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Q: Stripchart using raphael.js in IE8

Stavros_SI'm using Raphael.js to help in creating a Stripchart, but unfortunately it's not displaying the actual data in IE8. The grid for the chart is displaying but that's about it. Does anything in the code jump out at you as to why this may be an issue? Just looking for a second set of eyes, thanks! ...

Q: My first attempt at canvas spatial grid collision? Please be honest!

ShaShadsThe code, $(document).ready(function() { window.addEventListener('keydown', keyPress, true); // event listener for keyboard presses function keyPress(evt) { if(engine.activeBlock) { // block is actively falling switch(evt.keyCode) { case 37: // left arrow ...

@twiz but.... I'm.... Comcast....
Time to move to Germany
wtf do I need 25mbps for if I don't have piracy?!?!
25mbps for 5min. big deal
Or get a VPN, but I'd still recommend Germany
then I might as well take the speed cut
hello everyone
Q: Tab menus with horizontal and vertical tabs

user27833Has anybody seen more examples of tab menus like the one on this page with horizontal and vertical tabs? http://www.hmag.com I need to create a page with tabs where the tabs at the top are the categories of a post type and a list of tabs on the left are the child categories. So far this is the...

@SomeKittens have you ever worked with the Facebook API/SDK ?
Anybody here worked with the Facebook API/SDK?
1 hour later…
@copy @ThiefMaster which python testing framework should I use?
copy would say Django, I think...
Wait until he wakes up. :)
That's ok I'm in no hurry, it's funny how the python room is virtually worthless in finding help with python and the JavaScript room has some good python programmers.
That's because they scare people away. :(
Lol. Also they feel victimized
In CSS3 I can use :invalid to check if the input is valid or not. Can I somehow use it in JS so that I can avoiding using regex to validate?
Yes, but not using :invalid
you can validate in the html itself in html5
This is the first google result so I'm not sure it's a particularly good one, but there are a lot of resources on the web
You can also use jQuery validate if you're already using jQuery to shim for older browsers
Hi all... can anyone help me with this... stackoverflow.com/questions/15060532/…
(Though I wouldn't add jQuery just for that)
@Rachel your question is really not clear enough, see the comment
You need to add a lot more information on what you'd like to accomplish
I need to do something like this:

function foo(){
if( $("input").amazingFunctionValidatingNatively() == false ) return false
@Rachel Also, you should either tag it with JSP and Java if the JSP part is relevant in your opinion (I'm not sure I understand the problem), most JS developers have little JSP experience (it's really ancient and corporate-enterprise technology)
@Derek if you're already using jQuery just use jquery validate. It does exactly what you're looking for. Nifty form validation on top of jQuery
You can also do html5 form validation and then hook on .submit
Also, try to avoid ==, there's no point in checking == false, either use === or omit it altogether if you're absolutely sure it returns boolean
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't really want extra plugins...
@Derek that's great :) I figured that since you already use jQuery you wouldn't mind but I don't like plugins much either. What about $("input").is(":invalid")? (where input selects your input)
@BenjaminGruenbaum okay.. thanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum You can do that? :O
let me try it out
Assuming the browser supports it, it's all HTML5, don't use it for internet only intranet, IE<=10 doesn't support input type validation very well if I recall correctly
@BenjaminGruenbaum Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: invalid
Anyway, I got to go, it's my stop, bye
Ahoy hoy
@Derek sorry, I had to go, did you work it out?
I was on my way to work and had to get off the bus.
you check .validity.valid
I thought you already had an :invalid selector (I misread your comment)
1 hour later…
I ended up using simple regex to validate.
thx :)
Now the queues can take care of it :D
@Derek It's surprisingly hard to take care of emails :P but sure
hey guys? how r you today?
@Derek thats cool
@Derek And now you have two problems.
Q: Asp.net MVC WebGrid in partial view not updating through Ajax

djITI have 2 WebGrids each in a different partial view, displaying on a View Page. All is working fine but when I do sorting or pagination on WebGrid, it's not updating through ajax. What am I doing wrong? PartialView1: <%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<IEnume...

1 hour later…
God, 1500 connections, asp.net web api response time on azure during bust, 3.5 seconds, node.js 300ms
hello! anyone online?
@AmaanCheval can you help me please?
If you have a question, just ask it. Don't ask if you can ask.
try fdata.replace(/["']/g, "") — Aʌɐpɥɐuı 12 mins ago
need help on this
That removes all quotes. Whats the problem?
I have to insert data in sqlite
I have to escape the single qotes
how do I do that?
Use prepared statements.
any tutorial?
Sharpen your google skills.
A: How to escape? data that is being inserted into sqlite database.

davethecoderuse javascript replace maybe create a function like so: function CleanDbData( dirty ){ var clean = dirty.replace( "/"","''").replace("<script>","[script]"); return clean; } var mydata = CleanDbData( dirtydata ); this is not AS is, you will have to mess with regex etc but you...

@alex I am using titanium appcelerator which uses javascript
not in native java
@kittu88 Use ? and add the values as argument.\
This took me one google search. Its not so hard to search for yourself..
@alex help in javascript required
@kittu88 :(
I know that I have to add "\" but I am not able to add it
that is what I have mentioned in the question
Q: SQLite: Escape quotes in Titanium (Javascript)

TjekklesI'm using Titanium as a development tool and I would like to insert a string to an SQLite database. The string contains double quotes ("), so each time it gives an error. How can I escape the quotes in the string so I can insert the string to the database? Thanks in advance! Tjellekes

actually I have already escaped double quotes
but single quote is a prob
Let the database abstraction do escaping.. you don't want to do this yourself, because there is no way you can think of all situations where it is possible to completely destroy the database..
so how will I do that, i am a novice in javascript
This might be a rather strange suggestion, but have you ever considered to learn by, you know, ... reading?
Can't get nodejs to post my payload (form-data). Body seems to be undefined. Anyone got a hint for me? :-)

app.post('/anmodTilbud', function(request, response) {
console.log('anmodning modtaget');
var body = request.body;
@BenjaminGruenbaum unittest; it's already bundled with python. for smaller tests using doctest might be an option, too.
@ThiefMaster Thanks, that sounds nice
@AndersMetnik What's your request? Can you post it on pastebin?
@AndersMetnik Did you use bodyParser?
incomming :) and no, no bodyparser, maybe that's what im missing now.
In case of express, app.use(express.bodyParser()); before routes.
case of express, nice i'll try that
Though I changed the handling a bit, since i saw it was chunked
Not sure if needed though
app.post('/anmodTilbud', function(request, response) {
    if (request.method === 'POST') {
        console.log('anmodning modtaget');
        var body = '';
        request.on('data', function(data) {
            body += data;
            if (body.length > 1e6) {
        request.on('end', function() {
            var POST = qs.parse(body);
woops that was bigger then i thought, sorry
No need to test method being POST if you do app.post..
I suggest using the middleware instead of pulling requests like this.
the middleware = ?
Look at the multipart configuration tidbit.
oh oops, just saw the url
Thought you were just sending him towards connect, my bad
If you didn't know, Express uses Connect so everything Connect has, Express has.
I didn't though I'm not sure what connect has either ;)
I am here looking for some guidelines on some piece of jquery i am writing
i have achieved my goal
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can't help you on this one, sorry
but its about optimisation
what should be a proper way to check some rows on a grid and push it up or down
i am using table here and what i have done so far is swap html of the <tr>s
but it lead to problems in arrangement of the fixed rows
any body can possibly guide me to a more efficient way would be helpful.thanks
Less than one third of the time to respond
^ That depends on situation.
Real life situation
There are a lot of real life situations :P
RESTful API service, does the same thing, both perform SQL Azure call
perform 10 api calls, not cached on either end, return the time it takes to do
Every time I have to load the entire WebAPI stack over creating a node http server that does the same thing... it's just so heavy
Roel: so something like this
var POST = express.bodyParser.parse[body];
instead of the qs.parse ?
@AndersMetnik No. After app initialization, put app.use(express.bodyParser());
Now all your requests can handle req.body
Trust me, there's nothing I wouldn't like better than not having to port more code, it's just less performant (in this case)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sequential in Web API maybe?
All my experience with Web API vs Node is that Web API is faster but less performant under load, meaning it usually has a lower latency but once it starts to get more requests/second is starts to buckle.
Thought the use just enabled the feature express.bodyparse ;)
What do you mean by 'Sequential in Web API'?
I'm deploying to Azure by the way, that might have to do with the results, I've never had performance trouble with Web API before
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't know how you are calling the 10 API calls. Perhaps you're firing them all at once in Node and you're doing them one-by-one in C#. There is really no reason for C# to be much slower when doing something trivial as calling an API.
for(var i=0;i<10;i++)
                using(var wc = new WebClient())
That is sequential.
That is parallel.
@RoelvanUden Format your code!
@RoelvanUden I know how to do PLINQ :P
You didn't show it :P
I wasn't testing concurrency, I was testing basic response time.
Well obviously if it has to call, wait, call, wait, call wait.. the time is longer.
I tested concurrency before, WebAPI coming short before didn't surprise me there but it does here
I make the exact same call to WebAPI and to node.js, both deployed to azure
Would you mind showing the C# code?
Of the WebAPI project? or testing?
The Web API.
I can't show you either code of the actual product since it's not mine to show, it's work. I can try to create a basic example to illustrate it but I doubt I'll have it within the next 10-20 minutes
If you want to have my feedback, I'll be around for the entire day. Just ping me. There is no real reason for Web API to be so sluggish compared to Node so I suspect there is a sequential call chain going on. :)
That's great :) I sure hope so
It's the backend api service the extension for tipranks.com
If you're willing to download the product and tell me how you'd implement the API that would be super awesome . I'd love to have external opinion
Q: jquery script of wordpress plugin dont work in content loaded via ajax

user1276136I am using Jquery Hover Footnotes plugin that allows adding footnotes and dynamically displays them on hover-over. An example of its usage is here: http://restoredisrael.org/blog/961/footnote-plugin-test-page/ In addition, in my single.php, I am showing metadata from custom fields using tabbed ...

@BenjaminGruenbaum I read the website and still have no idea what this is. :D
posted on February 25, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} NEW VIDEO DAY! This one provides valuable lessons about "computer ha

posted on February 25, 2013

Just now I published the desktop and mobile tables for the CSS Text module and related ones — think italics, underline, and letter-spacing, but also hyphenation and text-shadow. This is a series of tests in which Firefox excels. It is the only browser to implement new declarations such as text-align-last and text-decoration-color. Even better, it also supports these on mobile, while the

How can I apply a text-overflow ellipsis to just what's in the quotes?
You may need to wrap the quoted text in a separate element. Look into <q>. However, text-overflow won't be applied if the element fit within its box.
fuck I just slipped on some ice (ten mins ago) and twisted my knee
like wow omg this hurts
visit the doctor
not doctor worthy
just painful
you think now
don't think I tore anything
if it doesn't stop hurting in a few hours I will consider it
don't like waiting for 4 hours in emerg for nothing right
Is there anyway to check if ones package.json file is okay? :)
strained muscle is bad. You can strain a muscle by slipping. I've done it once.
I don't think there is a npm validator for package.json
@JanDvorak it was the joint
but I have joint issue so they slip out of socket often
nothing doctors can do
Trying to reach the front page to impress pg, et al
posted on February 25, 2013 by Randall Koutnik

For the past two years, I've worked at becoming a better programmer, all with one goal: my own startup.  After lots of work, learning, and discussion, my friend and I have an idea and a half-done prototype.  It's finally time to do what I've been waiting for all this time: Go to YCombinator. Well, we have to apply first.  Naively, I thought the application would be like anything

Paul Graham (as well as the rest of the YCombinator crew)
Oh, yeah, he didn't get back to you, did he?
Not yet (but we haven't applied)
Different situation now
Turns out I misunderstood the last one
@rlemon Json is valid. But npm test gives errors :/ says no version
Give it a version :P
"name": "MetnikEl",
"description": "MetnikEls Homepage Server",
"author": "Anders Metnik <[email protected]>",
"dependencies": {
"express": ">= 3.0.3",
"nodemailer": ">= 0.3.0"
"engines": {
"node": "0.8.x",
"npm": "1.1.x"
Give what a version? :D
"version": "1.0.0"
> The node version installed on the current system is compared against the version specified in the package.json. If the node version does not satisfy the target version, the installation fails.
Without a version you can't publish :)
Thanks :)
No just warn that no readme.md is there :) awesomeness thanks
We all know Linux is great...it does infinite loops in 5 seconds. ~ Linus Torvalds
@AmaanCheval how CSSey are you feeling today?
Not very
I rarely feel CSSey
I'm trying to get the dismiss to fade out right
how do you display: none; in a keyframe animation
Huh. I've never used keyframe animations in CSS :/
can anyone do better?
> Here is a info block.
@rlemon ^
yea lets get it working first
okay new to git here, but you guys, I love you ;-)
I added a lot a git repo (accidently also opened files "~" after filename). These I'd like to remove and not upload another time. Is there any easy way to do that? :)
git rm <file>
can I do git rm *~ ?
And is there a way to ignore such files another time?
You can ignore files by adding them to .gitignore
@Loktar you know you wanna help ;)
the opacity change is applied but the display: none must not be because the block space is still occupied
Thanks Kittens and amaan :)
help with what
No problem. Now back to hitting Jade with a baseball bat.
the alerts? They look nice
@SomeKittens node module jade?
Yeah, the rendering engine
@Loktar dismiss one - notice how the space is not shifted up
@-webkit-keyframes dismiss {
  0%   { opacity: 1;  }
  100% { opacity: 0; display: none;} /* opacity is applied but can never get display: none;  to apply */
this is the last step before I pimp the look of them and blog about it
js free alerts man!
css logic!
totally pointless but kindacool!
A: CSS Animations - change a property without a transition?

scumahI made it using the -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards; property, that stops the animation at 100% without returning the element to the original state. I made up a fiddle with a working example, you can check it out here. Although in the fiddle you can find a better example, I basically did t...

how can I get rid of the whitespace between the right quote and the text, when the entire thing is revealed? jsfiddle.net/andrewjackson/ZgKJ9/3
Oh, wait, you have that
@SomeKittens Cool, it's one of the things i'd like to look into with node.
There's a few quirks, but it's pretty nice
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
Is supposed to open a file I can edit, or? because it does nothing in my terminal
@AmaanCheval yea and the 'fixes' all just say use that!
wtfrigs man!
yea looking in the computed styles the display: none; is never applied in the animation.
Yeah, that's what I did too
ugh wtf
But the computed styles panel doesn't show any of these properties from the keyframes for me
Change 100% to color: blue; and the text stays blue, but the computed styles panel doesn't say so
They come in on inherited styles
Oh, oops, had it unchecked
inherit from the animation ?
Don't know
display: does not work on transitions
Q: Transitions on the display: property

iamfriendlyI'm currently designing a kind of CSS 'mega dropdown' menu - basically a normal CSS-only dropdown menu, but one that contains different types of content. There is an example here. My question is more of a 'can you think of a way around this problem' sort of thing. At the moment, it appears that...

At least you have workarounds now
Hello world.
Congratulations, you've written your first chat message!
Let's move on to something more complex.
Oh crap... I need something to write about for Blogascript.

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