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hehe my last post to hn before today was a little less than a year ago.
@Neal what did you post today?
@SimonSarris Quick question. Does Civ 5 sometimes not have any areas left to explore in (relatively) the beginning of the game?
And another: Scaling the HTML5 canvas; CSS or ctx.scale?
@AmaanCheval what do you mean?
and what kind of scaling?
ctx.scale is almost always the right solution
We're under attack by rabid kangaroos!
I took over another kingdom. Now there's no valid places for my boats to move where I haven't been before and there is no more land
No @Vinay. just no.
Don't worry, we have ctx.scale!
thy needs seafaring boats
@SimonSarris For example, making it fullscreen on all mobiles
its possible to be stuck on your own continent or a small one for the early game
@simonSarris hi.. could you help me in javascript?
@Vinay jesus
@Neal thanks
whats up?
hi could anyone help with this fiddle.... I want to disable the textbox if checkbox is checked.... jsfiddle.net/Sriganesh/uzyH5/… @SimonSarris
@SimonSarris Thy is a possessive ("thy sword is at my throat"); you probably meant thou: "Thou needs seafaring boats"
Or maybe "Thy boats are not seafaring"
@AmaanCheval Oh, you did. What's up
@BoltClock I heard someone scream it last night!
I didn't!
Was it...my mother? IMPOSSIBRU
@AmaanCheval You did! See?
I don't see it
1 message moved to recycle bin
Leave no witnesses!
@SimonSarris Any comments on scaling the canvas?
and even more important, any comments on the girls?
@Zirak I love you
@Vinay I cannot click that link?
Well, I finally found a workaround for my views not loading properly
Check this please..
@AmaanCheval use CSS scale, and you might want to consider setting the meta viewport scale to half
1. That hobo across the street
2. Simon Sarris
It's expanding! :D
@SimonSarris Cool, thanks. That's what I've done so far
@Zirak How can you say that... I'm obsessed with you. :(
@BadgerGirl yes. but no love.
Obsession is just love taken too far.
For example, I always remind copy that it should be Zirak sitting next to me, not him.
@BadgerGirl nah, obsession is the persistence of notions (rather, the domination of persistence of notions...or something.) You can be obsessed with awe towards my handsome guise, and you can also be obsessed with how I eat carrots.
Oh, @Zirak, thanks for suggesting Ender's Game. It was awesome
np, glad you enjoyed it
@AmaanCheval haha have you read them all?
I am in the middle of the shadow series.
Ok, I love you Zirak.
Protip: Don't continue with Ender's Saga (Speaker for the Dead et al). The Shadow series is much better
@BadgerGirl I'm sure you do
@Zirak hehe I read the Enders saga. twas pretty good. Now I am reading the shadow series.
I have heard the opposite btw @Zirak
is this happening to anyone else?
I hated Ender's Saga. It was so...ugh.
@SimonSarris link?
from @Vinay I mean
@Zirak True.... but I dont get why the buggers suddenly have a diff name in the shadow series (i am only on the 2nd one so no ruining please)
@SimonSarris looks fine to me
@simonSarris yeah... if you opened in chrome.... you can see the code... if you open in mozilla firefox you could see the code.. i dont know whats that
@SimonSarris wait. they changed the css of jsfiddle. clear ur cache. u still have the old css
@SimonSarris you cannot see the code if you opened in chrome. I don't know y
anyone here online?
@IceD lo
@IceD no
I am at my desk.
ok can you help me a little?
i just have one question
here it goes
I answered your question already! LIES!
Question one:
52 secs ago, by IceD
ok can you help me a little?
I feel accomplished :-)
oh whoops
(Sorry I have not had lunch yet...)
@AmaanCheval Fixed the bug, btw
Hey I got a question
I have in my style sheet display none on a div for the mobile layout and it still shows up? Is it because of my js code?
Q: Child with max-height: 100% overflows parent

iamkeirI'm trying to understand what appears to be unexpected behaviour to me: I have an element with a max-height of 100% inside a container that also uses a max-height but, unexpectedly, the child overflows the parent: Test case: http://jsfiddle.net/bq4Wu/16/ .container { background: blue; ...

If there's one thing that I suck at, it is trying to figure out if an asker is looking for a solution to their problem if they're only asking why the problem even manifests.
would a script get in the way css
@Vinay why not just add an event to the checkboxes to disable the text inputs on whatever desired state?
It depends on whether it does, or doesn't. I mean, if you do stuff to change css in javascript, then yeah, I'd say it gets in the way.
am just a newbie.... thats y came here for the help. What i need to know is ... if i click the checkbox, the textbox next to the checkbox is clicked should be disabled.... other textboxes should not be disabled..
so if checkbox is checked, the texbox in the same row should disabled @SimonSarris
omg omg omg It's @SimonSarris! :swoon:
im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
@RyanKinal ._.
Come the 15th, I'll be pre-ordering your book :-)
how do you link a question here like boltClock did above?
Paste in the address
Hit enter
@bushdiver paste it
Q: Prevent android default browser zoom on landscape mode

bushdiverlandscape mode / qwerty keyboard mode zooms in android default browser.. any way to avoid this? the zoom behavior that is.. using device: Droid 4 also, it might be important to note, im using this meta tag: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-sc...

What would improve on this answer? I'm open to being encouraged to do things in a better fashion. Also, was my use of .call() correct there, ignoring that I'm not passing a context to the function?
A: JS function when keyboard key is pressed?

jcolebrandPart 1: Where to put the scriptblock? To capture over the entire page, like as a page-help-function (maybe you want to capture F1?) then you would put your script block in the <head> tag, inside a script. But if you want to capture a DOM element, then you have to execute the code after the...

@Zirak When I put display: none; on my mobile layout it does display: none; but then acts in a weird way.
@RyanKinal why the 15th?
@benlevywebdesign Yeah...I completely lost you.
But it sounds like a design thing, so it'll be best if I weren't involved
@SimonSarris Because I've splurged a lot on this paycheck
A trip to Vegas will do that -_-
well if money is tight or anyone is a student I can send you an amazon gift card
Money isn't actually that tight. I could order it now. But I'm trying to pretend to be responsible.
@Zirak The script says if window is scrolled more than set amount fade out div
I too occasionally pretend to be responsible
I actually have a savings rate of 85% or so
though my salary is not large
Wow. Nice.
I end up spending $600/month on food
@Zirak so on mobile when display: none; is set it does display: none;
which is my only real expense
food is expensive...
yeah enjoying food is a curse
I think this javascript might be easier next month when I start taking a class that covers it
Wow... it's Thursday. It feels like a Wednesday to me.
@Zirak but then if you move down the page it fades in and then if you keep moving down not that much it fades out like normal. Then if you just go back to the top of the page the fade out works like normal
It seems Vegas screwed up my sense of time as well, lol
what is Vegas like?
How can I make something display: none; on mobile layout with a script that is a fadeout on scroll getting in the way
I honestly didn't spend much time in casinos, but they're loud and a little dark, and not quite what I expected.
The people seem nice enough. I had an interesting conversation with a street musician about bineural beats, isomorphic tones, and ghost tones.
Very little of which I understood.
@OctavianDamiean <3 Nina
I found it odd that people brought their kids to Vegas. It doesn't seem like a kid-friendly place.
people bring their kids to a lot of weird places
like nice restaurants
there was one restaurant in new hampshire that was very classy, if you brought kids you had to rent the private function room, which seems somewhat fair
I love my work. For the lunch hour we sat around and played with my "Fart Soundboard" app
@rlemon I have a small issue you might be able to help me with
I want that waffle iron shown in the page not found image :/
first you need to figure out how you got it caught in the zipper to begin with; second I suggest mink oil, needle nose pliars, and a steady hand.
@rlemon on my mobile layouts I want to display: none; on the left / right arrows and I did that.
@rlemon on first load of the page the arrows fade-in instead of fade-out. After they fade-in it looks like they fade back out again at the set point.
Q: Where can I purchase a keyboard waffle-maker like the one on the Meta 404 page?

Zach JohnsonWhere can I find one of those cool keyboard waffle-makers like the one on the Meta 404 page? I'm interested in possibly getting one for myself.

@RyanKinal yes. opinionated.
!!define opinionated
@Neal Holding stubbornly and often unreasonably to one's own opinions. (source)
The <table> in endlessly weird...
@Incognito ?
css of display:none on a table when printing makes the table vanish, but the area it takes is still there.
ie, whitespace.
@rlemon what can you suggest?...
@Incognito lol ahhh ha
now, wrap the <div style="display:none"><table></table></div> you get the intuitive result.
@rlemon @rlemon @rlemon @rlemon (I think @benlevywebdesign really wants you)
@Neal haha lol
@Neal he did help me start the fade-out on scroll thing so...
you can help if you want
@Neal That question just didn't seem very opinionated to me.
@RyanKinal well its not constructive then.
@Neal Lol: "So I tried some JQuery from w3schools and that didn't even work."
> remove the // at the start of your source, dont know what you are trying to do with that
I don't know. I think asking about REST API design is valid. It may have been covered already, though.
(from a deleted answer)
@RyanKinal ehhh I guess...
posted on January 10, 2013 by Nicholas C. Zakas

In a previous post I described the Front End Summit New Speaker Program that I organized while I was still at Yahoo. Since that time, I’ve received several e-mails and questions from people about how to get started speaking without the benefit of such a program. Obviously, it’s possible to become a really good speaker [...]

-2 until you give a reason why. — Neal 39 secs ago
> Copied that into notepad, saved it then ran it in chrome, when I pressed the button nothing happened.
I hope he didn't open it from Windows Explorer or something
That would actually make that answer correct
A: I can't get jQuery to work

Patrick James McDougleThe problem here is the scheme relative url that you are using to load jQuery. Since I assume you are loading the html file locally, your page's scheme is file://. When you go to load jQuery using // as the source it is looking on your local filesystem for a folder called ajax.googleapis.com. Rep...

But screw it you guys can upvote this instead
Also dystroy's
@BoltClock his answer isn't wrong. it's just a bad answer
@rlemon Yeah I know
being correct doesn't intrinsically make it good :P
Word of the day calendar is paying off for January 10th. :P That's for damn sure!
What's the word of the day?
Just realized I died thrice in a TF2 trade server while chatting with you guys. Thanks
@BoltClock np anytime
Glad to be of service?
This OP does not understand what delegation means...
A: Better way to use OOP to create HTML objects with events

NealIt might be easier if all of your new elements are going to be doing the same thing on click that you should probably just delegate the click event from some parent element instead of attaching it when it is created. For example: $(document).on('click', '.foo', function(e){ //do something...

and this makes no sense: stackoverflow.com/a/14264289/561731
screw my L / R arrows until I find away to tell the viewer the L / R keyboard arrows "jump" the pages
"Dont have javascript writing HTML [...] What you want to do is use a library like Knockoutjs" - contradicting statements are contradicting. — rlemon 4 secs ago
@rlemon lol
@rlemon - LOL, I didn't think of it that way :) What I should have said was, allow a well established library to do the dirty work for you instead of reinventing the wheel and doing it yourself. +1 for your comment — user1 19 secs ago
actually I wouldn't want to fade-out my L / R arrows if they actually clicked and worked
@user1 you know you can edit your post... — Neal 5 secs ago
@rlemon I hope he meant don't write html markup... versus dom objects.
Hi all... have a little problem with z-index [and trying to advert my recently post]
sry for spam
@user1 if you edit your post, people can remove their downvotes... OR you can just delete this post (which is bad) and get a nice badge for it! — Neal 5 secs ago
@Neal, nice blogpost!
@phenomnomnominal thanks :-)
with help from @SomeKittens and @OctavianDamiean
It's starred
Recursion is so useful
Oh. Hell. Still can't access that shit.
@RyanKinal lol. wth.
@RyanKinal Here is the gist of the post: gist.github.com/5f7ec84f363c5a06f210
Props for using both meanings of gist.
@RyanKinal LOL that was not intentional. :-P
That never happens!
@phenomnomnominal what should be blogged about next?
Well, A nice follow up to the recursion one might be something on functional programming in JS?
@phenomnomnominal in what aspect? that is very very broad lol
Lots of people don't even know that you can do it
Maybe just start with some implementations of stuff like map and reduce and go from there?
Hehe I do not even know if I can write about that. Would you want to be a contributer @phenomnomnominal ?
Yeah I would!
Just have to find some time to write posts haha
thank god for being logged in at home
myopenid.com is garbage just fyi
So, apparently Amazon is now ripping some CD's for you. As in, you buy the physical copy, and they'll make the digital copy available in your cloud player.
... Amazon just keeps pulling me deeper in
@Abhishek yo! I need your assistance
Meh, most vinyl already comes with digital copies?
Ideas I'd like to see: JS objects + scope within objects, also when to use call() and apply() IE examples of what code that may need them looks like
@Loktar add a new one
I did
@Event_Horizon this for the blog?
thats why luckily I was logged in at home
@Event_Horizon I'm working on a new tutorial/article on the subject.
@Loktar Login issues?
yeah myopenid.com is down
and apparently thats what I used to register with
I use gmail for everything
or Google now I suppose
@Neal Actually I found this:Call and Apply for the call() apply() thing
correction: Gmail or Twitter or Github if the first two are not options.
but I think a good JS objects + scope within objects post would be good for a blog post
@Event_Horizon: Math.max.apply(Math, results[nWorkers]) best use of Apply
@Loktar wanna tickle me some CSS :P
@Event_Horizon hmmmm. That sounds like fun. I can even break down my baseball game ^_^
I could try
I wanna cool CSS only lightbox to be applied to a thumbnail list item with a single class :P
hi guys
ah lol so something pretty complex
actually I have work today!
I forgot
can someone solve this for me
.thumbnail { regular }
.thumbnail.selected { lightbox }
@IceD medium
Scope is probably the thing I struggled with most when handling OO type code in JS
@Loktar the tuts don't make it appear too complex.
var text="this is some text with some words";
var kw1="some";
var kw2="other";


Just too lazy to do it (I hate writing lightboxes)
I want a global replacemnt of the word some with other
js ones dont bother me, so easy
but ive never done a css only one
doesn't have to be css only
:P I just wanted it too be
yeah I think ill have to pass, just because I actually have work today
I need a collection of all of my stupid images I've made for in here.
any one?
@IceD ok... you just did it. yay
it doesn't work
it only replaces the first work
not the rest
i want a global replacement
str = str.replace(/abc/g, rlc);
notice the /g/ flag
that didnt work eaither
String.replace wants a Regular Expression, not a string
@IceD, try text=text.replace(new RegExp(kw1, 'g'),kw2);
^ that
/regex/ is a regular expression literal
worked great D:
but what if it's like this
!!/ tell IceD mdn RegExp
text=text.replace(new RegExp(kw1[counter], 'g'),kw2[counter]);
? works thesame?
kw1[counter] returns a string?
as long as they're both strings, then yes
then yes
ok thanks

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