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@Adnan what a little shit that guy is on FB
lol, totally creeps her profile and make himself out to be a bauce.
I like his style.
@rlemon, while I agree it's a pathetic attempt (from my own perspective). I have to say that, sadly, this is how it works for people their age.
People "their age" being how old? :p
(Haven't watched the video, and I'm on my phone, so I won't)
I don't know, 16-21
or something around that range
yeah it makes me want to really limit my kids tech use
well for portable devices
I dont want them to become slaves to their personal technology.
I'm curious now. What's the video about?
the dancing chick in her gitch was a little much for work.
Aaand I'll be saving that one for later
@rlemon, I actually scrolled down when I reached that bit
why didn't I think of that!
@AmaanCheval modern technology and how it affects the way we communicate.
comments: lol
hi all
"what camera was this filmed with?"
Mostly the Red One.
@rlemon, naaa, I don't think so, the Reds are quite expensive
I like my version better
@Neil the easing is cool
like a little bug
I threw mine together really fast, because I didnt want to really answer it..
but I wanted canvas rep :P
that easing is really cool though
@Loktar It wasn't a criticism or anything, just liked your app and thought I'd share a modification I made :P
@Kellerman, I took a look
Hey anybody catching the meteor shower ? // clouds in the sky here
Call that function with your user-id
@Adnan thanks)
!!> console.log( "\u0390".length, "\u0390".toUpperCase().length );
haha make it .99
@Esailija "undefined" Logged: 1,3
like its attached to a rubber band on your pointer
@Adnan I googled all the internet today :)
@Abhishek Don't know what meteor shower you're talking about, so no
@Kellerman, keep at it, you'll find something.
@AmaanCheval something on fb i saw
@Esailija haha
named Gemini
Increase the speed and you got a nice orbit thing going
@Adnan thank you =)
yeah thats pretty neat
@Loktar Hey, that was one of the first things I made after learning how to use canvas!
@Loktar so how do u think they implement prince of persia ?
So much fun to look at :p
i mean going back in time and blah blah blah
@AmaanCheval nice yeah those kinds of things are fun
recording everything is soo un-efficient , eh ?
@Abhishek Ive never played it :?
@Loktar whats ur steam ?
i wanna recommend u RIGHT NOW!
@Abhishek loktar00
@Zirak awesome
u will be so uber inspired by it _
@Loktar I actually planned on adding more stuff to it and making it a proper game, but I didn't know enough shit then :p
just added u as a friend Lo
What was yours again, @Abhishek?
jenjen something?
its gonna be a pain in the ass if i ever break up (XD)
@Abhishek awesome Ill accept when I get home
Why would you do that?
just saying :P
I wouldn't get Amaan or AmaanC, so I got "TheAmaan"
cause my old one was taken by me
for which i lost my password
and the email doesnt exists anymore :$
\o i am so awesome
@Abhishek No, why the heck would you name your account something like jenjensdark?!
@AmaanCheval outa ideas
+ made the account specifically for
@Abhishek but.... you don't want my steam... you son of a bitch!
I hate you!
@rlemon i am making a NEW STEAM
but not now or i will playing so many games that i will never code :$
nope, already too far gone.
@rlemon but just in case gimme please
@rlemon I thought you didn't use Steam o.O
please please
i forget.
@rlemon O.o
Also, it's probably rlemon or TheGreatRupert :p
@rlemon [].map.call( document.getElementsByClassName('present-user'), function (el) { return el.id.match( /\d+/ )[0]; }).forEach( sleddyMcSled )
@Abhishek I can't find any "jenjensdark"
@rlemon awesome picture :P
@AmaanCheval try darkyen then :$
Oh, never mind, maybe I can't add people from the website
Couldn't find TheGreatRupert either
@AmaanCheval adding u :P
Add you guys when I'm on Windows
Zirak's looks the best
ryans looks pretty pimp
@rlemon, what happened to your steam account?
since its friday lets re-vamp my blog
It shouldn't be too hard to set up a delay, so each slay goes out, waits a second, and the next one goes along
!!/choose blog game sleep
@Abhishek game
I got an awesome background
@Abhishek You kiss-ass
@Zirak, do it dot do it do it
@Abhishek What for?
nyan cat striking lasers
@FlorianMargaine wait what ?
what is it for ?
@Zirak [].map.call( document.getElementsByClassName('present-user'), function (el) { return el.id.match( /\d+/ )[0]; }).forEach( function(n,i) { setTimeout( function() { sleddyMcSled(n); }, i*1000); })
On my phone
nothing but fun
@FlorianMargaine ah lol
Uncaught ReferenceError: sleddyMcSled is not defined
(function recurse ( ids ) {
    if ( !ids.length ) {
    sleddyMcSled( ids.shift() );
    setTimeout( recurse, 200, ids );
    function (el) { return el.id.match( /\d+/ )[0];
Ooh, wow!
That looks awesome!
what have I done?!!
var sleddyMcSled = function (a) {
    var b = function () {
            visibility: "visible"
    var c = $("#present-user-" + a);
    var d = c.find(".avatar").clone().css({
        zIndex: 3,
        position: "fixed",
        top: c.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop(),
        left: c.offset().left - $(window).scrollLeft()
    }).appendTo("body").hide().fadeIn(500, function () {
            visibility: "hidden"
        e = ["t", "WebkitT", "MozT", "msT", "OT"].filter(function (a) {
I just walled you
!!/choose smoke smoke smoke smoke
@rlemon smoke
There was a meta post on activating some april fools joke, right? We can start a similar topic
You see that sad/happy face in my stackoverflow profile?
yo yo yo what up javascript HOLLLLLA!
I have a little script to follow who actually clicks it
On Tuesday there was someone from the US, who actually clicked it more than 20 times in one minute
Just flipping between happy and sad..
about 63 seconds! Wow!
How'd you manage to add a script?
!!/choose Blog HomeControlSystem CSSonlyGame
@Neil, guess! :D
@Abhishek All of the above
@SOChatBot you will kill me
@Abhishek CSSonlyGame
Unless the image is hosted on your server, I don't know how you added the script, @Adnan. Ping me and tell me!
I've got to go :/
:-) the bot is good
lets open a codepen , anybody up for logic side :? , i mean suggest a game <3
For a CSS game?!
I don't even know how that'd work
Best of luck, though
@AmaanCheval, exactly. I have access to the hosting server.
I actually had lots of fun doing it.
@AmaanCheval comon its not that hard
i will just css-transforms thats it (x
object oriented game! FTW , i am only going to make the visual part in CSS .. not the logic
@Adnan Ah.. access to the hosting server. I suppose that would be the only way
@Neil, it was very easy to make it click to make me happy
@Neil, but it was harder to make it the other way, click to make me sad
That one took me some time
Can you guess how is done? You know, the different links for the same description thing.
¡dn ʇǝƃ ʇ,uɐɔ ı puɐ uǝllɐɟ ǝʌɐɥ ı `dlǝɥ
@rlemon, good one!
@Adnan I see you have both links there, and you must evidently hide whichever one according to the current state
alright im out, if I dont see you this weekend have a good weekend peeps!
@Loktar, you too!
Human body side view silhouettes <- Google image search that :-|
@Neil, yup, that's it. I send a 1x1 png when I don't want to show it
@Adnan And I think I see how you know who clicked it
You send the link for the user page of the person viewing your profile or something similar
then the smiley has an extra 2 px on the left
There are few things sadder than finding old bubble-wrap, and realizing you've already popped everything
@Neil, oh no, I can't tell WHO clicked it

I currently have a program that's about 40k lines of code. It's stable and efficient, but I don't like so many lines of code. Is there any way I can put all my logic into a single regular expression?
@rlemon, yes.
Hey Stackoverflow,

I would like to write a program that examines an other program and determines if the other program terminates or not. Unfortunately my program keeps getting stuck in mysterious infinite loops. I would appreciate any advice.
@Neil, that would be a serious XSS with Stackoverflow
> How explain what is binary to my dog?... is very smart dog.
Dear Hi,
To do that, you will need to a different recombulator. I can install one free of charge, for only 99.99.99
Anybody got a good stickfigure ?
The binary numeral system, or base-2 number system, represents numeric values using two symbols: 0 and 1. More specifically, the usual base-2 system is a positional notation with a radix of 2. Because of its straightforward implementation in digital electronic circuitry using logic gates, the binary system is used internally by almost all modern computers and computer-based devices such as mobile phones. History The Indian scholar Pingala (around 5th–2nd centuries BC) developed mathematical concepts for describing prosody, and in doing so presented the first known description of a binary...
Have him read that article
@Abhishek So many puns...
@Abhishek, xiao xiao
@Zirak ?
Kind sirs,

I need to put a JIT JAVA in my C# MONO, so I can code while I code.

Please send me the module.


@Adnan love u
so inspirational!
with 3d css stickfigures can be aww so realistic <3
I just finished re-implenting the Linux kernel in Emacs Lisp, and I have about 700 pages of closing parentheses at the end of my source file. Obviously, this needs some refactoring; ideally, I'd like to get it down to no more than 500 pages of closing parentheses. What's the emacs keystroke to do that?
last one . LOL
Q: What question would you have asked as an April Fool?

Jon SkeetPlease read this through before voting to close. There's method in my madness.... April 1st is rapidly approaching, and I suspect many Stack Overflow regulars will have been considering what to ask as a "prank" question. I have nothing against good humour, but I think it makes sense to concentra...

@Neal 7
Dear SO,
I have a graph and I want to know if I can color each node such that it doesn't connect to another node with the same color but it runs so slow! How can I make it run in O(n) time?
@Neil use 42
Make sorting algorithms running in O(log(log(n)))
I want to do some High-throughput subscriptions with Backbone.js, Angular.js and Wombat.
I don't doubt that some people would lose half their day searching for the solution to that
@Neal, reminded me of this walkingdead.net/perl/euphemism
@Zirak may i use ur head ?
i mean the picture ;D
Cross-domain websockets with Coffeescript, RequireJS and Bandbox.
No, you can't. It's not like I took the awesome-face and rotated a { on it
No bramstones, no bramstones.
aiight i will just use the awesomeface then -.-
@Abhishek Abuse me face all you want :P
@Zirak, awkwardly walks out of the room
@Zirak ..... o.0
wow ok so I answered a question real quick before the movie..
and you cant have a link w/o code anymore?
in my answer the link was the only thing relevant code wasn't needed. Thats a pretty lame rule.
@Loktar what if the link rots?
Q: SecurityError: Load an image in canvas, modify it and create dataURL

lightstrikeI'm attempting to use HTML5 to bring in an image file, draw it to the canvas, do some manipulation of it, then return the dataURL so that I can reference this newly generated image. Here's a quick example of what the image loading code looks like: <canvas id="myCanvas" style="border:1px sol...

^ the answer in question
your answer becomes plain useless
basically I just took his code and put it in a fiddle to show him it works
and explained what he needed for the rest of the answer. I didn't modify his code at all though
so idk, I can see in most cases its needed
but there are a few edge cases
movie time!
ah yeah, if you don't change his code and don't fix, it's ok
npm isntall is an alias to npm install, lol
and lol @ npm xmas
tail call optimization...
Weekend starts now! See you guys!
what do u call lower part of leg ?
the one down knee and before feet
thanks :-)
@Abhishek btw, I think you had symlink problems with fedora because you did a lot of sudo
in fedora you have to use su -c '' though
@FlorianMargaine maybe
but it did literally put ffmpeg in /ffmpeg/ its own respective folders etc. in the include
// when they were actually supposed to be /include directly
hey guyz can you tell me why my autocomplete is not working?
$(document).ready(function() {

$( "#catalogName" ).autocomplete({
source: '${pageContext. request. contextPath}/items/getLikelyItems/{itemName}'

Server side: @RequestMapping(value="items/getLikelyItems/{itemName}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody List<String> processAjaxRequest(@RequestParam("itemName") String itemName, Model model, HttpServletRequest req) {

List<String> itemNames = new ArrayList<String>();

System.out.println("Serving Ajax request....");

String ID = req.getSession().getAttribute("companyID").toString();

int companyID = Integer.parseInt(ID);

List<Item> items = itemService.findItems(itemName, companyID);
any ideas?
@Florian: that's all a back end guy can do ;)
I could help
but it's weekend
hey sexy people, can i ask a favour... my friends confused why this page wrap is suddenly ending ... milknhny.co.uk/TestTheme
LOL......few little hints would do....otherwise it llruin mine :\
ive had a look at cant see any extra </divs>.... can u help?
@KirstyHarris look at the css for #footercopy
ok, will do
mainstyle.css, line 615.
thank god i aint coded this,.. its terrible
@KirstyHarris you meant the footer, right?
the "web design by ..." thingy?
no, u see the black border
thats the page wrap
and its as if its ending

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