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People ask, "why is using regex to work with HTML frowned upon?"
A: Simple_DOM question about finding classes

onteria_Okay I'm going to go with DOMXpath on this one. I'm not sure what 'outer text' is supposed to mean, but I'll go with this requirement: Like if span-profile = "correct name" then pull its div-msgbody First off, Here's the minified HTML test case I used: <html> <body> <div c...

Let's see you do THAT with regex
<3 XPath
@onteria_ I have to admit that was a lot more simple with XPath than regex BUT still doable.
@JRomero doable maybe, readable? Oh my...
Oh god >_<
ender why you no good :(
@Raynos You were just praising it a bit ago why are you changing your mind!?
Though I must admit, I wasn't expecting XPath to have a function that could compare against node text
@onteria I started using it :P
Conceptually its great
But the actual code is meh
Compared to npm anyway
and requirejs
What I want instead is browserify
ender why u no good :(
I'll wait until they fix npm link in ender
Oh what in the name of
actually, this is kind of a tricky interpretation
nevermind, you saw nothing. If you did see something your memory will be erased in 20 seconds.
@onteria ...
@Raynos I shouldn't have looked at a JQuery question, it warps my mind
Q: jQuery.get() Variables Scope

ccarpentergI'm working with jQuery's Ajax but in my case I need to store the response in global variables: var points = Array() $.get("/data", {"id": 1}, function(data) { for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++) { points[data[i].someid] = data[i]; } alert(points[22].someid.toString()); // it ...

Kill it in fire.
need to store the response in global variables
Crap, now I'm answering node.js questions
oh well, at least I figured out how to do an http post with it
Q: How do I professionally structure my module-pattern Javascript projects?

CodemonkeyI've read about the Revealing Module Pattern and I love it. But what about large projects where the 'master-object' has tens of sub-objects and maybe hundreds of functions. I wouldn't want to be the one to place all that code in one anonymous function closure. So how are large module pattern pro...

I'm going to try and build a better accordion (compared to jQuery UI) in the next few days using this:
but I'm going to email the author first
hi, is there a way to achieve this http://jsfiddle.net/7BR48/, without using this line:
as it is messing up the overall stucture
of the rest of the elements in the page
Holy crap, this guy posted an ERD to show how he planned his database layout
now that's a detailed question
Q: && means: AND, || means OR

cf_PhillipSennIs there a way through some sort of meta or pre-processor to tell JavaScript that the word AND equates to && and the word OR equates to || and <> equates to !===? Maybe equate THEN to { END to } NOT to !

I was amused at the accepted answer
Can someone help me with this question?
RT @silviapfeiffer: WebVTT talk at Google I/O http://ow.ly/4YRzN #html5 #a11y #video ; demo of <track> t=17m10s; text descriptions ...
is it posible to change the url to something like ?id=1 which jquery
@aurel what exactly are you trying to do?
when I clich on e link, i want to preventDefault() but still run the url
no, the whitespace stuff
so that the php could get the id
@MattMcDonald I wanted to create a horizontal webpage
Mozilla trunk now has support for latest WebSocket protocol (-07) http://goo.gl/5LP7o
are you thinking of using columns?
:) why no
yes - with divs
there's your first problem
dynamic columns are very difficult to pull off
you can float to your heart's content, but you will run into problems
are you saing to use a table
I'm saying columns are tougher than rows
"This module describes multi-column layout in CSS. By using functionality described in this document, style sheets can declare that the content of an element is to be laid out in multiple colums.

On the web, tables have also been used to describe multi-column layouts. This module has two major advantages over table-based layouts. First, it allows content to flow from one column to another based on available space rather than document structure. Second, this module allows the column width to be specified and the number of columns to vary depending on available space."
Q: Help with a div css layout

illionHello, I want to create a css layout: 2 columns Each column with a height of 100% of the window Left column should be 40% width and have to rows, bottom row should be 20px and top should take up the remaining space Right column should be 60% width and have two rows, top row 70% and bottom 30%....

keyword: css3
that looks great
ack, doesn't do fragments
this css3 Multi-column would it render on different browers?
The following tables compare CSS compatibility and support for a number of layout engines. Please see the individual products' articles for further information. This article is not all-inclusive or necessarily up-to-date. Unless otherwise specified in footnotes, comparisons are based on the stable versions without any add-ons, extensions or external programs. __TOC__ CSS version support See the article Cascading Style Sheets for more information on the different versions of CSS. This table doesn't reference CSS2.0, as CSS2.1 was intended to replace it by correcting or removing a few...
there's barely any support
(clicking my link will show you the table)
firebug's net panel now says my site only takes .7s to load instead of 1.5-1.6 :)
should this line work, when I click on a link:

$(document).scrollTo($(this).attr("href"), 555);
if i write the url
$(document).scrollTo('#demo', 555);
it works fine, but not with the above
sorry egnor that :) - my faul
You know it's time to go to sleep when trying to help answer a question leads you to going through an OpenGL tutorial
I think I'll stick with JS questions :(
Heading off?
it's amazing how under-utilized the DOM table methods are
I see so many getElementsByTagName("tr" | "td"), etc
RT @silviapfeiffer: cool demo of synchronizing slides with an audio file in html5 using popcorn.js http://ow.ly/501BF
9 hours is pretty much the worst timezone difference you can imagine
@IvoWetzel Oh hai
@YiJiang hey there
4 hours later…
I keep forgetting that you need reputation to upvote
Q: How can I style an address link to make it look like an input button with CSS

Janice MHello, I have been asked to make the address links on a web look like default buttons. I am not very familiar with CSS. Has anyone tried this? I just want them to look like normal normal buttons with gradient and things like that. Will I need to use a around it ? I hope someone out there has...

Oh silly client requests
my 8080 emulator is nearing completion
Is it built in JS?
haha... no
I'm not that crazy
C macros speed up all the implementation of the OP codes a lot
although it would be nice to write one in JS as soon as this one actually works
Hey all
@IvoWetzel what do you use for js packaging? / modularization
I'm trying to re-use serverside / clientside code >_<
and require is pissing me off
nothing really at the moment... all I do is writing code which is never deployed :D
I was trying to use ender but that made me rage.
That thing is far from being polished :\
@IvoWetzel :(
Morning all
those in the states that is...
Is anyone here who feels like trying to answer a quick jQuery question?
I would like to have a div which holds anchor tags and a couple of input elements
I would like to have a checkbox which, when checked
RT @paul_kinlan: CSS3 Animation Hit List http://www.anthonycalzadilla.com/2010/10/css3-animation-hit-list/
RT @mathias: List of byte-saving techniques in JavaScript: http://mths.be/azq (from @jedschmidt)
fades this div to 100% and makes all the elements inside clickable
when unchecked
the div fades to 50% and the elements inside are unclickable
u see what i mean?>
is this doable with jQuery?
with jQuery, can I set elements within a div to be in a sort of, inactive state?
meaning the anchor tag cant be clicked
Of course
the input elements cant be filled out
Make me a jsfiddle an ill play with it
ok one moment =)
ive never used jsfiddle, perfect time to finally do so, im new to all this BTW
almost done, bear with me im not the most proficient coder
hmm i dont know why but my fadeTo doesnt seem to be working, sorry I really fight my way thru the most basic coding still
holy cow that was fast
ok awesome let me look it over and see what u did
thank you so much
hey again hope im not being a pest but could you tell me what this is doing?
$("input, button", $("#clickable"))
it searches the entire document for all inputs and buttons?
then performs a filter?
of some sort
i haz assembler loops!
    MVI_A, 10, // loop counter
    CPI, 0, // check if ourloop reached zero
    JZ, 10, 0, // in case it does, jump out
    DCR_A, // decrement A
    JMP, 2, // jump back
so in theory my 8080 emu works
wonder if there is a test suite anywhere...
There I go again, writing answers the size of a small essay
Oh well, it helps me kill time :p
can anyone tell me why my <div id="tableHolder"> and </div>
<pre id="linksHolder"></pre> are not showing up here: http://rageimg.com/temp/
@NoviceCoding Don't see anything wrong, what's suppose to happen?
Also, your link to r/f7u12 is broken
three smaller images of the image should appear
yeah its very "work in progressy"
@YiJiang relevent fiddle: jsfiddle.net/bWxYd/5
Hmm, I posted something to meta that I thought would be an interesting easter egg to users but I might have misjudged the waters a bit
@user548906 it searches the container clickable for all inputs and buttons
I hope I don't discover that there's a hidden "downvoted to infinity" badge
ok one last thing, can I just add "a" to the list to make anchor tags not clickable as well?
or disabled doesnt work on anchor tags?
A: How does JavaScript closure work in this case?

RaynosThis is a pattern used to create local scope around a variable. If this wasn't used then every call to console.log(i) would log the value of i (10) after the for loop finished. for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // create new function (function(e) { // log each counter after 1 seco...

These guys are really hitting the comments ;)
@Raynos Why not point 'em to chat?
30 comments is really too much for a comment thread
I did point them to chat
@patrickdw You gave in. Good for you.
@Ya Jiang: There isn't a comment limit to my knowledge. They all seem relevant to the Q & A.
I've been told by other mods that extended conversation is noise
@Raynos: If I end up posting 17,000 comments, I'll be very angry. ;o)
But were the mods talking about banter, or other off-topic subjects?
in Programmers on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, May 12 at 17:50, by Raynos
@MarkTrapp is extended discussion that's directly on topic not considered noise?
Q: How do our moderators, and community members, feel about cleaning up comment noise?

RenesisSubsequent to a question about technical solutions to cleaning up noise, Jeff Atwood posted this answer: I appreciate the intent, but this is hellishly complex. I think my solution is even simpler than Shog9's Simply flag the first comment in the series for mod attention with the text ...

First answer on the question addresses it
I was also suprised to see that extended on-topic conversation is considered noise and shouldnt be there
The problem is such long comment threads confuse the OP, who has to read through miles of text to see if the answer actually answers their question, and are left without a way to gauge what the real answer is.
Most likely an unfortunate side effect of asking technical questions generally based upon standards and interpretation of standards
@patrickdw as for multiple conversations and generally dealing with time gaps. You can just use "@name" at any time you want even if there not in the room and you can pick up the messages when you get back to the room. You can also directly reply to a specific comment by clicking on the arrow and reply to message, you can then see exactly what was replied to by clicking on the arrow next to the @name.
@Raynos I see. Something like this.
Got it.
I'm a newb.
So where were we?
The real point is that the essence of the extended discussion should be fed back into the answer, because one of the strengths of SO is that you don't have the BB issue of acres and acres of irrelevancy.
I was double checking that V8 optimises closures
@TJCrowder that and the extended conversation annoyed the asker because the conversation is over his head
No offence to him but most likely he doesn't care about that kind of detail
@TJCrowder Yeah, while it was generally on topic, @Raynos is probably right that it went beyond the interest of the OP.
@Raynos: Did he/she say that here or something?
@TJCrowder not at all. I'm making assumptions and generalizing.
But the mods are quite correct, reading through chaff to get to the wheat is part of what's wrong with other sites.
If I phrase it better, I mean general extended conversation between two people who are not the asker and the person who answered can be general noise to the person who asked.
I personally don't mind, I think it's a good conversation
I only mind because I'm meant to be working. ;)
So if V8 optimizes that way, then how would @TJCrowder's example work? It would seem as though it would break.
@patrickdw v8 cant optimise if theres an eval
Yet another reason not to use eval
v8 only optimises if there is no eval or new Function
and also no with
@Raynos: That makes sense.
I read some Google article on keeping javascript fast, and it included avoiding closures. I assume that must have been meant as general advice then.
EDIT: There I go again with the word closures. Sorry.
@patrick: There is a lot of rubbish written about JavaScript by people who don't really know what they're talking about.
closures is fine. (up key to edit)
It's simply a matter of not using them where there not needed. (Which I'm guilty of)
I would edit, but I still don't have a convenient term to differentiate them.
@raynos: Exactly.
@patrick: Differentiate them from what?
lambdas, anonymous functions, etc ;)
Ah, okay.
But generally the term closure is used loosely in javascript. And we can't tell whether it's a real closure unless we know what JS engine it runs on
@TJCrowder: Yeah, the act of passing a function out of scope and retaining that scope chain.
@patrick: Ah, okay.
I just found it hugely useful when I realized that all JavaScript functions are closures (barring implementations doing optimization).
Somewhat perversely, it made me worry about them less
Probably because I understood them better.
@TJCrowder: So I understand the concept now. I knew how to use them before, but didn't correctly understand what was happening.
Now I'm stuck on the most concise way to describe them.
...be back in a minute.
@patrick: Hopefully you'll get the same benefit I did. I have to get back to work, gents. Good to chat (a new way to avoid work! Just what I needed!)
@TJCrowder sorry ;)
Pillage and plunder the XPath tag! A pirate's life for me!
assertEquals(void 0, eval());
I'm honestly torn as to whether I prefer CSS selectors or XPath
Using eval() to generate undefined
@onteria XPath in my javascript :( xpath is more powerful though
Thanks much for your inupt
@Raynos I don't think it would be that bad if it was more natively supported
Well, then again a lot of CSS selectors in JS are from library code
There's 'querySelector()', but I'm stuck trying to find a support matrix for it
@onteria .querySelectorAll
I think its IE8+
@Raynos Yes, querySelector all is IE8+
Not sure what selectors are supported.
And then FF3.5+ chrome, Safari 4+ Opera 10+
One browser away from cross XPath support
There's probably a (most likely bulky) js lib for it though
And tbh, FF 3.6+, Safari 4+, OP10+, IE8+, Chrome got you covered on current and prev version of all major browsers
I dont think you need to support further back for any public facing website unless the requirements specifically state support IE6/7
I had to tailor to corporate users for a project once, so IE6 support was a requirement unfortunately
Since we had the "Stuck with IE6 because vendors won't support anything but it" crowd :/
@onteria thats fine. Requirements are requirements, but for generic public facing websites I would need good reason to support IE6/7
hmm... jsfiddle seems to wrap JS in an onload anonymous function so my functions aren't seen
@TJCrowder I can't confirm it but The v8 source has a ton of references to handling eval and with code differently. I'll just keep assuming that V8 optimises for non eval/with
Q: Problem with getElementsByClassName

Peter SiegmannFollowing code is causing the problem: var CheckBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName('DeleteCheckBox') for (var i = 0; i < CheckBoxes.length; i++) { CheckBoxes[i].checked = false; } Well, the checkboxes are still selected after this runs. And it runs, because I checked the i...

lol @ the actual problem
Should have made a minimized test case and tested it!
@onteria_ @onteria: You can choose a "no-wrap" option from the left menu in jsFiddle.
@patrickdw ah now I see it. Cheers :)
Looking over the whole interface when using a program is probably good idea
2 messages moved to bin
Time to head back to my place from wifi Starbucks
Now it looks like it never happened ;)
Indeed. My duplicate was deletable.
@patrickdw Out of curiosity, what do you actaully do in the software sector?
@Raynos Fumble.
Actually, this is all new to me. I was a general contractor. My company went down in the housing bust, so I'm learning a bit about this programming nonsense. ;o)
So your a manager :)
I'm hooked on being an entrepreneur, but need a bit more experience to comfortable start marking myself.
I have far too much respect for your competence to belief anything but you being a senior developer that knows everything.
@Raynos You must be pulling my leg. Either way, thanks. ;o)
I can't say that the concepts were entirely new to me. I mean I knew what a variable was, and a function, for loop, etc. But didn't have any real practical experience until I really dove into this a year and a half or two years ago.
I have this mental checklist. 50k rep? Must have 20 years of experience in software dev.
Also must be 50 years old.
This makes jon skeet 300
Rep is easy. Just talk like you know what you're doing. It's mostly jQuery too, so that's even easier. I didn't really start understanding JavaScript until almost a year ago.
@TJCrowder this is relevant
@patrickdw I know what you mean though. jQuery/JS rep is easy ;)
I think both you and @NickCraver fell into the trap of looking like you know what your talking about
So now we expect you to know ;)
Very likely. I'm starting to read about Erlang now. Very cool stuff.
Mind you. I've only been doing programming properly for the last 9 months.
But I don't have a practical use for it yet.
@patrickdw Erlang does seem absolutely awesome
If you need to scale massively you use erlang.
thousands of cores? No problem!
@Raynos: See, I figured you had 10 years under your belt, which would start you off at about 11?
Had me fooled!
Doing a placement year now. at uni
started looking at coding 3 years ago.
Only properly learned to develop over the last 9 months before that it was just hacking/coding (poorly).
Ah school. I remember that. That's where I found lots of time to dream of being a rock star.
I remember school as that thing I wasted ;) Oh boy, If I had todays mentality back then.
Yeah, before this, I had tinkered with WebObjects (about 10 years ago), but I only knew to follow the API examples from a book. I never understood any of the concepts of Java. Sort of like paint by numbers.
School... yeah, I'd tear it up if I could go back now!
I also see 15 year olds around that know more about js then me :\ back when I was 15 I learned to tie my shoes!
During my construction business, I designed my own website a couple times. No CSS, no JS, and almost entirely invalid HTML, but it worked!
I made a website 2 years ago with 0 PHP/ no back end
I think it ran on tomcat.
whoa, look who's in here
So you thinking about building a JS library? You're question the other day made me wonder.
oh man, I missed an all-star cast
@Matt: Who? Elvis?
@patrickdw We have been bigging you up behind your back
you, t.j.
and @AndyE o/
T.J, Andy E, Raynos, definitely. Me, well just don't read the comments above.
@patrickdw your better then me though ;)
@patrickdw what do you mean js library though, cant see which question it could have been.
Oh maybe how jQuery is bad.
I just kept mentioning that jQuery had a bad API without being able to back it up so I made a question about it
@Raynos: Better than you? Definitely not. You've blown my mind with both questions and answers.
Yes, the jQuery API question.
@Raynos, I spent an hour last night watching that node video on your site :)
@MattMcDonald mind you, If I want to know about HTML, CSS and raw IE support I consider you an expert ;)
Ugh. That site is not suppose to be up
Seriously I'm not running node :\
I got my site working nicely in quirks mode yesterday
It's just magically up
ugh, the jQueryUI accordion ran so poorly in it
Something somewhere is running my server on port 80. I dont know what
Overall I don't think the API is bad. It's just not well thought out in some areas.
wait until you see the CSS for jQuery UI
hacks all over the place
Oh the jQuery guys do a good job. It's just not the best.
Merely because of its popularity a lot of people think jQuery is the best
Exactly.What gets to me is the way jQuery is praised for its brilliance. The whole thing is really pretty simple.
The best part of it is its browser-compatibility.
nearly every time I've read "use jQuery", I've managed to find a simpler, more sustainable solution by writing my own code
blind leading the blind
a lot of people would save themselves headaches if they actually researched their nemesis...IE (via MSDN)
It would be nice to have an wiki-style site devoted browser compatibility documentation and solutions. Quirksmode is nice, but it's pretty general.
I have a quirks db I've been slowly building up
@patrickdw I've been thinking that we should make one
I planned a few months ago that we should set up a proper wiki
That or edit the MDN to show browser support
I had an idea bouncing around in my head to make a site like "iecompatible.com"
for CSS/JS
I've been thinking the same thing. I registered a couple domains last year, but have't done anything.
@MattMcDonald I don't think using jQuery is that bad.
I find homebrew solutions worse
I've never personally needed a query-style selector
even with QSA out now
@MattMcDonald you've got to remember that if your jumping from website to website to website, knowing one API like jQuery has a lot less downtime then reading the homebrew micro library for that particular website
I think the best thing would be to just edit the MDN. It is a wiki you know
@MattMcDonald: It certainly isn't a matter of need for it. More a matter of where you want to place your efforts. But with good planning for your document structure, I'd agree that there should be little need for CSS style selectors (qsa or not).
like I've said before, things are going to get very interesting once IE 8 becomes the new IE 6
QSA will be fully adopted
@MattMcDonald "once IE 9 becomes the new IE 6" In what manner do you mean?
Ah, you mean IE8.
that black sheep, the last browser people bother to support
It just seems that the perceived need for libraries like jQuery will diminish with each new release stepping closer to compatibility. As long as things stay moving in that direction.

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