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oh I thought it was
@SimonSarris dude, what inheritance pattern do you use?
heh, this looks cool. cdpn.io/uyBxC
sorry wasnt trying to rub it in then
thats the jsfiddle logo lol
Yea, us human beings call that a cloud. :D
it's the standard "cloud computing" cloud shape
Tonnes of businesses use it
yeah I was thinking sound cloud anyway :?
jsfiddles is a bit diff
wait.. they have 2 clouds!
heh a different one when it loads
They are all the same shape
er wtf, the top left bubble is just big
4 bumps
some just reverse the image
dude.. there are a lot of diff clouds there
^ jsfiddles top left bump is more pronounced than that one
That's a dude with a very funny looking scrotum ...
stupid white
oh the world of clouds
I 3 bump my clouds
man. I have been waiting for Google to crawl my wifes page since March 1st
so annoying
they all look the same to me
obviously I see the difference, but one does not offer brand recognition over the other.
Im not even a designer and they all look different to me :P
@Loktar you can manually refresh the crawling with google webmasters tools
@FlorianMargaine already tried
still waiting :?
even added a sitemap
@rlemon lol Im mostly joking
ones like sound cloud stick out for obv reasons
Cloud is like the 2010+ ultimate buzzword.
heh you guys have to see this traffic bump
when did I add the link to zg.net for my wifes site?? :P
never? :D
yeah its still quite low
but thats to be expected
the pic was too big
yeah I screenshooted real quick
my screen is too small
my resolution is too low
I suck too much
my life sucks
its ok man
off to get chinese.
they are people, you should refer to them by name
and review expected btw github.com/isaacs/npm/pull/3254
ping me for feedback
@rlemon one second
Comments/review please: textbooktrad.es
lememe traffic has plummeted I need to work on that
90 visitors over the past 30 days
Need to write some reddit bots
hopefull having links back to me will help
or find some
and utilize them
@rlemon here's what the Crock thinks about JavaScript inheritance.
I dont love object.create
nice , bookmarked
okay for my next act I need bold
Oh good.
function Bar(){
    this.barVal = 1;
    this.override = "bar";

Bar.prototype.barFun = function(){

function Foo(){
    this.override = "foo";

function inherit(subclass, baseclass) {
  function subproto() { }
  subproto.prototype = baseclass.prototype;
  subclass.prototype = new subproto();
  subclass.prototype.constructor = subclass;

inherit(Foo, Bar)

var test = new Foo();

console.log(test instanceof Bar);
This is how I typically do things and I don't remember why.
Aren't you the one who is writing a book? :P
there is no bold text in the book so I am skipping this part :D
thats pretty close to my method like you said, but you have it all wrapped up nicely and reusable :P
I like it
the new subproto
it was important
I made a gist. will be absorbing all of this tonight.
why was it important...
damn it there was a problem and I was solving it and now I don't recall
why do you all use constructor?
when you remember ping me so I can note it ;)
That was important too!
I like that I can do
I use .call in the inheriting function. Makes me think of c#
var test2 = new Bar();
console.log(test2.constructor === Bar)
console.log(test2.constructor !== Foo)
console.log(test.constructor === Foo)
proto is non standard, constructor is
@SimonSarris That's what comments should be used for. :P
pfft, who writes comments?
no I really should have documented my reasoning
because about 1.5 years ago I was solving a goddamn problem with this
/* everything you say past this point will be ignored by the interpreter.
You can comment it now with a comment like:
Octavian is ignored */
I personally have never used constructor
// Future me, if you ever figure out why you did this, document it please. Thanks.
well I definitely needed to determine if something was a Foo or Bar and not just a subclass
I just put the construction logic in function blah(){//do construction logic here}
but then I have to always do var blah = new foo()
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

Rohit// somedev1 - 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen // somedev2 - 5/22/07 Temporary my ass

@rlemon Well done
My constructors are usually functions that return other functions...
Would you guys mind taking a look at a site we're building in the lead up to Dormless? textbooktrad.es
I like having the constructor logic in the constructor, but then again, I am the guy who just defines properties in the constructor then loads it with an init or setup method like an idiot
@SomeKittens No, I hate you now.
@OctavianDamiean wat?
@SomeKittens sticky footer
I hate half page footers
Yeah, it kinda looks like an old guy's pants.
and WAY to much whitespace
^ just grab a few
it's easy
oh know what
the way I use ES5 getters and setters
might account for why I do inheritance that way
(which is much too complicated to get into)
well i'm going to review them all and see what makes most sense to me
no point in using a method I don't understand
yes, only use something once you have found an explicit use for it
which is why I shy away from 99% of libraries/frameworks/new languages/tomfoolery
Fixed the user creation bug, forgot about that. You can use:
username: sotest
pw: sotest
fuck I hope I can restore my old email database
@SimonSarris bbb ... but ... jQuery!?
I never used jQuery, which is bad
when customers ask questions involving it
like jQuery UI and dragging into/over our library
Oh god, not jQuery UI :/
and I'm all like
why isnt this using mousecapture for a fucking slider then I wouldn't need to bubble mouseups
@SomeKittens you might have to work on that
@copy On the bug? Is it still there?
On the Book named "AAAAAAAAAAAAA ..."
Or the book named <textarea>
heh, well done
ohh thank the lord I was able to restore my email database
<textarea>'s escaped
@rlemon Oh shit ... you reminded me of what I forgot to backup when I reinstalled Ubuntu on my office computer ...
After the XHR, a textarea appeared
@OctavianDamiean my exchange server is stupid and was setup to remove messages after 30 minutes... because some dork thought we might run out of space otherwise.
ah, I see it now
so if I was unable to get my local db restored I was fucked
I'll have to check if our mail server saved them.
yea I was freaking out when I found out
> well you should have printed them..
Yea, let's kill half a forest for that, better than saving them on a magnetic disk ...
stackoverflow.com/questions/7113372/mysql-error-unknown-reason yes it's a wall of code, but it's a perfectly legit question. I didn't know that joins and wheres had to be in an order (at that time)
stupid people just downvote walls
why does when i flag as spam email in gmail, it opens a popup to choose to unsubscribe from the site or simply flag it?
must be new, never noticed that.
@BadgerGirl That sucks. Anything interesting?
@rlemon try with gmail and ... uhm for example stumbleupon emails, flag it as spam
That's been around for a while
you will see a popup
@FlorianMargaine Lame. I had a better rewrite in mind. meh.
@rlemon Just protected it. Not that it would help with idiots down-voting it but it looks cool. :D
I don't often flag stuff, I just ignore it
hence my 400+ unread emails.
@OctavianDamiean hahahaha
@rlemon i would like to know how it is possible
it should be deleted, but because there is an answer I cannot
It looks protected.
if you can help me
a lot of my early questions on main site were "omg I am so noob and I did do research but i'm banging my head"
makes me sad to see how dumb I was 2 years ago
Yea, sounds like my first ever question. :D
hmm ... my top answer has 199 now
Q: Parsing an XML structure with an unknown amount of recursions using SAX

Octavian DamieanI have to parse a XML structure in JAVA using the SAX parser. The problem is that the structure is recursive with an unspecified count of recursions. This still is not such a big deal, the big deal is that I can't take advantage of the XML namespace functionality and the tags are the same on eve...

evening, btw
it's amazing what this room will do to you.
sup @tereško
i am looking for inspiration
to work
Q: Multi Thread c# application System.OutOfMemoryException after 1~5 minutes of runtime

rlemonHere is my Timer Elapsed Event, I am receiving the System.OutOfMemoryException on the line Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart); I am receiving the error fairly fast (1~5 minutes, randomly), and it does not cause unexpected results in my program. I am just wondering what is causing this error...

my first Q , I was quite rusty coming back to programming from a ~4 year hiatus
does anyone knows about unsubscribe from email box? i would like to know more about it
@tereško Meh ... I'm at 110. :(
there should be some great future for email unsubscription
@donotusetabtodigitthisnick None of us work for Google, so no
damn, my top answer is no where near that
i dont even know what SAX is
A: what is the best javascript library to display multiple pictures stacked on top of each other

rlemonWhy not just build one? it wouldn't be hard. Here is a small rotate prototype i've worked up (took maybe 5 minutes to write) Element.prototype.rotate = function(d) { var s = "rotate(" + d + "deg)"; if (this.style) { // regular DOM Object this.style.MozTransform = s; this....

^ no PHP answer yet
@rlemon you get more points answering
yay my highest voted answer
my newbiest question got more upvotes
check my top question )) lol
to be fair, my answer is only the way it is because I was having a bored day and got carried away
So here's some code that creates a bunch of event handlers that don't vanish until the garbage collector comes by. How do I correctly end them using XHR 1 ?
q = (function DUCK(){
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
x.open('POST', '/')
x.onload = function(){console.log("responded!")}
q(); q(); q(); q(); q(); q(); q(); q(); q(); q(); q();
most unsubscribe is done by email or RESTful service.
so it's easy for google to attempt to access them
@rlemon oh .. yeah .. hat reminds me that i have a list of answers that are begging for maintenance
@Loktar Not really sure what I'd call it. Game loops, pretty much. Not much inheritance
@rlemon yep but that is a really good feature from gmail they rock!!
Best advice for games I got was to keep the drawing and logic loops separate. Thanks, @Incognito!
Don't remind me of that ... about 80% of my answers are begging for that. :D
@rlemon Finally! :D
@AmaanCheval Have you started using requestanimationframe ?
@OctavianDamiean @rlemon my best question lol stackoverflow.com/questions/7142890/…
@Incognito Oh, yeah
Been using it for very long
@Zirak OO :(
Hey ppl
Q: Pause execution of a Javascript program

Chuks OWhat's a clean way to 'halt' (or 'pause') execution of a code snippet in javascript, and resume execution (from the point it paused) when an external event occurs? The external event has to be propagated when a user does something, i.e. an event that is fired when the user clicks a button, touche...

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