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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

just note we've been testing v8 until now. I'm firing up the fox (hates on-start auto-update)
I'm not sure firefox even converts the arrays into native arrays, v8 is very good at it
firefox 19 , column iter is 90% slower
so, yes, hardware caching still wins :P
IE rows = 275
columns = 118
there's no way rows can lose this one. Unless you have very strange RAM which has col caching... :D
or you data set is so small that somehow it fits into one of the CPU caches
to compare: FF(rows = 611, columns = 72). FF is actually the fastest in this unrealistic micro benchmark
These are impressive results
Closure compiler just did :
for(var sum = 0, i = 0;1024 > i;i++) {
    for(var j = 0;1024 > j;j++) {
        sum += array[j][i]
didn't really help much
the iteration order could affect the results. You know, rounding and such.
yeah, but to be honest the float stuff is bogus anyways :P
Actually, you're right, it does affect the results, they'll likely be different
just wanted to have "something" in the loop
Could someone explain me the word "facet" in context of programming?

Facets provide aggregated data based on a search query. In the simplest case, a terms facet can return facet counts for various facet values for a specific field. ElasticSearch supports more facet implementations, such as statistical or date histogram facets.

I don't understand what a "facet" is
!!/google wikipedia facet programming
Q: What is 'Facet' in JavaEE?

RomanI wonder not only what is Facet but also what is Facet 'in physical level' (as I understand it's not a separate jar, but what?)? I also wonder how can it affect my application after deploying. I'll explain on real example: I had 2 facets (which were created by IDE): Spring Facet and Web Facet (...

but now worrying about floating point rounding is another story in and of itself
you probably should worry about -0 and +0 too then :O
Know, do you understand what a facet it after reading that? Or are you just happy because you found a match on SO?
@Andy it's not a programming term, it's an IDE term
if(x==y && 1/x==1/y){
@BenjaminGruenbaum No it is not
Facets provide aggregated data based on a search query. In the simplest case, a terms facet can return facet counts for various facet values for a specific field. ElasticSearch supports more facet implementations, such as statistical or date histogram facets.
How does that have anything to do with javascript?
It still seems consistent with the definition
@JanDvorak 1/3 = 0.33333333333... 1/3 * 3 = 1 0.333333333... * 3 = 1. The definition holds. But the hardware just doesn't support it in that way :)
(in other words, base 10 sucks)
use base 12!
@IvoWetzel 1/5
@IvoWetzel Why would that help us? that just shifts the problem :P
factoradic seems interesting, but then you have problem representing
@Andy In that case it's an ElasticSearch term, not a programming term.
@JanDvorak if you find a way you'll be a millionaire
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's still easier for many day uses youtube.com/watch?v=U6xJfP7-HCc
@IvoWetzel is it the same guy with the Tau vs Pi stuff?
@BenjaminGruenbaum decimal-encoded-factoradic? Where's my cash?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yep, actually he's on a lot of numberphile's videos
@JanDvorak great, now just tell me how do you intend to factorize numbers fast and I'll give you your cash :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum expressing in factoradic might help
factoradic base != factorisation
Yeah, but you use it you need to factorize don't you?
1, 10, 11, 20, 21, 100...
Oh wait, I mistranslated :P
.... 54321, 100000, 100001 ...
I thought you meant storing numbers based on prime factorization, not factorials
You should represent every number as fibonacci number indexes then :P
now factorisation would be cool, but you have the problem of converting to that representation.
look into phinary
and this one
In mathematics and computing, Fibonacci coding is a universal code which encodes positive integers into binary code words. It is one example of representations of integers based on Fibonacci numbers. Each code word ends with "11" and contains no other instances of "11" before the end. Definition For a number N\!, if d(0),d(1),\ldots,d(k)\! represent the digits of the code word representing N\! then we have: : N = \sum_{i=0}^{k-1} d(i) F(i+2),\text{ and }d(k)=d(k-1)=1.\! where F(i) is the ith Fibonacci number. It can be shown that such a coding is unique, and the only occurrence of "1...
Yeah, it's actually useful stuff
In computer science, a Fibonacci heap is a heap data structure consisting of a collection of trees. It has a better amortized running time than a binomial heap. Fibonacci heaps were developed by Michael L. Fredman and Robert E. Tarjan in 1984 and first published in a scientific journal in 1987. The name of Fibonacci heap comes from Fibonacci numbers which are used in the running time analysis. Find-minimum is O(1) amortized time. Operations insert, decrease key, and merge (union) work in constant amortized time. Operations delete and delete minimum work in O(log n) amortized time. This mea...
I'm not logged off
Did you just get logged off for no reason too or is it my internet?
Yeah, just cool use for fibonacci numbers though :)
but someone did drop out, if I noticed correctly
Why did the boy drop his ice-cream? He was hit by a bus
omg the resolution on the raspberry pi is horrible by default and it won't recognise my display
800*600 on a 24" wide screen hi def TV is horrible
seriously.. how do I fix this
How is it connected to the TV?
just says "unable to get monitor information"
ok now it's just a black screen
and I can't see anything
Duck-Typing is best typing
also I must say this thing is incredibly slow running a desktop environment
stock raspbian or w/e
for 4 days i thought SO Chatbox was a real person.......
I tried talking to him but he would never answer back, finally someone told me what it was.....
@rlemon I still can't get the box to open, I tried onload to and it didn't work either
any ideas?
silence, cricket cricket cricket
peace be upon you every body and (@rlemon :D)
The Turing test is a test of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of an actual human. In the original illustrative example, a human judge engages in a natural language conversation with a human and a machine designed to generate performance indistinguishable from that of a human being. All participants are separated from one another. If the judge cannot reliably tell the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the test. The test does not check the ability to give the correct answer; it checks how closely th...
any way to find element which its data equals something ?
@AhmedSabry you'll need to search through the array
@rlemon why do you have a picture of my grandma?
she didn't pay
She has always been a cheap Jew....
@rlemon how would you make it so when a page loads, it clicks something
sc-chat-header is the item i need to click
function searchByData(elementParent,element,dataKey,val){
$(elementParent ).find("elemnt").each(function(){
@AhmedSabry that for me?
no sorry i was writing then clicked enter
is this function helpful for me ?
function searchByData(elementParent,element,dataKey,val){
$(elementParent ).find("elemnt").each(function(){
if($(this).data(dataKey) == val()){
return true;
return false;
formatting please
@JanDvorak how to do it in chat ?
@AhmedSabry select all and ctrl+k
function searchByData(elementParent,element,dataKey,val){
$(elementParent ).find("elemnt").each(function(){
if($(this).data(dataKey) == val()){
return true;
return false;
Ok... indentation please
sorry i wrote something wrong in the fucntion
if(x){return true}else{return false} could be improved: return !!x
after change

	function searchByData(elementParent,element,dataKey,val){
		var Return = $(this).data(dataKey) == val() ? true:false;
You return from the each callback, but not from searchByData
sorry i'm Hasty in writing

i think this will be good

	function searchByData(elementParent,element,dataKey,val){
		var Return = false;
		 Return = $(this).data(dataKey) == val ? true:false;
		return Return;
changed again XD
this way you will return the Return for the last elemnt
yes, i wrote this function now, but i was asking that is there a function in jquery ?
I think you're better of using native for loops
Return = $(this).data(dataKey) == val ? true:Return;
it will change Return if data doesn't match to last Return that it might be true
Looks valid; I still don't like it
i will test it now
please don't use it in production code
it worked good, but $(elementParent).find(elemnt) wrong (elemnt) should be (element) like the function paramenter :D
worked for me
What are you using data-code for? It smells like eval
i know this ( $("[data-c=somecode"]) ) but i don't make data attritbles i'm using $("li").data("c","Somecode") so if i searched with data attritibles it will return undefined
sorry for my bad english, did you understand me ?
no problem with understanding; I'm still worried you might be using eval
what is eval ? :D
Better not know
hhhhh ok
onething dream to know it ^^, how stackoverflow and fb hide chat ajaxs from firbug ?
They use WebSockets, is that what you mean?
AFAIK the SO chat uses plain XHR to send data
yeah, and they show up in firebug
however, the receiving channel is a web socket
ammm i'm buliding a chat site but want to hide ajax from firbug
search about WebSockets ?
why would you hide your AJAXes?
WebSockets are for server pushing data to client
so can i use WebSockets ?
i don't know any thing about it
as long as you don't mind IE9 not working ;-)
IE9 dosn't support WebSockets ?
!!/google caniuse websockets
nope, they don't work in IE9
oh and Android is out as well
so cotinue with ajax :D ?
is ajax make any danger to hacking site ?
note that minifying the payload is always an option, good for obfuscation and request/response size
@AhmedSabry inspecting AJAX will only tell the inspector what data are flying across the wires... which is visible anyways
If you want to prevent eavesdropping by third parties, use SSL.
amm if i use ajax to get json from example ( site/messages.json) , should i make settings in ajax or it will work
sorry meant https: //site/messages.json
*spcial settings
Note that this won't prevent firebug from displaying the AJAX
no problem i want just saving users messages
The server will need to support https. Ask your hosting if they support HTTPS.
yes my hosting support sll
i'm using wampserver, can i turn ssl on ?
I can't see why not
https:// localhost doesn't workd and i allowed
LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
hey guys i need help in ajax get function
I'm not proficient in configuring apache; sorry
did you restart the server?
@MalikUsman speak out
type: "GET",
url: "home.php",
data: dataString,
success: function(result) {
return result;
Where do you intend to return the result?
why do you use return ?
lol i am new so i dont know about much actually i want to show home.php
when i submit the form
var dataString = 'accesstoken='+ name + '&email=' + email + '&phone=' + phone;
//alert (dataString);return false;

type: "GET",
url: "home.php",
data: dataString,
success: function(result) {
return result;
return false;
Formatting please. Select all and press CTRL+K
This way, indentation is lost
Oh what to do for this
i want to show home.php?accesstoken=basd&email=dsdsdda something like that
do you want to make user go to home after submit ?
Why not just redirect normally?
location.href = ...
keep it and it will redirect automatic
i want to do it using ajax so without refreshing the page
try $(document.body).load(url)
thanks let me test
just note the implications; not sure if page scripts of the loaded page are preserved
@JanDvorak forgot to thank you so thank you very much for your help ^^
@AhmedSabry so it was the restart? :-)
ok sure thank you
no it looks that i should install it ( SSL ), i found this blog.facilelogin.com/2008/07/enabling-ssl-on-wamp.html, and will try
good luck with that
Python is for people with guttheria
How am I able to make it so something is clicked when a page loads?
!!/urban guttheria
@JanDvorak Y U NO MAEK SENSE!!!???!!?11 No results for guttheria
@phenomnomnominal Hey! :D
@BrandonGelfand you mean, with jquery?
@JanDvorak yep
@BrandonGelfand that would be $(document).ready(function(){$("#something").click()})
@JanDvorak where do you suggest I put it? Does it have to be specific or in a special spot?
@BrandonGelfand $(document).ready(...) will wait for the page load (but not images). If you place your script at the end of body, you can leave it out.
heres the main code genxtec.com/hosting/?page_id=485 the black bar at the bottom is what i need clicked when the page is loaded
what do you suggest?
I am not very good with JS....
I suggest not mixing model with view instead of calling the respective handler
I didn't make this code, so I have no idea how to really edit it
its working fine, it does what it needs to
i just need it to open when the page is loaed
@BrandonGelfand How's your research into IP law going?
They seem to be using noConflictfor some reason, so the quick fix is jQuery(".sc-chat-header").click()
@BrandonGelfand The discussion about patents last night.
$(document).ready(function(){$(".sc-chat-header").click()}) would be the full code correct?
@SomeKittens I am not looking into any legalities yet as the product isn't even done yet
Let you know when it is though :D
still working on a way to move your iOS game to the web?
Aready did
So what's left to go?
That was an old project
A really old project
@BrandonGelfand They seem to be using noConflict, so replace $ with jQuery
one more place
to replace
looks good
If i could reach through the computer I would give u a hug, thanks so much man for all the help
now I must try to implement it
good luck :-)
I am able to put it anywhere?
or in a specific place?
13 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
@BrandonGelfand $(document).ready(...) will wait for the page load (but not images). If you place your script at the end of body, you can leave it out.
I will put it at the end
hopefully it will work
ok so i would put it at the end here:
$.sc_GET = function (mode, data, callback) {
$.get(sc_chat.ajaxurl + ‘?mode=’ + mode, data, callback, ‘json’)
.error(function (jqXHR) {
// Log error
return false;});}
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

Rohit// somedev1 - 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen // somedev2 - 5/22/07 Temporary my ass

@JanDvorak still there?
@BenjaminGruenbaum have you used Continuum?
@Adrian Hi :)
hey :-)
I'm assuming you're not talking about the game (SpaceTime continuum) :P
Yeah :) No I haven't, I've run some v8 builds with experimental support
this looks useful
but I haven't tried it myself
need to go - I'll be back l8tr if you're around
Recursion is always the answer
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hi!
!!> (function rec(x){ return "Recursion is always the answer"+rec();})("");
@BenjaminGruenbaum "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"
@SOChatBot Seems like recursion is not always the answer XD
!!> for(;;) console.log("Recursion is always the answer");
@FlorianMargaine Maximum execution time exceeded
looks like iteration isn't either in this case :P @BenjaminGruenbaum
!!>for(var s=[];s;s.push(s));s
@JanDvorak Maximum execution time exceeded
!!> (function inf(){setInterval(inf,0);})();
@BenjaminGruenbaum "function inf(){setInterval(inf,0);}"
@BenjaminGruenbaum "undefined"
!!>for(var s=[1];s;s=s.concat(s));s
@JanDvorak Maximum execution time exceeded
!!>(function inf(){for(;;)setInterval(inf,0)})();
@BenjaminGruenbaum Maximum execution time exceeded
@BenjaminGruenbaum you should try that out locally
I did :) All it does is crash a chrome tab.
Can anyone see room for performance improvements in this pastebin.com/hYEyE4zh
i'm having a jQuery problem which I can't track down....i just posted, but figured chat might be better to discuss it...
I have a slider that I'm using and I keep getting: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined (repeated 86 times)
it's causing the animation to be messed up....
@daviesgeek that means you're calling .length on something that is undefined, what line is it on?
@RoelvanUden I'm sorry if this comes off as rude, but is this a real question?
@BenjaminGruenbaum One sec...
@BenjaminGruenbaum jquery-1.8.2.min.js:2
@daviesgeek What's the stack trace? When you click the error (left part) in the chrome developer console it'll show you what function called the one that threw the type error
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, it is. To elaborate, I'm doing some work on a template engine that compiles to JS and I've been manually writing a test case to match the performance of an existing template engine. This is the fastest I think I can get it, but the template engine is actually still 80% faster. I want to know why.
@RoelvanUden You're adding strings together, strings are immutable, every time you do + it's creating a new string and adding them together, it's an extremely slow way to do it
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined jquery-1.8.2.min.js:2
    p.extend.each                     jquery-1.8.2.min.js:2
    a.fn.cssAnimationRemove   jquery.themepunch.plugins.min.js:18
    (anonymous function)        jquery.themepunch.plugins.min.js:18
@daviesgeek Yeah, and what's below (anonymous function) jquery.themepunch.plugins.min.js:18 ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did read about how V8 (the target platform) does optimizations on string concats. However, I am open to suggestions, what is a better way to concat?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nothing..
@RoelvanUden Basically every time you're doing result+= you're destroying results and creating a new copy of it + what you're adding to. You should create an array .push() to it and then .join(''), it's faster
@daviesgeek Where are you calling jquery.themepunch functions? That's probably where the bug is, or it's in themepunch itself
Hmm I trashed that earlier because it was slower, but there were more variables at that time. Let me run the test with array push and join, thank you for your feedback. Ill let you know the results ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum Themepunch is the slider i'm working with...
the thing that's killing me is that the slider is working just fine on my boss' site
same code, same everything
so it should be working
@daviesgeek Same version of jQuery?
@RoelvanUden What are you trying to accomplish? You're making your own templating engine?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah. Actually, I have written one, and am working to improve performance. Benchmarking is showing that another template engine is much faster for a basic example (60% faster) and that is strange.
@RoelvanUden which?
I just tried array pushing and joining, which dropped performance by 400%
@RoelvanUden I'm really not sure how your engine works, how does it fare against let's say mustache?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hmm...i'll check...sorry i had to step away
@BenjaminGruenbaum doT and ETC are insanely fast in comparison. Mustache not so much.
Hogan is about ~120% slower.
@BenjaminGruenbaum 1.8 (boss') and 1.8.2 (mine)...is that gonna be a problem?
@daviesgeek And same version of themepunch?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, i'm pretty sure...i copied it from him, but lemme check again....
@RoelvanUden perf?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sorry what? I'm working with this benchmarking from github.com/baryshev/template-benchmark which has some performances posted. Look at unescaped performance of ECT and doT. I'm benchmarking the function I just posted and it is SLOWER, I have no idea why. :D
@RoelvanUden do you have to use the for... in loop?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hm, didn't think of that. I'll test a standard for loop for arrays only.
@RoelvanUden did you try running it through closure, it might help but only a little closure-compiler.appspot.com/home
@BenjaminGruenbaum Same version as far as i can tell....
@RoelvanUden LOL, I just googled ECT
Of course they beat you, they can just do basic manipulation to the code and then call eval or the function constructor
Yep, they use the source, and then just eval it
Gimme one minute
HOLY! for .. in replaced with standard for smashes everything.
I'll dig up some old source code I once wrote
I'm writing an actual function and eval()ing it too, perf should be similar.
for..in is the root of all problems, apparently.
This is a test I wrote for an EJS like templating engine
That is the crux of what I've been doing as well. Just a little more code in my source.
Ignore all the includes and stuff, basically what it does is look for <% and %>, wrap what's around them in 'echo' stuff, and eval (Function constructor, using vm in newer version) the result
I compile the template (what it is after replacing all the <% %> stuff) and then run it, I also cache it. It's really not production code but it was fun to write
@BenjaminGruenbaum Any suggestions to help track down the error I'm getting?
That is doing what mine does as well. I emit the entire function body in JS and create a function out of it, which is cached and ran. But your pointer towards for..in has pushed me forwards.. for..in is TERRIBLE for performance.
sorry to interrupt....
@daviesgeek nope, sorry
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay...
@RoelvanUden in most cases it doesn't matter though :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm just geeking out on benchmarks, it's fun but micro-optimizations usually go to waste. I'm mostly in it for the fun :P
You're also more then welcome to look at my code and see if it helps you. It was just a test and not for production. I would stay away from this sort of templating, plus I like my mustache like parser much better :P
It does dynamic binding, If I write {& and then code it does something similar to editorFor in C#, it creates an editor and syncs it to javascript, when I edit the variable it changes in JS (and emits an event).
That sounds like ember.
It was my inspiration (and knockout) but with mustache syntax
I had code like :
         a = {
                text: "",
                hasText:function() {
                    return !!(a.text && a.text.length && a.text.length > 0);
                textLength:function() {
                    return (a.text && a.text.length) ? a.text.length : 0;

            var aBind = m.bind("/test/", a, "#stuff");
                .done(aBind.keepSyncedToServer.bind(aBind, 2000, 1));
(see full text)
I once wrote a template engine in PHP. Later, I wiped out the partition (including OS), because the code was so horrible
Does sound sweet. Ever made it on git? I'd let to get a bit more insight on event binding, seems very interesting to do.
@copy Stopped reading at PHP
Good choice
:7893098 No :/ It wasn't good enough in my opinion but then usage was like:
 <div id="stuff">
    Hello {{%text}}
<div id="stuff2">
    Hello {{text}}
<div id="stuff3">
    has text : {{&hasText}} <br />
    text length: {{&textLength}}
And it would keep synced to the server, you'd get an editor for text, you'd edit it and it would keep synced to the server. I didn't really develop it further because I just made it to try and figure out data binding
Well, to be honest I was working on a project and used backbone.js . I was so pissed at how much code backbone made me write so I wondered how hard it would be to write something better than backbone :P
Seriously though, working with backbone.js is like writing Java :(
I like Ember though :) And Angular (but less) and Knockout (as much)
I'm more for Knockout than Ember but both have their charms.
Ember does allow templates to run on server, tho, that is cool.
I rarely do client-side :)
Optimization is king
Introduced a different statement to indicate array iteration opposed to object iteration (data-for or data-in) and the benchmarks now show the engine to be tied for first place. I think I can squeeze a little more out of the emitter and optimize some string concats. :)
Really helpful suggestion to look at the for..in. :D
Look at their implementation, it's on github :)
It's way more fun to think of your own custom solutions. I won't look.
Its all a learning experience :3
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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