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Hey what do you guys like for a canvas reference? MDN seems a bit ragtag currently.
Nice. Thx.
I fell asleep while editing a poorly written post last night and by the time I woke up, it was closed. Now that I've edited it, the post has 4 reopen votes - just need one more stackoverflow.com/questions/14080401/…
What IDE do you use for js?
just a code editor? No debugging?
Well, Chrome
node-inspector for node
@popnoodles reread the question
Does anyone have any idea why my state is deleted upon refresh when using History.js? If I understand the documentation correctly, the state should persist through refreshing or leaving the page.
What particular state?
why in the world cant you send empty array elements to PHP with json_stringify =/
@ECode Yup. Published MWF. Let me know if you've got any ideas for topics
@Dave Optimization?
hmm bit confused atm stringify makes it unrecoverable in php
!!> JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([]))
@phenomnomnominal "[]"
@phenomnomnominal []
i got that lol it sends this:

which means it not sending the array key
ill try an object
hmm i need to figure this out . back later

Not sure how I feel about the choice of venue. On the one hand, it looks like a nice resort. On the other, I kinda like being in a city where I can have opportunities step away from my fellow JS nerd for periods of time.
@ErikReppen get drunk and bang girls ?
quick Q i have this as data assigned to my variable post json_stringify : http://www.paste.to/MjEzODk4NQ==

Yet my xhr shows : [object%20Object] instead whats that all about =/
ah phew i got it :D
Hey guys, anyone knows why if i call attach onto a data-role="page" and transition to it, the attach div will have its height forcefully set to 0 after a brief delay when i changePage to it?
@Machinarius code?
@Machinarius Come on... seriously?
What? do you need the whole html file and resources?
No, only give me the relevant code!
That is the relevant code
all of that? I surely doubt it
Sorry Erik, I went and got dinner ^^;
I have a map on page 1, attach() it onto page 2. The map is shown for a brief moment after chaging the page then it's height gets set to 0
@Machinarius well there's too much stuff there for me to look at... simplify the issue
how can i avoid JQM setting my map;s height to 0
I'm not sure what you mean by that
Make me a fiddle so I can actually look at what renders
I have a page with multiple nav links, that equate to different 'states'. I can click on the links, and use the back/forward buttons as much as I want without issue. As soon as I hit refresh on one of the states, it breaks. Instead of a link showing the state that it represents, only the URL changes.
@Kendra He's gone so you should really ping him
How do I ping someone?
@Kendra Type his username with an @ infront of it. In this case @ErikReppen
@Nile It's kind of hard to make you fiddle out of that as i extensively use bitmaps
Id have to write a lot of new css if i were to do that
@ErikReppen Sorry, I went and got dinner. Are you still available to help?
We need a coder for our website
you will be designing the layout
@javawarrior What kind of website?
Gaming website
have webs, and it SUCKS
Oh, I hated webs. Tried it for an ecommerce site, it was horrid.
I hate it too
We need a programmer for our site
@javawarrior If you want to email me and discuss the project in more detail, you can contact me at [email protected]
I use skype
More anonymous
shame miscrosoft bought it
kendra.moore3 on skype
what kinda game you making
We need someone to manage our site
make it look pretty
Make it flow
oh so css designer and a data manager
i would do it but i doubt i have the time
has anyone use syntastic plugin for javascript error checking in vim
i am not able to get it running . Need HELP
@Raynos o/
i wonder why on the web nobody has created a slider which stays in bounds ... ffs!
everybody comes out with a slider which overflows the gutter -_- , while <input type="range" /> respects them beautifully!
then make one
doing it :-)
intresting way how webkit handles it , chrome - flags shadow dom on
and then see it :o
-webkit-slider-runnable-track , what an easy trick!
I swear to god, iTunes shuffle can read my mind
does that work for anyone?
its a private pen
messing around with web audio
@Loktar ah
should specified webaudio beforehand
@Loktar works ;D
cool ty
i gotta add some more random stuff
then ill make it public
like i said nxt chris in making
jsfiddle.net/darkyen/NCVZM/2 <- and this shall be remembered as a way to implement sliders that stay in thier gutters
@Loktar Is that just showing the explosion thing at the rate of the beat, or is it actually based on the audio somehow?
@Loktar, yeah it it actually doing like a FFT somewhere?
Q: bullets shooting in FPS game

warzone_fzthis is my game : the problem with it is that on SHOOOTING ; the bullets keeps on going with First person controller instead of going on the same direction on which the fps was previously :( ///////////////////code for shooting from fps/////////////////////////////////// ///////////...

Q: What is wrong with my script, loading JavaScript conditionally via function?

VikramI am using WordPress and I have this script in my functions.php file. With this script. The Tasks to be achieved: Load jQuery from Google API with a fallback to local copy. Load 2 other scripts only if visitor's browser is IE 6. 7, or 8. The code I am using: <?php // Load JavaScript...

2 hours later…
while(1) {

	$data = "some data fetched from the DB";

	// if we have new data, return it to the client
	if(!empty($data)) {
		echo json_encode($data);

	sleep(3000);	// we sleep for 3s and check again for data
why is he using while there?
To keep the loop happening constantly? Each time the sleep() finished, it does the loop again. It's pretty fucking awful... from an old article and by the looks of it trying to make an example of what not to do.
since I'm looking for an good long polling example but haven't found one
Any particular reason you want to do long polling?
Do you need to support older browsers?
Anyone here?
How would you call a function that checks whether a value is valid, and changes it when it's not?
I'm currently calling it "checkContentHeight", but that doesn't look too well
Yes, I was thinking of something with ensure / fix / fit
It's not validation, it's just making sure that some panel is always rendered correctly.
If you can't come up with a good enough name, just write a comment to explain it
@AmaanCheval - self documenting code is always better
Yes, but I felt that this is a common problem
So surely there must be a conventional name for it already
I guess
Yeah, but you can't always have something that's self-explanatory in specific situations
long functionNames :P
It's of the generic form
    function() {
        if (!isStateCorrect()) {
how about enforce?
I'll got with that.
We should write a software verb dictionary
standardise common actions with verbs
@RobW I'd have 2 functions: one using isSomething(), and the other doing the change
sorry :>
@RobW check isn't very descriptive - check what?
checkPanel for instance doesn't say what it checks for, it just declares what it checks in. Something like isPanelReady or isPanelArticulated may be better.
In the end, I went with enforce
The callers should not worry about the logic within the function
It's like asking "Make sure that it looks well, but don't ask me to learn the details".
Yeah, the details aren't important, but checkPanel...it just seems to vague. isPanelReady is as general, and more specific.
Yes, that's why I wanted to pick a different name
It's not a boolean check/validate function, but something which just enforces some rules to ensure that some panel fits well within another component
@phenomnomnominal because i need to create request every 1second. no need to support old browsers
Please help me, My custom datastructure is: jsfiddle.net/sagh0900/T9jLc/1 I want to add the changes to that so that I could access child through the parent. But my javascript coding level isn't enough to reorganize the datastructure :(
yo guys!
how you doing teresko ?
guys , can you suggest some learning materials for JS
.. been trying to improve my current JS skill
riiight ..
were you trying to insult me or is it just how it came out ?
and we have webplatform ;D
@tereško crockford talks are great
yes, and i have seen them all like 4 times
@tereško suggesting you is hard man ,esp since i am fairly low on javascript then u :P
@tereško good for you :) how about little schemer?
anyways i need a lilbit of suggestions
I need to add two more controls on it one for mic and one for turning the broadcaster on and off
on a 320px width , i am confused wehre should they be put ? , my current idea is to make them on top bar , what you say ?
i think i will have to poke around in github for things that confuse me
@tereško what does confuse you, for example?
the scope in closures .. in some cases
do you have any example? or can you at least, describe it?
do you really think it would be so confusing if i could produce a clear-cut example ?
Do you really need so many controls?
It's not that common to switch toggle shuffle or loop
I'd keep the UI simple, with the commonly used controls visible, and put the other less frequently used items elsewhere
@tereško but then of course, you're aware of being almost impossible for anybody to help you out
@RobW its for a broadcaster bro
and init mic is used a LOT .. infact its kinda suffers over-usage issue
@Event_Horizon format it with ``
I accidently the message
and I wasn't done
its kk
Thanks for caring bro :-) , on landscape its fine but landscape leaves no space for things that are supposed to follow
@Abhishek Let people scroll?
Even here, put the two buttons below what's already there
@AmaanCheval the tab's
its like youtube app
@KamilTomšík yes =/
but replaces the place for comments and related video space with
could someone check does $f(0).play(); work in devconsole of areena.yle.fi/tv/1751017
tabs for current playlist , media libraries etc
ok ... a bit cleaner issue that i have put on a back-burner currently
there is such a thing as JsonML : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JsonML#Example_Transformation ... i intend to use it for templating in my current project , but there is on major shortcoming - there is no way to bind internal structures to a variable
correct, you cant access the closure scope as far as I know
basically, what i want are template, which alongside with whole DOM structure also provide pointers to specific internal structures , like in a case of "article" template i would like to have ability to directly access "title" and "content"
any ideas on how to make it work ?
the current idea is to add an attribute which would contain a valiable name to which the DOM element has to be bound .. but it seems quite dirty way
@tereško how about tinkering the parser if you can and making it understand what should be pointed [ basically just providing an array of pointers ] ?
required pointers*
@tereško gimme a minute :) cooking dirtiness for you :-)
this whole train-of-though comes from the mess that i currently have in my JS with the DOM building
function rebindClosureTo(closure, object){
    return eval("(" + closure.toString() + ")"); //rebind the closure, possible in V8, probably not in all browsers

rebindClosureTo(function(){console.log("Title: " + title + "; Body: " + body);}, {title: "a", body: "b"})();

//Tested in chrome...
//Title: a; Body: b
i briefly looked at mustache , but it turned out to be only a prettiefied innerHTML
@tereško is that what you want? because theres probably no other way to do that without eval...
all the templates are prettified innerHTML
@KamilTomšík what are you trying to do there?
not it you make a dom builder which takes JSON as input , @FlorianMargaine
@tereško do you mean rendered HTML?
@tereško oh, then I've misunderstood you, sorry
@FlorianMargaine that's almost exactly what i currently have
.. though a bit cleaner
which one?
I meant; fragbuilder or plates?
could someone look this code: pastebin.com/2e0XsBXU the error is: Uncaught ReferenceError: areenaRemoteInit is not defined but I have defined the function. I have defined the fullscreenToggle elsewhere.
$D = (function(){
    var keys = {
        'klass': 'className',
        'text': ( document.body.textContent && typeof (document.body.textContent) != "undefined" ) ? 'textContent':'innerText'

    return function ( tag, options ) {
        var i;

        if ( typeof tag === 'string') {
            tag = document.createElement(tag);

        for ( name in options ) {
            if (options.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                tag[keys[name] || name] = options[name];
well, personally, I just find it cleaner to use HTML templates (like plates do)
i need to manipulate the resulting DOM
@Florian could you see my code
@Olli I don't see you defining the function anywhere
@AmaanCheval here is my college qoute for today
@Amaan it's in var actualCode = '(' + function(areenaRemoteInit) {
areenaRemoteInit ?
we have Java practical tomorrow ,[ i just saw the practical list ] ... and guess what :?

We have not a single program that would take user input! ... [tag:wtf]
jquery ... jquery for all the things
@Olli Nope. Also, strings don't cover multiple lines, so your code is pretty messed up
@tereško add classes in your templates?
@Abhishek Nice
Nice ?
@FlorianMargaine both classes and content
man they are teaching threads in java , interface in java without basic user input ? you kidding me ?
well... I don't really see what you want to do, sorry :/
or even manipulate the style .. for animations
@Abhishek Sarcasm.
@FlorianMargaine he just wants to skip doing document.getElementById("xyz"); after the dom is rendered he just wants the parser itself to give him required pointers , afaiu
(and similar methods to getById .... )
@Abhishek i dont want to add IDs at all
or classes, if they are not needed
but yes , you seem to have grasped what i am aiming for
problem is that JsonML has not way to do this in a clean way
so basically you want:

var compiledTemplateString;
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = compiledTemplateString;
kinda , yes .. no, not really
then I don't get it :P
do you have an API usage example?
var doc = template.compile('to/templ.ate');
doc.title.text = "foobar";
yeah i got it ^
@tereško do you want a reference to all ? but just a few ?
to all elements i mean
just the few elements .. i don't care about decorations
either you have to maintain a separate object with gets/sets to update the DOM, or you have to compile everytime after you change the object...
then you gotta use an attribute and use getter _ setters to update dom ,[ you are a ninja flo -_-]
how the heck you type so fast .. are you a super saiyan ?!??! or something ?!?!
var doc = template.compile('to/templ.ate');
doc.title.textContent = "foobar";
@FlorianMargaine , would this illustrate it better ?
yeah yeah I get it
you basically want simplexml in js :P
since i suck at php's XML tools , i have no idea
@AmaanCheval ok. how you recommend I could fix it
@Olli Learn JavaScript. Make simple apps first
no , that's not it
@AmaanCheval well said
@tereško not sure if this is what you want but i had something similar in wiki-voice
it was parsin "semi lisp" code to javascript objects
@Event_Horizon thats what i use for landscape brah
if i do it on portriate the control bcomes so small that a simple touch to disable shuffle can mis-intiate shutting down the whole station <3
but thanks for caring :-)
Yeah, I was just messing around :P
i think i found an idea
since mic and station off should require an auth anyways
i will just make a menu button on top
to reveal them ? // under the top bar
are you sure you wanted to turn off the station? yes/no
i will show in a while
how i do it :3 currently preparing java for tomorrow's exam :-/
@Event_Horizon Hahaha, that's the best Adele song!
@AmaanCheval try emenim my mom ;D
how can I get current volume level in flowplayer?
@AmaanCheval Well her beautiful voice accentuates the obvious burn that shes about to lay down.
anyone could help a nodejs noob: pastie.org/5597268
this seems working except I don't receive the EventSource
source = new EventSource('/events');
source.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
}, false);
is never triggered ...
if I point another browser tab to localhost:8000/?test=1
@FlorianMargaine You've been converted?
yeah, and I think this plugin will only get me further converted
flash ^
pastie.org/5597411 there working
but I must add an array of other client than the sender
Oracle's docs makes me feel java is good!
@FlorianMargaine Looks nifty as hell
@tereško nope bubble broken i asked them to gimme pointers they failed
Anyone who has a few minutes, would you mind reviewing a script that I'm getting ready to record (for my Programming With Anthony Youtube Series: github.com/ircmaxell/programming-with-anthony/blob/master/Draft/…
@Loktar @AmaanCheval
prntscr.com/nmppz < - ehahhahaha :3 i just love steam :3
i am a counterstrike geek and :3 this makes me go aww so happy :D
Bought one of their bundles or something?
Or are you happy about the 49 kbps you're getting? :p
people still play CS?!
Oh, in India CS is huge
We've got gaming parlours dedicated to Counter Strike

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