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He ain't, I am. :D
@jAndy Seems like a xat-user
xat user?
she is gorgeous
yes she is
where is she from :p ?
dude i dont know her -_-
she comes to an open chat site
if u wanna add her add and talk :D
lol good you added her to facebook you facebook bitch
btw Lives in Fairhope, Alabama
who are you talking about?
11 mins ago, by jAndy
@Abhishek: who on earth is 'Alexis Nicole' :p ?
Yeah... even on other pcs in the same network I can't use websockets..
I smell fake.
sounds like a pornstar - name
@jAndy btw yes she comes from xat.com
beware :P
xat.com is not facebook
but rather FAKEbook
unless if you wanna find some really high class hackers
like MLT , 6axis or so
Haha, yeah
and also in her only family
the person added is an Indian
On the other side of the world behind the computer sits, John, 45 years old and unemployed. He likes to chat to guys and pretend to be a hot chick.
A classic.
from pakistan
Yeah, I'd put money on it
@Abhishek: so you didn't add her on facebook explicitly ?
she got my attention when lik'ing the javascriptchatroom.com link :p
@jAndy nop
on xat.com we just chat and add people just for the heck of stalking
bleh .. i was a DJ back on xat [still am] , in real life too
MC Abi ?
so probably thats why she added me
@jAndy lol
Grrr, javascriptroom.com still doesn't point her for me
her ???
Works for me
@Abhishek You should go hit on her, but don't forget the lube.
@rlemon we need a new Abishek picture.. a DJ / MC shopping
@jAndy Sounds like a weird burger from McDonalds.
@rlemon You're needed
It's Friday!
(Friday! Gotta get down on Friday!)
no it's not
Q: Trigger a link from another Div

user1955201If I have this situation: <div class="post_box"> <div class="content"> <div class="read"> <a href="<?php the_permalink();?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>" class="read_more" id="<?php echo get_the_ID(); ?>" rel="gb_pageset[search_sit...

And downvote
oh, you're from NZ, i forgot
He reposted the question, and we're closing at as a duplicate of his original question
exactly 12 hours between you and me :O
Man, you still have heaps of your day left
@GNi33 Same here! Even more shocking! :D
yeah, it's uncanny
@OctavianDamiean, does that mean that john, the 45 yr old is from NZ?
@jAndy oh god
@phenomnomnominal Quite possibly. He could be a Kiwi.
@Abhishek, HAWT
that is bizarre
@jAndy brazzer*
Ok Boys, Girls & @Abhishek, it's my bed time
@phenomnomnominal cyA Nd u sleepppppppppp
You're drunk.
@phenomnomnominal: think twice about that
going to bed after seeing that @Abhishek pic
with lust.
@jAndy, why else would I want to get to bed in such a hurry?
@phenomnomnominal: fair enough
@jAndy just me or hekinda looks like @phenomnomnominal
Uhmkay ...
i mean put phenomnomnominal in a black moustache
and they will look amazingly similar
@OctavianDamiean Sounds like Zirak
Is anyone aware of validating multiple controls to share a single message using jquery unobtrusive validation in mvc?
@Abhishek I don't think Zirak is unemployed.
@OctavianDamiean Highly doubtful he is unemployed but he amuses being mysterious
Wait a minute zirak might be in ARAB
or related somehow -_-
IIRC 92 is a number with a special plural in arabic :3 , troll logic for connection !
I don't know. There's Pizza delivery in Arab countries (other than the UAE)?
I doubt. :D
Don't ask me why. I don't know.
He's probably from Israel
okies back :D
is @rlemon about... earth to lemon
@KirstyHarris wait what ?
@OctavianDamiean I'd say
because pizza companies are americans
and u have a nice threat of IED
@KirstyHarris I'm sorry, Lemon is not available right now. You can have Lime though.
whos lime ha! :P
They probably do have pizzas
Not ones with bacon, though
@KirstyHarris i am - every boy in the world
His name's so awesome. I envy him of his name.
@OctavianDamiean take mine :D
Abhishek Hingnikar - took me 6 months to learn how to spell it -_-
One day I'm just going to steal it when he doesn't pay attention.
your a hinge nikar.. ha!
@Abhishek Six months from birth?
@KirstyHarris LoL
@AmaanCheval Six months from KG - I
If not, you must have been a dumb kid :p
it sounds like a hardware store robber
@KirstyHarris nikker ?
yh we say in england that you nick stuff = steal stuff
or your a nicker lol
It means lower
in some language here -_-
@Abhishek Which one?
so it becomes i am a "hinge" for a "lower"
Telegu or something? :p
@KirstyHarris Issat Cockney?
i'd say hindi or cousin
ha na, Daaaaarbyshiiiire
I like my ScreenName of StageName more
Or JenJen'sDark? :P
@AmaanCheval "DarkYen"
Its supposed to read differently :P
literally means "kala paisa" :P
I did read it that way
=) well thats how its supposed to be read
Just not the way it was typed on your Facebook profile
Dark Yen :P i made it to symbolise my hate agains black money in india
I was just told that unicorns don't exist in reality :(
just wear the name instead of black dot or what ever :P
@jAndy LIES.
see they do
I have something for the "FAQ Section on rules page @rlemon" ->
"Can i ask my Question"
Is that not there already?
why does the android browser on galaxy tab suck so bad?
tell the lemon to ping me once back about his site
back to work... bo
@rlemon Ping Kirsty when you're back
@GNi33 Use Chrome o.O
do you really think i would use a piece of crap like this myself?
i may be an idiot, but i'm not insane :D
wow, that thing has z-index - issues comparable to ie 7
@GNi33 Galaxy sucks :P
All hail iPad :D , iPad 4
"I am apple fan boy , and i feel like the person who has all the knowledge of technology " - Best Dunning Kruger Case in history
the nexus 7 is absolutely awesome
firefox on galaxy-tab is working fine too
(android 3.2)
@GNi33 android 3.x is broken btw
but that preinstalled browser is just a huge pile of fuck-up
its kinda irkish
nd the webkit
is messed up
it differentiates b/w layers
as hw accelerated and non-hw accelarted
doing so sometimes u can see a layer animating in ur animation at 60fps
other will at 10fps
and thats just fucked up :-(
if just animations would be my problem
@GNi33 what else is
i have tested android devices like crazy so
huge redraw issues
@GNi33 thumb rule
i got a google-map
use -webkit-transform:rotateZ(0deg); <- in ur apps
there's an overlay for filtering above it
for every drawable element
and you can open an additional detail-overlay when clicking on a marker
-vendor-transform: translate3d(0deg) rotateZ(0deg)
filter-overlay is there, but as soon as something happens to the google-map, everything gets pushed to the background
but not the div that is used for blackening out the background when opening the detail-overlay
that one stays above the map
i just have not a single idea why
@GNi33 is it by any fucking cause using flash ?
this issue is usually caused by flash apps
nope, no flash
wow, this is stupid.
okay instead of background:transparent;
^ --- why ? dunno but works
      div.overlaybg     <---- this one stays above the map, z-index 2000
      div.detailoverlay <---- this one gets pushed behind the map, z-index 2500
hmm wow thats really FUCKED!
try the background:rgba(0,0,0,0.01);
if it works :P
it's there for about 1 second
and disappears behind the map after that
thats fucked
wow, the whole thing is pretty random
but i really don't get why this is happening
because direct siblings are displayed correctly
@GNi33 just asking for the heck of it
log it out
if nothing works
you are fuck .. not be surprized
    just add
      content:" ";
posted on January 10, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} New Weeeeekly Weinersmith!

@KirstyHarris I am here !!!
althought the fecking font calls aint working as i think googles being gay
im just messing with it atm, so i will have more later... but i am writing the media queries behind the scenes
learning all the while?
i am :p
oh i got something cool to show yuo!
ohh u so funny
haha :p
who else can i catch out :p
@Abhishek Awesome!
@KirstyHarris in response too your codepen I present you this
Who just lost?
you just lost.
@rlemon fork fork fork u
it was requested. I had to abide.
I wouldn't have lost the game if you didn't mention it here, I didn't look long enough on that green slime :p
fork u ...
Oh, I didn't look at the picture long enough either
'Lo everyone
user image
@Abhishek @jAndy for you <3
is this somekind of new fashion ? questions on SO are titled relatively simple.. and then you open it.. and BOOOM there is it 204 lines of code and text
is it a trolling campaign against me ?
no I pick on Abhishek too much with the GIMP editing.
my right eye is retarded it doesn't close entirely
actually, my left eye
Figured I'd make another blinker. You got the best pic here right now to do it with
ahahahah I have a awesome idea
the person will hate it
The person being me ...
You should make @GNi33 blink. :D
Hey all
whats up @rlemon ?
god bless conference calls 0_o
@neal i have made something proper funky! codepen.io/rusticblonde/details/eAJat
actually I like the blink the longer I look at it :p
just the eye reminds me on
Anyone got experience with FB-logins for webapps?
@KirstyHarris I saw :-P
user image
@tereško it's all the rage bro.
w00t. I got markdown for the blog ^_^
twill make things easier :-)
@phenomnomnominal you're next!
@rlemon what happened to your lemon.thodoctoriscool.com pin?
check that about picture
> An error has occurred: {"code":"Unknown system errno 105","errno":"Unknown system errno 105","syscall":"connect"}
@jAndy LOL
@jAndy any interest in contributing to a js room blog that i started yesterday?
@Neal: in theory sure. In reality, I'm even too lazy to contribute to my own blog :p
@jAndy well send over your email addy. ill add you if you ever want to add anything lol
Neal is really starting work at a marketing firm and needs an email database to start off with. be warned.

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