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excuse me while I go pirate regexbuddy
@andrewjackson Well... I predict that if I respond to that our mindless circle will continue....
mindless? at this point maybe
for you, atleast
@andrewjackson NO!!! the U.S. economy will collapse!!!
the whole argument was about how mindless people are when it comes to this
@andrewjackson wasn't meant as an insult...
not even about whether it was right or wrong, if you recall
well, that's what I intended it to be about
all I'm asking is, if you're going to stick of for piracy, please sound smart while you do it
(not saying you don't sound smart)
that goes for everyone
@andrewjackson Well that's how you started the conversation... haha
"I mean, I pirate software all of the time. It's wrong, it's illegal, and I a hypocrite for it... why can't people just admit it's wrong though?"
I don't just micro-optimize my JS, I micro-optimize my ethics too
That has to be the dumbest thing I've heard all day :(
made sense to me
I'm pretty sure ethics is more like PHP. Its kind of a mess and no one's entirely sure what the right way to use it is...
or if it should even be used at all...
you probably believe that we as human define ethics and morality...
@twiz It's actually been studied quite a lot. there are two main approaches, that there is 'right and wrong' and that it is relational to context
whereas I'd say math defines it
math has nothing to do with ethics
@andrewjackson math would be a way to define it... if a culture chose to define it in that manner
Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. The term comes from the Greek word ethos, which means "character". Ethics is a complement to Aesthetics in the philosophy field of Axiology. In philosophy, ethics studies the moral behavior in humans, and how one should act. Ethics may be divided into four major areas of study: * Meta-ethics, about the theoretical meaning and reference of moral propositions and how their truth values (if any) may be determined; * Normative ethi...
@BenjaminGruenbaum then how do you come to terms of what's right and what's wrong?
There are plenty of good books on ethics.
@BenjaminGruenbaum wait.... ethics or PHP
you weigh the situation. it has everything to do with math
@andrewjackson Plus are you really saying it can possibly not be defined by humans... look at all the different religious cultures with different definitions of what is moral
you cannot believe in evolution an not believe that math doesn't define us
and if you believe in God, then it's God that defines us
@andrewjackson more like economics, but I suppose that can be viewed mathamatically....
right or wrong. 1 + 2 = 3, is that right?
under what axioms?
@andrewjackson that would mean God defines some people who are ok with stoning women and he defines some that are not...
just as an example...
(true && true && true) || false, is that not math?
I mean, technically no, but it is
When you're saying 1 + 2 = 3 you are actually talking about the field of real numbers, in which you have defined the addition operator in a certain way. It is a lot more complicated then that
doesn't it not come down to true of false?
@andrewjackson actually, technically it is math but how does that have anything to do with ethics. Again, you're not making much sense
@andrewjackson actually, in javascript it doesn't, it's a form of logic that has true, false, NaN and undefined. It's quite a nice system of logic. You don't accept that either A or Not A
I see a bigger picture, it's just really hard explain it
Really though, math isn't really something that "exists". It is a way of interpreting/describing things.
A: imacros help if statements

IceDHere is one way you can do it with iMacros JavaScript scripting. //declaring the macro var macroIronMaiden; macroIronMaiden ="CODE:"; macroIronMaiden +="VERSION BUILD=7500718 RECORDER=FX"+"\n"; macroIronMaiden +="SET !EXTRACT_TEST_POPUP NO"+"\n"; macroIronMaiden +="SET !ERRORIGNORE YES"+"\n"; m...

Doesn't an answer like this deserve an upvote?
@andrewjackson you think you see a bigger picture but you're not educated enough on math, philosophy (ethics) or economics to really do. I'm not saying this to belittle you I'm saying this to help you. There is so much reading material on all three of these subjects, go educate yourself.
@IceD don't post your answers here and ask for rep.
it's all the same shit, just different semantics
yeah just this one time
no, it's really not. It's all very well defined.
okay... maybe you'll get it if I called it syntax
See, that's the beauty in math, you can't do what you're trying to and get away with it. It's all very very well defined.
When you do 1+2=3 it is all built on top of very clear and concise axioms
18 mins ago, by andrewjackson
I estimate it's time to go get drunk. have a good night
First you define the following 0 is a number, also for every number x it has a successor which is marked x+1
This is called induction
Then, you define predecessor, which is the inverse function to successor
Then, you define addition, as x+y is (x+1)+(y-1) as long as y is not 0
So yes, without going to expanding our numbers to be closed under subtraction (Z), under multiplicative inverse (Q) or under limit (R) I can still say that
1+2=3 because I defined it to be worth 3. I defined 3 as the successor of 2, so 1+2 reads as take (1+1)+(2-1) = (2+1)+(1-1) = 3 , all perfectly axiomatic. No ethics or anything like that.
Damn... I think you might get an unhealthy level of enjoyment out of math
there are far too many words in that math haha
I can be much more formal than that if I have to :) I just hate it when people say stupid things about math.
@BenjaminGruenbaum please don't haha
@twiz I used to hate math, highschool makes you hate it :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum I hate the aspects of math like you just wrote.
I think I'm just bad at translating something written out like that into the numeric meaning it holds
@twiz why? It's something you do once and then know how to do. A math degree starts with axiomatic construction numbers.
@twiz let's play a game, you're writing javascript and you only have two functions, the first one is zero() which always returns 0 and the second one is succ(x) which returns for x the value x+1
How would you represent 4?
Well, what you wrote is basically something that is taught in elementary school, but extremely formal and definitive
what he said...
yep :)
or just succ(3)
no, you have no 3
seems simpler... haha
you define 3 to be succ(succ(succ(0)))
now, I'm telling you that succ is a bijection, this means in simple words that for every number there exists a successor and that it is unique.
Now let us define another funciton pred, pred(x) is defined to be the function that holds pred(succ(x)) = x
So pred is the inverse of succ
So, for example, after you defined 4 then pred(4) = succ(succ(succ(0))) = 3
Now, I would like you to describe to me how adding two numbers works, how would you define a function add(x,y) that accepts x and y and returns the value x+y as you think of it.
ummm isn't it just pred(x)+pred(y)
my brain hurts...
remind me never to get a math degree
@twiz are you familiar with recursion?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yea
ok, then how would you recursively define add(x,y) ?
pred(x)+pred(y) doesn't work, first of all you don't have +, second 10=add(5,5 )!= pred(5)+pred(5) = 4+4=8
(hint: it's not a single equation, you need to handle a very special private case)
(it'll look rather nice in a functional language, really. not a big surprise though.)
not exactly seeing how that would be recursive...
Let's start simple, your recursive formulas always have two things, a base case, and a recursive formula, what would be your most basic addition operation given access to zero() succ() and pred()
you can also do equality by the way
and of course reference variables, so of course for example function iden(x){ return x;} is a perfectly legitimate function given our tools
I mean, are loops allowed? ha
If you need loops, you don't understand recursion
ha yea nevermind
@twiz yes, if it makes your life easier you can use loops and I'll show you how to write it recursively after you solve it with loops
actually, that was just a stupid question...
if you find it easier to implement with a for loop go for it, just remember you can't do ++ (although x=succ(x) is allowed), no addition. No > or < either
but === is Ok right?
yes, === is ok
Can I guess the answer?
@phenomnomnominal are you familiar with the question from before?
Functional programming yes, the actual question, no
@phenomnomnominal then sure, you can guess the answer :)
function add(x, y) {
  if (y === zero()) {
    return x;
  else {
    return add(succ(x), pred(y));
but it didn't work...
exactly :) This is how we define it
@twiz your pred and succ functions are wrong, they should return x-1 and x+1 accordingly
but your solution for add was also correct
haha shit...
Next thing we get to define is the 'greater than' operator. We want a function that accepts x and y and returns 0 if x<=y and 1 if x>y
same rules as before, you may use 'add' you defined earlier but you don't need to
function greaterThan(x,y){
        return 1;
        return 0;
exactly :)
How is pred defined for negative numbers?
so now we can check for two numbers which is bigger, we can add numbers and we can find the pred of a number. Next thing we want to define is subtraction, however we can't. We have no concept of negative numbers.
@phenomnomnominal it wasn't
Thought not
Yay. I learned a new way to do what I learned as a kid... haha
So, we want to close our group of numbers under the subtraction operator
now we want to define a function sub that accepts x and y and calculates x-y
Sorry for the silly question guys, but is there is a way to force everything inside a div to show in 50% of it's size? I don't want to go back and duplicate most of the css selectors that I have
well... me - piss = what needs to be done.
So, we want to close our group of numbers under the subtraction operator
now we want to define a function sub that accepts x and y and calculates x-y
is it ... possible?
notice, we did not initially define the negative numbers, we are changing our definition of pred to accomplish that, we are closing our set of numbers under the subtraction operator.
I will go ask a question on SO :/
whats that about negatives?
we are now allowing them, that is we are mathematically closing our set under the pred operator (or under the newly defined subtraction operator)
we want a function sub(x,y) that returns x-y
function sub(x,y){
        return x;
exactly :) Now we have defined all of Z, the set of integers and we have defined addition and subtraction for it
The next thing we get to do is define multiplication
we want a function mul(x,y) that returns x*y
Do we have while?
yes, if you'd like you have while, can be written recursively all the same
of course, variables are also allowed
ohh... well then I can see how to do it with while but not recursive. I think.
let me see
if you can do it with a while/for loop that's perfectly fine
ok. I need a sec to type it out
function mul (x, y, origX) {
    if (origX == null) {
      origX = x;
    if (y === 1) {
      return x;
    return mul(add(x, origX), pred(y), origX);
Haha dammit, that's wrong
@phenomnomnominal that looks almost right
Here is what I did:
function mul(x,y){
     return 0;
    return 0;
  var a = x;
  return (function innerMul(x,y){
      return x;
    return innerMul(add(x,a),pred(y));
Mine's cleaner :P
@phenomnomnominal what does it output for 0*0?
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
function m(x, y) { if(y) { return x + m(x, y - 1); } else { return 0; } }
Are we currying now?
Next, we'll be defining division
ok, I'm waiting :P
Haha nah, I meant not currying yet!
Are we recursively writing multiplication through addition?
ok my brain imploded a bit there for a sec...
function mul(x,y){
    var intiX=x;
            return x;
I think...
that works :)
We all ignored the cases where x or y are negative, however, we can explicitly check those and then do (for example if x is negative) -mul(sub(0,x),y)
Next, we'll be defining division, division is the inverse to multiplication and indicates how many times does x goes into y. This time I want two functions dix(x,y) and mod(x,y) where div(x,y) should return the whole part of x/y and mod(x,y) should return the number r such that div(x,y)*y + r = x
basically, mod(x,y) should act as % and div(x,y) should act as Math.floor(x/y). This is, for your general language the way languages with integers do division (like C)
well is this right for div?
function div(x,y){
    var counter=0;
            return counter;
that first graeter than is messed up....
and i meant succ not pred...
    that looks about right, recursively that would be
 function div(x,y){
  var count =1;
  (function idiv(x,y){
      count = succ(count);
      return idiv(sub(x,y),y);
  return count;
very similar
now modulu :)
@twiz hint, you have already written it!
err this?
definitely did that completely wrong... ha
and it didn't send...
function mod(x,y){
var dived=div(x,y);
var mult=mul(dived,x);
return x-mult;
no wait it might be right...
that might work but it's not what I meant :P
what does your x variable in the div function contain after you finish executing it?
you mean (x/y)
I mean that if you take your div function
and instead of returning count you return x
you get mod :)
ohhh well yea
but thats basically what i did
ok, now we have defined multiplication and division, but we can't define for example 3/2 very well
on simpler and more complicated
what we would like to do next is to close the integers under division
let us define the rational numbers
a rational number is a number in the form P/Q where P is an integer and Q is an integer
so for example 2/3 is a rational number for P=2 and Q=3
also -5/7 is a rational number for P=-5 and Q=7
the square root of 2 is not a rational number, this can be proven and it's not hard but it is also not very trivial, I suggest that you google that proof on your free time
So right now we have what we call mathematically a field
we define add for rational numbers x,y as add(x,y) = add(A/B,C/D) and we do that by A/B+C/D = (AD+BC)/BD
similarly we define multiplication, subtraction and division for these rational numbers in similar ways that make sense, we have all the tools to define those and it is not interesting algorithmically, you can implement add/subtract/div/mul for them, but it would require no thought or recursion
We still have one last thing to do and that is to represent the rest of the numbers, that is the irrational numbers.
dude are you a math teacher or something? haha
Your computer can't represent an irrational number (like sqrt(2)) very well but can approximate it
no matter what P and Q we take, we can express the square root of 2, or Pi using P/Q however we can get 'as close as we'd like '
For example, 3.1 isn't pi, 3.14 isn't pi, 3.14159265 isn't pi but it's getting closer
the last thing we'll do is close Q (the field of rationals) under the limit operator
not going into how this will allow us by using an axiom called the supermum axiom to show we can represent all numbers but I will explain how we do so intuitively
Let's say our number is Pi, now 3/1 is a rational number, so is 31/10 and 314/100
so we are getting as close to Pi as we'd like by adding digits, the problem is, what does that even mean?
In computers, it doesn't mean much because computers can't represent arbitrary precision very well
!!> 0.1+0.2 === 0.3
Maybe we should verify that twiz didn't fall asleep
@copy ello
The trick is this
not sure what to do with any of that information, but still awake...
give me Pi, and epsilon, where epsilon represents "how close to Pi do I have to get"
and I give you a number close to Pi up to epsilon
the limit operator says this, if the series of digits goes to infinity, and epsilon goes to 0, there is equality
this is why 0.999999... (infinite digits) is equal to 1. They are close to each other up to epsilon for all epsilon
@andrewjackson What I'm saying is: This is why I can do 1+2=3 and no, it has nothing to do with ethics.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hahahaha fantastic
It is well defined, @twiz we just built it from scratch assuming only that 0 is a number and the successor function (as well as equality, and other similar stuff) , these are called the paeno axioms :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Solid riposte
We can go on, we can close our field so that every polynomial will have a root (so for example the equation x^2 = -1 will have a solution) it is called the complex numbers.
after we do that, we can define our mul (multiply) function to be much faster using something called fourier transforms
I just want to know what you do for a living... build nuclear bombs and time machines?
I've studied math at a university level, I'm guilty :P
I studied wasting time... got pretty good at it...
@twiz main point is, math is beautiful but it is taught wrong so people learn to be scared when they hear the word 'math'.
The fourier transform is a BEAUTIFUL concept
I'm being tested on proving FFT on Tuesday, I'll let you know what I think about it after that :P
Haha fuck proving it, it's just so useful to USE
e^i*pi + 1 = 0 :)
Maths kicks so much ass
Well, FFT basically just says:
1+x+x^2...+x^2n+1 = 1+x^2+x^4+...x^2n + x(1+x^2+...x^2n)
and that e^(pi*k /2n) a 2n-th root of unity, holds that (e^pik/2n)^2 is a nth-root of unity
So FFTn(p) = FFTn/2(p/2) + wFFTn/2(p/2)
(it's hard to write here, and mildly incorrect :P)
is that meant to be an omega?
Mac keyboard: Ω
Ω copy pasta thief, but I wanted a small omega
yeah haha I think I have one somewhere haha
φ = lim(F(n/F(n-1))
lol, enough utf-8 for me. I've gotta go get some sleep, g'night
!!> Math.random() * 12345 >> 1 | 1
@SomeKittens And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny.
!!> Math.random() * 12345 >> 1 | 1
@SomeKittens 45
@BadgerGirl ^
I won
You cheated.
That too
!!> Math.random() * 12345 >> 1 | 1
@BadgerGirl 4629
I won ... again
Not very likely that it would output a prime though, just about 10%
Or less
That's cheating.
!!> Math.random() * 12345 >> 1 | 1
@BadgerGirl 2785
I won.
It's divisible by 5
hey do you guys know how to set a canvas absolute positioning with javascript?
document.querySelector('canvas').style.position = 'absolute';
@FlorianMargaine Good morning
hey thanks phenom!
sorry was afk searching for a solution
In a book ?
damn not working
Just get access to the canvas element however you can, e.g. if you are using jQuery $('canvas')[0] or any method
Q: Saving game state on browser window close?

CodeMooseI'm working on a basic roguelike using HTML5 and jQuery, and I've come across a problem. The way the game currently stands, the system only saves the game state every time the user moves between floors - to minimize overhead. The peril of this is that, if the user gets in trouble, they can simpl...

hi phenom, sorry my pc crashed :(
ill show you something per jsfiddle so you know how its created. jsfiddle.net/UYDfN alot more files are needed but this is the setup which creates a cloud animation via canvas. The thing is just trying to set the absolute position seems to be a little tricky :D
See where you have this?
var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
ya phenom, I see thats the canvas creation line
after that, just do canvas.style.position = "absolute";
Also, why can you not just use CSS?
oh ya true! absolutely true. Well with css I tried this canvas[style] {
position: absolute !important;
what is [style]? Thats not a thing?
doesnt really work though
canvas {
    position: absolute;
That's all you need
Also, why are you copying Mr Doobs work?
ill try that css method and then the js method. Ill let you know! Ya that is Mr Doobs work. It is basically for a school project :)
Mr Doob has some great cloud animation. Did you see that one? Check this out ro.me
I've seen it many times
with the 3d birds?
I even improved upon it
nice! I think canvas and html5 is amazing. If this continues we can even create games
nc! I thnk cnvs and html5 i amzng. I ths cntns w cn evn crt gms
@Demorus what's stopping games now?
well I know they are developing them already. Are 3d games possible now?
Sure, why not
What would be extremely interesting is a HTML5 based audio workstation. Can you imagine in the future everything would work with the browser? Desktop, programs...
I'm actually working on one at the moment
really? a game or`?
Basically a JS port of Protools
WOW hey nice
Very basic at this stage but it's getting there
hey I really do wish you much luck. Do you make music?
check out my site rolfvohs.com :)
I work with cubase 6 and fl studio
I saw that a while ago
We discussed CSS on it
ya you were there last time
the background etc :)
I added a new song called "the darkness"
If I'm honest, it's not my particular cup of tea
Ya its ok :). Anways, how come you started working on the js port of protools?
Well, I made a JS guitar tuner to have a fiddle around with the web audio API, and realised that it was probably possible to make a little recording tool in JS, so I did
you should create a mini daw phenom where users can like create music based on some available sounds like guitar, drums etc.
then they could upload their creation on soundcloud with one click
you could even charge people. Would work great for individuals who cant afford the expensive daws and vsts.
The problem would be having the musical assets... They would probably have to be downloaded, which would be pretty annoying.
hmm makes sense
what about normal synth though? maybe a js based synthesizer
It's better to just provide a tool for throwing together a rough mix of a few tracks
Yeah a synth is very much doable
A mixing tool would be great ya. So many things possible.
Ill show you something that someone did, really impressive
you probably know this already
Yeah saw it, it's good fun!
ya, man you should make something better and charge people. No one actually finished this project.
I can imagine that you could get alot of attention
Yeah, I'm getting there haha
this one is flash
I refuse to use anything that suggests I use IE...
it works in all browsers. I think flash is absolute rubbish though.
whats up james!
Any good articles on building a custom shopping cart
I just need to see a bit of the source code to understand
I'm sure there is a plug in solution
@Demorus Totally!
WebGL brings a huge bunch of 3D games
hey oh
is this correct for you ?
var _init_map_css;
_init_map_css = $(this).css();
i would like to set css to an element when on mouseover then on mouseout to reset initial css
is this the correct way ?
a) format your code, and b) no probably not
c) why not ? ))
how do i reset exactly the css rules the element had before mouseover?
can't find nothing out there :/
Add a class, then remove it?
uhm ........ uhm ..........
not so bad ...........
How many CSS properties are you changing?
well 5/6
adding more than changing
Then yeah.
i need to repositionate the element in dom
What you probably want is a :hover state
That has nothing to do with CSS
uhm yep i'll put a class thanks )
can I help you bada?
oh I see phenom already did xD
yep thanks anyway!
ya I was too slow. Phenom , is just too quick at answering xD
so hows it going bada? Working on a app here :D
pretty new to js but im a quick learner hehe
question for phen: by the way where would I add the pseudo element :after in: .pagination a:hover,.pagination .current a
Depends on what you are hovering over?
but in the css you would have something like:
a:hover {
    background: red
basicaly im hovering .pagination a:hover,.pagination .current a
so im going to add a second design element behind that one using a "after" pseudo element

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