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27 secs ago, by rlemon
or show me a good tut not html5rocks.
"not" means "is" in India?
@rlemon well the webAudio api is as is
great on html5 rocks
what u want is fft and stuff
for that
nah you're no help
carry on
@rlemon dude audioApi gives u samples
if you want to use them you have to use fft or analysing algos
welcome new moustacher
@rlemon what's the problem with html5rocks?
Does anyone know if (1234).toString(36) works in all browsers?
@GNi33 read their tut and was hoping to get one more specific on reading the stream and creating graphics based on it
@rlemon for me it was the web-audio spec that more source
but alas it looks like i'll have to read the tut and Lok/Dark's code
fuck (XD)
google with audio visualization tutorials
do you have a good one bookmarked?
dunno read one 4 years ago for OPEN GL
sorry :-(
I ask for 'good ones' because if you have already looked at 4 and know 3 are worse than the others why should I have to read them as well :P
@Sylvain Welcome!
!!/stat Sylvain
@rlemon User Elusio proved elusive.
btw anybody working with audio must use docs.audiolibjs.org
@rlemon Sylvain has 1458 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 47 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:47.
its jQuery of Audio
or 3.js for audio
and the friken guy who wrote it is a part of the working group for webAudio
hrm, if it's anything like date parsing i'm all for a lib.
but I would like to attempt something without a lib first
also, what legal concerns if any should I have with using music in my demos
is anyone going to really care i'm using their music in some stupid experiment?
If you're intimidated by date parsing, then you should go for a lib on this one.
date parsing is only intimidating because it's tedious and a pain in the ass
Yeah, you just strengthened my point
@rlemon its like
you cant do much with samples
hell they arent even useful as graphing sources
@Zirak your point is moot because I hate date parsing because i'm lazy
I learned how to do it first, realized I hate doing it, so don't.
I know nothing of audio processing, I want to learn it
you wont find great tutorials in js
@rlemon meh, even if you are violating some copyright, you're incredibly unlikely to get caught, and if you do get caught, you can probably claim fair-use (especially if you only use a portion of the music) or exchange it with something else.
C++ & C are more used here
so take that you yellow faced bastard
@rlemon Sure, then go ahead
internet is wonky right now :(
@Darkyen I think you should write a blog post / tutorial on how you made your visualizer
hah, yeah, playing with FFT and alikes is fun
(I actually want to learn)
^ see, visualizer tuts for js are in high demand!
I think I want to make a game based on it
Like Guitar Hero or something
Would be a good way to learn how it works
I want to make a bunch of useless crap - then stare at it all for a few hours and try to think of a game to make with all the new crap i've learned.
or maybe try for some hard core realism in scenery generation ??
idk, too many cool things you could do
Okay short explanation
Hey everybody.
Well in the real world your multiple waves interacting with each others is going to give u a really painful friken graph, infact there is nothing you can actually graph other then random bullcrap mess
the audio data api will give u sampled real world values in time-domain
which ... erm can be visualized but will be too wiggaly and random for anything useful
we use an fft which converts this time domain graph into a frequency domain graph
basically gives you nice lil values about how much magnitude and what frequency a wave is in the samples you get
now this amazing value is what you can visualize
@rlemon it's not that hard. The headers tell you how to process data, then you just process the bytes...
also the samples will be 44100 timedomain samples per second [ imagine the pain ]
it's rather tedious than hard in itself
@FlorianMargaine Oh. :/
fft's for audio usually - have 512 frequencies at most @Zirak correct me if i am wrong on that
Oh, by the way; nice article related to front-end dev
so basically with fft'd input you can represent a graph
which shows the magnitude of each frequency :P
Anyone have access to an internet exploder they can run something on?
@Darkyen Cool
I'll probably ask you a few questions later as they come up
@AmaanCheval Sure :-)
You participating in the Clay.io competition?
@rlemon yes
you have to give credit
which @Darkyen forgot to do :P
@Loktar i forgot ?
all I added to my pen
<a href="https://soundcloud.com/term-and-conditions-mixes/new-year-dubstep-minimix">New Year Dubstep Minimix By Terms and Conditions</a>
ah that
@Loktar ahh, ok so I can use some rando music if I give credit?
@Darkyen haah I didnt mean give me credit :p
@Loktar can i be sued ?
seems like a loophole but ok!
@rlemon no
the terms of that song specifically stated
btw @Loktar dude u cant even guess what da fuk i am doing :D
do you guys know about ack? is it really good?
my new venture: realistic storm with audio
Q: Switching from ActionScript to JavaScript, tips for wrting code?

Ankur SharmaI am quite comfortable with using actionscript3 and flash. I also have some experience with Java. But recently, I started learning JavaScript and node.js. I ultimately want to make a 3d game in threejs, but for now I simply want to make a chat application. I want to get into the habit of using ...

^ the song was licensed under that
@FlorianMargaine I've heard ack is pretty good
@Darkyen what are you doing?
@twiz Glad you liked it.
I wanna try procedural trees and then have them move with wind
yeah that stuff is fun
Wow, nice
@Loktar making a css chraracter dance
@Loktar , @AmaanCheval @rlemon youtube.com/watch?v=OXYXn-oGvKA
that one will tell u why use fft
What do JS people think of CoffeeScript?
hah pretty sweet
@SeanO'Hollaren Most hate it
I might start to think about it now that it has source maps
Some like it
@Zirak Well, I've proposed it to Benjamin but it doesn't seem to be implemented yet.
but missing source maps was really what bothered me the most
I hate CoffeeScript, which is funny because I love Coffee and Scripting
that, and the fact that you now have to know both languages: js and cs
@Darkyen I did it, and it was not.
@dievardump ?
@AmaanCheval @rlemon That's kind of what I expected. Coming from Python and the like, it looked a little friendlier for someone who's going to suddenly have to start knowing JS, but I guess it's a better idea to actually learn it instead of learning it one layer abstracted.
bottom line is: the browser still interprets the compiled js, and you still need to be able to debug said js, so you will still have to learn js first. If at that point you (coming from python) still prefer the syntax: that is all you.
most here just 1) implore you learn js first, and 2) dislike the syntax (or maybe that is just me)
Hello. How can I unwrap only my first parent in jquery ?
it seems that unwrap() removes all parents
and I need only my first parent ( and to keep myself...)
Yeah, the other part is that I'm actually going to be using the JS in a back end data manipulation context. I didn't know that was a popular use of the language.
$elm = $(selector);
The only syntax that's ever honestly bothered me is Objective C's.
unwrap dont except any param
$elm.parent().first().unwrap(); // don't be stupid then this wasn't hard to see or change.
@SeanO'Hollaren JavaScript is everywhere. In your bedroom. Watching you.
rlemon , maybe I wasn't clear. I have a button inside a div and I want to remove the div and keep the button.
no, you were clear.
@SeanO'Hollaren JS and Python have a fair bit in common philosophically speaking and first-class funcs are awesome. I like Python but lambdas make me sad.
@SomeKittens Wouldn't be the first, man.
rlemon . unwrap is not invoking on the parent. it should be invoke on the inside element !
@SomeKittens ?
@SomeKittens he is lonely
@RoyiNamir .first() gives you the first child. That's what's invoked on.
HTML is nodes. First is a method giving you the first child node.
oh ok sorry.
@RoyiNamir as it turns out I assumed functionality and it looks like you never read the docs
@Neal dude :'(
u just reminded me i am alone and lonely in the hostel room ;-/
with no friends in this new city
@ErikReppen They do seem like they could make maintenance a nightmare pretty fast.
$(btn).unwrap(); // removes the direct parent; you don't need more than this
@Darkyen what city?
@Neal Bangalore, India
@rlemon Well , read it carefully. it says _Remove the parents _
@SeanO'Hollaren It's a design tradeoff. Plenty of rope can be used for more than just hanging yourself, IMO.
that's why i asked here .api.jquery.com/unwrap
dude what the fuck are you trying to do.
you want to unwrap it's parent?
@ErikReppen Like hanging yourself in new and fancy ways.
Who upvoted this stupid question ?
Q: Unreachable code wih if else with method

fastcodejavaIf have the following code I correctly get an warning in eclipse at the else if code : final int x = 8; if (x < 10) { System.out.println(x); } else if (x < 5) { System.out.println(); } But I don't get any warning if I replace the line final int x = 8; with...

it's a clear example in the docs.
for the example of div which wraps a button , I want to remove the div and to heep the button
^^^^ read the docs dude
@Neal the first time i heard my friend saying it i heard it "bang a whore"
Him : "Dude i am going to bangalore"
Me Heard and died laughing
@SeanO'Hollaren You learn fast. One thing I've learned about a lot of exclusively C# and Java guys (I said exclusively - no offense to multi-lingualists here) is that they can't think about the flow of data in an app to save their lives which is the real reason they think static typing is so critical.
@Darkyen I got the solution to your problem.
Impressive list of not accepted answers : stackoverflow.com/users/184730/fastcodejava?tab=answers
nah kidding
rlemon thank you
i sleep when i pass out :P
@ErikReppen Yeah, I come from a lot of Java in school and C# in early work stuff, so I'm enjoying having to stretch myself a bit to think in other languages. C# just makes things so comfortable though.
C# is impressive. I personally like a language more focused but that it mixes as many types of features as it does is no small thing.
I sleep when justice has won, when evil has taken it's leave of this fine community, when we can come in here and feel free to talk about or share anything without fear of prejudice or bigotry, and when Alfred has laid out my pajamas.
Gangnam style is really friken awesome :D
Also, C# has first-class funcs. Hardly anybody ever uses them though.
I am.... BatLemon
@rlemon @rlemon i downloaded ravaged today
didn't play :-'(
lemon bat?
Megabats constitute the suborder Megachiroptera, family Pteropodidae of the order Chiroptera (bats). They are also called fruit bats, old world fruit bats, or flying foxes. Description The megabat, contrary to its name, is not always large: the smallest species is long and thus smaller than some microbats. The largest reach in length and attain a wingspan of , weighing in at up to . Most fruit bats have large eyes, allowing them to orient themselves visually in twilight and inside caves and forests. Their sense of smell is excellent. In contrast to the microbats, the fruit bats do ...
f yea!
it didnt work --_--
not to be confused with mega.bat (which i'm sure does something)
is it supposed to work in india lemon person ?
idk, it's wikipedia
you are in with them, you bitch
Guys, anyone has contact info for @JeremyBlazé?
Right now I'm wrestling with a truly awful implementation of the command pattern in C#. I freaking hate IDEs. How it wouldn't occur to somebody who is supposed to be smart that a system where you cut and past like a dozen files and just change the names in most of them and then only actually write code in two of them just blows my mind. This just to write a web service FFS.
ohh nvm, earlier comment.
@DJDavid98 why?
contracting out work?
I've wrote some code for him but I have no way of contactin him here on SO.
nothing there.
just a few image links and plain text
the dribble account he links too from that site is the same pic as so
@rlemon sorry for being painful help today
but did u read my explanation on fft ?
so it's likely him
dude you are a webdesigner and can't whois the domain
@Darkyen yea, and the links were bookmarked (vids)
I am not a webdesigner.
ugh, and I just gave you a huge hint so you can't now go whois the domain?
Wow. I just earned an "enlightened" badge with an answer that I openly admit probably unfairly started with "Yes, you were interviewed by morons. "
For my love for everyone.. i made an anime char maker on codepen :D .. css chars ;D
@SeanO'Hollaren they're so verbose....
Got it, thanks!
 Jeremy Blaze
    PO Box 2331
    Ringwood North
    Tel. +61.61449022083
want more?
if I can find his facebook I can probably get some drunk pics
No, thanks. I've already found that before.
It had no public info other than his profile image which is the same.
@FlorianMargaine Which has been pretty nice when the majority of my work has involved being thrown into uncommented legacy code. I'll take verbose over the alternative when I'm having to divine the author's intent/lack of basic reasoning.
wtf am I looking at and listening too @Loktar
idk, cracked me up though
he made the featured pumpkin
@SeanO'Hollaren concise doesn't mean unreadable
although for C#/Java/PHP, it is
other languages can be concise and very much readable
@BenjaminGruenbaum "Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'ready'."
@SeanO'Hollaren Never understood the appeal of verbosity. IMO, it is so much easier to make code legible when there's less of it. In JS everything can be a lot more direct and obvious if you're actually bothering to have some kind of structure to it.
^ TipRanks has that error being thrown on every page for me
@AmaanCheval check for extensions conflicting, it's ok for me
Chrome stable latest
@ErikReppen people tend to think that verbose means explicit and simpler to read
@rlemon Chrome dev latest here
@FlorianMargaine @ErikReppen Right, concise definitely shouldn't mean unreadable. I've just had bad experiences with old code where I was glad for descriptive, if very long, functions/properties/etc.
@Darkyen I have no clue
they have 512 regions i guess
still, check to see the bug isn't in an extension being loaded
When I read somebody else's app JS code I think in terms of objects interacting with other objects typically (unless it's just spray and pray jQuery where the concerns are usually simple enough anyway). I didn't start understanding our Java until I treated all our classes as pointless abstractions and just tracing through it as if it were just a giant pile of functions all calling each other.
@SeanO'Hollaren Java/C# encourage verbose code. Writing short code isn't possible; or at least it just makes bad code
@FlorianMargaine c#4 is a lot better for being able to code with less verbosity
@ErikReppen that's just bad code
3.5+ really
@rlemon the classical object paradigm makes it verbose
I don't get to use it! but I get to look at other people using it and being jealous
@FlorianMargaine well ok, but it still has made vast improvements over earlier versions and Java
Yep, but that's the problem with mandatory classes. How do more average-type people who come up in Java ever truly understand the value of OOP?
first class funcs + properties + closures + lots of stuff in C# makes it better than java
@ErikReppen uh? I can understand its value, really

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