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Perl is written in base64
hi people, say i have have 2 forms that are accessed like this
- http://localhost/?create
- http://localhost/?done
when i submit the form on ?create whats the best way to ajax and slide in ?done ?
@XCritics I got the issue
forking & pull request :)
just wrote var stepVerticalPos = THREE.Vector3(0, 0, verticalStepHeight/2);
missing the new
correct would be var stepVerticalPos = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, verticalStepHeight/2);
then using the debugger I figured out that stepVerticalPos was not defined!
hey how to force element color?
i tryed:
 $('.top-nav-left a,.top-nav-right a,.top-menu').css({'color':'#222 !important','background':'#fff'});
How can I protect myself against these kind of stupid errors? And what happens actually if I call this method w/o new?
using also !important but it doesn't takes care on
Oh, the D3.js book got released! :)
and js lint does not warn me :(
Can I enforce some static typing somehow?
how do i fire that page is not scrolling?
@OctavianDamiean how do i fire if page is scrolling or not?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick If you have to use !important it generally is a sign that you're doing something wrong.
@OctavianDamiean no nothing wrong, problem is it doesn't works as exepcted
cause it doesn't add !important
i can't see it on firebug
It wasn't a question ... I was telling you.
@plodder what was it?
@OctavianDamiean do you have any idea?
About what?
how to force color
in any case #222
it's strange @OctavianDamiean it adds color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
instead of color:#222 !important;
Here's an idea. Put that part in a codepen or a fiddle and then link us to it.
@OctavianDamiean well but it could depend on my css, i can't link to my css :/
JS the good parts says better never use new, but I have if I am using THREE.js
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick That's why you have a CSS pane ...
@OctavianDamiean could be dunno, main target now is to make it #222 )
@OctavianDamiean js should work also cause i run js after css
Yea, if you don't help me to help you, then you're going to have to do it on your own.
so it's really strange
@OctavianDamiean )))
@OctavianDamiean but on jsfiddle surely will work
i have 3000 css lines
@XCritics im writing it all down for you
could be somenthgin wrong inside
because its important
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Don't dump everything in there!
@plodder okey doke just tell me when to git pull :)
Nobody helps me!!! And this is just because I don't have long hair and breasts! :(((
Just the relevant part.
@Nils Do you have a beard?
That's the problem.
i.sstatic.net/giDuR.jpg?g&s=512 When you can match my sick beard and stache you get help
document.getElementById("content").innerHML = "hello world";
does js at least have assert?
doesn't work WHY
@Nils I wasn't following along, I was burning my fingers with my soldering iron, so you'll have to explain the problem again.
1 message moved to bin
@Mhjr Please format your code.
Yeah I forgot new when creating a THREE.js vector
Paste the code, then hit Ctrl + K.
and it took me like 15min to figure this out
see above
<!DOCTYPE html>

		<title>Testing Webpage </title>



		<div id="content">


		<div id="status">

		<!-- ajax here -->
		<script src="jscode.js"></script>
document.getElementById("content").innerHML = "hello world";
Of course it doesn't work. You have a typo there.
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML = "hello world";
where ?
You were missing a T.
innerHTML vs. innerHML
@Nils, I must apologies, I would have seen your issue had I been here :)
@OctavianDamiean jsfiddle.net/HfnKN pls add jquery lib to fiddle, i dunno why the fuct it doesn't adds :/
oh fuck
i selected but it puts mootools :/
spent 3 hours
@OctavianDamiean you may be interested in github.com/Ralt/easier-git-checkout
is there an ide that detect such errors
@OctavianDamiean i use aptana
@FlorianMargaine huh, that looks pretty cool.
@OctavianDamiean simple yet effective code.
@OctavianDamiean did u checked dude? unbelievable yup !? ^^
is it possible to .slideIn a .load ?
it doesn't affects
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open("GET", "info.php", true);

document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
then why this doesn't work
check this awesome
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Give me a couple of minutes to fix up the environment.
@Mhjr Off the top of my head, line 3
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick ?
@Connor $(element).hide().load('url',function(){ $(_element).slideDown();});
what's wrong with me
@OctavianDamiean oh sure sorry dude
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick why are you using so many !importants?
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.open("GET", "info.php", true);

document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
but still displays nothing
@MrD i'm overriding a base css just for the home page to re-use same classes
<!DOCTYPE html>
		$text = "testing testing";
		echo $text;
the contents of info.php
@XCritics: see github pull request
Of course it doesn't.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick jsfiddle.net/HfnKN/3
What's wrong with it?
@Connor was that what you were looking for?
What should it do, it doesn't?
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick im just testing
At the time you read the xmlhttp.responseText, the request hasn't finished yet
@OctavianDamiean nope dude )) ehehe you removed !important from css )
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick I did because it was unnecessary.
i can't remove them cause i'm overiding css
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Then your doing it wrong
so what should i do
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Alright, then explain the use case. What is it you're doing there?
@MrD nope !important it's ok, just js should work cause it's executed before css :(
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick STOP TELLING US IMPORTANT IS OK! It isn't ok.
My god.
Google how to do an AJAX request.
@OctavianDamiean css !important for overwriting another css, so i can re-use same classes
It might work but it isn't OK!
@OctavianDamiean, I am so glad that I blocked @donotusetabtodigitthisnick
i set it to false in open method and it worked
@OctavianDamiean i'ts !impotant for me in this case )
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Why do you have to reuse the same class names in the first place?
@phenomnomnominal lol
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick And its important for people with vision impairments for it not to be there.
Yeah, I assume you made it synchronous
So now all you have is JAX
why cant you just link your second style sheet after the base and make the changes as you need?
@OctavianDamiean 2 classe != 1 class in terms of length so css lightweight
just for that
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick its working but not sliding down atm
@MrD @OctavianDamiean sec dudes, situation is
@Connor just 1 sec ;)
i load
in this order, base.css color:#000;, home.css color:#fff !important;
@Connor pastebin what you tryed pls
its called css for a reason
@MrD but it doesn't takes color without important :/
and dunno why :/
Q: What are the implications of using "!important" in CSS?

Kyle SevenoaksI've been working on a premade packaged shopping cart website for a few months, and a lot of times when I've been trying to edit something, I have to use something like for example div.myDiv { width: 400px !important; } To make it display as expected. Is this bad practice? Or is the !importan...

@MrD concurrent style sheets? :P
@MrD and, forget !important, do you agree js should work anyway in my case?
@OctavianDamiean ok i'll read ;)
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick No if it is as you explained then there is no need for it. Just find the conflict thats causing the issue.
@MrD @OctavianDamiean ok dudes, need css refactoring lol
thanks a lot ;)
Your selectors in home.css probably have lower specificity than in the first one ...
@Mhjr what's the returned error?
@OctavianDamiean yep i'm checking that :(
@OctavianDamiean -1 !important , let's go ))
boy i got my ass kicked
@OctavianDamiean the perfect answer .... because sometimes people dont want u to mess up shit
@Darkyen what the f are you saying? can you understand yourself ? Oo
@AmaanCheval just finished a full game :P
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick more then u :D
the only time i have used them is when i didnt wanted to mess up my own code because of some over ride
@Darkyen dude you are talking alone, can you see this? Oo
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick can you ? not see others talking .. oh wait they all must off ignored ya
lol today i'm rude >)
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Yea, little baby Jesus is shaking ...
@XCritics I got to get back 2 work but I'll check here every once in a while to see if that pull request landed, as in you understand what i fixed.
@OctavianDamiean u the only one understood me ) thank you dude we are friends!!!
@OctavianDamiean and u are glad of my friendship right?
@OctavianDamiean o/
@Darkeyen nothing personal )) ;) just you are the only one who gives a f on what i say lol , you shouldn't
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick ^
Bot, you disappoint me ...
@OctavianDamiean LOL i know sarcasm ))
hey dudes today it's a fantastic day!!!!!
go out take a shower first
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick dude its night
@Darkyen 0o
i'm from europe
it's 15:53 pm
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick ah
its 20:24
india dude?
well .. dude 20:24 pm time for a dinner shower and beeeeer ;)
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Mate, you're 13 ... you really believe you are in the position to tell us what we are supposed to do when to go out?
@OctavianDamiean lol you're right )
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick i m having my dinner
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick You're 13, lad!
@AmaanCheval :(((
@Darkyen what you eat dude? i love indian food i've been on indian restaurant
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick you are 13.... just saying.
mint+milk ) @Darkyen
can't explain
dudes what if i'm 89 years old?
even i dunno what is it ... i am just eating
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick Yea, I won't believe you, no matter what.
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick then.... we shall wait till you are 0 again :-)
i love indian,mexican,ITALIAN, foods
@Darkyen come onn ...)) sticky meat, sticky souces meat fresh mint, species and so on
i just love ........ prn, food is secondary
@OctavianDamiean ;) u my best chat friend
@AmaanCheval you my second best chat friend
Seriously, you sound like you had a tad too much sugar today.
me ?
@Darkyen you are fighting to become one of my first 6 chat friends, you can ;) use all your sarcasm ;)
hmm if only i had the time to script hiding replies to someone you've ignored...
that be anti dipressants for me
@OctavianDamiean ))) i'm stopping rly, would like to know some fkn awesome indian food from @Darkyen
A: empty-cells valid in CSS3?

FlauwekeulW3schools doesn't say it's deprecated. So I don't see why it shouldn't be valid.

@Darkyen u do kamasutra right?
loooooooooooooool @ThiefMaster
india = kamasutra + spieces
stop trolling @donotusetabtodigitthisnick
@ThiefMaster I saw w3schools and instantly down-voted. Is that a bad sign? :P
haha no
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick nah i like anime and hentai more
@ThiefMaster u becomed my FIRST chat friend in 1 millisec
@Darkyen need to stop) but understood , so have nice dinner dude )
@ThiefMaster Formal request. Please let us raise the lower age limit to 16.
thanks :-)
@OctavianDamiean till then u can use this
function Assassinate(){
Just ignore him/it
function Assassinate(){
/* Or a vanilla flavor */
   Array.prototype.forEach.call( document.getElementsByClassName("user-895174"), function( element ){
    element.parentNode.removeChild( element );
@phenomnomnominal ignoring will still leave his precesence in the user list and u can unignore him :P
Oh man, you're now on the Vanilla.js bandwagon? :D
Calling that vanilla is bullshit, since everyone knows QSA was ripped straight from jQuery :P
@phenomnomnominal now better ?
@OctavianDamiean just wanted to compare
pff unity-webapps-plugin crashed... again... :(
If enough users report a user's message, that user gets banned automatically
how can i add a thread variable where is says stackover?
$('body').hide().load("thread.php?stackover" ,function(){ $('body').fadeIn('slow');});
why don't you use proper GET variables like everyone else?
and wth is a "thread variable"?
@ThiefMaster what do you mean by proper get variables
@ThiefMaster a thread variable is the same as any other its just called thread
thread.php?foo=bar instead of thread.php?bar
thread.php?thread=stackover - you then access it via $_GET['thread'] in your PHP code
@Connor instead of body fadein
pls use css
@ThiefMaster thats what im trying to do?
@Darkyen why
u will kill old browsers, pls realize browsers are tender and soft
@ThiefMaster PHP in the JS room? blasphemy I say!
@BenjaminGruenbaum my original question has nothing to do with php
@Darkyen so you want me to use opactity
@Connor Take no offense in that, I'm not blaming you of anything, that was a joke
@BenjaminGruenbaum if you see my question, i was just wondering how to add a variable where stackover is because ATM it is just registering as like a string
@Connor link to your question?
6 mins ago, by Connor
how can i add a thread variable where is says stackover?
$('body').hide().load("thread.php?stackover" ,function(){ $('body').fadeIn('slow');});
What's a thread variable?
a variable called thread
yes yes :)
@Connor yes ...
@Darkyen Yep
even thatd be horrible
@Darkyen What would
u can load layout
W8 lemme fnish eating
@Darkyen im trying to get the same effect as hostgators live chat, when you type your name and click continue to chat, the chat panel slides in with no refresh
meow :P
Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves. [Alan Kay]
@Connor use history api
Given the incredible difficulty of software construction, I'm surprised anything gets done at all.
and use XHR to load your stuff
when its in place JUST .... animate the parts u changed
anyone good with node :/ i've been trying to modify a module (nstore) to suit my needs. what i have works, but it turns out not to work how i expected... also seems like overkill for what im trying to do.
@NickSlash You usually shouldn't modify a module
@NickSlash what do you want it to do?
when i say modify i mean copy and hack to bits.
Does anybody here knows somethin like that piece of localtunnel
@Darkyen sounds intrusive :P
i have a file with tab delimited utf-8 strings, im trying to read all the records out, (passing each one to a function that handles it) and then leave the file open for new records to be appended to it.
@Darkyen no i just trying to add the variable like you would usually do something like this right 'john is' + age + 'old'
but its not working there
^ This is me dropping the ball
@NickSlash do you have your code on github?
really need to start using something like that <_< i can nopaste the code?
Somebody feels good at js maths ?
Q: How to collection tow numbers in javascript?

Yehia ElhawaryExample: var x=1.5; var y=1.5; var r=x+y; Must be result is 3 but the result give me 2

@NickSlash I'm not sure if a patch is going to be short ;)
@Zirak awesome!
Nodejitsu: Hey, everything worked!
Me: Then why do I get a 404?
Nodejitsu: Beats me. Hey everything worked!
the jitsu app will tell you everything worked even if there's a db connection issue (which I can't understand for the life of me, the same code works FINE in my other app)
@SomeKittens sounds like i should be glad to not use that.
What do you use?
It's a minor issue. My one qualm with nodejitsu is that the errors their stuff gives are horribly dense
Meh, Heroku. I don't like them.
@SomeKittens Please be original and give me a good reason why not :)
because afaik there's only 1 real reason
I believe we've had this discussion before, did I link you to my blog post on the topic?
gimme the link :)
Oh, fixed
I'm an idiot
Mis-configured an environmental variable
@plodder it works now, but how come the tutorial would teach me the wrong methods
@XCritics Fine, I had a moment of idiocy
@SomeKittens that's better.
@SomeKittens okay. it never done that particular thing for me, but this is a very early reject
Do you do anything on AWS?
I gave it a fair shot. Nodejitsu "just worked."
@plodder what do you write your server code in?
@XCritics for personal projects, node. For my own businesses, node. For most new projects for clients... about 80% node.
hahaha ooo
@BenjaminGruenbaum So I finished the node-tutorial book, what should I do next
@plodder Nice.
but mind you the app server runs node but that doesnt mean there aren't any other components
@XCritics Good :) If you got some time and want a good exercise I got one, it's not easy and it is very time consuming but it'll teach you a lot
maybe too centric though
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure!
@XCritics I want this as a node executable on npm github.com/Ralt/easier-git-checkout
@BenjaminGruenbaum Which node-tutorial book?
@AmaanCheval nodebeginner.org
@FlorianMargaine what is npm :)
Node Package Manager
@XCritics You may not use the HTTP module obviously when doing this, only the tcp one (called 'net')
@XCritics read up on what it is
@FlorianMargaine I just choose the projects i do. I get a lot of requests for PHP but i have been denying those since 2010 ;)
@XCritics when you're done with that, I've got another one :)
This exercise forces you to learn a few things, it forces you to learn how HTTP and node really work.
@XCritics my project is a small one, yet it forces you to learn about node ecosystem; modules, npm, stuff.
(Basically, you'll be implementing an HTTP server from scratch)
After that, you'll understand closures and anonymous functions very well
@BenjaminGruenbaum That is a really nice exercise! Did you write it?

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