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Oh. Thanks.
:) you're welcome
any thoughts on all this?
Q: How can I corral a method which may contain it's own async calls without having write access to the file?

jcolebrandI have a set of files, module1.js, module2.js, module3.js, and each of these contains a return object which has property-methods that will be executed. The objects are inspected to determine the property names dynamically, and I can .toString() the methods. The inner methods will almost certain...

Quick math question. For 0*x = 0, is the solution x ∈ R?
cool :)
@ŠimeVidas 0=0 is always true, so it poses no limit, the set of solutions that satisfy this equation is {x in R| 0*x=0} which is R
@BenjaminGruenbaum Unless there are extrinsic conditions like in my case :)
I'm doing stuff like |2x-2| + |x| = 3x - 2
which translates into 3 different equations which are valid for different intervals
ah, you solve that sort of thing by dividing R into parts where x is positive and parts where 2x-2 is positive
yes, three parts
for [1,Infinity) I get 0*x = 0, which meas that the solution for that part is [1,Infinity)
[1, Infinity) not [1, Infinity] but yeah :)
@ŠimeVidas quick technical question. What is the preferred way to obtain ∈? Copy-paste from a char map (a text file)? Copy-paste from Mathematics, which obtains the symbol from a memorised LaTeX command?
@JanDvorak On Windows, one can do ALT + code
the code depends on region
@ŠimeVidas so, you memorize code points for specific unicode symbols?
Also, code must be input via the number pad. Which is a PITA on a notebook most of the time.
@JanDvorak I have a cheat sheet :)
This makes entering English prose into JSON easier for me (I use ALT + 4 digit codes) http://t.co/BtZF99Qi
(click on the link, it's an image)
So, a physical char-map from which you copy-paste visually? :-)
@RyanKinal Yes, true. That sucks.
Some high-end keyboards have additional configurable keys, so that would be a nice solution.
Somehow I shun anything that resides outside the computer (unless it's food, clothing or another human).
@RyanKinal , @FlorianMargaine , @AmaanCheval do you think having the age of user is necessary ? or shall i just leave it for its too private ?
I don't think it's necessary.
... unless you're selling alcohol or sex toys
@Darkyen It may be necessary for legal purposes (less than 13 y.o.)
or just in the TOS
afaik < 13 is illegal in the states
but could be wrong
it's been a while since I was 13
I think that the 'no entrance to porn sites before 18' is the most ignored in human history
@FlorianMargaine well then getting Dob aswell :->
@BenjaminGruenbaum it should be made 13 :P with a mild porn till 18 :D
@Darkyen I don't think 'mild porn' is actually a thing :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum there is :-> , but that'd be too weird if we start discussing that
@BenjaminGruenbaum not ignored; it's just that everybody lies.
that's for sure
well turns out that i will have to ask the user explicitely for the DOB :P
Windows Live api returns gender as null for some reason 0_o wow well thats kinda offensive!
@FlorianMargaine lol, funny guy. IoC is really important some times though, I agree that in Java, most OOP features are abused all the time.
@Darkyen aha, nice.
 birthday: '0000-08-16',
google api returned this for my birthday , wtf Google ?
@Darkyen Jesus?
@Oleg Dunno whats wrong with them :-(
birthday: '08/16/1993', <- facebook did it well :-) nice facebook , pats head!
@FlorianMargaine IoC and DI are both problems that javascript solves simply by being a dynamic question, only interfaces are missing :)
Wow so dob is going to be a pita for sure!
@Darkyen Technically, that's correct for birth day
Just, you know, not year
Are your visibility options set right on your Google account?
I've got a solution to this, but I'm wondering if there's something cleaner. I'm going to paste some code....and I'll explain it
var pageMenu = markup.pagesMenus;
		var thumbnails = markup.thumbs;
		var player = this.return_playerDiv(context);
		var listsMenu = this.return_listsMenuMarkup(allInfo);
		var listTitle = this.return_listsTitlesMarkup(allInfo);
		var listDesc = this.return_listsDescsMarkup(allInfo, listsMenu);
		var videoTitle = this.return_videoTitlesMarkup;
		var videoDesc = '';
		var elements = {
			'pageMenu' : pageMenu,
			'thumbnails' : thumbnails,
			'player' : player,
			'listsMenu' : listsMenu,
			'listTitle' : listTitle,
@rlemon Didn't see that, sorry. Want to play some Awesomenauts?
I guess that should be pretty easy to get the gist of. I now how all of my markup in an object that I send to a function that puts it in the order according to the options the user set..
@Darkyen I don't really think it's necessary
@rlemon Ping me on Steam if you want to play. (I'm playing right now)
However, I don't really need those vars at all if the markup isn't in the requested in the options.
A messy solution would be to use indexOf on the options array and see if it contains player for example, that would mean we need to use it there. This would lead to a lot of fail if statements.
@RyanKinal lol
i am done with streamlining dob interface :D , yay!
@Darkyen It's the truth, though, isn't it?
now going to bed ... Nite all
@RyanKinal yeap
and i found out its google saving your privacy
you have to explictely allow it to be shared :P
On the other hand, my sortBuildElements function uses indexOf just like that to sort the elements according to the options....so maybe I can actually create the markup in that function?
Sleep well. Don't let the "off by 1" bugs bite.
var sortedElems = document.createDocumentFragment();
			addedElems = []; //stores the name of elements that have already been added so that duplicates can be cloned
			copiedFrags = {}; //keeps a copy of fragments for cloning
			buildLength = options.build.length;
			for (var i=0; i<buildLength; ++i) {
				var name = options.build[i];
				elem = elements[name];
				if (elem) {
					if (addedElems.indexOf(name) === -1) { //if this is the first time the element has been appended
Microsoft DOB is the best though
they have nice JSON with properties like
user.birth_date , .birth_month , .birth_year!
Anyways am off
@m59 I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish here.
I think the functionality is pretty pro...let me show you
the user types: build:['listsMenu', 'listTitle', 'listDesc', 'player', 'pageMenu', 'thumbnails']
this tells my plugin to build the markup in that order
so they can move stuff around and even duplicate it as much as they want.
for whatever reason lol
I have been making all of the markup in those vars, then adding them to the object elements
then I pass that to a function that sorts them out according to the options
however, why make markup in the first place if the user didn't ask for it?
I'm thinking I can just dynamically build it similarly to how the sort function is sorting it
Just make the markup right then and there.
Be lazy about it.
Don't create the markup until the very last second
The only way that clicks in my head is either a ton of if statements to take the options and determine what function to call or to call the name more dynamically according to the options....if that is possible
like elem = elements[name]();
lol that can't be legit.
vars[name]=funcs[prefix+name]() is perfectly legal javascript, assuming you have the vars container
js is nuts.
Yep. Perfectly legit.
I'm thinking I should just give in and make an if for each option though. It would allow for better option naming.
@m59 Would it?
Object keys are just strings, you know.
var myObject = { 'this is a perfectly legal key': 42 }
myObject['this is a perfectly legal key']; // 42
'List Description' can't be a function name?
do it in that syntax
var myObject = { 'this is a perfectly legal key': function() { return 42; } }
myObject['this is a perfectly legal key'](); // 42
namespace.thumbs.prototype['thumbnails markup in here'] = function() { //etc };
namespace.thumbs.prototype[thumbnails markup in here']();
that is bizarre, really.
This is also valid (syntactically, not aesthetically): x(a)('b')[2][name]()
var hehe = { '☃': 'even a freaking snowman is valid' }
@phenomnomnominal but hehe.☃ is invalid, IIRC
Why not ?
Nope, just tried
oh sorry
yes that's invalid
@phenomnomnominal you can still do hehe['☃']
This is valid :
function polarToCartesian(r, θ) {
    return {x:r*Math.cos(θ), y: r*Math.sin(θ)};
Does programming ever make any of your brains feel like butter scraped over too much bread?
that article is the best
Or am I just dumb?
You are :L
@dystroy, yeah it makes maths nice lots of the time. var π = Math.PI;
I use this one too.
@m59 Yep
var λ = function () { ... }
@m59 I feel comfortable coding in Javascript. Once you do, try BrainF**k.
!!> {přílišŽluťoučkýKůň:"success"}.přílišŽluťoučkýKůň
You killed the bot ?
It was already dead
and still is :-(
Easy rolling on the markup I get from functions, suck in regards to the two that I get from the feed...
wait a minute marshmallow brain...
or maybe he doesn't like Czesh ?
I guess the fact that the range for valid identifiers is so large will help me in future code golf competitions (unless they're counted in UTF-8 bytes) :-)
js1k is based on UTF8
so you'd better avoid chinese chars
What about Code Golf?
I don't know, never played
I guess that Ž is still better than ZZ since it's shorter when counted in characters, and the same length when counted in bytes.
Also, let's confuse our fellow developers with homoglyphs
Well... When do you really need more than 50 variable names in code golf ?
@dystroy more than 56. 2*26+2 (don't forget $ and _, which are also ASCII)
To be honest, I didn't thought an exact computation was enough...
I still agree. 56 variables ought to be enough for everyone (cue Bill Gates)
Especially if your whole program try to fit in about one hundred bytes...
hello people. is it against rules to ask for reputation on chat? :D
but you may try
I love to downvote !
@IceD what answer do you want mob-voted? Note that the vote direction of your wishing may not be respected
But if your question is about tips on how to get upvote, then it's fair.
now way man :D
just asking I like my rep now the way it is :D
@IceD yeah, 180 is a nice score :-)
If you really think one of your answers should have been more upvoted, you can try subtle ways to bring attention to it, though...
... such as oneboxing it here :-)
what is "oneboxing" ?
Q: Building a website using node.js - best practice

Benjamin GruenbaumI was wondering how one would go about developing a website from scratch with node.js . I understand how I could possibly do it, but I am interested in the best design practice. I need this theoretical website to: Do a lot of AJAX Be very straightforward Be relatively small Connect to... let's...

i don't know
Now everyone sees the question
u guys like to down vote
i can see it in your eyes
You can post questions here you'd like opinion on, that's legit, but no one is going to upvote just because you ask
fair enough
as you have 180 rep, we won't downvote you if you're not really really an ********
I was actually going to answer the question I posted above in Q&A style but the guy who answered it probably gave a better answer than me :)
Am trying to copy a VHD from my external HARD disk to my computer drive but keep getting Access denied error , wth is wrong with windows
@TimeToShine locked by another process?
@JanDvorak how can it be, it was in external hard disk for ages :/
rest all files I can copy paste
its just windows 8 vhd
@TimeToShine misread the question, sorry. Anyways, perhaps an autorun or an indexing service kicked in?
Anyone used CasperJS ?
@Samson not me, but ask anyways
@JanDvorak Solved it, in properties of it , permissions for "everyone" were denied, LOL so I changed it to allow all
windows 8 blows
Oh does it
more than a $5 hooker
@andrewjackson windows 8 is awesome :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum if you're coming from Mac OS maybe
Windows 8 going to be future, I am not sure If I like it or not , but it is
Are we going to have the OS conversation again?
I use linux for hours a day for over a decade, I also use windows and I like it better. No I'm not a linux noob, yes I know how to compile a kernel and I know bash and I'm a power user. I like windows better for my every day use. If you don't like windows 8 you probably don't know how to use it.
tl;dr win8 blows
la la la la la la not listening lol
I've heard that every other version of Windows sucks: ME sucked, XP was good, Vista was bad, Win7 are good, Win8 shall fail, Win9 will be good...
@andrewjackson you sound like the average linux noob :)
Ooh! I installed ubuntu, I'm such a leet hacker
what kind of shitting OS makes you manually load it's UI??
I'm all 1337 or whatever you kids call it today
oh wait lol
no, I use win7
actually, winxp atm
yeah, I can tell, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. I was having intelligent discussion with the fellows here in the chat room about the benefits and downfalls of windows and linux earlier. Clearly this is not that sort of conversation.
You GUys talk about OS , I going for a shit -_-
startx -x11 1024 768 60 32 0
@BenjaminGruenbaum ooooooh so Win8 DOES automatically start explorer.exe??
you're in over your head son
@andrewjackson I bet you don't even know what a makefile is :)
oh nice completely irrelevant unfounded and false comeback
"I bet you're still a virgin!!! HA!!"
lol, something funny... a documentary about TPB: youtube.com/watch?v=eTOKXCEwo_8
$(window).on("post", ()=>topic.quit())
@JanDvorak what language is that? TypeScript ?
top comment "Paying 75 bucks for a BluRay, that's what I call stealing" so I looking up the definition of "steal" and it was like the COMPLETE opposite "A bargain: "for $5 it was a steal"."
@BenjaminGruenbaum cofeescript, I guess
coffeescript lambda arrows are -> and not => as far as I recall
I love the syntax
@BenjaminGruenbaum so, a typeScript? :-)

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