Well, it does continue to maintain a focus on keeping core primitive elements highly flexible. Everything is highly mutable which IMO, is a standout feature, not a weakness. And it's been rocking proper first-class functions for much longer than any of the other less academic languages.
With basically all web languages though, it seems that the proper way to use a language is defined more by the developers than the creators of the language
I don't know that that's the case in JS. I've definitely seen some standards of use widely accepted at certain key points but you won't meet as many JS devs telling you about the one true way to do something. In fact, I immediately assume someone framing a thing that way is probably about to say something stupid when they talk about any language.
Code that works but is still illegible, difficult to modify, and dominates the way you have to do things on a given page is till broken, IMO. Unless you're just doing temporary disposable sites for a marketing-oriented interactive agency and the goal is to just to ship something basic out ASAP.
^Even in those scenarios it still doesn't hurt to think about how it could be done better if it doesn't eat up too much time. You never know when something might need to get reused. Like a contest suddenly turning in an annual thing for instance.
Hi guys, I was wondering how I can create a tagging system similar to the one used in SO when you ask a question and numerous options appear while typing the tags.
Is there any way instead of putting all the words there, I can just put something there so it fetches some online dictionary that has all possible words and then uses those words instead?
Ah well, google for a wordlist and dump it into your database. Then use a PHP (or whatever you use on the server side) as a data source for your autocomplete script.
Obviously you need one that uses AJAX to fetch that information - you really don't want to send a few MB of words to the clients all the time.
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} New Hand 2 Mouth, in which Marque wears an awesome shirt, and James …
Also, if you're putting the guest option above, it looks like that's what you'd prefer them to do. Let them signup or login above, and have the option for guests below
If I load in content from a external site to a div using .load() AFTER the page have finish loaded, and the content contains some javascript, these dont work anymore (they dont show up), how to solve that?
the javascript works in there own page, but not when they are being loaded in to the other page
> If .load() is called with a selector expression appended to the URL, however, the scripts are stripped out prior to the DOM being updated, and thus are not executed.
the thing is this, I am webdesigener and I am in a project where I just need to get these scripts to load in, so I understand what you mean but I hoped I dident had to read a whole book to manage to only this load.in sciprt
Honestly, I know I can come off hard. but that is only to push you to learn. This is the thing though... it's really not that hard. few hours watching videos / reading tutorials and maybe an afternoon reading "Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming" (which is free) and you'll be able to wrangle this mockery language that is js.
@Wobot lol, if you really are a designer I promise and guarantee you this will not be the only time you will ever use it.
"I design shit for the web.... but I have no interest in learning how it's implemented past design... that would be silly to know how the technologies work and are changing so I can be bleeding edge in my designs... just silly."
I write code for embedded systems... I take a lot of time learning how said systems actually work and function and try to learn how to build them so I can write more efficient code.
a mean fuck the .hover and mouse enter function for event listeners i now use all the time,... i think i over use it @wobot... @rlemon told me to fuck off... go on code academy and learn, then come back, write it, and have a go... and fuck it worked! Harsh reality sweet but your never gonna learn the way you want as a quick fix
this guy dont just speak and advise for the fun of it hun, hes doing it to help you.
also, learning the entire js language would take max 2 hours. DOM api is another 3-4 hours. other APIs pick up as needed. Browser inconsistencies will take years to learn. But that can be said for everything.
@rlemon Worked with design for 5-6 years, this is first time I need jquery, I just cant get them to execute after loadin.. no now your exaggerate, I do care about the code also but I dont need to know it, if you understand how I mean
I would like to make dropdown panel like on Facebook when you click on notifications.
Can anyone help me, share some tutorial or something?
Thank you very much!
i know.. was looking forward to viewing my quick witted answer
hmmm thinking about doing a @rlemon and doing like a bio gravatar on my site... but turning my site into a learning haven.... write tutorials for thick fucks like me
@AmaanCheval: thats my point actually.. I don't think you get elected for what you write there.. I guess 99.999% all all winners so far, were well known and active in the past
New to WP i hope its an easy one.
I am working on a child theme and i want to disable a javascript file from the parent folder instead of deleting it .
i have a function.php file in my child theme folder but dont now how to do it.
so in my parent folder i have this file in my js folder --> jque...
From Margin-Box on SO - "Why don't we have box-sizing: margin-box;?" Because while horizontal margins don't collapse, such a proposition would seriously interfere with vertical margin collapse.
could be something overriding it, might want to do body{padding:0!important;margin:0!important;border:0!important;} and if that works, you have something to track down causing the issue