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(you should fix the footer btw)
and i cant see why it would suddenly end as it appears to be open. Yh trying to fix it for her now
ah yeah no, the footer makes sense with the wrap
i cant see why the page wrap would suddenly end thou... :S
its as if its ending after the header div
do you know what i mean?
ffs she should ask me to write it next time
@KirstyHarris you see the <div class="clear-both"></div>?
oh yh
take it out?
well, the clear-both class doesn't exist
prntscr.com/m6cj6 <- Mr stick breaths! <Suggest Name>
shes probably added that in from somewhere random
so far i am calling it Sticks of Persia ! (x_x)
@KirstyHarris create the clear-both class with a single rule: clear: both;
right ok
that fixes the wrap
you still have to fix the footer though
@Abhishek he looks like about to cum
well the footers been fixed
i took out the clear both
@FlorianMargaine lmao
as it werent neccesary
but its all still not in the wrap :S
@KirstyHarris no... the clear-both is necessary
@FlorianMargaine your imagination (x_x)
@KirstyHarris clearing makes the wrap think that it goes all the way down
oh right ok
because if there isn't a clear, since everything is floated, the wrap thinks it just has to go a little bit down
so add back the clear both
but create the clear-both class
right ok :)
ah no
it's style...
oh man
@KirstyHarris in the html, put <div class="clearboth"></div>, in the css put: .clearboth { clear: both; }
ok will try that
you put it where it was, of course
ok, that didnt work
still the wrapper is stopping :S
to me its ending after the header
for some reason
prntscr.com/m6d9d <- @FlorianMargaine still looks like cummingsoon ?
:S ffs lol... its balls this... next time i will code the fucker
i just dont want it to screw up
Human leg
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Human leg

Lateral aspect of right leg
Latin membrum inferius
MeSH Leg
Dorlands/Elsevier Leg
The human leg is the entire lower extremity or limb[1][2] of the human body, including the foot, thigh and even the hip or gluteal region; however, the precise definition in human anatomy refers[3][4][5] only to the section of the lower limb extending from the knee to the ankle.
Legs are used for standing, walking, jumping, running, kicking, and similar activities, and constitute a significant portion of a person's mass.
@KirstyHarris because you haven't created the clear-both class in css
i have its in there
it's not applied in the html
so you must have a typo
@KirstyHarris use chrome dev tools or firebug ffs...
you'd find this out right away
sorted ;)
@FlorianMargaine... i love u
@KirstyHarris if you want us to love you, use chrome dev tools or firebug (if you're on firefox), now
lol ok.... noted :)
no no you don't get it
try it right away
you'll immediately know what I meant
and love me even more
no i find out what i didnt wrong
i put the class name as clearboth rather than clear-both
@KirstyHarris what's your browser?
then go on a page
right click -> inspect element
see on the right? there are all the css applied to the element you select
that's simply how I found out that the clear-both div didn't have any css applied
@KirstyHarris on the small pic, due to the shadow, you look like two face :P it's cool.
that allows you to see the css
oh right, :)
and you can also edit it
add rules, stuff
hahaha, yh i usually use that.. i just noticed i was being a prat and not naming it correctly :D
thanks @rlemon ;)
i was gonna put a picture of my tits... but didnt want to offend
this window is called "chrome dev tools", short of "Chrome Developer Tools"
oh! i didnt know that
use it often :)
you wouldn't have the problem you had.
@KirstyHarris [email protected] - I will be the judge. let you know if they are offensive.
i didnt honestly know what that clear class were... i do now lol!...
thats fine @rlemon u can be the tittie vettor
FBI - Federal Boobie Inspector
get three inspections and i'll check out your ass for free!
hmmm not good, they look like an arse crack they that big
you have bum boobies?
well they massive lol
like, I can motor boat and actually lose my head in them?
don't they hurt? (like back problems?) or is this just women complaining.
because let me tell you, carrying around the boys all days gets pretty exhausting.
lol they can do... here this is better.. less revealing
clear nullifies the floating
see, I like this picture better.
see... big boobs
your hair in this pic is cool.
that was a while ago... fuck when i was white grey
you'd get more help with this pic as avatar
you probably would.
im trying to leave my hair alone... not really working...
Im more of an ass man myself. Boobs don't do it for me.
im going red hopefully this weekend
yh, i like peachy asses
neways... bbl... gotta go get some tea
well, I don't especially like big boobs in general -- I like small ones.
@FlorianMargaine yea, if I had to choose I'd say smaller is good. You can have too big, not too small (IMO)
Did I miss... something?
i just like boobs,... boobs are boobs... they rest pints on amazingly
plus my missis loves them... she said she wouldnt be happy if i lost them.... so dont wanna displease the wifey
@rlemon uh... too small isn't good either
I can hold a grape in my belly button... I don't suggest you eat it. but I can hold it there.
Q: Swept sphere to line segment intersection in 2D

WillHow can you determine when a moving sphere intersects a line segment, and the normal of that intersection? Ideally Javascript, but anything that's tidy, simple and self-contained and easy to port to Javascript. Here's a very nice video of the problem I'm trying to solve: http://www.youtube.com/...

@FlorianMargaine thats why I said IMO
i just had the weirdest vision lol
nommin grapes out of @rlemons belly button... tasty
on that note i really am going for food, check you later all.
@KirstyHarris you make the day more interesting. :P
i aim to please little one :P
you're a girl dude. girl dudes are awesome
rock sign
lol yep, i probs am hahah!.. anyways wifes chewing my ear... laters
Wife, please don't chew. Nibble. It's better. trust me.
What about them Immediately invoked function expressions?
I wrote an article about that!
these things are just stellar.
explaining how the (function($) {}(jQuery)); works
using noconflict in the title brings some SEO
problems using iframes for comments. google translate does not translate iframe content.
the comments just say "I was one of those guys who didn't understand the syntax. Thanks."
Uh, another school shooting in the US :(
and the other is me answering
@IvoWetzel does that still go to the news? I mean, they're everyday
make guns harder to acquire... maybe.. runs back to corner before 'merican rage
It's a elementary school this time around, supposedly 20 have been killed
@FlorianMargaine Doesn't make it less horrible though
apparently similar events in China... cbc.ca/news/world/story/2012/12/14/…
well, do you have news waaaay more than 20 kids dying every day in Africa/etc?
@FlorianMargaine I know... but this world sucks :/
People tend to blend out things that happen all the time, which maybe good for the psyche, I suppose it's natural to some degree, but of course doesn't help the ones who are suffering
if there was an big earthquake every day, I guess, nobody would care either
Third World Countries: if we reported about news there like we do in the western world there would be nothing BUT heartbreaking stories and death and murder and famine.
Developed Nations: If you look at the nations with the highest gun related crimes USA is not the top, but is much higher than countries that enlist a tighter gun registry.
Having just looked up these statistics: El Salvador and Jamaca are the highest with ~50 of all deaths being gun related. Never move there.
the stats I was looking at was per 100K kapa
I guess putting up body scanners at schools would save more lives than putting them up at airports... of course, the privacy issues wouldn't be any better (they'd be worse actually) but still.
When it comes to security, measures are always taken against the things which are least likely to happen (be it real world or IT)
That sums it up quite well
@IvoWetzel well honestly no matter what you do, you can't really stop things like this from happening. The events are so rare and the possible attacks can vary so greatly its rather impossible to reasonably prepare
tighter gun registry would not eliminate the crime / shootings but it proves to reduce them.
no one wants to be the first to give up their guns when they believe ALL criminals still have access to them.
@rlemon might be a bit different in the U.S., ya know bordering MExico and all...
we border you guys.... not much better ;)
@twiz I agree to some extend, still stricter gun laws would be a good idea anyways, I don't see how everyone owning guns protects anyone, it just puts more guns out there. And I don't think the "don't take away my freedom" thing would be a problem here, at lest I don't consider it "freedom" to shoot people
@rlemon haha probably true. Especially considering I could probably just walk into Canada
it's like the second I cross into michigan the hotels are employed by nothing but puerto ricans
in Omaha in the hotel the entire staff was puerto rican and spoke not a lick of english cept one guy who followed us around and translated for the rest.
That's really an extreme then... and I don't think it's any good for the employees either
I'm not racist, and I have nothing against spanish people, but I thought it was odd that ALL of the staff was
@IvoWetzel I don't really think it matters so much if guns are restricted, so much as background checks are required and guns are stay with their rightful owners
wow... do I even know English?
@twiz yea, like I can still get guns in Canada but it's a lot harder (more regulations, more background checks, more rules basically, and more trackability to the owner).
@twiz tbh. I didn't even see the errors until you mentioned them :O
near impossible to get hand guns and impossible to get automatic weapons here. (legally)
jsfiddle.net/qQBYx/4 <- didnt put in animations init ,yet
@rlemon I don't think that could ever happen in the U.S.
not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing honestly...
it should happen though.
as a society we need to all look towards a era of peace
@rlemon pretty much the same for germany, it's really hard unless you're member in a hunting club or something like that, you always have to keep the weapon visible even if you got a license
there will always be rotten apples on a tree, but that doesn't mean you cut down the entire tree and give up on apples.
the only time I ever see guns is on TV and on the belts of policemen
@rlemon That's admirable optimism, but you can't make peacefulness a law.
@IvoWetzel same, ours are strictly for hunting. getting hand guns is VERY hard considering their lack of hunting capabilities. generally up north you can get these a tad easier because of bears.
@twiz ratio: Countries with tighter gun laws have less gun related crimes.
the statistics are true. they paint a pretty clear picture.
problem is the average US citizen will never go for it.
Seeing someone walking around with a gun here who is not a policemen, I think many people would instantly call the police
unless it's a hunting rifle and I see them in full hunting gear, and I see them walking around in the forest.
@rlemon I think its more of a cultural thing though. Countries with tighter gun laws probably have citizens who want tighter gun laws.
I might just make sure i'm wearing bright colours and wave a lot so he knows i'm not a bear or moose
@twiz so back to the average joe will say "no". The principal of making guns harder to acuire makes gun related crimes go down is a sound principal and has worked for other countries in the past.
@twiz I still don't buy the self defense argument though
Somone's going to shoot first, so there's a big change that even if you too, got a weapon. it will be next to useless
criminals will get guns if they are legal or not. They get them because they are in circulation. Reduce the overall amount in circulation and guess what? less criminals have guns, your self defense argument is a chicken and egg argument.
@IvoWetzel In lots of places, if someone you don't know enters your house, you can shoot. No questions asked.
@twiz Which doesn't make things any better IMO.
If someone I don't know enters my house I first offer them a beer and ask whats up? If they are hostile I then hit them in the knees with a baseball bat, drink their beer, and wait for the police.
@rlemon Well, the only problem is like I said, foreign sorces.
Even policemen here in germany are not allowed to shoot unless they're in immediate danger (someone pointing their gun directly at them) or they've been fired at already
what do you guys like better:
option 1:
@rlemon But thats because Canadians don't have guns haha
@twiz your guns make their way up north. Because of our gun laws per 100K people we only have 3% of all crimes being gun related vs your 9%
and we do have just as many gun per capita actually. ours are generally rifles.
your average hunter owns more than 20 guns
option 1 has the calendar all the way up against the nav and option 2 has it spaced out like same as here
@benlevywebdesign I find option 2 easier to comprehend
guns must be locked up, so must ammo, they must be locked separately. and the keys to the locations cannot be kept together. (this is one of our tighter laws and is in place to prevent accidental deaths in the home)
@IvoWetzel you like option 2 where the calendar has margin around it vs option 1 where no margin is used and it makes the calendar bigger
@rlemon I mean, have no argument that America is pretty much awful... haha I'm just not sure how successful extensve gun restrictions would be. I think it would mostly keep the guns away from the people who use them legally.
@twiz that is what i'm trying to explain. The laws would reduce the overall number of guns in circulation (after a time that is). This will reduce the number of guns used illegally as they will no longer be available in circulation.
@benlevywebdesign Option 2 you can see the full calendar
the criminals don't buy them legit. no. but someone first had to for them to get on the market.
@rlemon haha I feel as though that would take like a century
black market guns are not in this, we get them too, there are not as many as you probably think there are.
@twiz just because something will be hard and take time is no reason to not do it :P
"just use jquery" - Merica's motto?
@rlemon I wonder if crime might actually increase for a time though...
I tease of course, but I hope you see the point I've been trying to make :P
@twiz possibly, but the long term end result should be better.
@twiz I'm just talking about the margin around the calendar, you can click on any of the calendar views you want to see. try it: here
@rlemon But that's why its hard to change. Both sides are right depending on the perspective.
@benlevywebdesign why is it soooooooo slow
its not for me
@twiz but that is the fallacy, you "presume" ill effects first, but you "know" good results will come. So out of fear you neglect the good results because you don't want to risk hardships.
now i'm just poking back at you :P
@benlevywebdesign hold on I made a video
@rlemon either way, all the crazy rednecks will never go for it
plus no one in the U.S. trust the government haha
how do you fake a png here
the last click I move the mouse after I clicked.
basically after clicking on an entry there was ~300-400ms delay before opening the popup
@benlevywebdesign I think you should keep the margin. If thats what you're asking
@twiz yes thats is what I am asking
@twiz and why do you like it with margin
@benlevywebdesign I guess just because it kind of makes the calendar a distinct element rather than blending it into the page
@twiz Ah I see what you mean and understand. the only reason I was trying no margin is to see what it would be like making the calendar bigger. Now the question is to have rounded corners or not to?
I'm invisible, can you see me?
@benlevywebdesign Rounded corners look fine. Would probably work either way though
Has anyone seen rlemon...? he seems to have mysteriously disappeared... its almost as though he's invisible...
@twiz check the top left corner here
@benlevywebdesign like I said, its not much difference. I'd say just pick the one you prefer.
@rlemon you just lost THE GAME
@rlemon help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, beautify, convert, get, github-status, google, hang, learn, gtfo, guesswhat, whyiwonthelpyou, zenmaster, rules, echo, asl, teleportgoat, porn, nudge, spec, stat, todo, undo, wish
@rlemon Hey! These are the rules, and if you don't follow them not a whole lot will happen. But I felt the need to warn you anyways. Carry on.
jsfiddle.net/qQBYx/11 <-mouse hover , wtf that animation looks like :3
@twiz Google MUST perfect its porn algorithm, so it doesn't end up like MySpace
@SOChatBot I expected $ hate :( Me is dissapoint
!!/learn jqueery "jQuery is gay"
@rlemon Command jqueery learned
@IvoWetzel better?
!!/forget jqueery
@Abhishek Command jqueery forgotten.
seriously lemon ?
why even typo it (x
he wanted jQuery hate
make it on !!/jquery :3
hate it properly!
becuase queer and jQuery is gay was a play on words numbskull
!!/define queer
@rlemon queer: Deviating from the expected or normal; strange: a queer situation. (source)
queer is accepted vernacular for homosexual
although my typo was also probably correct :P
@Abhishek Wut? It isn't a "CSSonlyGame" if only the images are CSS!
@AmaanCheval animations too :P
mostly i am just using js to logic..
Still isn't a game!
how can i do logic in css .. thats totally impossibly impossible
@Adnan How do you change the link the image points too, though? (The ? at the end of the URL toggles)
@AmaanCheval logic in css === advanced keyframes with pause/play animations
How would you have things like collision detection?
User interaction would be possible to a certain extent
jsfiddle.net/qQBYx/12 <- mouse hover for dodge 1 , mousedown and then hover it for dodge 2 ;D
Wow, nice
That's pretty neat
Look at all that CSS!
How long did it take you? :p
about past 30 minutes ^_^ // effectivley 30 minutes .. otherwise i am cooking and cleaning my room aswell ;D
That isn't so bad
now the dodge 2 is realistic ^_^
By the way, Ludum Dare starts in six and a half hours
@AmaanCheval i know (XD)
wonder why i am awake :?
You participating?
I'm awake because I've got to work
nah .. just making this game (xD)
i wanna prove somebody a point ^_^ , they said u cant make a game like POP 2 [gameplay wise ]
i wanna finish it in this weekend (x_x) , + I will play it on thier face on my iPhone 4s :P [ see nice lil webkit ]
Holy shit I love the "You are the villian" idea
@Abhishek Hahaha, you'll play it on their face XD
@AmaanCheval hmm
Oh, did I tell you I got a job?
i was the one who asked u hows ur job going :P
remembre ?
No, that was a freelance contract
@twiz do you like the "brown" color around the calendar
@AmaanCheval oh wow congrats
I got the job just yesterday
where when *how much pay*[being indian] ?
Haha, company in London
I get to make HTML5 games
I have a talk with a wiki person due this monday <3
maybe a contract with wiki \o/
Best of luck!
thanks :-)
now tell me how to make the two dodges
different from one another ._. , i want to make them happen different occasions how to do THAT
Hey guys. I had something come up in my project with jQuery-ui Selectable that I have since found and fixed. I am still curious if it is a bug or just something I am overlooking though. See this question. stackoverflow.com/questions/13883502/…
the company that sold me $1000+ of thumb drives and fucked up the data to be put on the drives forcing me to hand update all of the drives before sending them out just sent me a "email survey" about how they did on their last order. I should mention they never offered to refund us the cost of loading the data, and the rep that told me she would "See what they could do about the mistake" never followed up with me.
@Abhishek Elaborate
for example somebody is kicking mr stickman [ lets just call him rlemon with due respect]
and the player presses "c"
then he should do dodge1
if som1 is using a sword or a hand weapon he should dodge 2 [ u see he puts his hands in front like trying to grab something ]
With or without JS? :p
with JS ofc!
I just took a turd, lets just call it Abhishek (with due respect)
@rlemon What company is this?
they have some nice stuff. but i mean, the lack of care for a corporate order like that, then having the rep side step me.
@rlemon lol
This will not stand, you know? This aggression just will not stand man!
hes supposed to be prince of stickmans :P
^ this man, this man right here. He is my hero
1 message moved to recycle bin
@AmaanCheval sorry my arrow wasn't pointing to my picture with your message stuck in there.
Oh :p
Haha, it's okay :D
Room: Out of respect, if you see someone post a picture an no caption to follow... Kindly leave them a second or twelve to complete and send the caption before you F-BOMB their joke / anecdote with your own stupid message. Thanks.

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