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he wants to get a list of the urls in a block of text
there needs to be less capture groups in that case though
@IceD "www.website.com/somestuffhere".match(/(\b[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig) this seems to work fine
I've never really had much patiences for regex though
ok testi it now
anybody familiar with perl? i deal with javascripts when i scrape webites :)
The complexity of finding out what a program does is the same as running the program
I'm sorry
hey guys
what to do with javascript's handling of date functions
it's kinda a mess
roll your own
anyone know why my site is loading in an infinite loop when a user clicks "yes" on i like splash pages
Is there a way to hide the global scope, or otherwise prevent a certain piece of code from accessing things like XHR, eval, etc?
sorry, but no perl users?
@KendallFrey Yes, give me a second
Maybe a little radical though
And uses eval
@Chris check your conditions
@Chris why would you set the cookie, and then right after check to see if it's set?
so i could load the page
it doesn't make any sense, it's like saying...
$somevar = 'test';
if ($somevar == 'test') echo "just checking if PHP is working right???";
That reminds me of something I saw on TDWTF.
function isJavaScriptEnabled() { return true; }
pretty close imo
@copy I just can't grok it.
var results=str.match(/(\b[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig);
this one works just fine
now how can i get a specific url using this
I want a keyword in this
like google, youtube etc
@KendallFrey Oh, I'm sorry. Read the atob part
@KendallFrey tools4noobs.com/online_php_functions/base64_decode paste encode part there
@IceD if you want to parse a url node.js has a pretty solid tool that parses urls, I'm wondering if you can run that clientside
i will do googling
@copy It's just the encoded contents of codeWorker.js, right?
@KendallFrey Oh, yes. It does what you want
So I just had a random thought... Does a "Developer's browser" happen to exist? by that I mean a browser that just implements the shit out of every possible HTML5 feature it can even though most browsers will likely end up implementing it differently...
But the problem is, I don't understand how
My brain vehemently resists copy-n-paste
or is canary the closest thing?
@twiz Canary
Although the new BlackBerry browser beats it by 20 points on the HTML5Test
Yeah, also, enable experimental html and javascript in it to get new features
but its not "implements the shit out of every possible HTML5 feature"-ish enough...
@BenjaminGruenbaum can node.js be used for botting like iMacros ?
@twiz, what doesn't it implement?
There's also the firefox nightly
@KendallFrey closures, to some extent
@IceD node.js is a serverside platform running on javascript
@phenomnomnominal Well it not like I have something specific I'm trying to do, but it leaves out some little things like some of the form tags
@twiz In particular flag :
Enable experimental WebKit features.
Enable Experimental JavaScript
unless I just don't have certain flags set...
which is possible haha
what about casper.js and phantom.js
anybody used that?
@IceD what are you trying to do?
I am trying to extract specific website links from a html page
@IceD, none of those things will help you with that.
and also get some contacts from that page so I will need a code that extracts the Contact or Contact us link
I see that web workers cannot manipulate the DOM. I guess that's the key.
@KendallFrey, yep! No access to heaps of stuff
@phenomnomnominal ok so how do I make regex extract specific url ?
yeah, you can do that in node.js, also you can do that with casper
@IceD just do it server-side?
nope i can't
this is client side javascript runned from imacros
Problem is, I can't make a synchronous worker, can I? :P
@IceD 'http://look.at.my.specific.url.com'.match(/look.at.my.specific.url.com/g)
You can build a chrome extension with a content script, that's dead easy
@KendallFrey, you can just not do anything after the worker is sent a message, and only keep going when you get the result?
Of course, but it's not optimal.
Although why you would, I'm not sure
@KendallFrey, what you tryna do?
I was just thinking of re-making fightcodegame.
But better.
@IceD, sorry, thats not how it should look, but you get the idea.
@KendallFrey, cool!
Of course, it wouldn't actually be better.
But no more of this Math.random() === 0 shit.
@KendallFrey what did you use Math.Random() === 0 for?
I didn't.
That's what it returns.
@phenomnomnominal joking again? :D i asked how could I extract a url that has a specific keyword in it from an html code?
Hey my bot is still in the top 200... I guess thats good...?
var text=" bla bla some stuff foo bar foobar www.somewebsite.com/keyword bla foo bar bla bla";
There's a very, very fine line between top ~500 and top ~10000
Specifically, 1500 Elo rating.
@KendallFrey Elo?
@IceD: No you said 'ok so how do I make regex extract specific url ?'!
You need to get better at asking questions
The Elo rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in two-player games such as chess. It is named after its creator Arpad Elo, a Hungarian-born American physics professor. The Elo system was invented as an improved chess rating system, but today it is also used in many other games. It is also used as a rating system for multiplayer competition in a number of video games, and has been adapted to team sports including association football, American college football, basketball, and Major League Baseball. Each player has a numerical rating. A higher num...
@phenomnomnominal you got the point there.
there you go. you got a point.
@IceD I was never very good with Regex, and this tool has helped me a bit regexbuddy.com
it even comes with a lot of examples of common regex patterns
Now here is an explanation: I want to extract the Contact us url from a website and email(s) and social network(s) url(s) from a website. I got the part where script downloads the html page and stores it in a variable called data.

Now I want a regex that would extract a specific url(s) from that html code. First is the contact url of the page. So I can navigate to that part and then I can extract contact data from it then extract facebook, twitter, google plus etc
all you need is var arrayOfUrls = data.match(/your_regex_pattern/ig);
yeah but your_regex_pattern is the key here
just find a suitable pattern that will match them, there's a ton of examples all over the internet, that do a great job
@IceD so you're parsing an HTML text with regular expressions?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah
He comes :(
@IceD no you're not
not quite enough stupidity in here at the moment... I'll fix that. youtu.be/WIfcKy-VcXo?t=56s
@BenjaminGruenbaum he's matching URLs in a string
@IceD are all your urls actually links? (that is, clickable in the browser and in fact a tags)
@IceD it's really easy stuff, I don't get what the problem is. just find a pattern, like everyone else who doesn't have time for regex
not necessarely
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, that is an actual link to my girls pussy
awesome, I love pussy
@BenjaminGruenbaum you don't gotta lie to kick it
@IceD '(https?://([-\w\.]+[-\w])+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.#-]*(\?\S+)?[^\.\s])?)?)' seems to work
Q: Convert plain text URLs into HTML hyperlinks in PHP

VolomikeI have a simple commenting system where people can submit hyperlinks inside the plain text field. When I display these records back from the database and into the web page, what RegExp in PHP can I use to convert these links into HTML-type anchor links? I don't want the algorithm to do this with...

@BenjaminGruenbaum protocol needs to be optional afaik, as per his request
@BenjaminGruenbaum did someone photoshop rectangles onto its eyes....?
well i got out of my infinite loop, but now the page isn't loading :-/
@twiz, now look what you did
@BenjaminGruenbaum Its head is so dry...
and its eyes are so rectangleless
@BenjaminGruenbaum i have similar solution
but what about if i want
and yes... I am ignoring the joke in there...
www.somewebsite.com/contactus link to extract
the keyword is contactus
@IceD in what scenario are you scraping links that are not links?
@IceD can you give me an actual example?
@IceD you need to make the protocol optional
@BenjaminGruenbaum man do you want me to paste you here how many links I've got ?
No, I just want one that you intend to actually scrape
ok just a sec
I love kittens. Keep posting them.
I died.
Did you ever notice that the people who post cat videos on youtube are always out of their minds?
@twiz I post cat videos on youtube
lol j/k
@twiz ^ I see what you mean
@BenjaminGruenbaum Did you provide wonderfully insightful commentary? Ya know in case the people don't understand what's happening in the video?
don't you guys hate it when someone tries to justify pirating software?
@andrewjackson no...
@twiz yep, I talked with a high pitched voice too
I mean, I pirate software all of the time. It's wrong, it's illegal, and I a hypocrite for it... why can't people just admit it's wrong though?
@BenjaminGruenbaum pastebin.com/4SVhrUgT
@andrewjackson because many companies depend on people stealing their software even if they don't realize it
@IceD where is the actual HTML page
@twiz in what way?
@andrewjackson Do you know anyone who learned to use photoshop without first obtaining a pirated copy?
@BenjaminGruenbaum scrippsaviation.com
no, I don't. in what way does that justify it?
there's not many people that buy a car before learnning how to drive
@andrewjackson exactly
@IceD you'd like all the links from the front page?
so they use someone elses
just like pirating software
Contact link
what people did learn before stealing Photoshop, is that they were going to actually NEED Photoshop.
and later if are there facebook twitter youtube google linkedin etc links from contact us
@andrewjackson I didn't. I just thought it was fun.
and paint wasn't quite cutting it for me... haha
@twiz that's completely different. it's using a copy of the software that's registered and licensed. someone paid for it, which makes it okay. however license explicitly limit the amount of copies you're allowed to install, or use at a single given moment
@andrewjackson Well I know its illegal... but what isn't these days...
@IceD so just all the links on the contact page?
I can do email myself
Illegal != wrong
@twiz but can't you see how ignoring the fact that our freedoms are being taken away, only causes more freedoms to be taken away?
@andrewjackson yes. And that's why I support stealing software... haha
for personal use
it's a vicious cycle that's only going to lead to chaos. I just don't think it's going to lead to anything getting much better.
@IceD what's wrong with the following (prints all links)
var links =document.querySelectorAll("a");//find all anchors (link tags)
for(var i in links){// go through all them
    console.log(links[i].href); //print where they point to
@BenjaminGruenbaum i can't use javascript like that since i work in iMacros
let's give it a try
@IceD you're parsing html with regex, that's wrong. He comes.
@IceD see
Q: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

JeffI need to match all of these opening tags: <p> <a href="foo"> But not these: <br /> <hr class="foo" /> I came up with this and wanted to make sure I've got it right. I am only capturing the a-z. <([a-z]+) *[^/]*?> I believe it says: Find a less-than, then ...

@andrewjackson if by chaos you mean only corporations pay for software... then yea.
@andrewjackson But really, I think the point is that Google has a fantastic porn sifting algorithm.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what is wrong with this picture ? prntscr.com/s20af
@twiz by chaos, I mean less freedom, and more oppression
and a lot of pissed off people
@IceD the fact you're parsing a context-free language with a tool that's designed to parse regular languages. You're making your life hell for nothing.
if you don't believe that, then it's just foolish... look at SOPA and PIPA... even though they failed, they WILL keep trying
@andrewjackson Well that may be, but making things illegal doesn't really ever prevent anything. Especially not with the internet.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah man but u know your game. I am just learning
@andrewjackson And then we'll need a new internet.
@twiz that's just wrong. you're basically saying the government is pointless, and doesn't actually do anything
@IceD scrape with something that can parse html and builds a DOM, not with regex
you're basically calling the government a myth
@andrewjackson Well they put people in prison...
@BenjaminGruenbaum i got an idea
they don't make laws just to stand by and watch people break them, there WILL be pissed off people
@andrewjackson you can't arrest someone for a crime they haven't committed yet, so technically that's exactly what they do.
I'm a pirate, and I'm a hypocrite, but atleast I put the thought into it. I just see everyone else just foolishly and arrogantly saying, "what are you gonna do about it?"
it's blissful ignorance
@andrewjackson well I am cynically saying "The world is pretty fucked up, what can you do about it?"
The reason people pirate software is inherent in the structure of the internet, it's a global sharing platform, some people cry about it and try to sue people and some capitalize on it.
@twiz so because you can't do anything about it, you're just going to join the problem? I can't blame you for that, it's what I do, but don't claim there's nothing you can do about it. you can start by not being part of the problem
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yea, people have been infringing copyright since long before the internet. The web is a very efficient way of doing that.
Companies like adobe are ok when people pirate photoshop because serious designers who make money off photoshop buy it. They give it to other people for next to free. Visual Studio and other microsoft software is free for many people (students)
@BenjaminGruenbaum meanwhile driving the price up to $999 per copy, for everyone else?
Professionals usually buy programming software eventually.
@andrewjackson I'm saying I'm not a part of the problem. The people who are sueing are the problem.
@andrewjackson 999$ is not a lot of money for a high-tech company
I have to imagine most software companies make most of their money from other companies, not individuals
Seriously, 999$ compared to what a developer costs a month is virtually meaningless.
@twiz I would sue you in a heart beat if I've made some really important and necessary software, that more people are stealing than buying, and you would sue me too. I think you'd be lying if you said otherwise.
@andrewjackson I guess it depends on the situation, but for a company like Adobe I'd say the answer would be an obvious no
The problem is with the model, people who are releasing software and expecting everyone to buy it and are pissed off when people pirate it are doing it wrong.
It would cost more than $999 in legal fees
It's like saying, "would you take a million dollars you found off the street, or would you turn it in?" when we were all kids, we most likely would have said to turn it in, because it seems like the right thing to do. as we mature, we come to realize, we would actually take that money, and for that, they right thing to do is actually tell the truth, and admit we would.
Actually its more like saying "would you be ok with losing 5% of the million dollars, to individuals who need it?"
There's nothing okay about stealing something from a person who earned what it is you're stealing.
Well, what if I'm not okay with it? Isn't that still my decision to make?
well piracy !== theft.
But they didn't. If they did I would have bought it
I'd even say piracy != theft
@twiz So basically, "would you be okay with giving 5% of your earnings away? no? well we'll do it anyways."
what are taxes for anyways??
@BenjaminGruenbaum true. Since the other person doesn't technically lose anything except potential income that may or may not exist
@BenjaminGruenbaum my approach works. You were right. I found much simpler way to make it work. iMacros has it's tricks
@andrewjackson See, the government does it, so I do too
So now you're as good as the government?
@IceD I'm glad I could help :)
You may as well be president
I don't even know why we have a government. /sarcasm
have you ever considered the fact that absolutely everyone and their mother wants to be rich?
@andrewjackson so?
all of this, "dream big, you can be what you want." is all bs
haha well yea...
kind of... I mean you CAN, but you wont...
unless you want to be homeless or something
exactly, someone's gotta make the burgers, someone's clerk the stores, etc...
there's limitations to everything... how can we expect these corporations that we rely on to stay in business, when everyone wants to be a pirate, and get something for free?
@BenjaminGruenbaum aww I thought it would let you zoom forevwer
we just basically sort of assume everything's going to be okay in the long run
@twiz it does!
you have to point your mouse where you want it to zoom. I wrote this in Java once, it's called the Mandelbrot fractal
@BenjaminGruenbaum well it doesn't keep fractaling or whatever
@twiz it does, click next, then zoom into one of the places
ooooohhh I see, you just have to pick the right point
@andrewjackson any ideas pastie.org/6099772#39 ?
@andrewjackson I don't see it causing any problems to the tech industry
I'm just taking a wild guess, but trying moving line 6 to after line 11
Adobe is still in business last I checked
3 mins ago, by andrewjackson
we just basically sort of assume everything's going to be okay in the long run
@twiz that's all I have to say about that
@andrewjackson Well if tech companies start to fail, a lot of people would likely stop
4 mins ago, by andrewjackson
we just basically sort of assume everything's going to be okay in the long run
yup, still applies

where you talking to me ?

I'm just taking a wild guess, but trying moving line 6 to after line 11

and if so, which file were you refering too?
@andrewjackson name one thing that isn't true about
I think it's really stupid that JS1k makes people post minified/packed code... would be much better if they'd let (or even require) people to upload "normal" code which just needs to be <1k after minification
I don't think you realize, there's some very smart people running those businesses. eventually, they'll run out of tricks
@andrewjackson Its not like those tricks stop working
@ThiefMaster or at least let people post both options, not much learning done if you can't show your documented code
@Chris index. it makes no sense to set that cookie, before checking it
@andrewjackson i'll comment it out
@andrewjackson but seriously it is extremely difficult to predict anything in the long-run
or you could just move it below '$cookie_visit = $_COOKIE['visit'];'
@twiz it's not that hard to get a pretty good estimate of where something is headed
that's the difference between prediction and estimation
@andrewjackson So what is you're estimation?
@ThiefMaster Awesome, I'll take a look later
of piracy/software industry
@andrewjackson i moved it to splash-process.php but im still getting the same results
what's to estimate?? it's selfexplanatory
the splash page isn't loading once the cookie's are set :-/
I estimate it's time to go get drunk. have a good night
@andrewjackson well you're the one that said there's something to estimate... haha
only after you said prediction
I don't even know what we're predicting
So how bout that porn sifting algorithm....
I predict/estimate/guess that things can't go on as free, so long as it takes money to maintain those things

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