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match it even if both needles overlap
hah, just re-discovered this trick for padding.
@Zirak doesn't seem to work for me
What error is being thrown? What browser are you using?
hehe, that's cool actually
@Zirak doesn't work in firefox, the boldning works in chrome, but typing in the contenteditable div is a bitch
@GNi33 and it said it wasn't.
@Zirak what's the slice for?
@andho I'll check it out, thanks. And yeah, but I couldn't think of a saner way to allow editing (can't change textareas/inputs)
@andho To limit the padding size
oh, yeah, Firefox forces you to pass an argument to createTextNode
...and check the resulting string size
@FlorianMargaine i don't really need it to be ;)
ah yeah, of course you can do it differently
you guys are gonna shit your pants when u realize how much css my timeline uses :3
I've seen css files with 10k lines
@FlorianMargaine as crazy as mine ?
30k is the worst I've seen I think
@andho Try now in FF: tinker.io/6cb48/1
btw just saying guys..
if you can dont use the " " operator in css
with tons of styling and shadows
">" in place rocks
i gained like 40% performance removing all the child selectors with direct child selectors or similar solutions
Where do you get these performance statistics from?
testing them with and profiling with fps
@Darkyen cool
display on chrome -_-
when u use ton of CSS you can use the nice lil fps meter on chrome
also webkit bugs tend to appear when u are having tons of css3 effects all over ur web-page
from about 44-46fps -> 58-60fps
@Darkyen this is so important when developing for mobile
and i think attribute selectors are really slow
yeah seems like it
maybe in a component based UI, parsing the component specific css and applying it manually to that component would be faster than letting the browser handle the css
hii any one regular expression expert ?? in any language
i read here some guys developing a css parser in javascript
was it you @FlorianMargaine
@andho i tried it ... its literally imposible to do with proper speed
@andho rule of thumb the attribute selector will be slow because not only it has to traverse till the event and then check for the attribute on all the elements that matched
!!/get question last 787493
Q: Regular Expression Java condition

gauravpI want to make one regex with the help of java with following condition. Their is Leave app (1) CL (2) RH i want to write regex for String CLCLRHRHCL any combination but RH not more than 2 so write this ^([CL]* | ?> [RH]{1,4})*$ but RH 2 condition not working hii i want to ...

some libraries use attribute selectors exclusively
Should be
speed : byID > byClass > by element > attribute > universal
but apparently what happens is
speed : byID > byClass > by element > universal > attribute
This rings a familiar bell
You also have an answer on which you haven't commented saying why it doesn't satisfy you
bt dont blame it
if you do

}, its pretty much universally traversing .. nno ?
i don't see why this would be that much slower than a class for example
@GNi33 imagine this.
you have a page
<-- ton of stuff -->
input( type=password )
if you do input[type=password]
it will first find the inputs and then check if input have an attribute password
if you do it without any element or classtype
what its gonna do is select all the elements ... and then check that condition on every single element :P
it would do that with a class too
// apparently thats what its doing
@GNi33 AFAIK, browsers specially store elements with an id/class
@Zirak you ninja
Why not with attributes?
yeah, that could be a good reason
Negligible perhaps.
I'm assuming it stores the element that is focussed, or hovered
I read this the other day: calendar.perfplanet.com/2011/…
@phenomnomnominal there could be any number of arbitrary attributes
There can be any number of arbitrary classes
@phenomnomnominal it makes no sense :P
just because you cant code properly they are not supposed to optimize shit
the attribute selectors are provided for special conditions
you cant expect them to optimize your abuse :P
You're the one abusing them :)
i dont ;-)
i know how to use them :D
i usually use them in conjunction with id or class :p
and they are hell fast
Exactly, that's the only time i'd use them
:P ... so no need to optimize :p
btw ..
those who do this
header .container nav ul li a div b{
/* god save your webkit */
/* thats mercilessly killing the browser */
they index the values of the class attribute. they search for the class attribute in all the elements
for arbitrary attributes, they search for any attribute in the element, traverse through all the attributes of that element. it's a lot more data than classes. for example in `<form action="page1">` the action attribute is useless to be indexed like this. The reason that put in the feature for classes is because it was used alot, mostly because of jquery
End of the whole debate
@gsnedders you are needed.
^--- tldr; what the heck does a browser do when you select by attribute :-> can you please elaborate :D
@Darkyen probably same as class :P JK -.-
its very slow.
@phenomnomnominal ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum you should do it :)
@VishweshwarKapse For the 10th time, I can help you
I just slept for like 14 hours XD
A common css bad practise among idiot newbies
byelement .byClass #byID_{

I used to think that css is very optimized :P ... it is but ... sometimes canvas can be 1000x better then css :P
Do you mean like sequential IDs?
@Darkyen faster. Better would depend on the need
if you want layout css > canvas
if you want to hand optimize stuff canvas > css
there is not much scope for optimization left in css artworks
but then it also depends on device on some devices canvas isnt h/w optimized but css is -_-
What makes hardware accelerated faster?
better hardware
The hardware?
@FlorianMargaine spatial (special) instruction sets
hey @FlorianMargaine is it you who talked about that css parser?
@andho: you can't give serious answers in this room, how dare you
troll answers ! all the things !
But its darkyen who made one for titanium
@andho and it sucked so horrible
at terms of speed :P
@FlorianMargaine i tell you what makes hardware accelerated faster
Yeah, tell me
suppose you have a canvas and its getting rendered using "software" its basically lagging the heck out of the device's CPU :P which is also calculating the whole stuff and executuing javascript the same time
and hence it lags
afaik h/w acc. means a gpu or something like it that dedicately is used just to render so your cpu is free from the hog of rendering that stuff :P
just open some old game on an old computer and switch to s/w rendering from h/w u will see immediate rise in CPU usage
@Darkyen aww that sucks
@Darkyen maybe pre parsed, but applied at runtime
@andho thats what i was doing -_-
and it was still slow
but then javascript performance has a cap :P
can never be as fast as something native
@Darkyen hmm
to draw a line, software might run so many different instructions.
if hardware supports it, it could be as simple as `line(point1, point2)`
that's one instruction on a processor
1 hertz
Hardware rendering is much more powerful then drawing lines though (xD)
@FlorianMargaine I know it hertz, but you gotta accept that
modern gpu's even have filters inbuilt :P
@Darkyen smoothing low polygon 3D models ?
Antialiasing, pixel shrading.. and what NOT
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok then help me
@VishweshwarKapse What's your problem?
what .. da .. fuq .. Google Reader shuts down ?!
I got 99 problems but a bit ain't one
i am getting an error sys.parametercountmismatch exception when i do
they can't do that to me
Why are they shutting down google reader :(?
Tons of people use that
i am getting an error sys.parametercountmismatch exception when i do
this sucks
this sucks hardcore
RSS feeds are the win
@VishweshwarKapse Yeah, a node doesn't have a .click method, where did you get that?
guessing w3schools
I hate those 5 liner tweets or facebook posts, that can't compete
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh sorry i am doing this document.getElementById("<%=button.ClientID%>").click()
listen to Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, or Eric Johnson when coding
@VishweshwarKapse Doesn't matter, it still wouldn't have a .click method
@BenjaminGruenbaum but it is was working it stopped when i added a few tab controls and script manager to my aspx page
@VishweshwarKapse No, it was not working
isnt click dom?
in IE iirc
no, addEventListener is dom
dunno if other browsers allow it
or attachEvent
@BenjaminGruenbaum .click is triggering the click event
can u tell me how i can call the buttons event handler from javascript
ya that is wat i wanna do
var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
Oh, I thought you tried to do something else
What does document.getElementById('button') return?
@vish from what i can tell, the line you posted should work fine.
or on a quick google of your error, I got this for ASP.NET specifically.
assuming correct usage, bla bla
is the problem with non IE browsers?
Is there a list of event names as strings attached to window somewhere, or is document.body.onblahevent my best bet?
@Svend ya it used to work fine but when i added a script manager and a few user controls to my page it stopped working
I honestly cant remember how the generated ids of webforms work anymore, but you should be able to glean alot from the generated code.
iirc, the ids become prefixed, so when stuff moves further down the control tree, the client ids gets longer.
@phenomnomnominal there's a list of events in w3c.org iirc
not sure if ClientId gets everything.
the update panel is not able to handle parallel post backs i guess
@BenjaminGruenbaum, I need it for a shim, so programatically
@phenomnomnominal onRlemonPoopOnSlide is a good bet, I bet no-one has that event yet
fullscreenchange = (->
  if document.body.onfullscreenchange then 'fullscreenchange'
  else if document.body.onmozfullscreenchange then 'mozfullscreenchange'
  else if document.body.onwebkitfullscreenchange then 'webkitfullscreenchange')()
'Scuse the coffeescript
Although if you put a handler on it a few years ago, it would have triggered at least once :P
Can i do any better than that?
> res = window.showModalDialog
you should never use showModalDialog
Does XMLHttpRequest.removeEventListener work on ie8? I can't find a clear doc on it anywhere :(
@Jan-StefanJanetzky Same here, fucking ridiculous ...
@phenomnomnominal Probably not, you can || them but I'm not sure that's better
@Incognito Probably not
@OctavianDamiean are you guys complaining about snow?
i want it as a string so i can do document.body.addEventListener(fullscreenchange, blah...
It doesn't have removeEventListener for DOM events, I doubt it'd have it for AJAX, nothing easier than trying though
really? thats nothing.
@rlemon xactly!
@rlemon Yea ...
It's 25 degrees Celsius here :)
28 here (well it was today). Half of NZ is in drought
@rlemon i just tried your code it still says parameter count mismatch
We had 20°C last week ...
@Incognito, thanks, but that doesn't shim the eventname (webkitfullscreenchange in Safari/Chrome, mozfullscreenchange in FF)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Just a hunch?
Just a hunch
@rlemon actually i am using showmodaldialog that is the reason i am getting parameter count mismatch exception
can somebody suggest an alternative to showmodaldialouge
@Incognito Why wouldn't it?
@Incognito oh thanks!
I mean yea, it's IE we're talking about but still.
@OctavianDamiean I've been trained to become paranoid about internet exploder.
@rlemon can u please tell me an alternative to show modal dialog with the same functionality of it?
If addEventListener works in IE8 then removeEventListener should work as well.
> Should
Oh yea, addEventListener of course doesn't work on IE8, ergo removeEventListener won't work either.
my code works when i use window.open() but i get a parameter count mismatch when i call the event handler of a button from javascript can somebody tell me how to make the pop up work just like a modalDialog ??
Okay, next question, how do I remove them? Delete the method from the object?
Hello. Is there a way to tell jquery to run selector search with sizzle and not with jquery ?
@RoyiNamir That question doesn't make sense to me. jQuery uses sizzle as the selector engine. jQuery wraps the resultant selection with some other stuff.
If you want access to the dom objects you can use $("whatever")[0], keep in mind you're doing undocumented hacks.
At least, I don't think that's documented.
@RoyiNamir Add a selector that the native DOM doesn't and won't support, or just import sizzle and not jQuery
OK, last revision. Can some legal-type-people look this over and tell me if i sound ok?
this is for the guy selling lememe
Sounds good. I'm not a lawyer but it sounds good.
It doesn't read like a lawyer wrote it.
Oh yea, five working days?
It sounds good for me
@Benjamain Can u please tell me how to make a pop up created using window.open() function just like the one created using window.showModalDiaolg()
@Incognito jquery also uses document.querySelectorAll
@Incognito wasn't supposed to. I wrote it :P
he is in violation
it's a clear case as well.
1 min ago, by Octavian Damiean
Oh yea, five working days?
That might be important.
A: Obfuscated C Code Contest 2006. Please explain sykes2.c

Vivek Raj@nneonneo someone who don't vote up must be under 15.

> within five business days
Just five days
Business days can be argued over
@Svend sir can you please tell me an alternative to window.showModalDialog() method using which the pop up has the same functionality as the one created using window.showModalDialog()
Or just say seven days
Seven calendar days
within seven days
other then using an embedded div, I can't think of anything that would even resemble showModalDialog.
Calendar days.
is there another type of day?
If you're not precise enough...
!!/define day
@rlemon day: American printer and journalist who founded the first penny newspaper, the New York Sun. (source)
Yeah. Business days.
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
Business days can be argued over
But calendar days cant be argued over
Business days my be different depending on country etc
Mayans canendar days are over and gone. what about that?
@Svend is it possible to set some properties in the window.open() method to make it funnction like a window.showmodalDialod()..??
@VishweshwarKapse no
@VishweshwarKapse use an overlay modal with an iframe
look at fancybox or something for an example
!!/google fancybox iframe
ya ill give it a shot thanx :)
embedding a div or something similar is the way to go indeed.
ok ill try to embed a div..
jquery UIs $.fn.dialog probably the quickest way? but really depends on what you need it for.
i just need to display a jqgrid in the pop up and when the user double clicks on a row of the grid the respective details get populated into textboxes in the parent page
and then from javascript i call document.getElementById("<%=button.ClientID%>").click that adds the details of the text box to another grid
this was working fine when i was using window.open() to create my pop up
should be quite possible. ofc, can be hard to debug someone elses webforms application over a chat website ;)
Q: How to execute different partsof the JS code in one scope

AndrewCI have several script blocks depend on each other. I need to perform them in one scope. My attempt: var scopeWrapper = {}; with(scopeWrapper) { (function() { this.run = function(code) { eval(code); }; }).call(scopeWrapper); } scopeWrapper.run('function tes...

I knew someone would go ahead about 'why would you do this in the first place'
People can't resist when they see the word 'eval'
and why do you want to use eval ;)
needs more "with" maybe.
@BenjaminGruenbaum, nice answer!
!!/urban kneejerk
@JanDvorak kneejerk To react without thinking. To form an opinion without paying attention.
Ty, though I was mainly trying to show how people can't hold themselves when they see the phrase eval
They HAVE to tell people that's it's evil the second they see it,
Even though OP wants to run code
inb4 w3schools
@Zirak make the bot yell at people if they link w3schools
@rlemon I didn't link w3shools :-)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Its fair to remember that maybe 90% of all questions on SO might be better resolved for the person in question, by asking "and why do you want to do x".
You did
no, but it made me think about a new feature for the bot
@BenjaminGruenbaum: isn't it the exact opposite ? I always thought eval is executd within local scope
@Svend XY-Problem , yeah :)
and new Function in global scope
@rlemon you could make the bot respond with the link to w3fools.com
Can be hard to tell the difference between "dude who knows his shit and is genuinely curious about obscure language feature x", versus "guy obviously don't even understand the client server model for HTTP"
@jAndy You can bind a function to a 'this' object, eval is executed in a local scope in strict mode

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