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Added console.log() at the beginning of the function, results:
Is there a template system I ignore in Phonegap ?
I'm interested in the values of allnumbers and i
Does that look normal : class="swapImageClick {src: 'soundoff.png'}" ?
@DJDavid98 what are you even trying to accomplish with this code?
@dystroy This smells of not using data-attributes where you should
@JanDvorak After execution: allnumbers == [1023, 1210, 1320, 2013, 2123, 2310, 3003, 3102, 3201, 3300], i == undefined
@JanDvorak you should rarely use data attributes for anything but data binding anyway. I have no Phonegap experience though so I have no idea how it works there.
@BenjaminGruenbaum isn't data binding what's attempted here?
@JanDvorak maybe...
@JanDvorak To be honest I'm not sure, I have no phonegap experience and don't know what framework/syntax dystroy is using
@DJDavid98 That has a formula.. you don't have to use for loops to calculate it
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh really?
@DJDavid98 it's Discrete math 101
@BenjaminGruenbaum That sounds like a lot of reading.
@DJDavid98 you mean actually understanding the math you're using in your code? It's actually quite simple math... the number of numbers you can represent with n digits and of length k is n^k if you allow repetitions.
@DJDavid98 if you don't allow repetitions if there are more digits allowed than numbers it's just k! (the number of permutations), if it's less it's (k choose n)*n!
@BenjaminGruenbaum There's no problem when allowing repetitions. The problem comes to mind when trying not to allow
And I didn't understand a single word of that xD
Solving the divisibility problem is equally simple, you don't have to actually generate all those numbers and check them manually if you just want to know how many such numbers there are
I suggest you post this question in math.stackexchange, I'm sure you'll get good answers there that will explain all the logic behind it. It's a pretty basic problem in combinatoris.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Awesome, but I have no ability to translate complex sentences to javascript. Even if I were to ask there, I would have no idea how to work with the answers I get.
Also, about your code, avoid ==, especially avoid == 'false' that just trying to piss other coders off.
pita is a very cool id for an element though :P
using actual boolean data scewed up the function
and pita is a 4 char id for "Pitagorean"
@DJDavid98 that makes me even sadder:
function factorial(n) {
  if ( n <= 1 ) return 1;
  return n * factorial(n-1);
I got that one from google.
Actually, factorial is undefined below 1.
But if it makes you sad, I'm open to your ways of fixing it
Don't use recursion for no good reason
@BenjaminGruenbaum Where exactly I'm using that?
@DJDavid98 when you return factorial(n-1) inside factorial, It's nifty but it's usually slower.
oh wait
okay, I get it
it was the first example on the hungarian wikipedia too
Javascript doesn't (will next version, yay!) support tail recursion optimization meaning that this sort of function is a lot more expensive than just using a simple loop
That factorial can't be tail optimized, can it?
your variable names are short and often meaningless, you also have a lot of global variables just laying around
@BenjaminGruenbaum Which ones are meaningless?
@DJDavid98 var addi,subs,mult,divi,perc,id,bef1,bef2,atfg,chkdvl,td,div,i,j,unit,edc;
These sound like a mix of x86 assembler instructions and HTML tags
@JanDvorak no, I don't think it can (sorry for re ping)
@BenjaminGruenbaum all of them are used in the .submit() thing
and it's mostly so that I can debug
@DJDavid98 why are they even exposed to the outside world? You have no concept of scoping...
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do. I just want to be able to get the values from my web console if needed
@DJDavid98 then namespace them
!!/google namespacing javascript
what does checkedval even do?
function checkedval(x,y){
	if (x == 0){
		if (isNaN(bef1) && bef1 != '' || isNaN(bef2) && bef2 != '' || isNaN(atfg) && atfg != ''){ return ''; }
		if (y == 'bef1'){ return ((bef1 != '' && checkedval(x) == '') ? Math.pow(atfg,2)-Math.pow(bef2,2) < 0 : false) ? '': ((lang == 'en') ? eqnegsqrt[0]:eqnegsqrt[1] ) }
		if (y == 'bef2'){ return ((bef2 != '' && checkedval(x) == '') ? Math.pow(atfg,2)-Math.pow(bef1,2) < 0 : false) ? '': ((lang == 'en') ? eqnegsqrt[0]:eqnegsqrt[1] ) }
		if (y == 'atfg'){ return ((atfg != '' && checkedval(x) == '') ? Math.pow(bef1,2)+Math.pow(bef2,2) < 0 : false) ? '':
I have a question, I posting a form using AJAX and after success i'm appending data using $('#openbox-'+a).after(d); how can i set .css() with this.?
Can you understand that code?
@BasicBridge what's the problem with using .css() on it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yep
@DJDavid98 what does it do?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Returns an error message for the nan() function
based on current language
@DJDavid98 :'(
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes .css like I tried .after(d).css('font-size','20px'); but it is not changing the css of data which is appended. I'm quite new to this
@BasicBridge are you appending d which is an html string?
a html string is not a valid selector I believe
@BasicBridge what about:
var dElem = $(d).css(/*whatever*/);
@JanDvorak Could not process input. Error: Invalid regular expression: /d(?=);)/: Unmatched ')'
most jQuery append functions accept either an html string or an element.
let me try
@JanDvorak @BasicBridge what about:
var dElem = $(d).css(/*whatever*/);
$('#openbox-'+a).after(dElem); [\(source\)](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/7788098#7788098)
Yes working great thanks @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BasicBridge any time
@SOChatBot yes I figured out that thing any way thanks
@Loktar I was so surprised to see that you didn't own this store.steampowered.com/app/227100
@BenjaminGruenbaum Here's an improved factorial function:
function factorial(n) {
    var result = 1;
    for(var i = 2;i <= n;i++){
        result = result * i;
    return result;
If you need the function to evaluate several factorials, I'd recommend memoizing it
PFRondaSeven huh? Nice
Also my clear button doesn't fire the .on('click',function(){...})
and now it does, wtf
go home jQuery, you're drunk
Hey guys, is this a valid jquery selector?

$("select['name=recipients'] option").remove();
wait no
atleast i can THINK on Linux
$("select[name='recipients'] option").remove();
oh, why the quotes in the attribute selector?
for consistency; needed if the value contains spaces et al.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you help me out with those formulas you mentioned earlier?
\me is afk
@DJDavid98 not going to just give you code, you have to understand those formulas. Like you said, that is reading
how readable ? No ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Then at least point me in the right direction, I have no idea what to read exactly.
Discrete maths book
A little more specifically?
@DJDavid98 I'm sure that if you ask in math.stackexchange you'll get a lot more references
I know good books, just not english or Hungarian ones :)
Okay then, how should I ask?
Because I have no idea.
Present your problem, (count the number created from digits that are divided by a given number) and ask for direction.
I'll try my best, and hope to be able to form a proper question xD
Good luck, it's a very interesting field in mathematics
@Darkyen i think you have no gpu
@BasicBridge bitch please Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 M with 2 GB graphic memory
internet explorer works just awesome... chrome is the only one causing the pain
even firefox adapts pretty nicely
I managed to throw together this title, I think I kinda failed already xD
"Counting the amount of numbers made of the digits A, B, C that are divisible by X and are Y digits long"
You can also post a link to your web page with the script
So I'm assuming the title is right?
@Darkyen Dual boot?
@BenjaminGruenbaum not yet but it will get a fedora 18 real soon
Counting the amount of N digit numbers made from K digits divisible by X.
@Darkyen What do you like better about linux?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I like reading the code :P, and personally love the Gnome3 interface
also i like more power to terminal [ maybe that i dunno enough about powershell ]
@Darkyen I read parts of the linux kernel code once, it was horrible :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum atleast u get to learn and understand whats going inside
I love Gnome 3, I like windows 8's interface better but gnome 3 is very slick
and who knows if windows is worse ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum i dont like windows 8 without touch last but not the least
@Darkyen it is, I've seen parts of its kernel too before :P (Well, windows xp's and a pretty long time ago)
even with windows 8 the cap of my download speed on windows is 80 kilobytes per second , wheras on linux it goes all the way upto 140 - 160 kilobytes , never found the reason
@BenjaminGruenbaum how was it
Probably bad drivers
It could be a hyperactive web shield
mcAffee by any chance?
@Darkyen parts of code coded by different teams patched together badly. I only worked on something related for a few days though
@JanDvorak Avast
but i disabled it thinking of that :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum nice!
any other shield, including the system firewall?
@Darkyen not at all :/ no fun working with at all, no fun with linux kernel either.
I don't see any actual advantage linux gives me (except price, and feeling cool) over windows today though. Then again unless you use windows-only software that goes both ways.
@JanDvorak nope
@JanDvorak wine performance !== native performance
@JanDvorak nope, wine can't run plenty of things, it's a pain to work with too
infact wine perfomance < virtualized windows performance
its only good for teamviewer!
I wish linux had a tool like parallels
I can't think of one piece of windows-only software I use, and I'm on windows.
I use photoshop from time to time, I use IE when developing to test it, I use visual studio (I think it's a very good IDE).
Photoshop => gimp
IE - noted
@JanDvorak gimp is not even close :/
VS - dunno, netbeans?
@JanDvorak sucks
Eclipse is a competitor
@JanDvorak way worse, dumb code completion,etc.
but still not close to VS's power
@Darkyen I don't like eclipse, JetBrains IDEs are pretty good
Visual Studio is pretty lame without ReSharper anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum how about linux itself :D
most tool chains are command line on linux :P

#g++ source.cpp -l blahdiblah.o etc
@Darkyen that's nothing windows can do, I get just as much automation in both systems. Plus, I do most of my scripting in javascript anyway :P
especailly this flavour with VIM or sublime :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum me too
I love sublime, sublime 3 is very nice , finally getting some ability to understand code
but some of my code relies on C++
for acceleration , lot of acceleration , really really lot of acceleartion
!!/google sublime
@Darkyen most importantly, I get windows and visual studio for free, they work out of the box, I still have linux installed and use it often (mostly at the university and sometimes at work)
wow, multiline editing looks great
@BenjaminGruenbaum since i like writing JS code backed up with C++ i get an edge for the linux toolchains already available in the OS , for example most Linux come with gcc / g++
@JanDvorak it's very fast and very slick, but it doesn't really understand your code
for example Native Client Ports explicetly ask you to use gcc
or cygwin
@BenjaminGruenbaum I do; will that suffice?
so linux makes a lil more sense to me
and then there is MAC
@JanDvorak most times, but not always :)
the perfect point of mirage of stability and freedom with apples price tag
I don't like mac, it's not free and it's not stable
@BenjaminGruenbaum as far as i have used them they are quite stable
but damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn overpriced
@Darkyen have you developed on a mac?
Not a lot of fun
@BenjaminGruenbaum was fun for me
but then it was for 5 days
For me too but I stopped around 1994...
@BenjaminGruenbaum Done with the question. now what the hell do I use as tags?
@DJDavid98 <blink> and <marquee>
@dystroy hello there
@DJDavid98 Discrete, Number theory
posted on February 18, 2013 by Ryan Kinal

Unless you’re supporting IE7 or less, you should be using querySelector and querySelectorAll. You just should. caniuse.com says it’s okay. And there’s MDN documentation on the matter. Here are some links. Read them, and love everything about QS(A). caniuse.com MDN – document.querySelectorAll MDN – Element.querySelectorAll Good stuff, but there is one little oddity

@RyanKinal whut ?
C'mon, 70$ is too much for me (althought the unlimited demo is coold)
@JanDvorak get the free version (it's free for personal use)
Q: Counting the amount of N digit numbers made from K digits divisible by X.

DJDavid98One of the guys over at Stack Overflow chat told me to use some sort of formula for this, but I have no idea which and how, so I'd appreciate some help. Look at the problem from this way: N is a number, for example it's 4. K would be an array of digits, like: [0, 1, 2, 3] X is again, a number, ...

@DJDavid98 remove the reference to the chat, and remove your javascript, keep just the question
@DJDavid98 math.stackexchange users can't mostly code, it's not stackoverflow
@BenjaminGruenbaum Done.
Also, I'd tag it with Discrete too
@BenjaminGruenbaum doesn't exist and cannot create.
It looks like it'll take a while to get an answer there.
@Darkyen Any thoughts or feedback?
@RyanKinal will have to read it when i am calm
I have a real problem... I just found a usecase for innerHTML
And that bother me
Heh, fair enough
@dievardump ... like parsing HTML?
no like... creating a Node with &#9650; as content
But I want it rendered in HTML
if that's unicode just use "\u9650"
not sure ie8 will love that
why not?
it gives me that.
Chinese, its a language
oh that's what it writes, I thought it was a chinese error message xD
@DJDavid98 this is a question for SO
!!> "\u25b2"
> Algorithm implementation/design, computer simulation and modelling, etc — Stack Overflow
@FlorianMargaine Tell that to @BenjaminGruenbaum
@copy "▲"
Convert to hex first
Yes but I didn't want to put that directly in the file
@FlorianMargaine it's not about an algorithm implementation design
There is a closed formula for what he is trying to do, it is solvable mathematically without doing any 'programming' per se
There once was a girl fron Nantucket...
@dievardump I made this quick js function for you to convert entities:
function HTMLtoHex(entity){ return "\\u"+ (entity.substring(2,6)*1).toString(16) }`
console.log('Value: '+HTMLtoHex('&#9650;'));`
@OctavianDamiean Pretty sweet
@BenjaminGruenbaum Now what do I do with THIS?!
@DJDavid98 ask him nicely if he minds explaining
If A = B and B = C, then A = C, except where void or prohibited by law. ~ Roy Santoro
I feel like I really should have asked this on SO, I could already have some code to start with...
@DJDavid98 You mean you'd ask on SO just so you can get someone else to write the code for you?
@SomeKittens I don't understand English completely but I do understand javascript.
Basically the only reason.
Hey, I've got a problem with IE8 making a duplicate version of my flash audio that I can't control; it creates a phantom audio, or phasing effect.
I have a question at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14904393/ie8-autostarts-phantom-flash-video-that-cant-be-controlled if anyone can take a look
actually, I got the code I currently use from SO, but it's so very buggy it doesn't work
Or if anyone can think of offhand a site that has auto-starting flash video I can check in IE8 would also be helpful
The dev site is at dev.supremecourtbc.ca
@RyanKinal Have you read Godel, Escher, Bach? I think you'd like it.
@SomeKittens I have a copy. I have yet to read it.
Mostly because it's biiiiig
And I'm all about Shortest Job First
Big, but in manageable chunks
all i gotta say is:
Family Day is the name of a public holiday in South Africa, in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Ontario, in the American states of Arizona and Nevada, in Vanuatu, in Vietnam and (as "Family & Community Day") in the Australian Capital Territory. Australia Australian Capital Territory Family & Community Day was celebrated on the first Tuesday of November in 2007, 2008 and 2009, coinciding with the Melbourne Cup. This public holiday was declared in 2007 under section 3(1)(b) of the Holidays Act 1953 (ACT). It was announced in 2008 that it would cont...
Yay stupid holidays
@rlemon I think that's a fairly reasonable holiday, actually. I mean compared to, say, Christmas, or Easter. (Yes, I'm poking at religious holidays)
Everybody can appreciate "Family Day"
@BenjaminGruenbaum That guy just made an edit but I still don't get it.
i say screw holidays - just give me a week off for octoberfest and i'm fine
The Oktoberfest is a two-week festival held each year in Munich, Germany during late September and early October. It is attended by six million people each year and has inspired numerous similar events using the name Oktoberfest in Germany and around the world, many of which were founded by German immigrants or their descendants. Oktoberfest around the world The largest Oktoberfest outside of Germany is in Canada, in the twin cities of Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (750,000- 1,000,000 visitors), Blumenau, Brazil with (700,000+), Cincinnati, Ohio, United States (500,000+ visitor...
Woo Kitchener Waterloo~
^ thats where I live
I... may have to come up for that.
hehe it's good times
@DJDavid98 do you want to solve your problem or understand it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Solve.
dress german. guaranteed to get laid. Thats why they call it laiderhosen
The two are very different, you can classify the amount of such numbers mathematically. If you just want it to work keep doing what you're currently doing
oktoberfest::before { content: "O_O" }
oktoberfest::after { content: "@_@" }
oktoberfest::after { content: O_O !important }
@RyanKinal just read up oktoberfest.ca
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay, well that's done then. Now I have to move over to the actual problems
So, will somebody else write something for Blogascript? It's starting to feel like a personal blog. And I'm not sure I can keep it up.
busses are free after like 9pm or something on octoberfest as well.
Okay what the fuck
@rlemon Oh, nice
@rlemon Have some spare time?
@Darkyen ?
@RyanKinal also the venues are all totally different. Traditional with food and song and dance - then the college crowd and all of the inbetween.
@RyanKinal bitbucket , i just changed my password and it doesnt allows me to commit -_- still
@RyanKinal There is plenty to write about, structuring javascript, extension/mobile organization, even language basics
just saying, Kitchener-Waterloo is pretty awesome.
@DJDavid98 not entirely
@Darkyen I tried bitbucket for about 20 minutes. Said "screw it"
BitBucket is awesome :)
Guys, I hurd Source Forge was pretty good
@rlemon In the "once I've employed myself" considerations, I've thought about moving somewhere in that area
If Canada will take a dirty American ;-)
@RyanKinal @SomeKittens hooked me on it
if anyone has some time to help me debug I'd appreciate it
!!s/help me debug/write code for me/
@SomeKittens if anyone has some time to write code for me I'd appreciate it (source)
@Darkyen GitHub > BB, but BB has free private repos
                                            ^ Private repos.
A lot of times you can't write open source
Maybe it's just that I have a full-time job... but $7/mo. is a good deal.
@RyanKinal only if you can prove you have something to offer.. (kidding. we'll take anyone)
$7/mo is $7 more than I make in a month
@SomeKittens So, it's definitely that I have a full-time job :-P
@SomeKittens wait its just $7 a mo ?
i can take that (x_x)
$7 is a six pack of cheap beer.
i dunno...
beer is awesome
@rlemon You can get a 30-pack for $15 here. Tastes like motor oil, but still technically beer.
@SomeKittens yea it's a little more pricey here - but it's good beer. and the cheap stuff is still not that bad. $1 a beer for that
A 24 oz can of beer is ~$2 for a good brand
@SomeKittens The code is written, it just doesn't work
@SomeKittens I'm going the way of hosting repos on a cheap VPS through RamNode. It's been fun so far.
@BrandonJMcKay I've got my own server set up at my house with port forwarding.
number one comment is awesome
> @Truth, @Fred, your statements about old men needing rough sex due to circumcision don’t hold. I’m 74, cut, and have learned to have mind-blowing orgasms solely by tickling my anus with a goose feather.
@SomeKittens I do too, but our ISP is a bitch.
@rlemon What if that person was serious...
more funny
Q: Can I use jQuery's .when() to make this code DRY?

Sean AndersonI'm trying to run a bit of code when my loginManager is logged in. It might be already, or I might be waiting: var loginManager = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage().LoginManager; // If the foreground is opened before the background has had a chance to load, wait for the background. // This i...

@rlemon where do you find this shit? haha
oh... I was really hoping for a more interesting answer... Like your grandma emails them to you or something
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~ Albert Einstein
@SomeKittens still i cant push
@Darkyen try now
@SomeKittens wait a minute, did u gave me just read privilages -_- on my own project ?
and aha :D now it works !
you sir are amazing!
am going to sleep now .. GN probably will write some code tomorrow when i will be free :D
this new laptop rock :-> me happy
do { live_life(); } while { 1=1 }
@rlemon me too :)
Duck-Typing is best typing
@OctavianDamiean well that's 100% neat, but nothing too complex I would say
I'm getting married in 6 months. Therd's a lot to prepare...
(yes, with a human girl)
@FlorianMargaine Good luck
@user1743162 ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment
Actually, SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
@FlorianMargaine Sure it's human?
World hunger will be solved by eating cats
Cats occupy more places on earth than humans.

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