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If you drop IE8 support then you just have DOM3, CSS3 & ES5
You dont need jQuery anymore.
Admittedly you still need websocket, webworkers and ehm
That other thing IE9 doesnt support
strict mode too
IE10 does strict mode.
yes, but we were talking about 8/9
though admittedly, 9 is essentially 7 because of their release interval
10 will be the new 8/6
Oh yes, ehm the HTML5 History API
that IE9 doesnt support -.-
Those are 3 big things IE10 needs
Well not websockets because "It has security flaws" -.-
10 supposedly supports ES5 in full
The idea being that MDN gives us some consistent way to display this information then we fill it out for them.
something like this
@MattMcDonald I was going for an overview
@raynos: You know, I'm not 100% sure that V8 does optimize out references in closures it can prove can't be used. Now, this is an external measurement and so is surrounded by caveats, but: jsbin.com/omicu3/5 If you use Chrome's about:memory and play with the buttons a bit, the non-referencing function seems to keep the arrays in memory. (You have to use the "shake" button to make Chrome care enough to run GC.)
and for page by page information
Like if you go to Array.prototype.indexOf it shows you the browser support
@TJCrowder its crashing :)
whoa, I thought Array.indexOf worked in IE 8+, not IE 9+
@raynos: In Chrome?
even better that I keep avoiding it
@Raynos I just attached my Google Account so I could vote that up :P
@MattMcDonald ;)
@TJCrowder I need to read that code to double check.
@Raynos: Yeah, I could have messed something up. (And I really should be working...)
sad to see Array.filter so poorly supported in IE. it's the only one of the "shorthand" for loop array methods I really like
@TJCrowder also if you read the question I linked. The context variables are owned by all inner functions. I.e. if one function uses references a variable up the context chain all functions declared in that scope will have that variable in the context chain
@raynos: Then my example won't trigger the optimization, you can ignore it.
@raynos: Um...remind me of the link?
@Raynos: Thanks
@Raynos Be nice if he cited a source (or indeed, relevant sections of the source), but it's ringing a bell in the very, very back of my mind from reading about V8's performance enhancements during the first few releases.
@Raynos MDN has a uservoice page! Great, finally somewhere I can report broken stuff to
@YiJiang :)
@TJCrowder Yes it would be nice. I tried reading the v8 source but the lack of C++ knowledge really didnt help. I'm sure its in there somewhere
pro tip
@IvoWetzel v8 does optimise closure scope context, right?
when you wonder why your 8080 emulator is so slow
it might probably be the case that you've left a debug call to curses in there....
@Raynos If I'm not mistaken it does
But when in doubt, check the source
That's what I thought. But I keep assuming it without checking the v8 src
@ivo: LOL
@IvoWetzel not all of us can navigate the v8 src easily ;)
The jaegermonkey source is harder to navigate >_<
@Raynos What, you mean you can't navigate source code written by brilliant Google engineers being paid large sacks of money?
Q: Javascript form validation not working.

JasonI have a simple form validation script: function validate() { if(document.register.field.value == "") { alert("Please fill in all fields"); return false; } else { return true; ] } the function is called using the onSubmit handler, but nothing happens when su...

lol @ response in less than 30 seconds
@onteria I have no exposure to large C++ projects :)
Object = function() { return eval(); }
@onteria_ DOM name traversal? ugh
slakes deleted it :(
@MattMcDonald I just responded with a JS fiddle with a minimal example that uses getElementById() instead
the problem looks to be that the function is undefined when called
which is a common problem when using javascript-centric attributes
"I get this error! What should I do" no source code at all
I need to become a mind reader
oh, and the square bracket at the end
Also ugh table layout but oh well
@aurel hello
A: How To Select Any One Element From a DL List

Raynos$('.row').click(function(ev){ $(ev.target).next(".show").toggle("slow"); }); .next, ev.target

Its this vs ev.target vs ev.currentTarget. Is any one of them better then the other?
i have a feeling that is wrong (not valid) to have a number as an id e.g. <p id="1">
im I wrong?
Not really
Its just a silly naming choice for the id
and very easy to conflict
@aurel: The answer depends on whether you're using HTML4 or earlier, or HTML5, and also on whether you intend to use that ID with CSS or with anything that works with CSS-style selectors (as so many JavaScript libraries do).
@aurel: HTML4 and earlier did not allow IDs to start with digits. CSS still does not. HTML5 allows IDs to be nearly anything you want as long as they don't have a space in them.
@aurel: References: HTML4 rules, HTML5 rules, CSS rules
@aurel (And I'm new to chat, but that probably should have been an SO question ;) )
@TJCrowder I wanted to use it with ajax, nothing to do with styling, initially i had:

<a href="?id=1">
no i thought
<a href="anotherpage.php" id="1">
so i javascript was disabled the like would act differently
@aurel So technically, it's the rules for whatever version of HTML you're declaring for that page that you'd want to worry about. But frankly I always stick to the CSS rules (the most restrictive) whether I'm doing styling or not, because I may go back to it later and do styling, and I find it easier to just remember one set of rules. :)
@TJCrowder telling you how it is.
@raynos ?
You gave a thorough explanation with references to the w3 specs ;)
@raynos Ah, with you. :)
@TJCrowder, @Raynos thanks for the explanation
Where as I just gave a hand wavey "that probably works but using numbers is a bit silly"
@Raynos I happened to know the answer offhand, and I keep links to those rules handy as they come up a lot... ;)
@TJCrowder out of curiosity how much is your hourly rate.
@Raynos It depends on the job, typically ~$90 USD for off-site stuff
@Raynos There's a (very) specialist area where I'm nearly able to double that, but that's because there are about five people in the UK qualified to do the work. ;-)
I see. What is this special thing your awesome at?
It's an obscure document management / workflow system called Process360.
They have a published API (well, technically, I think three of them), but let's just say there's a lot of "you wouldn't know this if you didn't know this" about it.
Ah great.
@TJCrowder you really aught to do something about that website. It looks very 1998.
those things take time though
@raynos Tell me.
@TJCrowder most of it is fine, but the HTML CV is a bit lacking.
@MattMcDonald I know they do. I dont even have anything set up :)
I just tend to expect something shiny from a web dev for their personal website ;)
let me know when your site is done and I'll toss a link up on my site
@MattMcDonald It should be up and running before the end of the year :D
@Raynos Yeah. Well the thing is, I wasn't a web dev. A lot has changed in the last four years (and, um, that site hasn't).
you should use border-bottom and margin-bottom instead of hr ;)
@Raynos BTW, you very nearly hit the nail on the head. I think I did that CV in 1997 and have only added/removed things without actually updating it, if you follow me.
Yes the rest is fine for a simple information website for business clients. It lacks shine but it doesn't look dated.
generally, I found the best method to making a nice site was nailing down a color scheme
@MattMcDonald I should completely redo the HTML and CSS. But hr still has its places...
ha, I was talking to @Raynos
he's got an hr acting as a border
@MattMcDonald LOL sorry.
@MattMcDonald you can critique at much as you want :D it's just a mocked out template I'm playing with
this is what I started with on my site
@TJCrowder raynos.org you can mock too o/
@Raynos That's good to hear, anyway. The pseudo-tabs are kludgy though. Or at least, I expect they are, I've learned a LOT since then.
well, I chose a logo and font first
@Raynos LOL! I went to the blog, all excited-like, and...well...
@MattMcDonald that website ;_;
Mind you, at least you linked to your blog.
sadface because of the color scheme?
I get that a lot
The background the tiling.
My eyes.
The boxes in the div for no reason
well that's the gallery section that hasn't been filled
I have to say the background tiling is a bit :\ in my opinion
ttyl, gents -- off to do real work :(
Good luck
ha, looks like IE 5.5 doesn't support list-style-type: square
@Raynos What if I don't want to learn node.js with Raynos? What if I want to learn node.js with RAPTORS?
Ahh timezone questions
An area I would rather not be proficient in :(
oh, IE 5.5 doesn't support list-style-type at all :(
looks like quirksmode was wrong about that one
@onteria :(
I had a project once where I had to do timezone conversion before PHP had decent timezone support. Tried to drink a bunch of whiskey to make the pain go away but it didn't work :(
I think the main thing that makes timezones so annoying is daylight savings time
An army of left floated divs upon the soul of whoever thought that was a good idea
var raptors = function () {
     return Array.prototype.map.call(arguments, function(val) {
           return eval(val);
ha, but IE 5.5 supports list-style: square inside;
Oh I'm close to 400 in jQuery.
Of course its faster
Theres less overhead
for those who are interested, this is a great link: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc351024%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
IE 5.5 on a mac. Evil.
5.2 actually
Internet Explorer 6 10.85%
Internet Explorer 7 7.35%
Internet Explorer 8 33.06%
Internet Explorer 9 2.41%
All variants 53.67%
If we combined Windows ME and IE6, I think we could create a black hole somehow
A: Need Javascript syntax to reference a CSS class instead of HTML element

Raynos<a href="#" class="clickie size-1" >Small text </a> <a href="#" class="clickie size-2" >Medium text </a> <a href="#" class="clickie size-3" >Large text </a> You should change the markup not to rely on inline javascript. // bind the event handler to all <a...

How do I improve that?
1: document.links instead of getElementsByTagName
it'll grab any anchor tag with a href attribute
OH nice
var target;
	//Microsoft DOM
	target = window.event.srcElement;
}else if(evt)
	//w3c DOM
	target = evt.target;
The links property returns a collection of all AREA elements and anchor elements in a document with a value for the href attribute.
and since 95% of people don't use image maps anymore it's pretty safe
though you can use a .tagName filter just in case
I dont like checking for events like that
what's wrong with target = (evt && evt.target) || window.event.srcElement ?
nothing, I just use the full-on block
@MattMcDonald gets paid by the line
Wait what. 303 rep. >_<
I hate it when you look at your rep and go "Oh shit, Must get off SO"
and now for an IE bug that's stumping me
putting padding on input elements
can't use an inner padding wrapper because they're self-closing
"Great idea! In fact, the effort is already under way to add compatibility tables. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/css/@font-face#Browser_compatibility for an example.

See https://developer.mozilla.org/Project:en/Compatibility_tables for details on how to use templates (macros) to make the tables easier to add and maintain."
Extend the MDN with compatibility tables. Let's great a central resource for cross browser documentation.
When jquery.ajax posting to a WebMethod, can you think of a reason why it would work when data: "{}" but not when data: "{firstname: jeff}", does the WebMethod need paramters for each JSON record?
in case you're just as bored as I'm
@JeffDalley: that doesn't look like valid JSON to me. Looks like it should be '{"firstname":"jeff"}'.
Right sorry, assuming it was valid JSON though, in asp.net WebForms using a Web Method - would I grab these JSON values from the request object? Or does the Web method need matching parameters for each JSON pair.
I'll try your suggestion now though
@AndyE Hmm ok it posts now with the valid JSON, just have to figure out how to grab that posted JSON value inside a plain WebMethod on an .aspx page.
Seems it easy to get non-jquery tagged JS questions these days
screws with my ignore tags
@JeffDalley it does
you need a
static public string myFunction(string firstname)
Ahhh ok that makes sense
Is there a way to serialize the whole form as JSON then post that as data: ?
And avoid the parameters, or am I looking at an asmx/ashx service at that point, not a Web Method
@JeffDalley Why can't you grab all the form's values as an array and JSON.stringify?
@Zirak I suppose I could, just wasn't aware of it heh
When someone says 'really simple regex question', I tend to have my doubts
Is jsperf.com displaying browserscope results ok for anyone else? jsperf.com/whitelisting-and-blacklisting-methods
Eww page wants to run Java
Filling in those browser compat pages for mozilla is a pain
@JeffDalley $("form").serialize()
@AndyE Fine for me
hmm... not working for me in IE 9, Firefox 4 or Chrome 11. Is it the browserscope thing that relies on Java (pretty lame if so)
@Raynos So if I just put data: $("form").serialize() it will end up as json? sending to the web method would I still require matching params for all the form elements?
Which joker tested that in IE6 :P
@JeffDalley I think so
Well you can cheat
static public string myFunction(Dictionary<string, object> foo)
It might just magically work
haha I'll try it
Take a look what $("form").serialize() returns
@JeffDalley ah .serialize() returns a query string
@Raynos I think it was me. Test it in IE 9, the in operator beats all the other browsers to a bloody pulp and I wanted to know if there was a significant difference in IE 6 in my VM.
not JSON
Weirdly enough, IE6 is the only result showing up for me in BrowserScope.
@Raynos Hmm... sending a query string inside data: would work if I didn't choose dataType: "json" though I'm assuming
Q: How is this JavaScript function caching its results?

parismintonAfter reading over it several times, I still don't understand how this example code from page 76 of Stoyan Stefanov's "JavaScript Patterns" works. I'm not a ninja yet. But to me, it reads like it's only storing an empty object: var myFunc = function (param) { if (!myFunc.cache[param]) { va...

Interesting pattern
@AndyE Really? In Chrome 12 hasOwnProperty wins by far
@AndyE same for me
Could probably use it to cache the result of a function that does something like document.getElementsByTagName() assuming the resultset is not modified by exterior dom alterations
@Zirak: yes, what I meant is that IE 9 seems to out-perform every other browser by a ridiculously wide margin when it comes to the in operator - it manages ~300,000,000 operations to Chrome's ~7,000,000 and Firefox's ~6,000,000
@AndyE wow
Must be a bug.
Was just about to say the same thing ;-)
@onteria I prefer a closure pattern
@AndyE you'll be suprised. IE9/10 can be suprisingly fast
Would be funny if IE9 causes a bug in their engine (Trident?), causing it to be a bagillion times faster. Bug probably turns off backwards-compatibility and quirks mode. :P
A: Extract text from HTML with Javascript

nano-gilmouri think you'll find this very helpfull W3schools DOM tutorial

@Raynos: no, I realize that the new JS engine is lightning quick... it's just usually still a little behind V8.
@Raynos Because they're trying to be the bastard child of Chrome and FireFox
I'm always pleasantly surprised by Opera's JavaScript performance - especially the DOM performance. Opera seems to be able to perform DOM lookups much faster than all the other browsers put together.
Is there a way to rebind an existing .delegate() function without rewriting it?
Opera was always good. Problem is that it seems slower in actually rendering pages.
@Zirak: not as slow as Firefox, for me. Firefox runs like a sack of crap on my machine.
opera just seems like it loads pages differently
as in it waits for most things to load before it displays the page
@AndyE And that's the story of why I'm using Chrome
instead of just loading and displaying them immediately
@Zirak ditto
@MattMcDonald probably their effort of mitigating the FOUC problem.
(Flash of Unstyled Content)
it makes jsfiddle look like crap when I load it
@AndyE If you check crockfords benchmark
jslint runs 5x as fast in IE10 then chrome
@Raynos: link me?
@Raynos: does that mean you like IE 10?
@AndyE no
Never mind hes updated it
Chrome 13 is marginally faster then IE10 now
to be fair, that test should use ff5 now as the beta just dropped
@MattMcDonald it had chrome 10 for ages.
Yes it should use ff5 beta aswell
Send an email to crockford :P
Chrome should pre compile jQuery into the JS engine ;)
opera just updated to 11.1
Then chrome will be the fastest browser ever
I wonder if we could have the value requirement for object literals dropped in ECMAScript 6th. {prop1, prop2, prop3} would be the same as {prop1:undefined, prop2:undefined, prop3:undefined}. I'd find it useful, even if no one else would - I think JavaScript owes me that much.
@AndyE By the developing rate ECMAScript had to far, EC6 will come out right after php6. Right after the zombie apocalypse.
Suggest it on strawman
@Zirak I'm actually hoping to see ES:Next in FF8 so about mid 2012
Q: Working with Amazon Web Services

MatthewHello! I have to build an online bookstore using AWS using SQS, SES and RDS services as homework but Im at a standstill. I read through the documentations about these services provided by Amazon but I cannot figure out how to make them communicate with each other and how to set up instances with...

Wow, that is one intense homework assignment
@AndyE stop recommend .live >_>
@Raynos: delegate runs its selector right away and acts on the results.
If delegate could replace live then live would not exist :-p
@Zirak ES5 took a year and a half. That's not that slow.
@gsnedders How long did it take to go from ES4->ES5?
@AndyE .delegate calls .live internally.
And in how long will ES5 will have global use?
@Raynos: you're right, I had them both the wrong way around in my brain :-p
JSON parsing in... haskell
The only reason for .live is so you can string replace click with live in your code
@Zirak It was a year and a half from ES4 being abandoned to ES5 being finished.
hmm, that's kind of new
It's expensive syntactic sugar.
@gsnedders: ECMAScript 3rd -> 5th was much longer than a year and a half.
@AndyE ES3 -> 5 was much longer. But there was years of ES4 going not really anywhere. And ES3.1 is ES5.
yeah, that's what I meant :-p
Exactly, how long did it take to go from ES4 to ES5? Not to actually develop ES5?
Now imagine that, plus a giant stream of new idiots
What I was getting at was that JavaScript took 10 years to get its upgrade.
Provided TC-39 doesn't leave behind browser vendors again, it shouldn't take much longer than abandoning ES4 to ES5 being done, I expect.
If browser war enters js again, we're all fucked
It'd take much more than 10 years to get anything done. Imagine FF6 being the new IE6.
I don't think anyone really wants to go back there, least of all the reverse-engineering it causes (and subsequent delay in actually moving forward as you try and copy exact behaviour for everything…).
At least the vendors are working together now.
@Zirak ES4 was abandoned officially in July '08, ES5 was published as a final spec in December '09. ES5 now is mostly implemented in all browsers.
@AndyE It's not just that, they were mostly in the 90s as well, just in general the expectation was the same as the internet had lived on for decades before, which was if you left stuff undefined, people wouldn't use it so different UAs could implement different things. Of course, once you end up with a monoculture, as happened by 2001 or so, people start relying upon that non-interoperable behaviour…
It also helps that the ones who develop browsers aren't profiteers, and some are even in the field
@Zirak What do you mean by that? i.e., who isn't profiting?
arg, I need a way to disable that annoying leave the page popup
They aren't driven by profits. MS only made IE because Netscape said "We will destroy you"
yes, I don't want to keep my edits get rid of that annoying alert() rant
I wouldn't characterize that as such. But I worked at MS at the time.
AFAIK, Google and Mozilla don't generate revenue directly through Chrome and FF
@Zirak The Mozilla Corporation is a for-profit entity, they're making money somehow. Opera Software certainly is.
Yeah, but afaik, they don't make FF for the money.
Sure, MS, Apple, and Google have different motives, and we can speculate what they might be — certainly they aren't profiting from it.
IE6 was, by far, the best browser in the world when it came out. However... with the demise of Netscape... there was no reason to continue development. They actually fired all but like 6 guys.
MS gave up on IE after some version (maybe 6?) and made .Net. They didn't believe the internet would work.
There was some Xnet thing or the continuation of Xenedu going on. Of course, it failed.
@JohnGreenPageSpike I always got the impression that they felt like they'd won the browser war, and there was no reason to develop what could be done on the web further.
They felt? Netscape had to shut down
They did win
It came from the higher ups. The people that were on the front lines knew better. IE was just a cost center, and they were trimming down at the time. They'd saturated all of their markets and were turning their attention to servers (hence the .Net).
Well... let's be fair. The AOL deal is what put the nail in Netscape's coffin. : )
@JohnGreenPageSpike Yeah, I know well what the IE guys feel/felt about it, and that it all came from higher up.
@JohnGreenPageSpike Not just that, Netscape was dragging its heals, having tried to do a complete rewrite that wouldn't stablize for a few more years. They didn't really have any CSS support, yet alone reflow. IE won partly because it was the far superior product at the time.
I worked in the Windows Media group. We had Real, then apple to contend with. But that group's all dead these days anyway. Some idiot got a lot of support for that stupid silverlight thing. I expect that MS will be pulling most support from that in the next 2 years, except perhaps for phone development.
@gsnedders I thought Netscape lost because their plan was "1.Make a browser 2.? 3. PROFIT!"
@Zirak That still hasn't killed Opera.
They tried to make their money on an inferior server suite.
Opera still sells to OEMs for small devices.
Their biggest mistake was trying to do the rewrite, probably.
@JohnGreenPageSpike Not just small devices — also TVs, set-top boxes… increasingly now stuff also at an operator level for phones. Still, even then, desktop brings in about half the revenue.
it was a huge deal. In IE... nobody knew what half the code did, because it was all designed to make XYZ website work. The browser wars is what did Netscape in... they didn't have the resources to continue dumping money into compatibility.
Somebody would code up a major site. It would break IE. IE put patches in. Somebody else would code up another site for IE. Netscape had to do the same.
The death of Netscape and standardization on a single platform (IE) was actually good for the Web.
@JohnGreenPageSpike Totally. The IE guys did an amazing job reverse-engineering NN4. The fact that they did it well enough, and it took Netscape years to eventually release 6 says it all.
@JohnGreenPageSpike It's still like that today, it's not really changed. There's more evangelism nowadays, and more movement towards standardizing all black-box observable behaviour, but there's still plenty of reverse-engineering going on.
The lack of investment in IE was hugely problematic, of course. They had to respin up an entire team by the time they decided to do IE7, but then the old team was dead... and they had this huge codebase they didn't know what to do with.
Personally, I designed HD DVD... had sony kill that with a $600 MM check to Warner, then bought a Mac and left. : )
@JohnGreenPageSpike But their solution to parts of that — like rewriting the entire layout engine — has given them a massive advantage now. They actually have a layout engine designed for vertical text, for Grid Layout, for Advanced Layout, for Flexbox, and all the other radical CSS3 modules that change massively the flow.
We'll have to see how they execute on IE 10.
IE9 was a fiasco.
People were laughing at me when I said a few years ago: "Don't underestimate IE. Don't be complacent with it spending forever catching up. They'll catch up quicker than anyone expects.". On the whole, that seems to be quite true.
@JohnGreenPageSpike How so?
In my testing... it sort of barely works. They sacrificed interoperability for standards.
But my testing has been cursory.
IE9 was hurt dramatically by the internal mindset on Silverlight.
Mundie misspoke when he suggested that Silverlight was going to be downplayed... because he shouldn't have said it publicly. I think they understand that now.
@JohnGreenPageSpike Ah. I've scarcely used it at all. It didn't seem too bad from an interop POV. Equally, it's standards support isn't that radically different from other browsers — what I have seen hurting it is browser-sniffing more than anything else.
But MS as a whole is not the company it was even 5 years ago. There's been a huge brain drain, and middle management rules the company now.

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