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the only problem I'm trying to solve is authentication against Active Directory
so I could turn windows auth off in IIS and maybe use forms authentication?
I wonder if after authenticating I have an onLoad function call a function on the web service side...if it could return whatever use it thought was logged in...if that would actually correlate to the credentials that were passed in through windows authentication
I'm not a sysadmin ;)
I really dont know this stuff.
well I appreciate you trying to help
it's hard to know the right questions to ask and whom to ask!
I'm not a windows guy either ;) I could manage with some kind of openID log in :)
I've had a brief experience with Active Directory and hated it
I'm glad I'm nowhere near that kind of stuff
tell me about it Matt
but our data is bound to an ERP system
if we use AD, that ERP integration is "free"
Why no use couch ;_;
couch exposes a REST API
Just access the database directly over REST. Easy. Done. Finito.
Curl or ajax, what more do you want
so nice to see pat dw back :)
yeah I would love to use couch
but this data has to be put back into SQL
@MattMcDonald pat dw is the man
Don't know if this has been posted here yet....
> 9. Use jQuery as a framework
...you may now go on about your business
I was about to post that snippet
@sdleihssirhc TROLOLOLOLOL
Tip #28 – Use XMLHttpRequest lol
huh? I got an "Outspoken" badge
Sorry I have no life and chat here too much :(
Tip #15 – Remove Double Dollar $$
Using “double dollar $$” function is not necessarily needed, when it comes to improving the speed of a website.
Tip #22 – Use Function Inlining
Function Inlining helps to eliminate call costs, and replaces a function call with the body of the called function. In JavaScript, performing a function call is an expensive operation because it takes several preparatory steps to perform: allocating space for parameters, copying the parameters, and resolving the function name.
lol, I can't even post a comment because their server is busted
Q: Alternative to CURLOPT_RANGE to grab a specific section.

Ryan CooperI'm trying to use curl to fetch only a portion of a page so it will download less data thus making it quicker. I've been testing every possible option i can think of to no avail. The main one ive tried is defining a range: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RANGE, "0-4096"); The servers im trying this on...

I tried... I even attempted to go so far as to use raw sockets
Problem is as noted in the comments, servers can deny Range header requests
"Limit the usage of Eval" I'll agree with that much :P
I like how the Opera article starts off by encouraging XHR
but then the second paragraph is this:
Note, however, that this approach can lead to problems. In general, it breaks history navigation completely, and although it is possibles to fake this by storing information in inline frames, this defeats the purpose of using XMLHttpRequest in the first place. So use it sparingly, and only where it makes sense not to need to go back to earlier content....
@MattMcDonald can you verify my answer here? stackoverflow.com/questions/6047892/…
we encourage you to use it sparingly
Write to innerHTML instead of using document.createElementWrite to innerHTML instead of using document.createElementWrite to innerHTML instead of using document.createElementWrite to innerHTML instead of using document.createElementWrite to innerHTML instead of using document.createElementWrite to innerHTML instead of using document.createElement
@MattMcDonald whats that in response to?
hai i run a blags and pseudooptimize mijn javerscript
@Neal filter the for...in with Object.hasOwnProperty
@MattMcDonald im just using the code the OP used and showing that the code he orig had was out of scope
his OOP is really weird through
@MattMcDonald ...Or Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call if you're paranoid
@MattMcDonald yes i know
he's essentially doing doing inheritance/instantiation through a for...in loop
i ddnt want to completely rewritwe it
which is well, bonkers
@MattMcDonald yea, i know, it makes no sense
@SirmXe "mijn" is dutch
A: Passing Variables Javascript

David DorwardYou are building the script by mashing together strings, as such you can only work with strings and object will be automatically stringified. Use DOM instead. var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = "#"; // Have a more sensible fall back for status bar readers and middle clickers li...

ugh, help explain, see latest comment:
@Neal. Thanks for your incredible commitment to make this work. Your right that I dont define 'ctrl' outside the scope. But inside, ctrl equals listCtrols[ctrlname] thanks to this row: var ctrl = listCtrls[ctrlName] – David 54 secs ago
except for the last part, yay
@Raynos zo weet ik
Dat is geen zin.
Wi nøt trei a høliday in Sweden this yer?
@MattMcDonald can you help me explain scope to this OP?
@emjayess Thanks for the heads up. Fixed!
mmm, packet sniffers
@sdleihssirhc this
For when you need to do a bit more hard core debugging than what Firebug can handle
You know you're awesome when you debug JS errors with a packet sniffer.
@sdleihssirhc I've done that, what's your point?
I don't know about JS errors, but maybe asynch data transfer errors
It's like building a house with the slime that snails leave behind them and your bare, callused hands.
Well, I should say, I debugged an error using wireshark that turned out to be caused by JS
Right the first time.
...I think.
I'm not saying its wrong.
I'm saying it rocks
Real programmers use a hex editor.
I always butt into those arguments with "Hey I handwrite my code on a piece of paper and scan it into OCR software"
I use paint
MSPaint? Write each individual character pixel by pixel
I need to read up on scope, could be very wrong with the first bit
@MattMcDonald please explain that the OP is wrong he isnt getting that...
I use paint to write binary.
@ircmaxell wow. Okay was not expecting that
@MattMcDonald im done explaining to a low rep op who is just not getting it...
@Neal, just run with this for now: jsfiddle.net/25gVy/1
I shouldn't be talking in absolutes
@MattMcDonald ?
@Neal want me to shoot him down ;)
@Neal what does rep have to do with it?
@Raynos please, and explain why he should try my method. he doesnt even want to try ti
You need some :
@ircmaxell lol idk
sigh Another post, people just passing $_POST data straight to mysql_query :/
When will people learn?
We should form a cabal.
We never pass unsanitary POST data to the DB...
We never use $_REQUEST
From the selector issue, it looks like you can run $("#id").find(".class") to get much faster results (obviously), which is a nice compromise, as class filters investigates all dom in that element, so limiting the dom search goes a long way. Not instant, but much faster if you can implement it instead of $(".id .class")
I just base64 encode all my input and store it in the db that way
I think mysql_real_escape string has issues with '%' as used in LIKE though
nope, it leaves it alone
Looking for hardware feedback, maybe someone has experience with keyboards here.
Can I get a recommendation on a cheap and reliable keyboard make?
This is for office staff who are non-programmers.
Cheap and Reliable, choose one
I liked the Microsoft Ergonomic keyboard, but I wouldn't consider those cheap
A trade-off where I don't have to replace it every 3 months.
Your office workers slamming their fist on their keyboards everyday or something?
The ones already in storage are dynex brand (bestbuy re-branded Chinese ones).
Poor design too. They may very well be smashing the things with their fists.
That's where I tell the person "You break, you buy"
^^ That's my current keyboard of choice
Wow, that's the exact same one I was talking about
That's the hunk of junk we have in storage
The Model M keyboard is a class of computer keyboards manufactured by IBM, Lexmark and Unicomp, starting in 1984. The many different variations of the keyboard have their own distinct characteristics, with the vast majority having a buckling spring key design and many having fully swappable keycaps. Model M keyboards have been prized by computer enthusiasts and heavy typists because of the tactile and auditory feedback resulting from a keystroke. The Model M is also regarded as a timeless and durable piece of hardware. Many units manufactured since the mid 1980s are still in use today...
That's the one I use at home.
Getting all fancy here
Q: Opera/Firefox Javascript engine differences

Jerry SaraviaHey all, I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this 'glitch' between browsers with javascript. My javascript was the following var theForm = document.getElementById( 'theForm' ); theForm.firstname = theForm.firstName.value.trim(); theForm.lastname = theForm.lastName.value...

I have a bunch of model M's that will be sold before too long
How much? Mine is missing some caps.
I won't be the one selling them. I will be long gone by then
Not easy to find :(.
Clickety keyboards sold out years ago. Been thinking of a Das Keyboard.
@user257493 Ultima or not (I think that's the name)
@sdleihssirhc thats just >_<
@sdleihssirhc lol i saw that one and commented
/me goes back to working on his markov chain project
wrong window but still accurate
Oh these silly freelance sites
@onteria_ ?
name DOM traversal? ugh
if I had a penny for every "We're going to make the next Facebook! It's going to be huge!" type posting I saw
@onteria_ blipit.net/new :-P
Social Network project job listings for miles
my attempt quite a few years ago
@Neal That is one intense "EMAIL US" button
I built a facebook that was bigger than facebook before facebook was even facebook
Oh the hilarious social network ideas I could tell you about. Unfortunately NDAs etc.
@onteria I'd really like to make the next "facebook thing," but I shut up about it because I know my ideas are vastly under-developed, and the stigma of "the next facebook" job postings.
@onteria_ haha i made this site like 3 or 4 years ago
wikipedia down? surely, google will follow
the apocalypse is nigh
oh look, it's back up again
its not down
@user257493 The thing is, there are so many people that want to make one, but they have no way to differentiate themselves. Users aren't going to bother moving from Facebook with all their friendship networks they've potentially spent months or years creating without a really good reason.
@onteria Absolutely, the transition needs to be as low-friction as we can make it, if our target is "everyone".
Facebook connect, and facebook apps may provide the low-friction gateway.
Heck, we have facebook viruses use those platforms already to harvest your personal information and your network of friends.
Though, you could probably grab users that don't like being flooded by app requests and having a privacy policy for miles
The amount of Farmville requests I got when I used it back in the day was absurd
@user257493 If you try to target everyone, you will fail
Yeah, even Facebook started by targeting college students
@onteria That's my goal really. I don't want a network wit pehople dat typ lik diz. I'm an elitist snob, but at least I don't get to hear about your f#@$ing farm.
@onteria_ even smaller than that. Targeting college students at one precise school
@ircmaxell thats how FB started
which is why I said it
I really just want people that care about privacy, and want a low-friction way to keep contact list, and communicate how they want with friends, with power to set up their own filters.
Q: How do I persuade this jQuery button click event to submit the correct form?

MarcusIn the jQuery 'ready' block, I have: // bind print work order button to form submit $('#print_work_order_button').click(function(){ $('#print_work_order_form').submit(); }); ... and in the HTML (ignore the variable replacement code... it's working fine): <form id="print_work_order_form...

I almost want to say "Beat it with a wrench until it talks"
beat him with a gun or a baseball bat...
Help him off a horse?
git for the rescue...
My Ontario accent has me pronouncing GET as GIT, which has mentally screwed me up for quite some time now.
target: _blank on a form?
Why I love SVN: I just merged 2 completely different servers into one server. Full histories (commit numbers changed, but the history is there int he correct order). And it was easy...
I use github less as a place to see my code in an organized fashion, and more as just a place to backup my code
@ircmaxell hmmmm maybe we should hire you to fix our horrible SVN servers? ;)
I've been tinkering with cloud9ide, wish it had more power :( ... but one cool thing it does is hook right into github.
@IvoWetzel y u no fix my issue :(
@IvoWetzel :-X
Oh no an xslt question runs
anyways, did setup git repo for the lastest completely breaking version on my mac... colleauge cloned via lan, we added each others as remotes and everything is awesome :D
@Raynos Status-By-Design Wont-Fix
Q: How to handle 2 javascript events

Rahul UtbHello, I am trying to do some validation check to the password field a form. I am calling a function onkeypress to check whether capsLock is on or off then onblur function check the password field value. But as punch any value in the password field this onblur executes immediately along with onk...

LOL it has the IE/netscape document.getElementById test
// Internet Explorer 4+
if (document.all) {
/ Netscape 4
} else if (document.layers) {
// Netscape 6
} else if (document.getElementById) {
I've been thinking of switching back to netscape, I remember how much fun it was back in the 90s.
Wow does windows ever suck
Most all operating systems suck in someways. It just comes down to how much you can tolerate the suckage
Well, even though ram usage has hit 50%, windows decided it needed to page out the kernel
Like how on my Mac if I close the application window, the application still stays laying around unless I COMMAND+Q it
technically, you're closing a window, so it makes some sense
not to mention how inefficient it is at handling sparse files...
@MattMcDonald It's hard to get used to when the majority of apps on Windows / Linux quit the application if you close the main window
right, and command + left goes to the beginning of a line on osx instead of the beginning of a word like Windows
@MattMcDonald Is it poor form for me to make my edit revisions say "engrish -> english"
which is actually more convenient
@onteria_ well, it comes to the abstraction level. Does the main window represent the application? Yes or no (depends upon usecase, so no easy answer)
@ircmaxell yeah sometimes you get the odd window layouts like the way GIMP used to work
I think they fixed that in the latest
Well, or when you have multiple main windows (such a chome)
I've gotten used to it now though, COMMAND+Q when I want to fully quit the app
always forgets that he can pipe data through gzip before tunneling it through ssh to a direct command on the other side...
@ircmaxell ah I love doing that
except I'm 90% of the way through this transfer
so no point now
I need to remember to remove the public keys from everywhere I connect to at work
Heh, finally see mysql_real_escape_string used and it's on an integer
"I want to learn how to drive a car!" "Just take the bus..." - "I want to learn JavaScript!" "Just use jQuery..."
oh hey i think it's somewhat working.
@ircmaxell how do u do that??
@MattMcDonald that doesnt explain...
yes it does
In site-specific rooms, you can also use the syntax [tag:yourtagname] to indicate (and link to) an existing tag of your choosing.
hyphens in place of spaces
I still haven't figured out how to format tags like that
Dag nambit. What's wrong with this.
your first one and last one have illegal characters
I was hoping to htmlentity them.
just stick to letters, numbers, and hyphens
lowercase letters only
@user257493 u need a name :-P
im calling u BOB
@BOB how goes it?
I've been thinking of using a name, but something appeals to me about user 257493
@user257493 @BOB and why is that?
Not sure, kind of makes me feel like a borg or something.
@user257493 ehhhh borg are overrated. go with Cylon
User names throughout history: Brian-JG, 0xdeadcafe, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdead, drakain, dz, zeil, minnder, sha-hi.
I figured user257493 was just as good.
@user257493 ehhh
how about cafebabe?
We can goto pre-history and pull out figher2 and dark-inferno if we really want.
cafebabe would be great, but I'd rather not be so misleading
I just spent like 30 minutes on a long detailed answer only to realize a special case at the very end of the ops post that required too much effort to modify
So I ended up deleting it ;_;
my life is a lie
Words go in, tags come out. It's like the hotel California.
@user257493 ....
Well after all that it's time to take a break from answering questions and watch some anime
@onteria_ where is this?
while eating cup of ramen
smacks head I forgot to make the code look even worse.
I even made the worst SQL noob error EVER
select * from drop tables?
50 lashings from Ted Codd
Ugh, why did they even bother? phpjs.org/functions/strtolower:553
What's worse, the example is wrong.
I like how it says "Should Return"
Gives you confidence
At some point I'd like to get around to really learning MySQL. Things like how various operations affect performance, optimal layout, configuration, kernel level tweakings, etc.
At some point (right now), I'm moving all MySql stuff to postgres.
I'd like to learn postgres as well
But the most detailed way to do that is look at the source code.
Just PG/SQL is a bit daunting to me
The best way is find a mentor that patches the source code.
I'm REALLY not at the level of understanding C to be capable of that
@onteria_ get in the habit of using option-tab to see what's running/cycle through open apps, and you can command-q them from there if you don't mean them to be open.
Also I probably need to freshen up on set theory a little
Actually, a database like that is really complex to start at.
Wow, consistant usage of (void), now that's disciplined: (void) fprintf(stderr, "\n");
Try to learn how sqlite.org/download.html is put together.
most code I've seen (and written) doesn't bother
There, it's done. Ugliest thing I've coded in years. jsfiddle.net/BDG/pCG79/1
I'm so proud.
Hmm, apparently sqlite uses a source control system I've not heard of called Fossil
Got it to work though, just was kind of weird
blah, I'll be back tomorrow, I gotta get some real work done.
Have fun ;)
I get confused when people name their variables and methods using a non-English language like German or Spanish
Q: what is the best way to keep my php files with only php code's ?

ric_bfahello guys, my question is: i have a file with php and html codes mixed ex.: echo "<tr class='somthing'>"; what is the best way to keep my php files with only php code's ? use functions to call html stuff's use includes ? ty

Someone that actually wants to improve. This makes me happy.
Did you take a picture?
Let me send you my most up to date agent fees.
@onteria Ugh, I had a teacher insist he knew what MVC was, and tried to explain to us that inline logic with HTML is MVC.
@user257493 ewwww
It got better.
I failed all my labs because I wanted to use classes and functions. "The program's not long enough to justify the use of functions" he told me.
I had a project where we did have PHP in HTML, but only for template uses
like foreach: / endforeach; etc.
It wasn't MVC if I didn't use <?= instead of <?php echo
But that was it, nothing that touched the database or anything.
And it especially wasn't MVC if I didn't dump all my variables into an array called $tpl. All of them. Oh, there was another array for flags, $tfl. These were the arrays that professionals used.
Ahhh assuming short tags
I've had to deal with code that did that before, wondering why select tags weren't getting populated :/
I asked him why he thought that was a good idea. He explained he can "fix that on any server with a one line change to the config, so it's no big deal"
Ohhhhh it got better.
people like that are teaching kids how to be developers
no wonder most graduates don't know their head from their arse
css2.1 selectors don't actually exist. Not in jquery anyway.
isn't that sort of thing a natural result of "If you can't do, teach"?
with the exception of selecting by ID, class, and descendant.
It happens in many fields, like education (most ironically).
Oh, and even and odd psudo selectors.
I failed his class because I used functions/classes, attempted to do templating, didn't know my jquery, and therefore truly didn't get this whole MVC in PHP thing that all the professionals like him use.
As a result, I'm secretly afraid that I don't know how to program.
And that I'm missing some big thing that everyone knows about.
I used to correct my teacher's mistakes in programming class. He really hated that :p
you're not going to make many friends that way
let him bumble around and learn on your own time
Ehh, first year I decided to be cocky and write my C exam after a few beers. I got 98%.
Yeah but I didn't want to spend money on the books and the class. I had put in a request to let me be credited for the course based on experience, but they didn't want me to.
By C exam I mean, this was talking about basic std I/O, no algos, some flowcharts, nothing beyond that.
I was young, made a few mistakes, still do :(
I eventually left that school because it was a waste of time.
still need to take a crack at C sometime
one of the many cons to not taking compsci
I suppose since I null a ton of my variables I'll have an idea of what to do.
you don't need any course to learn c...
If you want to goof around in C, just load up this
Then when you want, load up the C compiler
yeah, but I do need free time
something I don't have much of these days
There's nothing that compels me to write in C.
It's a great language if you like the control of assembly, but hate speaking beeblenese

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