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but fun!
I think Im going to work on mapping my face with particles
@Loktar webcam?
thinking about it
idk, will start with a static image first
then I need to make a game dangit.
i wanna see some VIKI shit
@KendallFrey both lol
haha that would be cool
@rlemon Doesn't the human eye stop noticing around 30ish fps?
@ErikReppen there is a lot of arguments surrounding that theory
@Loktar you mean, the game?
@ErikReppen 32 iirc, but we do notice spikes
@ErikReppen No way.
60 -> 50 you'll notice the spike
Okay so on some level we're noticing.
I thought the steady framerate of a human eye was 10hz
what I have found is that maintaining a level is more important that huge framerates
10FPS is a horrible experience.
30 fps is generally my minimum
but obv I prefer higher
I can run 24 fps animations and they look smooth, smoother at 32, 40 I don't notice a diff unless the fps is changing
Celluloid movies run at 24Hz
^ think your flash days everyone. common we all remember this
wasnt the default 12?
24 iirc
ah ok
I remember an old coworker..... omg
I always upped to 32
made a time sensitive app... made the framerate 2!
steady 24hz is better than 300hz with 150ms pauses
and then every other tick said it was a second
he couldnt figure out why the time would always veer off....
this was a gov dev making 70k+ mind you :?
the kind of coworkers I get to work with fun stuff :)
I remember an old co-worker.. sad really, he can't remember me. (or his wife)
brb beer so I can forget my day!
that idea by @OctavianDamiean is great
I've wanted private messages for a while, mainly so I could talk crap about people
@Loktar 70K in what currency?
Knowledgeable client-side dev at mid-levels of experience could make that in Chicago easily.
you used a key word.
I got offered a job from a company I was consulting for (against contract, part of my companies consulting contracts), twice my pay + moving expenses :/
@ErikReppen A person who can spell the word 'JavaScript' correctly could make 50K easily
I was so torn
I've only worked with one other dev who was knowledgeable in the gov.
@rlemon wow man
I would have taken it :P
I'm practically engaged to the owners daughter :/
oh thats your gf?
heh that puts you in a pickle eh?
Ask your to-be father in law for twice the pay then, come to him with the counter-offer :P
I've done that before actually
Me too, it usually works
got myself a nice 18% raise
alright time to play some atari.. then 3d-ify my face.
well the story is: He was asking me to do contract work for him while I was working another job, I couldn't because of time. I quit and had time so took the contract work, he explained he needed a lot more done than that so asked it I would be comfortable working for him, I said sure. ~year later she quit her job and worked for him because his business was growing rapidly and he needed people then right away he could trust who knew something about what we do.
so it was kinda a win/win at the time. I wasn't active in the dev community so no head-hunters were after me, and I hate applying for jobs because the question of my lack of education bothers people
then you're left trying to convince them you are just competent, then convince them you are of value and can offer much to the company
@ErikReppen There are a bunch of good C# blogs, eric lippert is probably a must. If you have general questions feel free to ask
C# is a beautiful language
much help to be found in the C# room as well
@rlemon Experience > Formal education
Person doing the interview !== Person who realizes this all of the time. Or even a developer
You couldn't pay me enough to work a government gig.
@rlemon Big companies < Small companies
@ErikReppen how about 120k?
Also, I'm sure google didn't ask Lars Bak about his formal education XD
idk I've worked for a few big companies who bin on education alone, wouldn't even qualify for 5+ years experience
That's been my experience.
@Loktar I've seen 120K in San Francisco. Not sure that would be easy to find in Chicago.
well community rep is always a pro
the money is what keeps me working in the gov. I want to jump ship this year.. but idk now
being able to google "rlemon" and seeing a bunch of shit about me and programming is a win
not all is good :P
120K isn't enough to be miserable.
^ that
When you have a family it is :P
I'd rather make 30K and be happy, that said, I'm only saying this because I already have enough money. If I had kids or financial problems, I'd probably say something very different
I wouldn't have believed the power of linkedin unless I saw the profit reports of a couple companies who run their entire sales and recruiting from linkedin.
Most of the recruiting here (Israel) is based on the "I know this guy" method
I have 4 kids and a wife.. so I have to think very carefully about moving jobs. Sucks.
I have 3 fish tanks. moving physically becomes an issue
sounds silly but it's true
That, and we have a lot of conventions
1 tank has taken over 2 years and ~$2K and it's "just getting started"
There's a JavaScript meetup almost every two weeks
moving it means pretty much everything dies :/
(non-parent problems)
Yeah if I move to the west coast eventually, I'm not sure what the best way to handle the transport of 4 cats is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum theres one here in Omaha today :?
I have two, they are ok if you put them in good sized containers and pay for good professional transport
I was going to go but decided not to.
Im so anti social sometimes idk
once I get to know people Im fine, but I hate that initial meeting/gathering.
luckily I have always been able to just transfer them in the car. but you can get them flown safely for a price.
@Loktar Lol, I didn't go today either, but those are usually very nice, you learn a lot and you socialize
Socializing is a very big deal in getting a job here, people hire other people they trust
Man, they are going to be pissed at me.
@Loktar bro, if you move to Anne Arbor I'll totes visit like more than once.
yeah, its like that here too. Its all about who you know
@rlemon hah yeah that would be badass man
man looking up loktar00 is scary
~4hr drive is nothing
I need to remove some of my youtube vids
@Loktar Don't look up inglor, lol
one of the smaller reasons I removed facebook is because friends decided it would be ok to upload pics of me getting stoned from HS.
@rlemon Hey! I needz help with twitter bootstrap. Well mostly finding a documentation to read
"who cares man that was like 12 years ago!"
dude... not cool.
hah yeah
Most of the results are for a game called Zombie Inglor which is something a friend of mine from way back made and named it after my alias as some sort of weird homage
@LewsTherin try their site :P
@rlemon lol, you should probably remove that message, this chat is public and on google :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha really??
or what in particular
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's not that i'm ashamed, so much as it doesn't need to be made public by anyone but me
it was in high school.
@rlemon Lol I did, I must be dumb because I can't find any shiz listing classes that are in use.
small world.
@Loktar I used to be very involved in the NewGrounds community :)
I run zg.net, so I remember most zombie games considering I have to manually add them.
newgrounds is where I used to get most of them from actually
Like, I have more than 10K forum posts there
@LewsTherin what do you mean?
inspector doesn't do the trick?
I used to work with ArmorGames for a while. Also I used to do a lot of ActionScript
@rlemon Oh I see it now. Thanks
nice, yeah I remember you mentioning armor games before
zombie inglor wasn't too bad actually :P
@Loktar Patrick is a really nice guy
Used to be really into hentai, then became all christian and stuff. Funny story, he's a great guy though
The NG community was awesome. I just met BoltClock the other day, apparently he's a mod here or something with over 100K reputation or something like that. It's nice to see all the progress he made :)
Patrick... is he by chance from Ontario Canada?
@rlemon Australia
yeah Bolt Clock is a really knowledgable guy
I had a programming class with a guy named Patrick who got 2% because he spent all class every class looking at hentai
Do I get banned if I request the stats for BoltClock?
suuure you know a guy named "Patrick" that would do that good cover!
ew, at least watch real porn if you have to!
kicker is, you got a mark just for putting your name on the midterm and final. he didn't put it on the midterm or he would have gotten 4%
haha nice
Apperantly so, he was like "OMG you're Inglor!?!?", I was surprised people still remember. I remember the clock crew pretty well, they were a cool bunch
netflix time. back later.
see ya
Time to be disappointed by lack of decent streaming options? I'm on the verge of cancelling. They could at least have all the b-grade stuff streaming. Instead it's the medicore stuff that's neither fun for being good or bad.
One of the most gifted guys I knew back then is called Denvish
No offense @rlemon and @Loktar but he made effects with AS that are nothing like anything I've ever seen in JS
Was great musician too, good artist and very efficient programmer.
Turns out, he works as a courier now, delivering packages and stuff.
How the heck does that happen, probably one of the most gifted guys I know
If he wasn't in England I would probably offer him a job
Hey, I recall someone here is from Wales right?
Any dangers using the while(i--) loop to iterate an Array ?
@OliverSchöning Why on earth would you do that?
because lot of sources say it is the fastest loop
@OliverSchöning Why would you care it's the fastest, 99.9% of times that doesn't matter
are you looping through 10 bajillion things?
and doing 30 bajillion things to those 10 bajillion things?
It's still on a node server and I dont like to block for to long
@OliverSchöning I like it more for style than anything. And it was fastest back before JIT compilers 2-3 years ago. Not sure about now. Probably doesn't make much of a difference.
@OliverSchöning Be specific
It also looks better imo. I write less doing it then if I would do a for loop.
I have to do a lot of grid iterations in a game
It's not the fastest at all. In the time of JITs, code that is trivially semantically equivalent is also equivalent in speed.
The idea was that you reduced object access and operations for each loop call. JITs cache most of that now I imagine.
@OliverSchöning That's why I like it for style. Much more concise/elegant but backwards of course.
@OliverSchöning Write whichever version is easiest for you to understand, when need for optimization arises then optimize
currently I am using for(var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++)
Well anyway, I'd say the only "danger" of it is that you might be more likely to accidently do stomething stupid
if you forget to break the loop
@OliverSchöning That seems very reasonable, also, no real need to cache len
@OliverSchöning Probably the most quoted quote in CS: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil (in 97% of cases)" - Knuth
@benjamin My previous array was a 3D array 18x18x18 so I think caching it is a good idea?
I'm not THAT obsessed with optimisation, it just seemed reasonable to ask because it would be a relatively easy fix
There is zero effect in V8
Actual zero or just very speedy iteration ?
Don't block, don't do CPU intensive stuff in your main thread of execution, that's it
Literally zero
Oh, serve static pages with nginx and not node
@JanDvorak why is firefox so much faster?
If you do that, don't worry about optimization
tested on different computers, possibly
they must've had some i7 processor
I have some i7 processors, I can test if you'd like
Firefox likes you to cache the length, though
@BenjaminGruenbaum if you want
Weird, opera runs foreach much faster than native loops ... ???
it was probably you that put it up there lol
I am running a loop function, and the code right after it is a socket.io send function. If the loop wasnt "blocking" it would send the wrong information because the loop has to finnish first..
@OliverSchöning Wait, you have a blocking loop in node.js?
@OliverSchöning do you understand how node.js works?
yes.. but I am to dumb for callbacks
@OliverSchöning No.
@JanDvorak it should be faster when done right imo
well, not so much faster though, I see what you mean
@OliverSchöning Did you seriously want to optimize your for(var i=0;i<100;i++) loop to var i=100; while(i--) and you have blocking code?
@Shea umm... a function call that is 10x faster than a bare loop?
@OliverSchöning You realize how bad it is to have blocking code in node.js? It's not just bad it's horrible it goes against the execution model or the concept of node.js
@Shea FF finished, chrome still running
@BenjaminGruenbaum On a game loop something has to be blocking? Else how would you do collision if nothing is deterministic ?
Blocking != performing collision detection
@OliverSchöning Your server will be able to handle one user at a given time. That's how node.js works it's single threaded.
If you're blocking, it'll perform horribly
Let's try an analogy
Can't you break out child processes now?
No I get it
Or am I misunderstanding that?
Blocking == forcing the thread (and in node.js, the CPU) to do nothing at all until something happens
@ErikReppen no need for child processes in 99.9% of times in node, that's not how node.js works
Right but if for some reason you wanted to write blocking code in JS, which wouldn't be my instinct but who knows?
@ErikReppen It's possible for a reason, but it would not be the first thing I would recommend to a node.js newbie
It's still a bad idea, since it goes against the computation model of node.js
You don't gain the benefit of avoiding context switches and threads if you use processes, that's even heavier
Gotcha. I figured it wasn't ideal.
Also, there's no problem in doing collision detection that's deterministic in node.js
If you like blocking calls, use Java, PHP, ASP.net...
I don't want to block obviously. But I am new to JS and node. So I am not very familiar with how to do callbacks
@OliverSchöning then learn :)
Callback = function that gets called when something happens
Let's say you go to your library
You want to borrow a book but they don't have it yet
yoou can name them, pass them as arguments...
So they say - hey, that's ok, we'll call you back when we'll have it
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know what it is supposed to do, I simply dont know how to implement it
Here is the blocking code:
Just create a function and pass it as an argument
@OliverSchöning read nodebeginner.org
ajax.get(..., onAjaxGet); function onAjaxGet(response){...}
Are those labels?
@JanDvorak But it just annoys me, is callback a build in javascript function?
JavaScript functions are first order
This means you can pass them around as arguments
@BenjaminGruenbaum to break a nested loop
In callbacks, we do something called 'inversion of control'
any function can become a callback
We give the control of execution to the function, we tell it what to do when it's done
so callback is just a parameter
I could call it cheesecake and then call cheesecake(); or what?
Instead of saying 'Take out the garbage <pause> Go back into the house"
Yup. You're passing the function for something else to use later.
We say "Take out the garbage then go back into the house if you failed do something else"

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