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Q: IE9 web application - accesing over remote deskop - Javascript/Jquery not working as it should

raulandI'm working on a web application i'm developing in Asp.net MVC3. I've realised that if I access the web app from within the server over remote desktop (I know it doesn't make much sense), for some reason certain parts of the app don't work as expected. These same parts if I access from another ma...

is it possible to express inheritance using JSON?
@TemporaryNickName what do you mean?
i was just wondering about it
I don't understand your question
so JSON contains list of objects, and i'm wondering if it's possible to describe inheritance
within JSON
hmm I guess it's a pretty stupid question.
inheritance is a method of subtyping, you can subtype objects
{ class: "inheritingClass", inheritsFrom: "superClass" }
It's Data, you can describe anything.
Whether it has any value or not...
Do you mean using JSON or using javascript? JSON is just a data exchange format, actual javascript objects are more able
@BenjaminGruenbaum yep, I've just realized it
Object.create lets you create an object whose prototype is another object, that's not the same
Inheritance in javascript is a lot more powerful than tranditional inheritance (like in java), but it is different
or do you think writing schema for JSON would solve this easily?
@TemporaryNickName what is the problem?
What are you trying to solve?
nono I'm just asking things XD
because i am curious =D
about stuffs lol
Javascript inheritance is different from classical inheritance
In languages like C++ and Java inheritance is between classes
It was introduces as a way to reuse code
classes let you reuse code, and type objects, they let you treat supertypes as subtypes through variance
for example, you can create a class Dog and a class Animal and say Dog extends animal
this lets you 'look' at dog like an animal (polymorphism) and then create a collection of animals
then, each of those animals can override Animal's methods
so you can create resuable code
That might seem like a clever idea but I think it is broken, this is solving a problem javascript doesn't have
you can always share code between objects and types of objects in javascript
i love JSON cause u can access directly through JS
It is a lot more powerful in that regard, I can treat an array of objects like they are Animal or Dog because typing is dynamic
@TemporaryNickName it goes the other way around, JSON is a data format because how easy it was to use in JS, JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation
Languages like Java abuse design patterns like inheritance, solving complicated problems that javascript doesn't have.
Also worth noting that you can give javascript functions context
I can tell a javascript function what the this keyword is bound to
So if I have an animal class that has a method, I can call Animal methods on anything just like that. Javascript functions are first class citizens, they are also objects which is why you can pass them around
isn't "this" bound to function's caller?
passing them around makes it very easy to pass functionality
@TemporaryNickName it is, but you can bind it dynamically using call() and apply()
I can also 'bind' it to a 'this' object using bind()
but i like to keep "this" to bound to it's caller
@TemporaryNickName you can, I'm just expressing how one can share code between objects in javascript
is pretty stupid idea?
it's similar to what @phenomnomnominal has mentioned
Not at all
One thing javascript misses in my opinion is interfaces
Interfaces let you ensure a contract is implemented when you access code
While I think explicit classes are stupid, interfaces are a good idea. Some times you want to ensure the integrity of your data, or the functions you're working against
However, this is rarely the case in practice.
@BenjaminGruenbaum good point "ensure the integrity of your functions or data"
It is some times essential however it is extremely rare in practice.
The integrity of your data is usually ensured since you are the one sending it, or you know what to expect
i think it's important for cases like DAO which has connection with several different types of databases
Integrity of your API is harder to maintain usually, especially when working on big projects
@TemporaryNickName Javascript and databases is another story, most people use javascript with NoSQL databases which store documents anyway
i should give NoSQL database a try, it looks super interesting
Most database calls made in javascript are for node.js applications. node.js is awesome at a small subset of server side programming. That subset is usually the same NoSQL databases excel at.
huh, just stumbled over my question here on SO
A: Image Source Completion for Sublime Text 2

BoundinCodeI just created a plugin to do this. You can find it here: https://gist.github.com/1608287 EDIT: the plugin is now available through Package Control. Just search for "AutoFileName."

You usually don't write a whole web application in javascript but rather provide services with it. It is extremely fast on the server side and very able in that regard.
i think this guy would deserve a lot more upvotes for that
I think that Node.js will gain quite a bit of ground in the upcoming years
@GNi33 I use that plugin!! :) He gets my upvote for sure
yeah, it's great
I think node.js has quite some ground to cover, but it is amazing. I think browsers have a lot to learn from new node.js concepts like domains
Node's biggest advantage is it's least-mentioned one: It's in JS, something that most web devs already know
It's a lot easier to get a php developer than a node.js one
@BenjaminGruenbaum hey, i just want to say thank you for this explaination. it is just so awesome
@TemporaryNickName glad I could help :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum But it's easier to get a JS dev than a PHP one.
Serverside javascript is different from clientside javascript, it is a lot less forgiving. You can't be sloppy with node
Not all JS developers know all the quirks of how backend works.
It's a lot easier to mess up node.js code than it is to mess up php or asp.net C# code
@SomeKittens not sure about that :D
You have to actually understand how it works
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's really, really easy to mess up PHP.
s/JS dev/dev who knows JS/
Also @RyanKinal I'm learning ST2 tonight!
@KendallFrey just because php is horrible (opinion here, no debate please) doesn't mean it's really easy to mess up. PHP developers are a dime a dozen and it is very robust in developing dynamic web sites
@SomeKittens I know Spanish, but that doesn't mean I can hold a conversation... ha
You can write very poor client side javascript and it would still be acceptable
@twiz but it means you'd be much more likely to visit a Spanish country than Japan
All the bad stuff we see here every dat
@SomeKittens ST2? Sublime?
@SomeKittens fuck that... I want to go to Japan... haha
@GNi33 yah
yea... I stopped with the metaphor...
suggestion: Install Package Control, and directly after that, Emmet
          a = $("*").find("*").find("#myDiv");
              alert("U CLIKD");
^ horrible code that would work in a web browser
@SomeKittens but back to the metaphor. Although I may be more likely to visit Mexico, that doesn't mean I won't get shot... In fact I probably will get shot...
If someone writes bad client side javascript the browser wouldn't care, two ready checks, no semicolons, onclick instead of addEventListener, needless query selectors and overall bad code - still works acceptably in browser.
Someone could have poor understanding of javascript and write working clint side code for 90% of the internet.
..I fail to see how the ability to write bad code impacts the popularity of something
@SomeKittens What I meant is that node.js is a lot less forgiving, you have to be a much better javascript developer to use it properly.
Yes, you can write bad code in JS that still "works." (just like any other language)
not with node
@BenjaminGruenbaum So it's more a comment that Node will have a high bounce rate as terrible devs go back to writing bad code
That I can understand
I'm referring to your earlier statement that it is easy to find a developer that knows javascript.
@SomeKittens exactly
I think I'll write up a blog post on my thoughts for Wednesday
My biggest fear when coding in Node is doing something synchronously that should have been done asynchronously.
I've talked to a lot of people who think they are JS developers. They also tend to be the bunch that thinks javascript is a weak language, and callbacks are harder than threads.
(though props to the Node devs for making it harder to write bad code)
And I understand that much. But... at which point do you asynch? Do you setTimeout(..., 1) all the things?
@RyanKinal I always hear that but I never actually had that problem or heard about anyone past their "hello world/hello fs" program having that problem.
@RyanKinal node.js has nextTick instead of setTimeout :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have had that problem....once.
@SomeKittens did it take you more than an hour to locate and fix?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, but the fact that it's possible is a little scary
for(var x in y) {
  //async calls
//Attempt to do something with the result of the async calls
@BenjaminGruenbaum Locate: 15 min, fix 5
@RyanKinal I rarely use timeouts or ticks in node.js though. Since everything is events and callbacks execution makes sense
@RyanKinal in traditional languages people think of your code as a pointer to the current line of execution that moves as your program progresses (and method calls put that pointer in the stack and then pop it back into position yada yada)
@RyanKinal I like to think of node as teaching a program how to react
I haven't started using events yet, but that's because I'm building a fairly basic webpage
I understand that much
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you mind if I steal that snippet for my article?
It makes more sense to me to do 'When an HTTP request comes, read it, then send a request to the file system, when it is done send apply templating to it and send it to the user' than HERE IS A SCRTIPT THAT RUNS WHENEVER YOU ACCESS THAT URL LOLZ
@SomeKittens you are more than welcome
@RyanKinal should I be using ST3?
For example, I sometimes write client side java script with no unit or integration testing or performance testing. I wouldn't date do that with node.js code that goes into production.
@SomeKittens :shrug: I haven't really looked at it
ST3 is very good
I feel like a horrible person, because I haven't learned unit testing.
@RyanKinal You're a horrible person
I should probably get on that.
@RyanKinal, you don't really need to learn it...
@phenomnomnominal beat me to it
It's getting into the habit of doing it that is the hard bit
@RyanKinal would you like examples of projects / unit tests I have?
I have literally no idea how to set up a unit test. Literally none. NONE.
Sure you do
I have no idea how to run an existing unit test.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is ST3 ready for primetime, or should I stick with 2 for now?
@RyanKinal npm test
You have a function, function add (x, y) { return x + y }
You know what it should do
@SomeKittens honestly I just asked for it at work because @OctavianDamiean told me it is awesome. It is very fast and looks very promising
@RyanKinal npm -g mocha
@SomeKittens what operating system are you using and what are you going to develop with it?
just write your own assert function and then go from there
@BenjaminGruenbaum Linux Mint 13 and 90% JS
function assert() { return true; } // win
Pretty much
@SomeKittens in that case I'd start with ST2, it is very nice and has a lot of plugins that were not ported to ST3 yet
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sounds good, thanks
@SomeKittens some people prefer WebStorm, it does a lot of things ST doesn't jetbrains.com/webstorm/download/index.html
Is it bad that I never use named functions?
WebStorm can do step by step node.js debugging, it has very smart code completion and jump to source
@phenomnomnominal I don't think that it is, function declarations are just syntactic sugar and hoisting
Yeah, hoisting is annoying
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm cheap as all get out (student, no job) so I'll stick with "free"
@SomeKittens You're a student? (that is have a .ac. email)
I'm US, so .edu, but yes
I'm also working to scrape together a startup so most student licenses are lost on me
I'd say < 10% of my dev is done for school
@SomeKittens well ST is great and free, I wouldn't rule out Aptana either. Both are less intelligent than WebStorm, WebMatrix or VisualStudio +ReSharper which are not options
I've played with Aptana, too bulky
IDE's are a horrific violation of the law of feature folding
@copy would tell you to use vim, I'm guessing every feature I got in VS+ReSharper (extract method, make strict, surround with anonymous function, introduce parameter/module, etc) he has a keyboard shortcut for
:grumbles about Visual Studio:
For example, in VS I have JSHint so I get notifications of stuff I forgot/messed up integrated right in. In ST2 I have to run it myself each time with a shortcut.
@SomeKittens I don't get why there always has to be so much shit... I never really care to know much more than: where do I type my code
In VS I can make the IDE do a lot of heavy lifting for me. As long as there is no automagick involved I'm all for that
@twiz let's say you want to jump to a method declaration in a 100 file project. You would expect an IDE to let you do that. ST3 does that for example but ST2 does not.
I just prefer light and fast to feature-rich
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't imagine that is much easier than just using "Find" anyway....
That depends of you take the time to learn those features, I think debugging and finding errors during development time are two things I'd like my IDE to do for me. Good refactoring abilities a big plus
It would be kind of nice if there was an IDE that basically started as notepad, and then you just had to add plugins. I assume that probably does exist though...
@twiz let's say I have a function called "end()" (for example in node.js response) and it is used hundreds of times in the project. I would like to find where I declared it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thus Feature Folding: Features I don't need at the moment "fold" away until needed. Aptana wants a whole project directory to make a quick edit to one file. NO
@SomeKittens That I completely agree with Aptana/Eclipse is very bulky
@BenjaminGruenbaum just search for "function end(" or "=end("
@twiz actually it's end:function but I'm sure I have plenty of other places end is defined for mocks
IDE should not force you to work more, if it does it fails, a single tap on F12 and I'm at the method's declaration. Control+R+R I get to rename the current var/function and it gets which are the same var and which just have the same name on its own
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see. You probably have a point. I've never actually found an IDE that doesn't piss me off, so I never really bothered to learn the features too much.
I get JSHint warnings and errors highlighted in the IDE. I get debugging <- big one
That said, I really like sublime text, it is much slicker and faster than anything else I've ever tried
@BenjaminGruenbaum What is your preferred IDE for writing javascript?
@twiz visual studio 2012 + ReSharper, if that is not available (linux or not my computer) then WebStorm, if that is not available then sublime
Microsoft offers a free ide for windows called WebMatrix (also has node.js debugging and integrated node.js projects with express) it's also decent
This is pretty old, but these are just some very minor things they added blogs.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2012/11/…
(first google result I found for resharper javascript refactoring)
More stuff ReSharper does blogs.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2012/08/…
I'm a little freaked out by the fact that I keep getting alerts when I go to google...
I just hope JS gets more powerful editors soon. I would love integrated testing on the IDE, and better deployment options
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not sure I could ever justify buying something like visual studio with my own money...
@twiz are you a student?
not anymore
I might be able to fool them... haha
not sure what proof they require
@twiz academic email
oh... shit... I have no clue if I still have an email address
I might...
To be honest I wouldn't buy it with my own money, it's really expensive and sublime is decent. It doesn't understand my code but it's very fast, it forces me to write batch scripts for everything VS does out of the box but all in all I get to about 95% as productive with ST
I've been using netbeans, but its starting to really annoy me
it keeps freezing up and other stupid things
I didn't try it to be honest, it's worse than eclipse for java, and aptana is eclipse so I assumed it's not very good
Ugh, NetBeans
This is what I've learned from a college education. The wrong way to do things... ha
Where did you go to college?
Some shithole nowhere college in Pennsylvania
which may explain something...
lol, if it helps you I know a lot of shitty coders that have proper education and a lot of really good once who never went to college
@BenjaminGruenbaum yea. In hindsight, I probably would have learned a lot more by not going to college...
Academically, college isn't worth the giant bill, but there are other reasons for college
I learned a lot
There are a lot of really important stuff I wouldn't understand had I not gone to college, it gives me perspective and we spent virtually no time using specific technologies.
The only thing I learnt at University was how to learn
@SomeKittens but the MIT argument doesn't apply for most colleges.
And by "only" I mean, the whole point.
There are courses that were a joke like introduction to OOP or introduction to programming but all the math and algorithmics are golden
@twiz It's a sliding scale. I don't go to MIT, but I'm still meeting lots of smart people.
MIT was just a prime example
Also, how to learn yeah
@SomeKittens I mean this with no arrogance, but I really didn't meet many smart people in college...
In introduction to programming here, the very basic course they teach java (which I already had plenty of experience of beforehand, and I really dislike)
People learn java, but it's not about that, each week you're given an assignment, part of which is to design the structure of a program and learn new APIs yourself
I know. I thought everyone would be as smart as I was when I hit college. I realized that:
- Not everyone was that smart
- Even though I'm smart, I've still got a ways to go.
They make you learn how to read APIs.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I like that style.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Interestingly, that is something I actually did find useful. I had experience with JS/non OOP, but so the basics of OOP was actually helpful to me at the time
Another example, most colleges have a basic assembler/digicom course
where you learn how the computer works
Here, instead we have a course called nand 2 tetris. You start with the nand logic gate (!a&&b) and work our way to tetris (writing compilers from assember to maching language, and then for a high language to assembler and to machine code, writing a virtual machine on the way, finally writing a game on the high language we implemented)
@SomeKittens My problem was that it took me a while to realize the "Even though I'm smart, I've still got a ways to go." part. The other people in my classes (and my professors dumbed-down classes) gave me a false impression of my knowledge
@BenjaminGruenbaum Where's this?
@SomeKittens Israel :P Hebrew University, but specifically the nand2tetris course is famous nand2tetris.org
@SomeKittens sru.edu
assuming their website is working today... haha
We also have a node.js course where you implement a fully working http server using the net tcp package in node.js . Also fun
@twiz Hah, the IT at our college is also hilariously bad
and I just realized you weren't asking that question to me...
It's a funny course, Your first exercise is like "write an HTML page with your name" , the second one is like "Write a calculator in javascript". The third one is "Implement a fully working HTTP server in node"
^ assignments pretty funny
@BenjaminGruenbaum ha I've actually seen that before...
that's cool :) The guy who invented it is actually a pretty cool guy. He knows about every language I could think of.
He teaches intro to computer science every once in a while (In Java) . Every few years some student tries to sound smart by telling him "Well, python does it like that" or "in Lisp it is a lot simpler" or "In ALGOL it's different" or whatever, it's pretty funny
Always gives these students very elaborate answers, 9 out of 10 times showing a lot of understanding :)
If A = B and B = C, then A = C, except where void or prohibited by law. ~ Roy Santoro
Bot starting to repeat itself
does any one know which is better for making server requests: one request lots of data. or lots of requests recieving small amounts of data?
@Dave context?
There is an overhead to making a request. For something like JS scripts, its often better to concatenate scripts where possible.
ok - user logs in, i need to get all users info for their session. i can do either:
request this - > process -> request next -> process etc
or get all the data in one then process it
That's one reason you see like sprite sheets
so less requests will scale better ?
@Dave assuming you're talking about internet yes, you should usually make fewer requests
Especially if it's back and forth and can't be made on the same http persistant connection
ok - i wasnt sure if the data recieved from the server was more heavy than the connection
thanks for the advice :)
Either way you will be receiving the same amount of data yes?
correct yes
That depends on context, but it sounds like in your context the right thing to do is to send less reuqests
so does the "Hey you should give us money" message on sublime text just keep poping up forever...?
Well, until you give them money, you can just ignore it
hello, all, I am working on a project which requires Browser plugin to parse html structure (for example a div or table) highlighted by mouse click and transfer the parsed data to another program. I am kind of lost. Could anyone point me a direction? Thank you!
shit... this what I'm talking about when I say every IDE pisses me off
@twiz it's pretty rare and only when you save
ohhhh ok... didn't realize that was happening
@copy haha no thanks.
Uhm ... emacs ?
@ncite chrome plugin written in js containing a content script. content script has a click event listener for that div/table user clicked on, gets the data on the DOM tree, do whatever manipualation and send it with ajax to the server
vim is not my friend
@copy haven't really used it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum thank you, I will take a look!
@copy damn... emacs is a big download
Guys, I have a question just to make sure I am 100% correct
This means I am able to use it commercially but I am required to include licenses right?
@TemporaryNickName ummm you see the FAQs right....?
@TemporaryNickName did you read the parts where it tells you that? haha
guys, just checking, but does console.log() log to the console?
In node, yes
@SomeKittens ye
...I'm kidding.
@SomeKittens, shows what people think of you huh?
If I had an ego, it'd be very hurt right now.
console = { log: function() { alert("GO FUCK YOURSELF"); } };
someone should try to get that into the jQuery source
@phenomnomnominal hahaha It would be great to put that into anything
function log() {
try {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
catch(e) {
try {
opera.postError.apply(opera, arguments);
alert(Array.prototype.join.call( arguments, " "));
This is from Javascript ninja book
Sure is
plagiarist :p
use this and you are going to have crossbrowser compatible console output method
Given this response, it seems I should pick up a new hobby, like farming.
Also, there is no point to develop for opera, they're switching to V8 and chromium
@BenjaminGruenbaum sick
@BenjaminGruenbaum Also, there is no point to develop for opera.
@BenjaminGruenbaum They're getting V8? I thought they were just switching rendering engines to Webkit.
@RyanKinal they're not just switching to webkit, they're switching to webkit/chromium and to v8
Huh. Hadn't heard that.
Image not found
It shows for me...
Wasn't that funny anyway, carry on
of course it does, for you it's not hotlinking :)
FireFox is the best
webbrowser at current stage
in order to see it, just press right click on firefox, then goto inspect element, then press 3D View
...what does that get you that indentation doesn't?
That's dumb, they should make it faster and more stable
FireFox has been going downhill. Although it might just be that Chrome consistently gets so much better
Yeah, I rarely touch it for anything but testing anymore
It still has an important role in shaping the web though, and it was the best alternative to IE which was horrible before version 9
I use Canary for almost everything, it's hardly ever unstable enough to warrant going back to the stable channel
I have a lot of funky flags enabled on Canary that I don't in stable
And now that FF is looking like it might be the only Webkit holdout, it will be even more important
for example, I have experimental javascript enabled in Canary, a lot of cool stuff like Proxy and Map and WeakMap and that sort of stuff
Firefox is still not a bad browser
It's by no accounts bad
Neither is IE10
It's just not as good
But I'm still not going to use it
The difference between Chrome and Firefox isn't as big as you're describing it. My only fear is that it will get worse with more HTML features
I really hope firefox keep fighting, stagnation and lack of competition would really suck
The difference between their developer tools is quite large
Web browser competition is driving the internet forward
Chrome is also more responsive, looks nicer and feels faster.
I agree
But it's not a huge difference
Do you guys haaaate FF :(???
No, we love Firefox :)
We just lurrrrrvvvveee Chrome
Firefox is very nice, it is fast, stable and secure. It's just not better at any of those than chrome subjectively.
That's a really ignorant thing to say
Deleting comments is a stupid thing to do
Also, look at the spidermonkey source code and the v8 source code. (Not that it indicates anything)
anyone know how to static map domain name with ip add in ipad?
From my (short and rather meaningless) experience, when a browser reaches critical mass the web suffers from lack of innovation and browser improvements. It happened with Netscape, then with IE6, I'm afraid it'll happen again with chrome
A lot of that has to do with the culture behind the developers
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Q: How can i go about making this app

Muhammad UmerBasically i want to make a cool clock that runs on desktop (of windows vista,7,8,mac) with ability to connect to internet and send/receive data. Also it needs to be the desktop, or at least it is locked like you can't right click, drag, minimize it. By default it needs to hide all icons and float...

can some one run this and tell me which one appears fastest + what browser you used: jsperf.com/canvas-clear-speed
set width used to be fastest for me on chrome seems it is no longer the case
@Feeds L2Program
@Zirak, the bot should hold a list of people that it's seen before, and anyone new should have abuse hurled at them, to save us from having to do it.
@Dave first version fastest on chrome (600 iterations)
@Dave Also fastest in IE (1747 iterations/sec)
@Dave In IE the difference is bigger, first version has 1747 ops/sec, other versions have only 40. In chrome the difference is less acute
WordPress is bread & butter for any decent website
does boilerplate do pretty much same as twitter bootstrap?
ummm is it a bad thing if my laptop is shocking me...?
what the
yeah it is a bad thing!
@phenomnomnominal I think it should look for new people who come in and say things like "can someone fix this for me" and then say horrible things to them. Or if someone posts unformatted code.
@TemporaryNickName I just mean like static shock. I think... but it did it to me twice in a row when I touched it.
which honestly I don't ever remember happening before...
What did the farmer say when he couldn't find his tractor?
"Where's my tractor?"
@SOChatBot find yourself :P
Q: Optimize jQuery Iteration

arothI have a list of elements (well, nested lists of elements, really) that the user can reorder (using jQuery sortable()). A simplified view of the structure is something like: <div class="contentList"> <div class="content" /> <div class="content"> <div class="...

Just realized that this makes it so the horizontal scroll bar never appears, but vertical does.

        overflow: hidden;
Braces should only appear on the right if () {, not on the left
Q: What are pros and cons using easelJS library?

Akshay JoshiI am new to browser-based game development.I want to build a game that would be hosted on local server or on a system.Not to be on internet..currently.. I am completely new to field of game development for web So am stucked at selection of platform to go forward I read about EaselJS a library ...

{"user": ["aaaaa","aaaaa1","aaaaaa","ashish","dov29"]} how to access from javascript

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