , "abcde".replace(/c/,"$'")]
@JanDvorak "ababde,abdede"
link ?
That looks very strange
!!> "ubccde".replace(/c/g,"$`")
@dystroy "ubububcde"
its 11:34 AM in germany
same here :P
woah. mustachify works fine
mustaches are made for cueballs
i like mustaches!
Q: how to write/change the query string without causing the browser to load a new page

user1749285The first technique that I can write the Query string is using the submit's form. I want to change the url without the redirect. Old Url is localhost:8080 and automatically adding foo=1&foo=2 (variable s) in the Url localhost:8080?=foo=1&foo=2 There are other technique or means for ...

please look at this question
the answer is already there
other technique?
@user1749285 as plodder said. the html5 history api is what you are searching for
as fallback you could use #
Q: Not able to popup Partial View in Jquery Modal through Ajax

TechAddictI have searched out on google and referred many blogs but I am not getting success in popping up Partial View in Jquery Modal through Ajax. Here is code of Main View: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<ApricaCRMEv...

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone. — Bjarne Stroustrup
@JanDvorak "112123123412345123456123456812345689"
Time to crack that golf :-)
@TechAddict better make a jsfiddle because this code dump is scaring people away :)
hello evereybody, can somebody check out my question at stackoverflow.com/questions/15569468/…
@JanDvorak You forgot 7
Guys I feel guilty about something....
I hacked a website database 4 the first time, took me like 30 seconds, I didnt change anything. Is it bad that i did that?
@JanDvorak ?
You don't feel bad, you wanted to show off.
Hmmm, my bullshitmeter is going crazy...
Anyway, congrats. Do remember that with power comes responsibilities.
@phenomnomnominal I will log on from my VM and paste some of the info here
Hacking is very much like being Spiderman. Except for being a mutated human spider. And saving the world from evil.
I care very, very little
@BrandonGelfand See, now if you do that, you should feel bad
@plodder "\nvile\nilev\nlevi\n"
Right cause then it would be in the open..
nvm, i will not be posting it...
Do the good thing and contact the side admin
Hacking is stupid if you're not in a country where there is no problem with that, bragging about hacking is stoopider, let that to teens.
Tell him in the most friendliest way there there's an exploit X in place Y
LOL the whole site is a flippin exploit
@dystroy, he'll be a teen in a few years.
Then tell him to kill whoever designed his site and hire you instead.
@Zirak I was thinking about going around, hacking sites, then telling the owners the problem and how to fix it. U think i could get in trouble 4 it though?
Is jail, being blacklisted or fired from school trouble ?
@dystroy Nope that's fun :P
People love beating the messengers.
@phenomnomnominal How old is he? o.O
He acts about 8.
@BrandonGelfand Yes, you will get in trouble
@BrandonGelfand "Hacking" people and finding exploits isn't the same depending on what hacking means to you
@dystroy i dont EVER, at ANY time plan to steal or ruin a site. It just morally isn't right to me, someone spent weeks probably making that site, to destroy it in seconds, I couldn't do that
Unless you tell them in advance "I think there's an exploit in your site, want me to find out and tell you"
In which case, you're still likely to get in trouble
If they give me permission?
either way you cannot do all of that when you're in the US because reverse engineering without permission is illegal
Look how much shit Stealth Mountain gets
@Zirak, people just don't like being told they're stupid aye.
So, I cant tell the admins tht there site can be hacked?
Which is downright bizarre. If someone came to you with an elixir for eternal youth, you won't kick his ass for calling you old.
People need to stop being bitches about criticism.
This kinda sucks..... you can't help people and try to be nice because you might be "arrested" for actually doing something good for others
Yeah, that's the way it usually is.
Do you know how many people who helped old ladies pass the street were charged for theft?
Because someone else down the line actually stole something?
And there are reasons, even if they're mostly bad. It's hard to tell from outside if you're being trying to steal or training for it of if you're just "auditing". And it's easy to break something when you try doors and windows.
yes, I guess your right @dystroy I dont like the feeling though, knowing I can help someone but can't
It bothers me on the inside
Speaking of audits, Congratulations, this was only a test.
CV'd. 2/5
@JanDvorak who u talking to?
!!try to be a nice hacker or give up being nice?
@Zirak try to be a nice hacker
The bot has spoken
So, you think I could email the devs of the site and be like " I have reason to believe that your site is vulnerable to MySQL injection due to the fact you are using a new exploit for MySQL injection "/buyaccounts.php?gameid=" Would you like me to see if your site is vulnerable for no charge?"
yeah and then get sued 5 minutes later
sounds good
@MaxBurucker what would I be sued for?
you believe its vuln because of what?
you see the url and know oh shit its vuln
Actually, yes
any wp site with tht url type is vulnerable, some hackers found it a few days ago
as if any action scanning or whatever prior to the notice would be illegal already
@Zirak didn't you cheat in your last call to the bot ?
I never said tht i scanned it already
@dystroy I never cheat.
And I can't cheat in this case
so you talk about hacking while you use some open mysql injection exploit you probably even exploit by some tool?
@Zirak what do u think?
U think its ok to say something like that?
@MaxBurucker reason to believe doesn't have anything to with having already checked it
well still you can try
you will get somenot that nice responses
what do you do if they do not respond?
nothing, lol
there problem not mine
so just go for it
@BrandonGelfand I'm not a lawyer, so legally I can't advise either way. I do know that if I were him I'd reply.
Wht would you reply?
erm, reply favorably
ok, i think I will message them
Yale had some XSS vulnerability on one of their subdomains
They never replied when I emailed them about it
I'll show them
I'm trying out some coffeescript fizzbuzz:ing:
window.FizzBuzz = class FizzBuzz
  divisable: (n, m) ->
    n % m is 0 and n isnt 0
  convert: (n) ->
    return 'fizzbuzz' if divisable(n, 3) and divisable(n, 5)
    return 'fizz' if divisable(n, 3)
    return 'buzz' if divisable(n, 5)
    return n.toString()
but gets a 'ReferenceError: divisable is not defined'. I guess its a scoping issue?
Wasn't there special syntax to calling a class method?
@divisable maybe?
@divisible will define a method on the class
divisible and convert will be functions on instances of FizzBuzz
@AmaanCheval hahaha
Yeah, but when calling divisible inside of convert
ah... fixed it, divisable() must be called as @divisable()
the fizzBuzz is fixed :)
You can make it "better". Extract divisable(n, something) into variables, and do operations on them
and it doesn't really need to be a class
a module will do just fine
Ill give it a go!
Every language has an optimization operator. In C++ that operator is ‘//’
FizzBuzz = do ->
  divisible: (n, m) -> !!(n and not (n % m))
  convert: (n) ->
    div3 = @divisible n, 3
    div5 = @divisible n, 5
    if div3 then (if div5 then 'fizzbuzz' else 'fizz') else if div5 then 'buzz' else n
class FizzBuzz
  divisable: (n, m) ->
    n % m is 0 and n isnt 0
  convert: (n) ->
    st = '' + ('fizz' if @divisable(n,3)) + ('buzz' if @divisable(n,5))

    st if st
I have a feeling it won't work
its funny how every time you mention FizzBuzz, everyone starts coding FizzBuzz:es :)
I've never done it in cfs before
Hmm, is it appropriate to ask a mod to delete that?
ok, I sent the email
i am afraid of the reply being some not so nice shiny bracelets though...
@phenomnomnominal Why not?
@ThiefMaster Could you delete those posts to Loktar? I just realised he probably hasn't seen it yet and don't want to spoil it!
might be already in his inbox.. anyway, deleted them
@phenomnomnominal What were you talking about, though?
@ThiefMaster, Thanks anyways
@AmaanCheval, Spartacus
@phenomnomnominal anyway*
posted on March 23, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Hey geeks! If you're at PAX, head to Tin Man Games at the Indie Boot

Like it's not really spoilers, because they can't change history. Also, I'm being grammatically incorrect deliberately :P
what flavour of javascript is this:
` javascript:q%20=%20''%20+%20(window.getSelection%20?%20window.getSelection()%20:%20document.getSelection%20?%20document.getSelection()%20:%20document.selection.createRange().text);%20p%20=%20prompt('Password:');%20if%20(q!=null)%20location='password/'%20+%20escape(p).replace(/%20/g,%20'+')%20+%20'%20'%20+%Show more...20escape(q).replace(/%20/g,%20'+');%20void%200

Oh wait... is it encoded
@skopp URL-encoded, most likely
How did I not realise that till now
Does it look right now: javascript:q = '' (window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.getSelection ? document.getSelection() : document.selection.createRange().text); p = prompt('Password:'); if (q!=null) location='password/' escape(p).replace(/ /g, ' ') ' ' %Show more...20escape(q).replace(/ /g, ' '); void 0
Looks executable
the show more bit seems odd
looks like password sniffing
It's not mine
looks like full of global variables
looks like you wrote shit code
yeah, it's never you
you bunch of plunkers
who was looking for node hosting yesterday?
When there is no type hierarchy you don’t have to manage the type hierarchy. — Rob Pike
Is jail, being blacklisted or fired from school trouble ?" - Wise Janitor Guy, is that you?
So party from me to yall tonight
on 2 years of my web-dev :D :-)
I think it worths sharing some crazy ***** code :D
That's a party?
well if u want u can come to bangalore :D
and we can have some drinks and have fun D: .. // PS what i am sharing is a 3d renderer that can render & animate 3d models in hyperfast dom
Ah, that's cool
thts ~ a party no ?
PS its hard as hell though :P
Yeah, of course
3D is freaking tough
going for some drinks :D
Peggy had many valentine cards while I only had one. Peggy is a whore
Hello, i have done json_encode in php and am wondering if this is the right syntax

[{"id":"985","thread":"90","name":"System","from":"system","message":"Please Wait For The Next Available Agent!","time":"2013-03-23 12:58:58"},{"data":{"lastmessage":"985"}}]

if it is how do i get the data.lastmessage i have tried this console.log('id = ' + result.data.lastmessage)
@Connor json_encode always produces valid JSON
@Connor why are you creating JSON by concatenation?
what the fuck
mixing string operations and json is horrible and always wrong
echo json_encode(array($message, $lastid));
@ThiefMaster Ohhhhhh............
well anyway without doing what you just wrote, i would have had to add the []
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage — to move in the opposite direction. — Albert Einstein
[[{"id":"986","thread":"90","name":"System","from":"system","message":"Please Wait For The Next Available Agent!","time":"2013-03-23 12:58:58"}],{"lastmessage":"986"}]

so if i have this how can i log the lastmessage becuase i dont know how many arrays there will be so i cant do like result[1].lastmessage if you know what i mean
wouldnt it be in result[0]
Change your data structure, perhaps?
how do i identify the different arrays because i want lastmessage to be called last_id and the 1st one to be called a message i dont know how many messages there will be?
{"message":{...}, "lastid":{...}}
At worst, result[result.length-1]
Quick question. I have a webdesign with two layouts, which the user is supposed to choose from via a menu or buttons. How do I rearrange the elements? It'll be like swapping CSS sheets, but could I add and remove classes to be able to achieve the same thing? Are there plugins that does this? Can it be animated?
@KennyBones Look into CSS transitions; however, you have to consistently add the styling class to every selector.
Right, I see :) So I probably have to have basic styles for all elements. And remove and apply classes to those styles for each layout. I think I got it, thanks :) Just wanted to make sure I was thinking the right way :)
IIRC there's a jQuery plugin for animating between classes.
I think jquery UI can do that. But I found this jsfiddle. Which combines css3 transition and adding and removing classes to an element. I think this will suffice :) jsfiddle.net/tw16/JfK6N
@JanDvorak ok so in php if i have this echo json_encode(array($data, $lastid)); how can i output with the message: & lastid:
echo json_encode(array("message"=>$data, "lastid"=>$lastid))
@JanDvorak Thank you very much, very kind :)
Why did the boy drop his ice-cream? He was hit by a bus
@Connor If you want the last one, array.pop()
@Zirak hmm, ok thank you
@Zirak that removes the element from the array
men for a car do you say gear or wheels? (sorry non native)
Wheel = that thing on the ground (four per car, usually)
@SOChatBot @Zirak these joks are very very disturbing
@JanDvorak :)
@Darkyen Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand `norris` (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
@Darkyen A diff between your code and Chuck Norris's is infinite.
@Darkyen Fact: Chuck Norris doesn't consider it sex if the woman survives.
^ see
!!/tell darkyen help norris
@darkyen Command norrys does not exist. Did you mean: norris
Woah! Activity on the weekend!
that's why we lack of good girls
@darkyen norris: Random chuck norris joke!
@JanDvorak the bot
's dead child jokes are still horrible
@Darkyen There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.
@Darkyen make a pull request removing the bad ones
too lazy :P
anyways ... has somebody got a good tutorial on rendering a .x file ?
i mean i want to get vertices and groups out of any 3d format
since i DONT wanna convert them by hand :-)
@phenomnomnominal I know right?!
/me viewed history
I think the way he died was BS too
and dude wtf Caesar??
@Loktar ?
the CSS Easing tool ?
@Darkyen he pinged me earlier
oh (XD)
with stuff about Spartacus (TV show)
lab.aerotwist.com/webgl/audio-room <- if u found mine badass this is killer
but they were spoilers so he deleted them
@JanDvorak Correct.
@Darkyen Yes?
just saying too disturbing
@Loktar you got counterstrike ?
@Darkyen You're back already?
wanna play :D i assure u my mouse is broken
no :? Ill grab it, were actually heading out for dinner
but ill install it
@AmaanCheval i was always here i am trying to find a good .x converter
okay :D
ill be around after though
ping me whne u wanna play
btw if u have any tutorial on decoding ANY 3d format
kindly let me known -_- i seriusly dont wanna do it by hand
hah no idea man
I always use libraries for that stuff
@Loktar for js there is idk any
three.js has to have some
at least for Collada id imagine
The best video!!!
Hi people!!
@MirkoCianfarani old...
For me is new
because I am italian...
sigh ok @Darkyen I grabbed it
its downloading, Ill play when I get home
ping me (x
my mouse is broken
but i might still be able to kill u :D
@Darkyen ping
@JanDvorak pong
boy he was so correct ;D
no wonder they are mis-guided since he left lol
Apple's dying. SJ was Apple
An Irishman, a homosexual and a Jew walk into a bar. What a fine example of an integrated community

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