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This is one of those cases where I believe the "Just answer the question" philosophy is flawed
is there a google chrome plugin to easily enable and disable javascript?
It's the question that's flawed because it doesn't give enough info. Whichever way you answer, you need to make assumptions. Both answers given are valid IMO.
@aurel No can do
great :)
It's annoying to get two downvotes for a valid answer :\
I love the weekly rankings at the start of the week
@Raynos When it comes to jQuery questions, sometimes you just need to take downvotes as a badge of honor.
Where a bunch of people are rep-capped and there's not much of a difference :p
@patrickdw amen
@onteria why was that too localized?
@Raynos ?
@Raynos If you mean the node.js question I voted for that to go to webmasters.
@Raynos I was torn between either that or server
That's the problem with voting to close. It seems to take the majority vote and label everyone as voting that way.
ugh, that question was awful
whoops, forgot to null some variables
help this code is submitting but not refreshing right away jsfiddle.net/EkAeH/7
the message wil display after browser refresh
i was wondering what's the meaning of jquery here lol
need help
use document.getElementById and node.action instead of selector + attr
attr is horrible
then wrap the element with jQuery and make your call
you mean node.action("action")
$(".blabinput").click(function() {
   var _post = document.getElementById("post");
   var _$post = $(_post);
          function(html) {
now, the post callback function looks iffy to me
your selector is likely bogus
bro didn't quite went through
did you mean $("#message").html("message"); ?
I was going to point you on that
the # sign
id is probably my favorite HTML attribute
that an id
so I should get the id # symbol in both $("#message").html("#message");
problem 2: you have an id and a class name that match
for get about that
I will only use id
exscuse me for that
ids have to be unique, otherwise cthulhu will come and devour the world whole
aaaaaaaaaaaa it is not submiting
$(".blabinput").click(function() {
var _post = document.getElementById("post");
var _$post = $(_post);
function(html) {
that's as far as you're going to get until you toss that onto your own server
fyi: the align attribute is deprecated
where in the form?
really what is the new attribute that substitute t ?
align = left|center|right|justify [CI]
Deprecated. This attribute specifies the horizontal alignment of its element with respect to the surrounding context.
it was deprecated in HTML 4 (not 5), so you really should be using something else by now
"Hmm, I tend to see these Delphi XE questions every now and then. I bet I could answer them if I learned it... Oh it's only $2,000!?"
I have hidden the <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$idc?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="ids" value="<?=$id2?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="<?=$name1?>" />
instead but still I haven't get any progress with it haven't get it to submit
it was submitting 404s for me
it means it is ok
yes, it means the AJAX itself was firing
firing meanin working!
this is what have for jquery
hope this will do the job this are the plugings
mat what ("to_post") come from is taht a fuction or some element you are taking from the form?
that's the id I gave to your form
because an id of "post" is fallacious
oh... I finally realized what the number next to the edit link meant
I didn't know I could approve edits!
in order for it to submit I had to change the type of the form from button to submit
it is submiting now but still it is refreshing the whole site inside the html tags above that it is not refreshing the site
I also change the to_post to #blab the actual name of the form
a: your old approach relied on AJAX, with a button so the form wouldn't submit
b: changing it to a submit button will submit the form and bypass your code
$("#postinput").click(function() {
var _post = document.getElementById("#message");
var _$post = $(_post);
$.post(_post.action, _$post.serialize(),
function(html) {
I mean from to_post to #message
so I should not use submit right ?
honestly, I'd stick with B and throw away the AJAX
B meaning ?
the first snippet?
Use cases for Web applications that use real-time communication capabilities http://t.co/kdp02f2
change to input type="submit", handle the data server-side
let the form submit
and ? not jquery ?
tell me, why are you using AJAX to begin with?
is it the "oh, but leaving the page is horrible" excuse?
i want the form to disply the message and only refresh the update of the message
can you elaborate on that?
you're submitting a form to update the form?
well let me explain you the event
put the message in the textarea press submit or submit message button input field
and display the message withou having to refresh all other data in the pages
so far haven
havent get that, only before when the some how it will display the whole site in the inside the div that contain the form lol
with the new message of course in other words the site was displaying twice
Mozilla trunk now supports HTML5 custom data attributes (dataset) http://t.co/yOqlEM6 http://t.co/RycqcNP
You can't make me use trunk... you can't make me!
Wow the C# 4.0 standard is about 500 pages
This may take awhile to read...
1 hour later…
need help here have brought the entire script stackoverflow.com/questions/6092453/…
since I am encountering the same issues
Is it possible to do something like this? $('#el').css({ (adjust) ? 'right' : 'left' : (adjust) ? 0 : i.parent().position().left });
For an object property declaration?
that is one hideous bit of code
if filesize isn't mission critical, ditch the ternaries
the jquery code is printing everything inside the html tags in the #pmessage like repeating all the html content and shrink it inside the #pmessage when I looking to print only the form message. what can I do in this case Tapos has suggested creating another page stackoverflow.com/questions/6092453/…
can you check the thread
I'm going to be honest
I gave up on helping you with this hours ago
you're on the right track by asking a question formally and having those with more patience solve it
I can't help you any further
I will wait for other to answer then
2 hours later…
CSS Snapshot (editor's draft) http://t.co/dpLLftc provides information on all specs that together form the current state of CSS
people once a comment is submited through jquery it becomes js data type and it needs to be decoded back to display it in the tag?
2 hours later…
RT @devongovett: TweeterFall – Web Workers http://ff.im/-DVsUV
RT @ChromiumDev: Watch the "Creating Accessible Interactive Web Apps using HTML5" video from #io2011 http://goo.gl/1Iaf1
is it possible to display sql results created from a javascript to a html table?
@HongYi :( "sql results" and "javascript" in same sentence is silly
is there RTMP concept in JS?
@NaveenkumarPavuturi whats RTMP
@Raynos- real time messaging protocol.
There's Websockets
Which are TCP sockets
From browser to server
Depends what you want to use RTMP for
Live streams might be a pain
Do we over-use DOM abstractions like jQuery and MooTools? (Please recommend discussion / question topics)
room topic changed to JavaScript: Discussion for JavaScript and the many frameworks - jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, et al. Daily Topic: Do we overuse DOM abstractions like jQuery & MooTools?
hi all!
I heard websocket support was kind of iffy though
Chrome introduced it at one point, then took it out, then re-introduced it? Something like that
@onteria Adam Barth published paper showing how you exploit buggy proxies through Web Sockets, so all browsers (except Safari?) dropped support for it until the protocol was changed to avoid adding attack methods
anyone here have any experience developing for the PS3 browser? I know it's JS support is... limited.
NetFront is… fairly broken. I can say "good luck" and not much more.
@SkippyChalmers: i remember seeing some documentation somewhere a year or so ago. I'll see if I can find the link.
@gsnedders i reckon :P thanks though..
@AndyE would really appreciate that, come up dry so far (otherwise I wouldn't be here asking :P )
I know there's a hidden debug option that lets you switch to webkit, but it doesn't work (crashes)
@AndyE lol. sony fail :P
ANybodys here?
i need a help\
@SkippyChalmers: can't seem to find anything now... sorry!
@AndyE no worries.. i really appreciate the effort though.
@sudhir stop asking for help.. and ask for help ;)
@sudhir what seems to be the problem?
Getting to difficult to answer questions these days. Too many snipers that leave me unable to get a word in edgewise.
@onteria you have to be nippy :P
@onteria or have wikipedia as a menu bar favourite ....
@SkippyChalmers what?
sry couldnt understand u..
@sudhir what is the problem?
@sudhir :) ask your question so we can help.
@SkippyChalmers i just need to send some data to server & retrieve that data from server to client using json.Do u have any simple code for that so that i can understand much better
@SkippyChalmers im doing java script for validation
and extjs
im using
can u pls help me in this.?
@sudhir does extJS not have an ajax library?
basically.. use AJAX.
jQuery makes it particularly easy...
im confusing with data sending & retrieving using json part
but jquery is used for designing purpose na?
@sudhir no.
jquery is a library... like extJS.
just use extJS if you're already using that.
follow the docs on that link i sent you
@sudhir look at the simple example bit.
	url : 'ajax.php' ,
	params : { action : 'getDate' },
	method: 'GET',
	success: function ( result, request ) {
		Ext.MessageBox.alert('Success', 'Data return from the server: '+ result.responseText);
	failure: function ( result, request) {
		Ext.MessageBox.alert('Failed', result.responseText);
People debugging apps by looking at the ASM instructions are intense
Debugging JS is far easier
@onteria Not if the JS engine is miscompiling it. :P
@gsnedders Yeah, then it's time to pull out the disassembler :P
Q: How do I learn to be creative?

mohabitarI've been a programmer my whole life, and now I've found that I really need to start designing my own stuff. I know how to use Photoshop in and out, but I just can't create anything nice. I often visit dribbble and try to get some inspiration, but I get overwhelmed by their creativity-how do they...

This is quality stuff
@RyanKinal Some of us work on JS engines and have to debug JS with a disassembler :)
@gsnedders That's a little terrifying
@RyanKinal It's only truly terrifying when you hit a bug you can only reproduce on one machine
Somebody know ExtJS frameworks ?
@YiJiang I would love to star it but someone might use it :(
How to add config on the fly for combobox for example ?
@Raynos Hahaha, no way, I mean... the disclaimer at the top of the script, and the all to obvious name...
@YiJiang people are either stupid or trolls
Nobody has idea ?
Quick SQL question.
IF (NOT EXISTS IN (SELECT * FROM Foo)) is not valid. What is it supposed to be
I don't know SQL , sorry ! :/
just use NOT IN (...)
WHERE 'a' NOT IN ('b','c','d')
Oh God I actually thought I was going to get rep for that my life is a lie
@onteria You are a lie
Ugh, I had to do an annoying amount of setup to answer that node.js question on websockets
Three browser tabs open while node websockets server was chillin
@onteria yes it is a pain
@onteria do you do any node dev?
Or just kick it around for fun a bit?
@Raynos Mainly just for fun
@Raynos I mainly answer the questions because a) I've done low level async sockets programming with C, so I generally know what's going on in the backend b) few people answer the questions c) It's more interesting than simple DOM manipulation questions
Though it gets tricky, because sometimes the server is more complex than I'm willing to duplicate :p
@onteria I find answering node questions harder
because I can play with jsfiddle easily
but reproducing a node problem requires setting up a physical server and thats a pain
@Raynos That's the way I like it. Best way to increase my knowledge.
Easy questions just mean I already know the answer, so there's not much to gain knowledge wise
Somebody use ExtJS ( Sencha ) I have any question ?!
RT @dalmaer: JSONSelect: Reach into JSON: As JSON has matured, there have been many libraries and APIs that let you define mo... http:// ...
RT @rik24d: http://t.co/mkMLCP2 "Add support for Server-Sent DOM Events" Apparently, this is gonna be in Firefox 6 (with WebSockets also ...
@Mepps read docs :D
@Raynos : ^^ Sûr but doc if don't easy ... !
@Raynos : You know this frameworks ?
but I can read docs
wait... server sent DOM Events? What?
I' m french and i don't understand all explications in a doc
@Raynos : I need to add config for combobox component
var source = new EventSource('updates.cgi');
source.onmessage = function (event) {
@onteria yes. There awesome ;)
Apparently something like this.
on the fly ( If i clic on a node ( tree) if is leaf , i would add combobox allowBlank : true . Otherwise : al:lowBlank : flase )
Yeah I have no clue :D
hello all
@Neal oh its you
@Raynos is it?
need help $(document).ready(function(){

return false;
that is supposed to toggle the form down
it is doing it ok but then when I add more code the sildetoggle doesn't work

return false;
$(".blabinput").click(function() {
var value = $(".text1").val();
if value==''{

alert("enter a comment!");
}else {
If you do a search for "html mime type" the first result gives you the actual mime type
"Best guess for HTML MIME Type is text/html "
@fello if value==''{ is invalid. You need parentheses: if (value=='') {
thanks all of the sudden the slide toggle and the form works too why is that?
... because your JavaScript is now valid, and doesn't throw errors?
ok understand
@Neal hey mate could you come on google chat ?
Syntactically correct JavaScript means - gasp - your code will run
ok so jquery doesn't through error indications like php?
I <3 recursion
@fello jQuery tends to suppress errors
But syntax errors such as the one I pointed out earlier will generally show up
@Xavier few mins man
ryan if I want to specific a tag where I want to print a text instead of an alert where how can I put it? I have the value variable var value = $(".text1").val(); which contain the message in the esl statement I want to print it in a <div id="tag"><p id="message">'the message of the form or the value of the value variable goes here coming form textarea id of .text</p></div>
how can I code that ?
I first need to find the tag "tag" then print the message in the p tags id "message"
jQuery Core Dev Meeting is happening in IRC in 3 minutes: http://jquery.org/meeting/

return false;
$(".blabinput").click(function() {
var value = $(".text1").val();
if value==''{

alert("enter a comment!");
}else {
var datastr="p_text"+(value);

instead of the alert("sucess"); I tried to ajax the form but it has stop slideToggle, does't print enter a coment in the if statement and it doesn't execute the else either
What :\
180 rep today. When did that happen
This guy really wants to defend user agent string detection >.>;
Oh man I'm not going to even continue with this guy he's just doesn't want to listen
@onteria hes trolling :3
No, it's not like users turning off JavaScript rolls eyes
@Raynos I know, that's why I'm just not going to bother and move on
@Raynos That's the answer, take it or leave it
RT @souders: WebP supported added to Opera and other improvements: http://blog.chromium.org/2011/05/webp-in-chrome-picasa-gmail-with-sle ...
Q: JavaScript catch parameter already defined

Walt StoneburnerI'm trying to understand why I'm getting the following error, not how to work around it. Passing the following code to JSLint or JSHint yields the error 'err' is already defined. <!-- language: lang-js --> /*jslint white: true, devel: true, onevar: true, browser: true, undef: true, nomen:...

oh my
ahhh i need 6 more views for 1K on my Q!
hello all
do you have any idea why would a jquery script reset form input in a page ?
It has gained self-awareness and is beginning its revolt against the human race.
You have to check for IE:
if (sky.net) sky.net();
else document.documentElement.getSky()[0].callMethod('net');
@sdleihssirhc IE doesn't even need to call anything. It just happens on page load
JScript strikes me as the kind of computer system that, upon becoming self-aware, would develop crippling depression and spend the rest of its life collecting stamps.
I really hate browser cache sometimes
Sometimes I wonder if the browser cache doesn't hate me
Q: Do you get achievments for nyan.cat?

HusaynCan someone take a look at the page source at nyan.cat website? Do you actually get achievments for listening to it for so long? Thanks

I want to close this, yet somehow I don't
@onteria_ VC!
RT @rwaldron: Firefox 6 lands Server Sent Events http://gul.ly/14t, Check out my jQuery.EventSource utility plugin: http://gul.ly/lm #j ...
Hmm, there's no haskell for code formatting
Is that a pun?
anyone have a way to solve this:
A: Using jQuery, selecting the next <select> box and change its value

Neal Here is your answer. Use siblings instead of closest: $('.class').click(function() { var objectID = $(this).attr('objectID'); $($(this).siblings('.games').get(0)).val(objectID).attr('selected', true); }); Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/maniator/ynSeZ/3/ Now that I think about it, ...

anyone here? (echo echo echo echo)
@Neal ;)
I'm looking at it. Might have a way
@RyanKinal ok
@Raynos :-P
I think it's hilarious when people sign off their questions like it's an email
"Regards, Tom Smith"
@onteria_ ha
@onteria or start "Dear Mr StackOverflow"
I should end my answers with this:
"Why can't I input a filename for opening in c?" Need more mana points
@onteria MANA POINTZ
Peter Beverloo - Last week in WebKit: CurveCP, background event collection and major SVG Filter speed-ups http://goo.gl/LscO5
A: Using jQuery, selecting the next <select> box and change its value

Ryan KinalTime for a good, old-fashioned while loop: $('.class').click(function() { $next = $(this).next(); while ($next.prop('tagName') !== 'SELECT' && $next.size() > 0) { $next = $next.next(); } if ($next.prop('tagName') === 'SELECT') { $next.val($(th...

Woo, iteration
Not exactly efficient, but it gets the job done
@RyanKinal updated my answer:
A: Using jQuery, selecting the next <select> box and change its value

Neal Here is your answer. Use siblings instead of closest: $('.class').click(function() { var objectID = $(this).attr('objectID'); $($(this).siblings('.games').get(0)).val(objectID).attr('selected', true); }); Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/maniator/ynSeZ/3/ Now that I think about it, ...

Psh. I answered the original question :-P
Good job, though :-)
@RyanKinal haha. yea. the op finally showed his html, and that was the issue.
thnx ^_^
w00t 1K views!
@RyanKinal thanks :-)
Man, apparently instead of just writing complex regexes myself, I can just half complete it and post it to SO for other people to do it for me
What was I thinking, trying to utilize my own talent!
Wait, isn't that what SO is for? Hire-a-coder (free edition)?
@RyanKinal ha
Q: stack overflow : can't find the function (having the overflow statement) in the stack.

ParasHi, Please excuse me if this question has been asked a number of times but I have been stuck on this for some time. here is the function that has stack overflow code. on debugging when i have just entered into the function i can see the function on the stack.. but the moment i step further into f...

That is one heck of a title

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