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@OctavianDamiean You could use the device's cam to determine where the fingers are howvering :P
yep, basically I'll deactivate all :hover - states with a touch-class on the html - element and gotta provide some alternative for mouseenter and such
but still...
@GNi33 Tell em to fuck off, there is no mouseenter on mobile devices because there's generally no mouse. :D
yeah, of course
mouseenter-listeners shouldn't get bound on mobile, instead i use touchstart and set an active-class
There are a few exceptions like the newer tablets.
Hm... MS tablebet probably have mouse pointers
if there's no active class, prevent the default event of the link, otherwise let it redirect normally
works actually fine on iOS, android browsers (even chrome on 4.2) make problems though
i think i just shat myself
I still don't get Reddit.
Whoa, whoa.
I thought you were cool.
ahhaha Make IE 6 Crash. Brilliant.
This goes right into every production code I have.
@OctavianDamiean Neat.
there's a nice snippet that makes IE9 crash :D
dammit, i can't find it
not sure if they updated ie9 since then though
it seemed to have pretty big issues with empty td's with no borders
still works
just tried it out
Hey JS people, question. Why does jslint think this (function() {}()); is more valid / nicer / whatever than (function() {})();
> "CoffeeScript? Nah. I take my JavaScript black."
Because Crockford likes enforcing his style.
@GNi33 Hahaha
@AmaanCheval hehe lol tnx for confirming this
in PHP, 59 mins ago, by DaveRandom
@PeeHaa No, but I have a suspicion it's just Crockford forcing his stylistic preferences on the world (like so many things about JSLint). However, it does make more sense to me now I've been doing it for a while, because what you are doing is declaring a function and calling it in a single expression, and if you put the call parens outside then you are declaring a function in an expression, then calling it, and since the function doesn't exist afterwards the former makes more sense to me. YMMV.
Let's hope no one creates jssadness
@OctavianDamiean It is already out there and it is called jQuery
uglyjs.com wtfjs.com jsdrama.com
jQuery isn't all that bad
though uglyjs doesn't exist anymore :(
that was a fun one
@AmaanCheval It has it uses, but most people use it as the magic bullet to write JS for the web
had some real gems on it
binding the backspace-button to a function that prevents the default-behaviour and calls history.back()
or, my fav, binding event - handlers to every link on the page just to set document.location to the value of the href-attribute
@rlemon Did that.
pure gold, that guy must have been on crack
how a perform a sum of 10.00 + 20.00 = 30.00 instead of 30 (with no digits after comma)... ?
i already search a lot, but I can't found.
Uhh. 30 is 30.00
Alright, my Firefox button problem has something to do with the padding of the input field.
They're the same. If you want to display it that way, add it in yourself
Like this:
!!> (30).toFixed(2);
@AmaanCheval "30.00"
@OsnySantosNetto ^
yes... i must show R$ 30.00
hmm... I'll try
thank you
This is funny. If I remove the padding on the input field, everything is alright in Firefox, it looks like intended but then it break in Chrome. :D
@AmaanCheval Floating point arithmitic could still try to rape you. (could be 30.00000000000000000000001 or something)
@Viehzeug Yeah, of course
thank you @AmaanCheval
throw your money at it, people!
NO WAI. £185,426!?
"What do you mean by 'they destroyed the death star'?!?! That thing wasn't even fully paid off yet!"
How did this get 185,426?!
Fucking punks those rebels.
puns, all for the puns
wow ... I can't believe how simple the fix for my button height problem was.
everybody will get the money back anyhow, that will never even come near 20,000,000 pounds
I'v tired every possible trick I knew, in the end it came down to just setting the damn height. :D
I know ...
@GNi33 I'd laugh so hard if some super rich kid would just go for it. :D
@OctavianDamiean i'll not comment this any further :P
I would pay 20 000 000 pounds for them to create ewoks, terraform the moon into a forest, then populate it with them.
@rlemon Then you'd buy one of those cool devices people use after having a throat cancer surgery and go all Lord Vader.
@GNi33 I had a brain fart. :/
I would pay 1,000,000 pounds to hunt one of those ewoks in a forest on our moon
hunting ewoks?
> £20,000,000 for more detailed plans and enough chicken wire to protect reactor exhaust ports.
haha, those must be fake.
why would you.... i don't..... ah....
If anyone knows how to do this stackoverflow.com/questions/14745771/…
@GNi33 so I can put in on my wall and point an laugh
He's the exception.
@rlemon do want!
Fuck that, I thought it is a Darth Vader megaphone ...
wow, that would be even more awesome
damn, I need to stop finding cool shit to waste money on
@OctavianDamiean You guys were talking about cancer, I think it was a electrolarynx
why wouldn't you want a Darth Vader electrolarynx?
Yea that thing.
these would be three of my nerdier - unneeded purchases lately.
Those suck ...
you suck
those are all awesome wastes of money
DUDE! If I get her in that dress I'll go for it.
I bet no on noticed the Power Rangers dress she's wearing. Me neither at first. :D
Question. I have a function in onmouseout of a div, when my mouse goes on top of an element that is inside the div my funciton gets triggered. Is that normal ? ._.
@OctavianDamiean I did. Immediately. But I'll forgive her for it.
@AndréSilva Yep
Is there an easy step-by-step way to help with this? I really don't want to go through childs of childs of childs...
Look at the target of the event
If it's not the element you're expecting, then don't do anything.
Not the element or the elements inside..
function mouseOutHandler(e)
    // if e.target is the element you want
    // then do the shit you want to do
    // otherwise, do nothing
I think he wants the target element and all its children.
Not sure though.
I'm trying to create a dropdown menu and I don't want to use jquery ;p
a dropdown menu... why do you need js at all?
@AndréSilva e.stopPropagation()
and use true as the last argument of addEventListener.
@rlemon Because I suck at css more than at js..
@FlorianMargaine That would be a lot of propagation to stop...
@AndréSilva CSS solution for dropdown is better than JS either way. If you suck at both, at least choose the best way and start sucking with that :P
@RoelvanUden Fair enough haha
Besides, the fiddle rlemon posted is sweet.
@rlemon I wrote this last night you can put it on the blog, if you want. I don't know if it's the kind of thing you're looking for or not.
Feel free to add pictures of our prophet, Wil Wheaton.
Also, Ryan - should I publicly call out and flogg the rat bastards who ripped off lememe
some people were for it - some against
Also, Watcom C/C++ compiler... anyone ever worked with it?
I loved your css @rlemon Some things I not even knew it existed ;x
Shalom all
Hi :) @Neal
I now have (basically) my own office... but it is in a building a block and a half away from everyone else.
Soon other people might join me...
@rlemon Meh. I don't think so.
Privately, sure. Publicly... not yet?
The layout's a little borked, but that's okay
@rlemon what r backend r u using for it?
@Neal I just discovered that if you resize the window, it changes the center of symmetry.
So many d****.... that looks pretty g**...
@RyanKinal lol that must be a bug
Must be... but it's a pretty cool bug
posted on February 07, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} WOOH! Just got back from NYC. Thanks so much to everyone who came ou

guys, seriously, am I the only one thinking about vaginas whenever I see this website building stuff?
@RyanKinal lemme see what mine will create now that I resized ^_^
@FlorianMargaine Nope
Thank you.
It's difficult to get something non-vagina-like, tbh
But on the other hand some people are normal and don't see vaginas on this site
@FlorianMargaine website building stuff?
@GNi33 WeaveSilk
@RyanKinal thank God, I thought my mind was just warped
oh, that one
so... basically you're saying that anything that's kinda curly and symmetric looks like a vagina? hehe
It's very vaginal. 4-way symmetry helps. Turning off symmetry definitely helps.
well, i couldn't tell, i've never seen a vagina ;_;
didn't you have a girlfriend recently? Or have you never watched any porn?
the very first thing I ever did on that site was click from the middle top and slowly but consistently dragged down
do that and tell me it's not a vagina
And I wasn't even trying to make it look like that
@FlorianMargaine yeah, just tried to be stupid there...
Purely accidental
@GNi33 well, especially the second question... you can't deny it
@FlorianMargaine ssshhhhh, jesus is watching
Jesus is creepy
well, I'm just gonna leave this here new.weavesilk.com/?v1qi
It gets to the point where I'm embarrassed to play with that site at work.
"Ooh, weavesilk!"
*does stuff*
"Oh crap, that looks like a vagina"
*closes weavesilk*
@RyanKinal ...what did I just walk into...?
@SomeKittens Same thing I walked into yesterday, I think
you walked into a vagina? well....
So, ummm. I hear JavaScript is pretty cool.
@Neal hehehe lamp stack - but the blog is flat file
so lap stack
@rlemon oy. lol
I <3 LAP
... waitaminute...
I needed to get something up
got angry configuring mysql. rage-quit -> flat file blog
Ooh, that's a good one
Not vaginal at all
@rlemon damn you! i lost
@rlemon Nooo, use Mongo
Hey stupid question but i am blanking. is there anyway to make it so when a non existsant functio is called of an object some alert happens?
so if I do rowObject.foo() and foo does not exist it alerts, without a try/catch
@Neal By checking for its existence first...
^ that
@RyanKinal :-\ boooo
try catch or check first
Just a tip : hit x to erase
typeof rowObject.foo === 'function'
Object.prototype.try = function(fn) {
  if( fn in this ) this.fn.apply(this,  Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
  else alert(fn + ' is not defined');
// but don't do this
obj.try(foo, 1,2,3);
Hi. Is it possible to do such thing with :not --> $("...:not(:disabled,[readonly]")
I dont want the disabled and I dont want the readonlys.
Ummm. I don't know. Read the docs?
yeah. I didnt find information about concating in such way
Maybe this? $("...:not(:disabled):not([readonly])")?
Thats what I currently have . thought it would be better to merge them. that's why i'm asking
I don't think it matters much
Has anybody here used a deployment tool? Like git-deploy?
Getting a "nice answer" badge on a pure jquery stupidity doesn't feel very nice
I followed this tutorial: openwatcom.org/index.php/Installing_Open_Watcom_on_Linux but when executing the installer I get an error: Floating point exception (core dumped)
Installing OpenWatcom C/C++ compiler on Ubuntu 12.04 ^^
@Zirak Yeah... my first "nice answer" was on a jQuery question... and it wasn't even the best answer.
It was just the first
Alas i'm stuck in error land and google is not helping
@rlemon The date-ordering on the blog is backwards. You probably want the newer articles on top.
@RyanKinal The url looks like someone with Source Control Hiccups: https://*git*hub.com/*git*-deploy/*git*-deploy
@RyanKinal yes, :P I already noticed that - Will fix at lunch or after work
hard to debug those things with one post :P
This is why we have test data ;-)
there are a bunch of cosmetic changes that need to be made as well.
hehe hey - it was a 4 hour blog.
iz no perfect man.
Fair enough :-)
I should actually do something with ryankinal.github.com
But I'm not sure what...
yea - i'm going to so a spa on mine - however not sure what to do
@RyanKinal lol, why jQuery make things boring ? XD
It just does.
Somebody's like "I need this to do all this awesome stuff" and I'm like "Ugh. Another 10 lines of jQuery, I guess"
lol, it's sure it remove some challenges
but this 10 lines will never run awesomely good as a well programmed js script
And it just doesn't feel as good to me.
@RyanKinal The coloring is painful
@SomeKittens the coloring?
White letters on White with only a little outline?
Oh, yeah. I never finished the design.
any of you guys heard of (and obviously by extension) use signalR?
I think I like the header, though. The continuous white stripe is pretty sweet.
Also, I <3 subtlepatterns.com
@RyanKinal oof this is beautiful
YaY! rlemon feels useful.
/me intro'd room to subtlepatterns
+1 to you, sir
Q: A formula for point calculation based on value A's proximity to value B

spectralbatI am trying to find a formula to use for my rhythm game's scoring. Basically there is a Guide entity and a Live entity. You control the Live entity and have to match it as closely as possible to a Guide entity in position and radius (both entities are circles drawn on HTML5 canvas). Guide entit...

OMGADS a girl game dev who is actually who she is in the pic!?
pretty cute too
Aaaaanyway. I have to go get my car inspected. Later folks.
@RyanKinal Good luck with that.
@rlemon ;cutie cutie
Q: Link to a website while hiding images

RaindropIs it possible to hyperlink to a website and when the person clicks the link he goes to the website but the images are hidden? I'm looking for something like http://www.google.com/images?=0 that would work on all websites, I'm guessing the best bet is just some javascript code. Is this possible? ...

mmmm, Java: Both camelCase and under_score in the same variable: jButton_exit
@rlemon Well, she's from Sweden, course she's cute.
no, she's Australian and Bulgarian, living in Sweden :P
Bulgarian, there we go.
yes everyone from the balkans is extremely handsome hint hint
maybe not everyone, but...
spent a week in summer in Novi Sad, Serbia
Not everyone but a high percentage. ;)
going out there on Saturday..... wow, just wow
and the good thing, it was hot as hell
i mean, the temperature
the other thing as well, though
Is this sarcasm ? ->http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/7583495#7583495
@noob1992 No, not at all.
this.button2.Clicked += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
			sock.Connect ("",80);
				Console.WriteLine ("Connected");
			} else {
				Console.WriteLine ("Not connected");
I shall make my own tool unlike a script kid and hack everyone mwhaaa
@GNi33 Mate, gotta join me when I drive to Romania in the summer right before the Romanian summer break. :D
Your head is going to explode. :D
never been to Romania
hehe, well, sounds good :D
Events in .net make a lot more sense when delegate is explained to be a pointer to a function or something like that.
I plan on going outside the country once I have a real job
@noob1992 Yes, do it. Then please hack
Do it.
@noob1992 Comparing .NET to JS is like comparing a tree to an aeroplane. It makes no sense. o_o
You could try to break into your system from behind the firewall. That'd be so sneaky.
@CBredlow where do you live?
You know from behind enemy lines, all tacticool and shit.
How would I do that ? explain ?
ion cannon from behind the firewall, pew pew
We're entering Dumbcon 1 here folks...
wouldn't be D DOS then, but who cares :P
@rlemon that your gf?
why... dammit
@Loktar nay - swede game dev chick
ah ok
hot swede game dev chick
would be cool to actually meet a developer-girl like that some time
I'm not a hacker @ dumbcon
Swede/Aussie/Bulgarian game dev chick.
so I can make fun of her for looking like a hobo
hot girl asked question, here come the upvotes!
yeah its lame
but whatever.
"Hey babe, what do you want to do tonight? Should we go out, watch a movie?"
"How 'bout a hackathon?"
"Sounds good"
hah, i'd like that somehow
she seems like a bit of a noob tbh.
@Loktar wait.. we're actually looking at her code? I just assumed it would be bad. She is hot though.
Why does everything seem so dirty when asked by a chick? note to self: ask doctor next time you see him
heh, I looked at her so profile
Q: Attempting to get two simultaneous joysticks working with touch events

spectralbatI've been battling with this for two days. I'm using an HTML5/JS game engine called ImpactJS and someone made a very useful plugin to create joystick touch zones for mobile devices. The idea is that you specify a zone on the screen where the joystick is activated when that area is touched. The c...

has only asked questions
I mean look at that title.
Profile Shmofile - I creeped her twitter pics looking for some self shots.
Man girls don't be diggin me cuz I aint' got no job
That's why I need a job.
@noob1992 it's hard to dig someone you don't respect... or like... or can't be around.
@rlemon LOL
What ?
Because they're not XML.
What are they ?
@noob1992 this! I love your room officially.
Human Text Markup Language
I have never seen a html tag with <joking></joking>
bboy360.com/Aboutus.aspx <- Read the quotes
@noob1992 not surprising.
Does a joke go inside the joking tags =)
@noob1992 You weren't trying hard enough.
no, they go over your head.
<joking> Knock Knock </joking>
@rlemon <rimshot />
“Bboy Krust Dog 360 has Mad Skillz” – LL Cool J
“Bboy Krust Dog 360 is the bomb” – Eminem
“If Jesus was alive today he’d be a breaker” – The Pope
“Hopefully Bboy Krust Dog will agree to be in my video this time.” – Britney Spears
“Break Dancing Has got to be the greatest thing a person can do in their life time” – George W Bush
“He kicked me out at 4am, Bboy Krustdog 360 why won't you return my calls!” – J Lo
hehe, where'd you get that from?
2 mins ago, by rlemon
http://bboy360.com/Aboutus.aspx <- Read the quotes
@rlemon Can't keep the page open.
Clicked, it loaded, I thought you wanted to rape my eyes with a horrible design and instantly closed it.
<link href="fullsize/fullsize.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="fullsize/jquery.fullsize.js" />

    <script type="text/javascript">


    <script type="text/javascript">


Snippet of the wonderful source code from this guys site
notice any luls
@rlemon wth is that supposed to do?
@rlemon it's amazingly the worst site i seen
Q: Click on radiobuttons = Load different content from external page to div

WobotPages Index.html contains three radio-buttons: <input type="radio" name="radio_content" value="radio_main"> <input type="radio" name="radio_content" value="radio_gallery"> <input type="radio" name="radio_content" value="radio_portfolio"> Below those buttons there is a div: #...

Please help =>
Mymy did this gave me a hard time understanding the pupose
Q: Understanding javascript functions, scope and closures

bflemi3Can someone explain in detail what this snippet of js does? (function (window) { var test = window['test'] = {}; test.utils = new(function(){ ... })(); })(window); I understand that the function is not globally scoped. I understand that it is creating a variable called test that points...

@MikeBoutin you should read this, if you haven't already <- that covers what you asked ysterday

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