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"yentup" == "putney".split('').reverse().join('');
@rlemon /agree
@Adnan Interesting video
It isn't that bad yet. At least not in India
I never text when I'm with friends unless I know there'll be something that's actually important
And pretty much never with family
@AmaanCheval try E and shift + E
Shift+E makes him disappear
E works as an attack
wrong version :$
That looks pretty good, man
Did you remove the defense?
They looked so cool!
no couldnt find a key
if u see there are 4 dodge classes nw
hmm just a second then
c & shift + c
and c c c c will make it nail som1
c c c c?
It's the same as c
but the animation it does
if repeated :$
done for tonight
need to think more on this , the defence stance need to hold till u leave key.. and other controls .. bleh am so NOT a game devel :-( :-\
@Abhishek I hit "d" 6 times and the stick figure dude bugged out
"eeeeeeeeeddddddeed" also screws it up
what is the equivalent of mouseup event for mobile devices?
hello all
what is the difference between unobtrusive and an obtrusive code?
how will I make my script unobtrusive
@cyril Touch screens?
yes androids
great wizards please clarify my doubt!!!
just got sniper invited to a room from someone....
why do people think inviting random users to a private room will help their cause.
Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
	for( var j, x, i = this.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = this[--i], this[i] = this[j], this[j] = x);
	return this;
^ I am in love with this code right here...
@AmaanCheval thx, like this <input onmouseup="do()" ontouchend="do()">?
@cyril Oh, you know, I heard of this really awesome coding resource! Check it out!
	function batchAddEventListener(element, eventsAndHandlers , bubble) {
		for( var event in eventsAndHandlers ) {
			element.addEventListener(event, eventsAndHandlers[event], bubble);
	batchAddEventListener(document.getElementById('foo'), {'mouseup': do, 'touchend': do}, false);
will this work?
I think so. Don't use for..in, though :p
Use Object.keys
yea it was faster than hasOwnProperty or w/e
can you tell i've been writing PHP today :P
so .. guys ... i need minor feed back
is there any way are there any ways to improve the on() function
anyone have a good resource for raw JS dragging/dropping DOM Elements? Everything I come across has jquery....
i had some links bookmarked .. i can check if any of them is still live
@tereško not sure of the implications but I prefer if( 'addEventListener' in window) over if (window.addEventListener)
then you don't need to invoke (or attempt to invoke) the method to see if it exists
hmm ... good point
the public site for this thing is dead
@tereško Thanks
func(element,callback) could be improved with func.call(element, element ,callback)
then the callback has the correct this reference
thats all I can see right now. i'll check it some more once I get home.
i think it already has the correct reference
or did i misread MDC again ..
check, the this reference afaik should be window object in your code. but I didn't test it at all :P
nope , this is <p>
hehe, well I stand corrected.
oohhhh i c... nvm, yea you're good.
I ignored the fact that you do use addEventListener I thought you were creating custom event model :P
ignore me
@Loktar You participating in this Ludum Dare?
@AmaanCheval nah
Ill be at a bed and breakfast with the wife :P
to snap by 10 I just have to do Math.round(VALUE/10)*10 right?
@Abhishek im making a JS isometric game - a large multiplayer one
@Event_Horizon are you anti jQuery like me ? :D
@Dave Ooh. What you using for the backend?
for server stuff im using PHP / MYSQL but if i can find a more efficient language ill replace that
I'm trying to learn actual JS and not how to use JS as a Jquery window
Which I have learned a lot this week thankfully
@Dave , most of regulars here are anti-jquery
Yet almost every good JS question has a Jquery answer at the top, and it makes me cry
At this point I'd almost say if you type Jquery into the answer box for something NOT tagged Jquery, it should deny your post.
they should enforce more strictly if the question is not tagged with jQuery and a jQuery is an answer this doesn't technically fix their problem.
well .. i do not see jquery question at all , since i am mostly trolling
Gotta be honest, most MVC explanations are too abstract and confusing, and don't provide good examples, I'm not surprised at question count.
it daily gets about 50 questions
but most of them end up retagged as or
Jquery get s too many questions
is asp.net-mvc much different from normal mvc?
i bet alot of people think jQuery is javascript.
theres no alternative to them
@Event_Horizon is jquery any different from javascript ?
javascript = the language
jQuery = library to simplify the language (argueable)
@Event_Horizon also , yes , ASP.NET framework has a peculiar interpretation of MVC . They, for historical reasons keep calling the Rails-like architecture "MVC" and refer to Model2 MVC implementation as "MVVM"
jQuery is a Dom abstraction toolkit first. Then mixes in a simple to use ajax component.
I'd say yes, it changes the context enough to where if you know javascript but don't know jquery, your not going to know what the jquery is doing. IE built in jquery functions etc. If I had started with jQuery, I'd know nothing of the DOM
"If I had started with jQuery, I'd know nothing of the DOM" Why do you say that?
short answer : because jQuery sucks...
!!/define abstraction
@rlemon abstraction: The act of abstracting or the state of having been abstracted. (source)
that's why.
lol you can't define a word using the same word
@LittleBigBot I say that because jQuery does not make it clear what magic its pulling off behind the scenes, IE event listeners etc
abstraction libraries when learning === bad
abstraction libraries when it is required for RAD === good
by "magic" I mean code, but I'm sure it does some magic people don't agree with as well
lets ban jQuery talk in here
I guess that's true. I was just curious since that's what I started with.
@LittleBigBot basically you did yourself no favors. native DOM API implementations have to be learned to be a successful Javascript developer. Knowing how to use the popular libraries helps for employers :P
not for debugging
you started with jQuery??
Also, do not mistake what I say for knowing what I talk about, I'm still particularly novice at DOM manipulation.
I started JS with jQuery, not developing. Just to be clear.
I started writing js in 1998 ... stopped in '06 started again last year
back then it wasn't really that interesting.
Now its my favorite language..
ever since canvas stuff allows the chance of some good game development ive gotten interested in JS
i been able to draw 9999by9999 tiles with 60FPS on chrome
and now ive lost my glasses
Well that's mostly due to advancements in computers and browsers
pixel accurate detection doesn't drop performance either
i hate the use of JS to make websites all flash and fancy tho
i just dont need animation when i click a link i want the page to load as fast as possible
I have to do a lot of that for work...
Especially when the old flash dev is the one designing stuff.
it seems to be what is considered professional
personally i dont need a div to expand smoothly when i want to read its content just god damn load it
/me used OpenRico 1.x as first framework
but then again , i had been playing around with native JS before that
I have never used a js framework, i've used a few libraries. but not very much. jQuery I use because it's whats popular (i.e people need help in it, or clients demand it is used) or because I like twitter bootstrap and i'm not gonna go re-write all of the js components.
i've never used a library
ive made my own for my game #WorthIt
I'm sure you have, just not knowing it was a library.
well put it this way ive never included a js file i've got off the internet.
I prefer not to use them. I feel like I have more control over the code. it's like choosing to drive standard when everyone wants automatic.
that plus you dont have a library on your site when you might use 1% of it
for too wasted
if time was an issue for me i would of gone for a library
but im jobless so :P
well the harsh reality is we often rely on libraries for rad.
in my job if I can get what my boss needs done with writing as little code as possible and taking as little time as possible bonus.
true i wouldn't want a career in programming
but then again, i'm not talking js libraries.
i think it would make programming not fun
hobby: js
job: not js
its only fun for me if its my own projects - games in particular
keeps it all good.
@rlemon What languages do you use at your job?
i tried c++ for a hobby, soon changed my mind
c, c++, c#, php, (ok some js), but pretty much I do embedded systems and winforms development.
I try to write as little c/c++ as possible. but that isn't because I dislike the languages, that is because i'm working with very old code that hasn't been maintained in a while.
but i'm the only programmer right now so the front end development is also being done by me. and I choose to focus on delivering a html front end. I figure this way we write a single HMI and we can port it to literally almost any device. (including our own, one node.js is integrated with the system and a simple http server ;) )
Hi folks
anyways, steams a callin
I have a question about replacing
script tags within html
@rlemon do you mean that its not a web front-end...? haha
or how would using html be an option?
if you guys can help me that would be cool!
2 days ago, by rlemon
Q: jQuery Mobile - dynamically replacing script tag within html

AndrewI can see the value when I print it out within console log, however I don't see the value being populated in the html page within list.html. So I am guessing that I need to make sure that the element has been loaded prior to it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. html: <script type="te...

@Dave you can just copy the link why is "under" the time (2d ago) and paste it
thanks for the tip :)
Andrew how long you been doing JS for ?
not too long..
how many days ?
few weeks mate
because it looks like you went straight to jQuery..
I am in the process of doing a mobile app
using jquery mobile
if you need to check something is loaded prior to it you could use .onLoad
example with an image:

var img = new Image();
img.onLoad = function (){

    //now do something with it
the webservice is all good because I can see the value being printed when i output it to the console however the issue is, that I can't see it on the html tag
OK @Dave
I don't know any thing about jQuery so i can't solve the problem specifically but onLoad answers the question about checking somethings loaded first
All good @Dave, I'll try that out sir.
Okay, my new avatar is super-weird
damn that script got slaughtered
oh jeese its using a table
i can't scroll down any more @Zirak i give up
that coderDojo link
@Zirak ?
@copy Just execute it
You'll see
(execute in a chat window)
Didn't work in firefox somehow
when in doubt use chrome

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