So I've got this: which is supposed to replace any word in the string that starts with $ to "var". It only works when called once, though and in the current situation I cannot use regexes because I need to identify the value of that word.
function replaceVars(val) {
var splitted = val.split(" ");
var done = "";
for (i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
if (splitted[i].charAt(0) == "$") {
splitted[i] = "var";
done = done + splitted[i] + " ";
return done;
console.log(replaceVars("$foo bar $baz")); // var bar var
@lawm I don't want to spell out the answer for you, please see the example in mdn and if you don't figure it out after you read it and try for yourself I'll help you figure it out. I can assure you String.replace is the easiest way to do this
val.replace(/\$[a-zA-Z]+/gi, function(match){
//here match is what I found in the text that matches the pattern
//the return value of this function is what I replace it with, this is a normal JS function
//it can change your 'done' variable and so on
you can implement a tokenizer that checks all the values yourself like @rlemon suggested or you can use the one the language already has to offer in its built in methods. I like not repeating myself when I can but some people don't like regular expressions, both options are valid
//here disclosed is my entire logic of what I do with the match
instead of
var strArr = myString.split('token');
if(my variable matches another condition as a token){
//exact same logic as the callback of the String.replace method
I'll use regex to perform simple string manipulation statements just like you use query selectors to do DOM manipulation instead of iterating through the DOM myself
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I don't use them. I don't see a need for them. but i'm not arguing them.
makes people more productive and doesn't hinder readability
regex on the other hand is slower, AND hinders readability.
map/draggable question: i'm implementing a draggable worldmap (fullscreen) using 800px x 800px large tiles .. therefore unless the windows resolution isn't science fiction it should render 9 tiles (should be enough - the rest is going to be loaded on the fly when dragging) -- this would make a 2.400 x 2.400 box which is getting dragged around. would it be more performant to use smaller tiles (256x256) like google because this would minimize the total size of the whole container altough it would be more tiles in the end ?
I would rather use a feature when it makes my code better, I think eval mostly makes my code worse and regular expressions make my code better when used correctly
you can argue that regular expressions are not semantic and I'd argue that there are a lot of cases they are
moreover, I think that implementing an iterator/tokenizer over words is code repetition since the language already offers such a tool through regular expressions that does not require me to repeat myself
I would never use regular expressions to perform complex operations, I think it is exactly those simple cases that they should be used.
@BenjaminGruenbaum but your arguments make no sense and are wrong. regex is readable to almost no one - so "you" know it. big whoop - I do as well. I would still rather read 4 lines of code dealing with arrays for key token than a fucking regex.
@rlemon your code implements logic that the language has to offer built in, if you're in the business of string manipulation you should use know at least basic regular expressions.
think parsing an email address. in js would be a PITA and in regex would be a PITA - in regex and js would be hard to read and maintain - but in regex would likely be much much faster.
@AmaanCheval they are more readable in some cases, there are times when regular expressions are a horrible option, I just don't believe this is one of them
I'm not devil's advocate, if anything I am agreeing with him that regular expressions should no be used in a lot of cases where there is more than basic logic involved
The problem with regex is that it introduces a new layer of logic, when I use regex what goes through my mind is 'is this worth it', specifically in @lawm 's question I think it is since it is a fairly simple regular expression that performs a task otherwise I would have to implement tokenization and matching myself, both of which regex does for me.
In the case of email I'm not saying parsing it with regex is a bad idea, just that most regular expressions I found online to check email do it wrong, which might reflect on the amount of logic required to get it right, which might in turn suggest in the case of email regex is not a sure thing.
and in either case I don't agree with @rlemon that optimization should be a concern just like I don't write my for loops from n to 1 instead of from 1 to n or that I don't cache an array's length when iterating over it
Hi people, any quick regex for this ? "id_1_ul"... I want to check if a tagname matches the pattern id_anynumber_ul, id and ul are always the same. Thanks.
That said, I think @rlemon raises a valid argument in both cases, that not everybody knows or understands regular expressions and that they introduce logic into the code. My entire argument stands on the fact in @lawm 's code it is surely worth it. As it is in a lot of cases of string manipulation
we as developers shouldn't spend hours micro optimizing - but if a faster known solution exists and it is nominal time/effort to implement we should always do so
@rlemon using regular expressions for simple string manipulation is not bad practice. Writing code that is more semantic but slower in a place that affects nothing is not bad practice
Is this regex \id_[0-9]+_ul\b good enough for matching id_1_ul , or do I miss something? "id" and "ul" are always the same, the number could be 0 to 999... thanks.
BTW @rlemon I don't like the fact you're calling me a troll just because I don't agree with you, I raised valid arguments you are (obviously) entitled not to agree with but I would appreciate if if you did not try to refute them ad hominem
@MrSimpleMind is it possible your slashes are inverted?
I'm not offended :) I just appreciate coding practices arguments being about coding practices and not about questioning someone's sexual preference or a parent's profession
javascript has no block scope for loops and conditions
your loop only executes once because you're changing i in replace var, which btw you wouldn't have had to think about if you were using a regex :P (though thatin itself is a poor argument)
I strongly suggest you check out String.replace , even if you agree with rlemon you should know what your options are. Also you should acquire an understanding of the language
It allows me to do two things. One, validate data, I can know what something is which I currently have to do manually. Second of which it defines a contract
typeof is broken, instanceof makes me define classes which I think is a mistake
a language that makes me define my own variable types is somewhat broken
@FlorianMargaine first of all no, of coruse not. I don't even trust my own code which is why I write a lot of unit and integration tests
Second of all, even when I do I still need to work with an API as clear as possible
coding to an interface and not an implementation is very important, the behavior of different models needs to be strictly defined
I might use (by mistake) a method that another code wrote but did not intend for me to use externally, and he might end up changing it thinking I'm not using it
but more importantly I need to be able to know what I'm working with, I don't care how he wrote is code as long as it behaves the way I expect it to behave, which is what the contract promises me
and honestly, I found the compiled languages mostly longer to program in, i.e. you have to do more stuff to get it working, so in the end you don't really gain somethng