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@rlemon wanna gimme some UX advice ?
I've got a if statement with (window.data) as its argument and I presume the Window object refers to the open window. But what is dataI can't see it as a property of window in the documentation.
also legal one
i think a slide to login sounds feasible user-experience wise to me
find a good site and steal all the designs you need :P
calls to clients1.google
but can apple sue me for that ?
I'm using this as a guide: w3schools.com/jsref/obj_window.asp
@Abhishek they can try :P
you're not "slide to unlock", you're "slide to login"
secondly shall the helper text be hidden by default
and a nice help icon on top right to reveal it ?
@Abhishek im suing that example
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria lol
lol what?
at what you typoed
and using which example ?
he's stealz yo codez
tags: "mount rainier",
tagmode: "any",
format: "json"
function(data) {
$.each(data.items, function(i,item){
$("<img/>").attr("src", item.media.m).appendTo("#images");
if ( i == 3 ) return false;
changing information
well @MikelGarcesEtxebarria there is a small thing on web
^ That answers
security? please try sonicomp3.com
is calling to the same google URL
is not the answer :)
cause sonicomp3.com maybe allowed by cors :P
or they might be proxying it :P
using server-side where
there is no CORS implementation
im going to use their js files in my server
let me try
it might be that jsfiddle is blacklisted , nah higly doubtful
but im sure that... is not the answer :)
are made by client
@rlemon just me or this is a help-wareworlf ?
if you have all the fucking answers why are you being so condescending, and why did you ask the question in the first place?
^ True Story
because the answer are not good answers
"hey, why doesn't this work" - here is the error I got, and here is a link telling you about that error
"no .... thats not it"
im awaiting for someone who can help me
with a good answer
-_- i doubt anyone around in here can help u more then this room :P
and lemon's answer was uber-perfect
OO cool vector
Mikel Garces died after waiting centuries
@rlemon ROFL
drugsrehabilationcenterhelpline.ca <- if u dont find help on the mentalhealthhelpline , still find no help dial 911 and say i am stoned
I solved
jim carrey rocks
my aunt briefly dated him when he was like 18-19ish, broke up with him because he couldn't ever be serious.
maybe younger.
@rlemon oh man wonder why COUGH comedian
Have a brilliant day!
thats actually pretty cool, i would so love him as a relative
but would you sacrifice your firstborn to THE CLAW!
Hell i suck!
was wondering why isnt my element visible for past 30 minutes >_<
blonde moment with black hair :P
@Event_Horizon well the guy really did have a hard life. His parents were dirt poor and he dropped out of school in grade nine and moved to TO/Hamilton area to work and send money back to his family. He lived out of his car, he did this for a while. Then after a few he moved to like the london ontario areaish (living in a car it's hard to place your home right:P) and thats where he met my aunt and they dated for like 2 months. Then while doing a show in Toronto Rodney Dangerfield saw him .
oh no hahaha @abhishek you have outdone me there
Took an interest and BAM. career boom
@KirstyHarris not my fault :-(
my css files are about 4000lines , combined em all (x
damn my hunger for c-s-s
@Abhishek: and there you just have another blonde moment :p
oh shit ok, ... fair comment, i mark everything up with sections lol... and comment it ALL!
@rlemon Awesome, most of the time I love Jim Carrey, as long as hes not doing Schlock like Mr Poppers Penguins
@jAndy (x
@Abhishek ok please tell me you are not working on a 4000 line file ... you have them split for development right?
omg! @Event_Horizon i love that movie!
though that did make for an AWESOME Cinema Snob Midnight Review by Jake
@rlemon yes :P
but its still confusing when u have an opacity:0; which was supposed to be dev-only in production build
i just wonder what the fuck u can put in 4K lines.. 0_o
@Event_Horizon I love his early work, later stuff has been getting a little dull, or maybe i'm getting old.
i screw at 300!
that sounds wrong
well she already said it folks, no thats what she said jokes here
your just getting old @rlemon ;)
ok... i have a fit at 300 lines... thats better...
Who measures it in line length?
she does. Women always measure line length.... :(
@KirstyHarris the whole layout for a chatsite , an element pack , a shim for x-browser cleanliness , a grid layout that fixes my hate against grids , another controls pack , and yes my kids my lovely css kids the kid faces in CSS
@KirstyHarris: 300 the movie ?
@KirstyHarris that still sounds wrong
@rlemon Well I should be safe, my CodeGolf history shows I'm terrible at shortening my line length
oh fuck i really need to read shit before i write...
I'm always minifying :( fml.
@jAndy 300 lines of CSS
@KirstyHarris still sounds wrong -_-
talking about @abhisheks 4K lines of CSS and that i would probably have a fit at 300 or more lines...
well its not 4k , its summed up 3832lines
am removing lines though
should be about 2k till end ,
I trolled the room and turned this harmless LoC talk into something dirty and perverted.
Room:0 | rlemon:1
YES!.... Good work!
view its source :P
yes.. night at the museum... my night sorted.
is it wrong that every time you speak I read it in the voice of Rose Tyler?
!!/google Rose Tyler
lol me?
yea the idioms.
makes me think of dr who
oh haha!.... i try not to ... i wished that i thought shit half this room aint english,.. so they wont understand my jargon... never works.....
only works on me
I'm a js beginner.. Question.. what is the difference between var isEven = function(number) { and function isEven (number) { ?
put it this way... i dont come out with that shite lol
Q: JavaScript: var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {}

RichardI've recently started maintaining someone else's JavaScript code. I'm fixing bugs, adding features and also trying to tidy up the code and make it more consistent. The previous developer uses two ways of declaring functions and I can't work out if there is a reason behind it or not. The two way...

@rlemon Thanks man
now to really f with you
Number.prototype.isEven = function() {
   return this%2 === 0;
but wait! there is more!
or.. the cooler approach

Number.prototype.isEven = function() {
   return !(this&1);
Care to explain these? I wantttt to be cool like you guys! hahah
Number.prototype.isEven = _isEven;
function _isEven() {
   var that = this;
   if( that === window ) that = arguments[0] || NaN;
   return that%2 === 0;
Number.prototype.isEven = function() {
return !(this&0x1);
I. am. so. confused.

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 at 13:40 by rlemon

@Abhishek: lol
@jAndy ^_^
just making sure man <3
@henrymb67 well rlemon linked u it ^ Read it
basically if you are wondering about jandy's solution
it compares the number bitwise
I have no idea what that means.
see binary ^^
bitwise O.o
modulus is easier to understand
It compares the numbers in binary
@henrymb67: binary numbers always have the first bit set to 1 on odd decimal numbers
thats what its basically looking for
@rlemon hahaha "hooty tooty point and shooty"
@jAndy :O
and since I'm a performance nazi
its faster even
Number.prototype.isEven = _isEven;
function _isEven() {
   var that = this; that === window && (that = arguments[0] || NaN);
   return that%2 === 0;
revised version.
@jAndy well perf nazi go implement it in v8
and re-compile your chromium
detect native support otherwise shim it with your js bitwise comparision (x
What does 'this' mean? uhh the number? or what
@henrymb67 In javascript everything is object
so this is the Number
Number is the base prototype , or class in classical inheritance
or the window object, in which case I assume you pass a number in as an argument.
you basically are extending the javascript number
I have no idea what prototype means....
^ Good question
then I assign that to the that var or NaN so it will error accordingly.
Q: How does JavaScript .prototype work?

John LeidegrenI'm not that in to dynamic programming languages but I've written my fair share of JavaScript code. I never really got my head around this prototype-based programming, does any one know how this works? var obj = new Object(); obj.prototype.test = function() { alert('Hello?'); }; var obj2 = new ...

how I should really throw "expected input"
wow.. its really faster like alooottt on spidermonkey
@Abhishek Thanks
@jAndy do it in v8 man
also faster
i am hungry to know results of modified v8 (xD)
on my chrome osx its slightly faster using bitwise and
however.. looking at ff
seems like they have some serious bad code converting that int64 into int32
this prototype stuff will make my code seem sophisticated?
hmm no.. forget what I just said, the same operation must be executed for bitwise operators
@henrymb67 read the articles in that link "Javascript Resources" and watch the vids.
now I am off to drink beer and watch christmas movies.
good day to you all!
!!/google prototype javascript
@rlemon thanks. merry Christmas!
you'll likely just get shit about prototype.js
told ya..
Q: How does JavaScript .prototype work?

John LeidegrenI'm not that in to dynamic programming languages but I've written my fair share of JavaScript code. I never really got my head around this prototype-based programming, does any one know how this works? var obj = new Object(); obj.prototype.test = function() { alert('Hello?'); }; var obj2 = new ...

!!/google prototypal inheritance javascript
later o/
thats better
guys do what do you know of javascript based CSS pre-processors? can we safely use this without performance degradation?
What do you mean by performance degradation?
You can't expect to do it without some computation cost over not doing it, but I see no reason why it would have to be too bad. Depends on the preprocessing that you want to do.
In terms of the added overhead on a page load and processing time
Well obviously there will be an overhead
You can't do it for free.
It's for a very simple task really. I want to have a grid in CSS grow in size based on the users screen size.
see now ^_^
@rlemon can ya test on android too .. screenshots pls
Okay, well there are lots of solutions to that problem which don't require any fiddling with CSS pre-processing
I just haven't heard of people using CSS pre-processors till recently. So was wondering if there was a reason people don't use it.
Wow, that looks awesome
I like the help button too
thanks :-)
dunno if it makes sense though to hide the text
Are you talking about things like LESS & SASS that generate CSS, or processing CSS on the fly in the browser?
but i found it clean :-)
@phenomnomnominal yup! those are the ones.

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