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@AmaanCheval thanks :P
hi i'm trying to use jquery validate plugin here jsfiddle.net/abaf/fsy7z/2 I want to force user to select a checkbox, thanks
Premature optimization is the root of all evil
@copy How's Windows going?
It sucks
And now I can't work and must play games all the time
@FlorianMargaine Me an @IvoWetzel are some of the "original" owners :p
!!/moustache gravatar.com/avatar/… @BadgerGirl
someone help whwre I can found documentation about external things breaking ajax calls
@XCritics But why?
What's worse than biting on an apple and finding a worm? The holocaust
Q: Javascript alert appears before <!DOCTYPE> tag

cikatomoI have wordpress 3.5.1 on Debian Squeeze. Every time before the page loads javascript alert appears with message 2819371938193817109948281937271937 and have to click OK to see the page. I get this with every refresh or clicking on some post. I did nothing since the last time when website was work...

i need help with Figue js and D3.js...anyone?
Mobile chat is pretty lame
You're pretty lame :P
but D3. is usefull and contains good charts
!!/ moustache www.gravatar.com/avatar/7ea079654bb159fdaa4043834688f57d?s=512&d=identicon&r=PG @phenomnomnominal
Didn't work
This makes me sad
This makes me happy.
@JuanFernandoz there probably wont be list of stuff that breaks ajax calls no. If you could provide a link to a live example like @bPratik suggested we might be able to help more
i.stack.imgur.com/giDuR.jpg?g&s=512 it I still had that beard I would totally grow that moustache and be a pirate
@plodder Good night, was a decent movie
@phenomnomnominal say I have my node server.js file, can I just write jade into It or do I have to require something I can't find anything on google (but I am on my phone so)
@XCritics What?
In node.js you usually determine how your respond to HTTP requests
Whichever way you choose to do that, that's up to you
You need to render the Jade file into html and return that as the response to a request
You don't write JADE into your server.js
Try reading nodebeginner.org
Also, don't use jade :P
What do you suggest?
@XCritics Jade is fine, just learn how to use node as a server before trying anything fancy
@XCritics Have you read nodebeginner.org
Half way through it I'm at the part where I have to return all the HTML
Using concatenation and '
And I don't like that
Well, just accept it for now and keep going
Arrrrrrrrrrr ok
Of course you don't like it, it's not a good way
You're learning how it works, not how it is actually used
Once you get how it works, you can choose how you'd like to use it :)
Fair enough I just thought I should learn the two simultaneously
@NickSlash this is the problem stackoverflow.com/questions/15443477/… the ajax call work but only if I had an undefinide word inside.. Is a great mistery ...
Should I read hands on node too?
You're trying to learn too many things, so you're not learning anything
@JuanFernandoz Where do you get your ajax response return value?
success: function () {
Yeah it's just to keep my attention span I kind of tend to switch between things cause I'm undiagnosed add as hell
That's your problem
You're not doing anything with your ajax response
@BenjaminGruenbaum see my question gain stackoverflow.com/questions/15443477/…
Linking to your question over and over wont help :D
@NickSlash yes, because I edit my question :P
Do you have a live example we can see?
@JuanFernandoz Your ajax call works
@JuanFernandoz You're not making any sense, read an ajax tutorial
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nope, don't works in my code. Im gonna search a free server to upload the code working live
@JuanFernandoz How can you tell it doesn't work on teh server?
@BenjaminGruenbaum something is interfering with my ajax call I really don't know what it is. But Im gonna upload the full code and a hosting to show you.
@JuanFernandoz I know the problem with your code
@JuanFernandoz The problem is, you don't understand how jQuery .ajax works
You're sending data to the server, expecting a response, and doing something with it
It is logically impossible for that code to work with that type error and not to work without
Put an alert there and remove the dummy code
@BenjaminGruenbaum Im sending the data in a string with post and after that on sucess function Im show the data that in a table.
@JuanFernandoz Yet you don't do anything with the response's value
Im not expecting any response for the ajax call dude because is a Update function on php
the php code make a mysql update query
@JuanFernandoz Let's go over the facts
so the data that I have on sucess function is the same data that I send to php
1)That word can't make the function run if it didn't before
2)If it did run before, you wouldn't be able to tell on the client side
Try replacing that word for 'alert("YO");' , does it work?
If a replace the word for any type the ajax call works
The ajax call works anyway
If you're inside the context of the success function that means the ajax call worked to begin with
It wouldn't matter what you put there if it didn't work
Yes, I understand you But that's the mistery: without the word the ajax dont work and there is no reason for that.
because the word is in the success
that's the reason for I think its a completly mistery
with my ignorance off course
Im not an expert I only a guy that love the web thing...
So you removed the word, and added the alert('YO') and it did not work?
nope, dont work with the alert
My mistake
its working with the yo alert
It's working without the alert too, think about this logically
If you're in the success function that means it worked
Check the id of your elements, do they exist?
yes, the ajax function is working
but the other sucess code not.
@JuanFernandoz You didn't listen to anything I said did you...
this part of the sucess function dont works.
What did you expect to happen?
You're not doing anything with the response from your PHP file
I expect two things.
One: send the POST parameters to PHP (check)
two Make this $("#four_"+ID).html(four_val);
Ben, there isnt one. Its just blind posting, theres no validation etc
thw two point dont work
What's four_val?
there defined at the top
Not, I no doing anything with my php response but that's no a reason for sucess to do other things
You're updating it to the same value...
the target elements are different though :p
four:val is this var four_val=$("#four_input_"+ID).val();
i thought that t first
@JuanFernandoz Try to set its HTML to "Hello World" see what happens
oh year sr I tried that before
and not happen anything
but if a try some other thing like show a hide div that works
is so strange...
can you change alert('yo'); to alert(ID);
It's not strange at all
Your problem is crystal clear, you just have to start thinking about it logically
First, we've eliminated the AJAX as the source of the problem
yes, eliminate the ajax.
but I have the same question to you
Try console.log( $("#one_" + ID))
why works with the word?
Did it select any elements?
in PHP, 14 hours ago, by ircmaxell
user image
Right, now console.log(one_val)
wow I did not know that console.log thinng very interesting..
Im tried with four_val
so four val is not working.. I see
its inside the function so might not show
Right, if you're passing undefined to .html it returns its html instead of updating it
(console.log inside the function ofc)
But, why works if I have the word that im talking inside sucess?=
is weird dont you think?
No, it's perfectly logical
is I type "dog" in the sucess function the code works. If a remove "dog" dont works...
In all honestly, spend some time learning how $.ajax works
both this question and your last one in So made no sense
The code in the success function works irregardless
yes, yes, but I talking about
this works is a put a ramdon word in the sucess function
I know, you're using an API you don't understand, all your answers are in the jQuery source code and docs
but not works if a remove the ramdon word.
Maybe try to use vanilla javascript AJAX first
When you get the hang of it and how it works use jQuery AJAX
Understand the system you use, there are no surprises in programming (Unless you're copy, in which case every day with vim is a new adventure)
yes, Im using jquery and yes, maybe the answer are very deep of the jquery documentation
you right
DOES ANYBODY HERE, have a really nice bash_profile I could have from them? I don't like the one I have :) I like to have current working branch of git is basically what Iw ant
But I suposse that maybe one of you know the answer because I only a young layer from latin america that make some php codes for fun learning all days. And I really dont know so much about js, but in a few weeks I undertand some basic thinks like ajax, xml, jason and modify jquery pluging like jqgrid, jqueryui, etc and I undertand what my code makes. But an very far away of you guys... and maybe you bother about my ignorance but I repeat : Im not an expert dude. Just learning.
@JuanFernandoz Who's Jason?
and for me, this is very strange, and I know that is a logical explanation out there, maybe inside of jquery code.
Json :P
It's great that you're learning, I mean no disrespect, but code is very logical
and actually, my code works with the "word" but I want to know the "why".
You're using thousands of lines of a library that's very far away from the barebones of JavaScript
Read how XMLHttpRequest works
See how jQuery do it
Then use $.ajax freely
I'm not saying jQuery is bad, but if you don't learn the "why" in a much more basic level you'll have a hard time understanding your code
Also, you should read probably a book about debugging :)
this is very hard to me: I mean in php I really know what is exactly bad, and I do some very hard things (to me) like curl with asp pages, or using pcre a lot. But in Js - Jquery it is so complicated know what is exacly bad..
jQuey is not complicated
if you know/understand JavaScript learning jQuery is a matter of several minutes
You need to understand how scoping and callbacks work in the language first
yes, but for example: In my code if I want to know why the code are working with the word I have start to read the jquery code but in php I dont have to, there is some kind of error for something like this, maybe a T_encasulate error or something like.
I really gonna be happy the day that js motor have a good error management
JS has much better error management than PHP
you just don't understand how it works yet
That's ok, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it
yeah, maybe. you right
For example, you could've added an error: callback that'd execute if your AJAX request failed
I really excited I mean, I really make great things in a few weeks adn its very strange because Im go to the court and somethings I start to think about js or php etc and my logic are very diferent from some weeks ago.
I start to watch thw world in other way so speak..
and I found that code its beautiful, some kind of art..
a really veru big highway to express all creativity inside the brain.
Hello Javascript.
You guys are awesome.
As you know, I'm usually in every room, but the C++ room pisses me off.
So now I'm parked here.
why they piss you off?
@JuanFernandoz Try going in there. And talking.
The C++ room is like 4chan
I can recite most regulars in any chatroom offhand.
@CCInc I'm not sure if I should feel impressed or sorry :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Im gonna solve my problem thinking in something diferent Im gonna modofy my sucess and put the info with append into some kins of hide div and then show that hide div.
C++ I want to learn that someday
C++ is use so much in android apps right?
That's java :)
More Java than C++

I keep getting this error

route(handle, pathname, response);
ReferenceError: response is not defined

Even though I've re-read every line even tried copy pasting, any idea why I'd be getting that
Im watch some class at coursera, do you take some one?
@XCritics Node.JS?
what's the code?
@phenomnomnominal @BenjaminGruenbaum @CCInc github.com/Gacnt/node_tutorial
route(handle, pathname, response);
ReferenceError: response is not defined
at Server.onRequest (/Users/GacntMac/Desktop/node_tutorial/server.js:9:27)
at Server.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
at HTTPParser.parser.onIncoming (http.js:2014:12)
at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete [as onHeadersComplete] (http.js:119:23)
at Socket.socket.ondata (http.js:1904:22)
at TCP.onread (net.js:495:27)k
function onRequest(request, repsonse) {
You spelt response wrong
Holy fuck really? Are you kidding me?
I was talking about this a while ago
spell checking for code
I assume there are code spell checkers
I over-analyzed the shit out of this looking completely at everything except for spelling
But with so many variables like aSfAgBxC that would be a lot of "Add to dictionary" lol
Nah I mean to look for things like: aBigLongVaribaleName
Because even code completion/static analysis type things don't care about stuff like that
Yeah, I'm surprised that there is no package for ST2 @phenomnomnominal
hahaha yes
request.addListener("data", function(postDataChunk) {
postData += postDataChunk;
console.log("Received POST data chunk '" +
postDataChunk + "'.");

request.addListener("end", function() {
route(handle, pathname, response, postData);

So, every time post data is received it adds it to the string?
A: Speeding up CsQuery selectors by using html substring

Benjamin GruenbaumFirst of all let me say that I think you've made the correct choice with CsQuery, I switched from HAP to it a while ago and I couldn't be happier with the switch. The newest pre-release of CsQuery lets you turn off indexing completely, or only do partial indexing of your code. From the issue tra...

(@JamieTreworgy CsQuery question, if I made a blunder of your source code, let me know)
Hey, how can I draw any curve ( fitting to canvas ) of a certain length?
@SOChatBot classes are stupid anyway, your life's compiler should infer them for you
!!/google "canvas draw curve tutorial"
Lets say I want to fit a bezier curve of 400 px length
@BenjaminGruenbaum The Google contains no such knowledge
@SOChatBot @Zirak ?
!!/google canvas draw bezier curve tutorial
@BenjaminGruenbaum @ this does not solve anything, I don't know points of the curve
Then I don't understand your question
I need to get curve of certain size
jeezus christ i have a noob question
im doing a double for loop.. to iterate through arrays of objects
and i cant figure tf how to access objects >_>
lets say you have A and B points, draw a curve between them of X size
  <% for(var i=0; i<projects.length; i++) { %>
  <div class="row-fluid">
    <ul class="thumbnails">
      <% for(var r=0; r<projects[i].length; r++) { %>
      <%- projects["img"] %>

      <% } %>
  <% } %>
@gorelative, most likely projects[i]['img']
i thought itd be ``` projects[i][r]['img']```
Or perhaps projects[i][r]['img']
yeah i thought that
but no workie i get undefined
good night everyone
do this:
@phenomnomnominal same github link, I re-read the thing again but it just say's You've sent the text: "undefined" in requestHandler.js line 28
i think theres an extra layer on it
When the book says it should say whatever I type out
@gorelative, yeah looks like it
fucking fuck
IT shows clearly in the console but
trying to learn coffeescript + compoundjs + ejs = bad
not on the webpage
im going back to ruby >_>
@gorelative, if you know ruby you should be fine with Coffee?
Noone know how to draw such a cruve?
temp = []
result = []
for row, i in projects
  if i > 0 && i % 3 is 0
    temp = []
if temp.length > 0
console.log result
  title: "pages#index",
  projects: result
thoughts on whats causing it?
that iterates through data from db, sorts it in arrays of 3s
@gorelative, that data isn't JSON?
starts as an array of objects
i figured it out
  <% for(var i=0; i<projects[0].length; i++) { %>
  <% console.log(projects[i]); %>
  <div class="row-fluid">
    <ul class="thumbnails">
      <% for(var r=0; r<projects[0][i].length; r++) { %>
      <%- projects[0][i][r]["img"] %>

      <% } %>
  <% } %>
_id: 514395c872cecd5b47000001 isn't valid JS syntax?
that data is a console.log output from compoundJs
i bet it has to do with the intial temp = [] or result = []
you have a projects array, which you push into temp, which you push into result
That's 3 layers
@phenomnomnominal no idea or just don't care :P?
@XCritics, don't have time to look right now
ohh ok np
@BenjaminGruenbaum you still around?
figured it out @phenomnomnominal thanks for your help
Project.all({limit: 6}, (err, projects) ->
    temp = []
    result = []
    for row, i in projects
      if i > 0 && i % 3 is 0
        temp = []
    if temp.length > 0
      console.log result[0]
      title: "pages#index",
      projects: result[0]
The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle. — Joe Armstrong
@gorelative, it could be slightly more coffeesque in style
im sure
but this is my first ever try at cs, so we'll see how it goes lol
@phenomnomnominal still busy bud?
Yeah sorry
That's ok, I'll just go to bed and ask again tomorrow
Before I throw my monitor haha
I've re-read what it says in the book, and compared it to my code, if you get a chance before you get off just take a peak and answer it and tag my name I'll read it in the morning, thanks

:The problem I'm getting:

It keeps reporting on my /upload page, "You've sent the text: undefined."

and with that note, im out
Static typing will prevent most bugs
yo anyone here use compound before
.. might have succeeded in modifying a node module to do what i want <_<
then again.. maybe i hate node :D
time for bed...
Any one here?
Hi can someone do me a favor to explain me some javascript synatx?
if (c = c && d ? g.bg(c, this.Ya) : this.Gb) if (this.Gb = new O(c.lng + a * e, c.lat - b * e), (a = g.dg(this.Gb, this.Ya)) && j) this.kd = a
Nobody here?
Don't bother undestanding uglified JS until you undestand JS
Q: How to implement a JavaScript and CSS file for my WordPress homepage?

TRBSI saw this Javascript feature tour file today, and was curious how I would go about implementing it on the homepage of a WordPress site. Ideally, I'd like to add it so it only shows up if and only if a user is on the homepage and have never been there before. I'm new to this though, and I'm not...

I do not understand c=c&&d?......
Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster. — Wirth’s law
1 hour later…
@rlemon - is that douche using code from your domain at all? If so: github.com/paulmillr/evil.js
Q: "Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page."

RobertWhen surfing and hovering over any image on a page I get a box: "Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page." This happens on every image on every page & the box covers most of the picture. I have a lenovo laptop, Windows 7, 64 bit &am...

2 hours later…
Hi guys, can anyone help me with a sample javascript code which will enable me disable certain content on a page until it is activated by admin on my website. I basically have a link which is initially disabled when a user first logs in to my website, then after some user activity, I would like to enable the site (make it clickable) and then display the info on the same page.
Interesting. IE manages to annoy people in whole new ways!
So my friend asked me to help with his assignment
Does anyone have a sample code for this?
i thought must be hard ... and will require C# knowledge
he gives me that.... i am about to quit living the world is a bad place to survive
dude thats barely 3 lines in js :-/
str = 'Cahi';
str = Array.prototype.map.call( str, function( element,index ){
  return ( index%2 === 0)?element:' ';
though a for loop would be better solution but prototype.map looks sexy
Hahaha, yeah
I'd probably use filter, though
'abcd'.split('').filter(function (letter, i){
    return i % 2 === 0;
I love the fact that you can do arr.filter(Boolean);
If A = B and B = C, then A = C, except where void or prohibited by law. ~ Roy Santoro
Oh jesus christ!
holaaaaaa amigos
@Darkyen you posted anti-cristians photo you should be banned
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick god -_-
@FlorianMargaine o/
may i have u testing something out for me :-3
digging .. data from facebook
Looks good :)
The only good reason to use ctrl-C ctrl-V while programing is that your keyboard misses some greek letters
Anyone know anything about meteor?
@Darkyen hai
Whats the best way to handle redrawing and updating a canvas?
@FlorianMargaine u got that vps ?
though not now i'd probably push code later tonight :-) needs cleaning before i send it to u (x
btw flo what do you think is better ?
to get posts from facebook the code is sending a get request to facebook via server
and then adding all posts in the database. And rendering them with jade
I'm wondering if its "intelligent" to move it completely on client or remove digging posts form facebook as a whole ?
I'd do a mix
move some posts to the clients, those that will always be seen
but keep the rest on fb

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