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posted on June 07, 2011

The questions below were asked in a preliminary check before the actual interview. The role itself was for a “JavaScript Engineer”. This particular set of questions is from a job I applied to over a year ago. I’ve chosen to share them here because I…

@DontCare4Free whats pcre again
@Raynos perl-compatible regex
@MattBall thanks
@DontCare4Free why ask me ;_;
@MattBall how long have you been lurking?
@Raynos about 10" after you nudged that guy I was trying to help to just get into chat
@DontCare4Free There's a great online resource for insta-regular expression testing and some documentation on them: gskinner.com/RegExr
@Raynos think he's got any hope?
@MattBall dont know :)
I like those interview questions for the most part
@MattMcDonald I agree
The last one is biased unless the interview was for a dev with jQuery experience
I also think
> How would you embed this URL in a link inside an XHTML document?
Is an unfair question since most of us use HTML4 or HTML5
you mean alert(window[foo])
yeah, misread the question
"Write a jQuery plugin to display a list of images in a Lightbox." //zzz
Thats more of a "Do you know how to set up jquery plugins"
By priviliged methods, they mean closure, right?
I'm confused by the link question
I think they care about how you set up a piece of functionality
@MattMcDonald I think its "How do you encode this link to match the XHTML strict doctype"
I know XHTML forbids the target attribute
its basically do you know your xhtml doctype knowledge.
stuff like using "rel" in your links etc
so you use rel=external and some js
arguable "link" means "<a>" rather then "<link>"
could go either way
HTML link or semantic link
do you suppose you get extra points on the "The quick brown..." question if you use a closure to single line it?
This node.js group IDE thread is pretty nice
Though it's quickly turning into a marketing speel for Sublime Text :P
@codelahoma I think you get extra points for remembering how to do it with a regex
I would split, map, join it.
because I dont know the regex syntax for getting the numeric value of the current group
@onteria linkie linkie link. link. link (ping. ping. ping :D)
var foo = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
var bar = foo.split(/\W/);
for(var i=0;i<bar.length;i++)
    bar[i] += (i+1);
bar = bar.join(" ");
//"The1 quick2 brown3 fox4 jumps5 over6 the7 lazy8 dog9";
Hey, someone just asked me if there's a way to hide the contents of all <span> tags on a page in pure JS (in other words, without using CSS). Is there?
class switching
@LordTorgamus .innerText = ''?
@Raynos I don't think there is one. You can get the index of the match.
@LordTorgamus or .innerHTML = ''
well, that's overwriting, not hiding
@Zirak just remember to .textContent = '' for FF ;-)
It also hides
@Zirak ... fail .innerText is not part of the DOM
Hm, I was too hasty in my problem statement; it would need to hide all plain <span>s, but not touch <span class="anything">s.
@LordTorgamus you want .nodeValue
text content is in the nodeValue which is fully cross browser.
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".replace(/ /g,function(){var i = 0;return( function(a){i+=1; return(i + " ")})}());
@Raynos That should be enough to Google for; thank you!
(How is this room so much better than the Java room?)
@LordTorgamus Java != JavaScript
points to a Java based JS interpreter to add to the confusion
Just be aware that any "hiding" that doesn't somehow use CSS will be destructive unless you explicitly save the data
yeah, you should be using css
@MattBall Oh, I know, I was just commenting on how Java is a ghost town.
@MattMcDonald d'ahh too fast for me
Either that or one of those Java based JS compilers
slash, i'm easily distracted
@onteria time to try it
of course, I overlooked the space delimiter on that string question
@onteria_ or perhaps a request for a JVM implemented in JS
@LordTorgamus lack of popularity
But mind you we lose a lot of people too.
None of the early regulars are still alive :(
@AndyE Why do you people abandon us.
@MattBall There's already a linux emulator in JS, so who knows
@onteria_ But… but… but… per spec it doesn't work on my old PPC box!
ok i need to actually get some work done
@onteria I'm having an orgasm looking at that text editor. it is hawt.
"Create a Person class with public/private/privileged members and methods." - I'll assume this means public/private members, as well as public/private/privileged methods.
@RyanKinal yes.
So, does that mean there should be methods that are not privileged?
I still don't get it. What does privileged mean? Closure-bound?
function Person() {
  var privelege = 42;
  this.getPrivelege = function() {
    return privelege;
@RyanKinal inner functions are private
@RyanKinal also using ES5 you can define properties with custom getter functionality
@Zirak privilege means local that is exposed by some kind of getter function
@Raynos Right, but knowledge of the creation of privileged functions also implies knowledge of the creation of non-privileged functions. Or am I reading too far into it?
@RyanKinal maybe. I dont like the words myself
so "privileged" is just a getter/setter/wrapper method (?)
There is only public & local imho.
function Person() {
    var privilege = 42;
    this.getPrivilege = function() {
        return privielge;
Person.prototype.notPrivilege = function() {
    return privilege; // undefined
@Raynos Meaning, closure-bound?
@Zirak Basically, yes
Person.prototype.notPrivilege = function() {
  return this.getPrivilege();
@Raynos Sure, but the point is that notPrivilege is public, but not privileged.
On the other hand, there seems to be no way to create a private non-privileged function.
I think what confuses me about Whatever.prototype.something is it looks like it's a public static property/method
when in reality, it's just public
@MattMcDonald Yeah, it does look odd
because a public static means you just import the class and you have access without instantiation
so in js: var foo = Foo;
I guess you just have to remember that javascript doesn't do static members.
@RyanKinal Object.create isn't static? And Math.PI?
function Foo()
Foo.bar = function()
var foo = Foo;
or, if you consider the apply and call methods on the Function prototype, all methods are static.
public static
@Zirak @MattMcDonald I would term those as simply public, though on a different level than others. They're not members of the prototype, they're members of the function ("class") itself.
Though, I suppose, it very closely approximates static
v.v no idea how to do the regex one without an extra counter variable
without doing crazy joining/mapping stuff
@Zirak It's still bound to a single instance.
@Zirak Eh, that gets kinda tricky since those are built-in objects
@david Since they technically only ask you to transform a single known string, you could just group like crazy and include the numbers directly in your replacement string.
although I doubt that's what they're looking for. :-)
console.log("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".match(/\w+/g).reduce(function(memo, match, index){return memo+match+index+" ";},""));
reduce isn't ECMA 262, is it?
World IVP6 up in 5 hours
no, it's one of the new array iterator functions
so not really the way to answer in an interview today.
is that a version specific to match, taking three parameters for the callback?
reduce is in 262
hmmm..so it is. Are the native implementations inconsistent?
" Array.prototype.reduce ( callbackfn [ , initialValue ] )
callbackfn should be a function that takes four arguments. reduce calls the callback, as a function, once for each element present in the array, in ascending order.
callbackfn is called with four arguments: the previousValue (or value from the previous call to callbackfn), the currentValue (value of the current element), the currentIndex, and the object being traversed. The first time that callback is called, the previousValue and currentValue can be one of two values. If an initialValue was provided in the call to reduce,
yeah, david's right
I was assuming (I know) that it wasn't because every framework seems to implement it. That's why I asked about the native implementations.
@onteria ... is today IPV6 day?
@RyanKinal Depending on where you are in the world yes
@RyanKinal 0:00 UTC, which is about 5 hours from now
@onteria Oh. Is there somewhere I can find more info?
Sweet, thanks
I hope Time Warner gives me an IPV6 address at some point
Man, I wish I still had Time Warner. My broadband (while not at work) sucks.
I have business class at my place
so I can call their NOC at 3AM if I want to :)
I need... a new body... this one died during the march to the matrice shop and back today
imagine... 30 degrees celcius
plus it's easier to get higher tier support
+35kg lath floor + a 1.5 kilometer walk >_>
Current temperature here is 34 degrees celsius.
15C here in the north pole :)
looks out the window Pretty nice here :-)
Temperatures are for bums ;-)
It'll be a blast furnace here for the next three months.
I much prefer cold weather. You can always put more clothes on.
And taking clothes off doesn't work in an office. It tends to go poorly.
Q: Programming Language & BCL for the Cloud

TarkusLet's say you need to implement a new programming language and BCL designed specifically for working in the cloud (it won't be used on client machines). It should be optimized for cloud computing; easy to learn, fast, efficient, powerful, modern. What it would look like? What would be it's major...

Re-open it then vote off topic -> Prog.SE
you'll hate cold weather once you spend a winter up here
downright scary to drive in
I was born in New Hampshire. How far north are you?
edmonton, canada
Poor bastard
I love the population maps of canada. It looks like you're all huddled up against the states for warmth.
"Manitoba's population density is 1.9 people per square kilometre,
Isn't that stupid!" ~ Arrogant Worms
"Alberta doesn't suck, but Calgary does" - also AW
or possibly Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie. I get them mixed up.
Ontario representin'.
"Wait, you mean there's other provinces?" - Ontarions like me.
"We're not a province" ~ Quebecois
they wouldn't say it in English.
jquery plugin api design
any suggestions?
@codelahoma Hah, good point
Ah, another misconception I come across a lot: typeof([]) returning object when people expect it to return array instead
Or even worse: typeof(new Date())
@onteria Object.prototype.string.call([]) :)
The new Japanese Language & Usage Stack Exchange site is now open to the public!
@Raynos I think you mean Object.prototype.toString.call([])
@codelahoma I do
but then we get into the weirdness of ([]).toString() !== Object.prototype.toString.call([])
the language should be renamed InconsistentCoercion
Frig man, I shelved code like a month ago, commented it nicely, but I entirely skipped over the part that details what I still needed to do.
Why is the argument there if it's ignored in Date.prototype.toJSON?
grr, markdown's lack of table support forcing me to rely on ascii tables :(
I actually find it faster to write ascii tables then resort to HTML tables
@Zirak For consistency, I believe. User defined objects can make use of it, although I'm having trouble finding exactly what JSON.stringify passes through it.
@codelahoma The spec says to just calls toISOString anyway
the spec defines an algorithm for Str(key, holder) abstract operation in the stringify section, but I can't find any reference to it being used anywhere.
Having some issues with IE9 RegExp replace(), anybody have any high-level opinions or links to known issues with buggy IE9 RegExp? Just trying to find out if there's a general consensus out there already.
what sort of issues?
Well, something along the same lines as this code icodesnip.com/snippet/javascript/ie9-regex-bug
But can't find any other comments on that user's issue which is similar to mine...
hey guys , needs some help with a css issue ... can some check this jsFiddle ?
what happens if you use just % instead of \%
(that was @Mark)
Q: how to Position a div , right next to another div AND on top of all other elements in the dom . jsFiddle provided

SAnandNarayanThis is my jsfiddle . When I click the "add your own question button", the #question_types div appears below all the elements . I want it to appear right next to the "add your own question button" , on top of the "or" word.

@david --- my bad, I had other Perl code interpolating a var that removed backslash in front of $....nevermind, thanks!
I feel dirty
I just removed the context menu and disabled CTRL and ALT in all browsers, and am continually overwriting the clipboard in IE.
@RyanKinal fuck upper management
just put that code in an IF IE block
upper management will never know (like hell they use ff/chrome)
@Raynos This isn't upper management. This is the governing agency of the entire industry.
name and shame please
does stuff like that even work in ff/chrome?
TAF - The Appraisal Foundation
@david Up until the clipboard, yeah
Oh, for good measure, I've also set * { -moz-user-select: -moz-none; }
@MarkKoopman $ has a special meaning in the replacement string. Use $$ for a literal dollar sign.
the 'bug' in IE9 would be that they're defining $0 to be the complete match of the regex, which is PCRE.
Anyway... time for me to head out. Later all.
Hello all
Could I ask someone familiar with jQuery a quick question ?
When I am looking at others coding, I see sometimes what looks like a variable to me
but it isnt like so:
var variable
but rather
is there a difference between the two?
for example, $variable = jQuery("img");
What's a good word for something that describes "origin" or "ending" ?
is it basically the same thing as: variable = jQuery("img");
and arent we suppose to use "var"?
@user548906 Variable names start with a-Z, $ or _ character. var $blah = jQuery(stuff) is usually done to identify it as a jQuery object
var variable = "..."
And yes, you should ALWAYS use var to define a variable, no matter how you call it
@user548906 The dollar sign is a legitimate character in a variable name.
@user548906 Some people prefix variable names with $, it's a bad practice left over from programming in PHP.
dropping off var makes it a global variable, no matter where it's defined.
Bad practice, IMO.
ok so it is more of a syntax thing for the programmer to know that he is working with an object?
@Incognito It's not bad practice, not left over. Part of the spec, but used wrongly.
+1 bad practice, both on the name and the lack of var
ahh ok
@user548906 Not internally, but it can
@Zirak That's why I said IMO.
Most people associate $ with jQuery, so that's why they use it like that.
i am following the code of others on the net, so i guess i have fallen on someone using shortcuts
and bad practices
@user548906 It's like if I created a bunch of variables called XMoney, XTime XWomen, except in your case it's $Money, $Time, $women, there's nothing special about it.
ok thank you guys
You could also see an underscore in that place.
@Zirak which, IMO, makes it even worse. $foo could be confused with $(foo) by some.
@user548906 np, rock on
greetings all... what's the good word?
yea i think i will avoid using the $ sing, it seems confusing to me, but then again im very very new to this
Any thoughts on what to name my object for arrivals and destination places/times ?
sing =sign
@Incognito arrivalTime, arrivalPlace?
well, I want an object name that suits arrivals and destinations.
@Incognito a collection of them? or what @Zirak asked.
Weird, when I replied to my own message it @'d you.
@Incognito spacetimeCoordinate?
@Incognito endPoint
There's an object that stores a spacetime, one's an origin one's a destination
I probably shouldn't call it spacetime.
To give it context, I'm dealing with times and locations for the airline industry.
airports and the time of flight events
if this is for trains... perhaps encounter => if (encounter.isBrief()) { beSad(); }
This really upsets me with english, there's no way to make meta words for combined concepts.
I'm calling it flight event.
English - dont believe the hype =)
I'd love to find someone who's into Lojban or another constructed spoken language to devise something for programmers.
btw, I'm in dublin on saturday
A meta standard for naming variables, so we can escape this metaphor madness.
@IvoWetzel Classy! Going to the brewery?
One thing I really like in Hebrew is that each word has a "root" (three or four characters long), and from the root there are rules on how to construct the words we use (there is gender, time of course) and "patterns" sort of thing.
@user257493 dunno yet, I'll most likely spent most of the time at our company meeting/party
@Zirak Paamayim Nekudotayim is a swear word as far as I'm concerned.
time for me to get into my private jet and go home
by private jet I mean car
by go home I mean sit in traffic for an hour
bye everyone
bye @Incognito
@Incognito travel safely
Could someone tell me why someone would want to put $('body').addClass('jQuery-enabled'); before the $(document).ready();
He commented it as a "Fallback Class"
what does this mean a fallback class?
that sounds pretty dubious to me
@user548906 To style it with CSS accordingly - he wants to style it differently if jQuery is enabled or not
any DOM traversal that can occur before the document is ready should be considered a bug
he is doing it before the document ready event, so there is no guarantee that it will be there
ahh ok, so basically a whole set of styles for children of .jQuery-enabled and a fallback set for if this class doesnt exist
@user548906 seems likely
basically if this class doesnt exist, than jQuery no worky
but the implementation has a bug in it
Yep. No idea why he'd call it before the document is ready, though
me either
Maybe to prevent a possible jump in style? Like, slow loading DOM, he wants CSS changes to appear immediately?
u got me, im way outta my depth here heh. He is quite a good designer/coder though so I guess he has his reasons
where in the HTML does this occur?
at the end of the body?
or in the head?
first line of his custom.js which is at the end of the html doc just before </body>
@user548906 his reasons should be clear from his comments... otherwise his comments aren't up to snuff
OK... so he's probably relying on the fact that, by the time it's executed, the DOM is pretty much in place
his comment is just /* Javascript Fallback Class hehe
still... that's code that's working by accident, not by design
@Dancrumb His reasons should be clear from the code - real comments are for explaining hacks/algorithms
ok i think your probably right, he put this at the end of the HTML doc knowing that it would be pretty much intact or at least intact enough to test for jQuery and style accordingly
@Zirak ideally, yes... but in this case, he's effectively sending a signal from JS to CSS, so the code is probably insufficient to express that
so many languages/technologies to learn at the same time, its quite overwhelming
one steps on another so I am forced to learn some of all of them to be functional
@user548906 yeah... web development is tricky as, minimum, you're looking at 4 languages to understand
anyway, enough ranting
if you're doing end to end stuff
HTML im solid on CSS as well, jQuery not so much
but now with HTML5 coming down the pike, my only solid ground is getting shaken up now too
course that will still be awhile
@user548906 html5 is html4 with lots of sugar. If you know one you know the other
true, itll be quick to get a hold of
@david I've heard 'pike' and 'pipe'
dont ask me hehe
i believe 'pike' refers to 'turnpike'... i.e. road
im probably the one not using it correctly
thats what I thought
yep sure enough
i just searched it myself and it is apparently a common problem now
in 10 more years coming down the pike wont even be said anymore
maybe I just dated myself...
how strange, you learn something new every day
Could I ask some opinions here
I would like to implement something just like this
but on a totally different design
and maybe not even using Wordpress
so in your opinion should I A) purchase this and spend my time redesigning the entire layout
or B) create my design and spend my time trying to figure out the jQuery which creates this interaction
keeping in mind that I am quite poor with jQuery
but want desperately to get to this level with it...
is there an easy way to get a list of all the currently running setTimeout/setIntervals on a page?
Quick question
if (elem.id === "") {
  elem.id = PLUGIN_NAME + "_" + uid++;
Is setting the id on a HTMLElement when it does not exist bad?
@Raynos Care to be more specific?
return function _cache(elem) {
    if (elem.id === "") {
        elem.id = PLUGIN_NAME + "_" + uid++;
        cache[elem.id] = _factory(elem);
    } else {
        for (var k in cache) {
            if (k === elem.id) return cache[k];
        cache[elem.id] = _factory(elem);
    return cache[elem.id];
can't you just compare the elements directly?
return function _cache(elem) {
    if (elem.id === "") {
        elem.id = PLUGIN_NAME + "_" + uid++;
    if (cache[elem.id] === void 0) {
        cache[elem.id] = _factory(elem);
    return cache[elem.id];
@david I guess I can store the elements in an array and compare them
I was trying to make lookup O(1)
@Raynos void 0?
Original implementation failed
@Zirak void 0 === undefined
@Zirak he is paranoid about undefined being redefined
@david I'm actually saving characters :D
why void 0 -.- I have undefined defined in my closure
Oh god I fail
setInterval(foo(bar), 25);
@Raynos Premature optimization...
Is there any way I can get that to work?
Why not call your internal methods g and h as well? :P
@Zirak meh.
@Radu setInterval(foo, 25, bar) - after the delay, list the arguments
ahh, thanks
But anyway is setting elem.id bad?
@Raynos When? Are you going to use it for identification purposes?
Or maybe it belongs under data-?
im using it for indentification
its a O(1) lookup in my cache
If you're using it for its real purpose, and not some perverted thing, then what's the problem?
if you want to save space with undefined, include a single unused parameter in the list
I actually have a super-cautious method for checking undefined...it returns typeof arg === undefined
var blar = function(_){
    if (void 0 === _){
as long as you always call blar with no parameters
The alternative is
return function _cache(elem) {
    for (var i = 0, ii = cache.length; i++) {
        var o = cache[i];
        if (o.elem == elem) return o.data;
    var ret = _factory(elem);
    cache.push({ elem: elem, data: ret });
    return ret;

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