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Is the !! prefix fine for the bot thingy? And the command /, should it be dropped altogether? Maybe have / map to listeners instead?
!! should be the command thingy and ## for listener.
@OctavianDamiean No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
wow, I really wonder what matched there
@SOChatBot You can never be sure of something, and right or wrong is a matter of definition.
And making two separate "invokers"...meh. I don't see people really using listeners anyhow
Then make !! a command invoking pattern, it's quicker to type.
And just drop listeners?
!!/choose "!!" "##"
Do we really have any use cases for them?
@RyanKinal !!
See, even she likes it.
I wanted a looser invocation pattern, so for instance you can do
!!what's a dildo?
!!nudge me in 1m YOU'RE ON FIRE
@Zirak Nudge registered.
@Zirak Could not find definition for dildo. Trying Urban Dictionary
...apparently a bug there, but anyhow...I've been meaning to do some trimmin. Some commands just aren't used (like /ring or /regex)
@Zirak nudge YOU'RE ON FIRE
!!> 'god'.split( '' ).reverse().join();
@Zirak "d,o,g"
!!/learn gtfo "**RUN!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!**"
@rlemon Command gtfo learned
!!/tell Zirak gtfo
Let's face it, /regex is just intimidating, for one regex is intimidating and then there is everyone else watching you fail at regex.
!!/tell rlemon info gtfo
@rlemon Command gtfo, created by rlemon on Thu, 13 Dec 2012 21:09:17 GMT, invoked 1 times
!!/help ring
@OctavianDamiean ring: Upon activating a ring, all those who registered to it will be pinged. /ring activate ringName message - activate a ring. /ring register ringName - register to a ring.
!!/learn guesswhat "you just lost **THE GAME**"
@rlemon Command guesswhat learned
I have an array of objects with indexes (0,1,2,...,n). These objects are represented as DOM elements as jqueryUI sortables (a list). Now, when the user performs a sort, I want to update the indexes of the objects within array in the sequence after the sort ended. Any idea?
!!/tell rlemon guesswhat
@rlemon you just lost THE GAME
I can't give the DOM elements a unique ID
@detj I don't understand.
!!/learn whyiwonthelpyou "The reason you are not receiving help is because it has recently became apparent that you sir (or madam) are a help vampire. Please refer to the [Room Rules](http://rlemon.github.com/so-chat-javascript-rules/) on how to correct this horrible horrible state of affairs. also ... *the game*"
@rlemon Command whyiwonthelpyou learned
lol, freenode's ##javascript room tried to show that the ternary operation exists, did this:
!!> true ? 'ternary exists' : 'ternary doesn't exist'
10 messages later they figured out what was wrong
@Zirak "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier"
@twiz Command no does not exist.
!!/info s
@rlemon Command s does not exist.
!!/info switch
@rlemon Command switch does not exist.
@rlemon help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, beautify, convert, get, github-status, google, hang, learn, nudge, ring, roll, spec, stat, todo, undo, gtfo, guesswhat, whyiwonthelpyou
I basically have a jqueryUI sortable UL with multiple li in it and also an array representing the exact sequence of these elements. Now, when the sort order changes, how do update my array to reflect the same sequence?
Codecademy just lost it ...
!!/urban jquery
@twiz jquery A FAR superior JavaScript framework that makes ASP.NET AJAX and its proponents feel like little bitches.
> Make the computer think!
@detj why do you have an array reflecting DOM elements? what is the need for this
!!/kb twiz
@canon Command kb does not exist.
meh, no comment.
I would make them work either or
not among the available commands
!!/ban canon
@rlemon the array does not contain DOM elements but Backbone Views essentially
oh yeah, I did some shit to /ban. Wonder if it works. Guess not :D
oic. then good luck.
haha I guess trying to ban someone is a good way to get banned
!!/roll d20
@canon You iz in mindjail
Ah, then it just...didn't give any output
@Zirak ban doesn't tell you when they are banned. and die kills the bot before the message is sent saying it is dying
ffs.. im gettin annoyed lol
I wrote lol twice and the chat system just merged my second lol with my first lol!
@KirstyHarris well that is either because you are playing an awful game or I don't know what ffs means...
sorry.. ffs = for fucks sake lol
@rlemon I hate the /die command, it's too fake (bot doesn't really dies, it just doesn't provide output) I think it should just be time-based, since the only use I can see for it is spam-prevention...and that's handled in /ban
@KirstyHarris then there is hope yet... haha
I'll look into the silent /ban, though
!!/ban @SOChatBot
@canon You iz in mindjail
@canon hmmmm... what would happen...?
the chat would collapse upon itself
and we'd be squeezed through a black-hole into an alternate dimension
And on only having it reply that you're banned just the once, no need for consecutive messages.
I think we'd end up in the actionscript chat
@Zirak Yes please.
!!/learn zenmaster "... we'll see, said the Zen master."
@OctavianDamiean Command zenmaster learned
If I ever am seen in the ActionScript chat please take me offline..... permanently.
!!/urban actionscript
@twiz [ActionScript](http://actionscript.urbanup.com/2029674) The scripting language created by Macromedia (now Adobe) for use with Flash, a rich media format that drives most interactive experiences on the Web these days. ActionScript is developed based on the ECMA-262 standard, the same standard JavaScript is based on.

ActionScript was first made available in the Flash IDE version 4 with very basic controls mostly to control the starting and playing of specific frames. Starting in Flash 5, ActionScript has been expanded to be full-fledged scripting language and was finally editable withi
!!/urban poop
@Zirak Poop Excretion from the anal cavity. See below for examples.
I miss Macromedia...
!!/urban spartan helmet
@canon You iz in mindjail
@SOChatBot It's alright buddy, get down from the sill now. We'll take care of you.
!!/unban canon
@rlemon User 621962 freed from mindjail.
fecking not working... :( hmmmf..
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#level1').hover(function() {
 $('#level2').fadeIn('slow').css('visibility', 'hidden');
posted on December 13, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

Why is Stephen Hawking a big deal? 2012: What a Year for Linux Weekend Projects - Hot/Cold LEDs

ah, I see the error in /ban
!!/learn rules "Hey! [These are the rules](http://rlemon.github.com/so-chat-javascript-rules/), and if you don't follow them not a whole lot will happen. But I felt the need to warn you anyways. Carry on."
@rlemon Command rules learned
@KirstyHarris of course it isn't
@KirstyHarris How's that supposed to make sense?
is it because the divs hidden?
Did you actually read it aloud?
well i wanted a div to appear on hover right.
so i set in css for it to be hidden
  function() {
oh right fadetoggle... hmmf
Your train of thought reminds me of a certain zeppelin in 1937
@Zirak Was it the Titanic?
@OctavianDamiean no, silly.
zeppelins fly, so i'm certain he's talking about the challenger
function() {
@GNi33 Of course it was, I'm sure the submarine Hindenburg hit an iceberg.
that aint working... now i think its because its still set as hidden in the css
going this doing my nut
'Course not doofus, I'm talking about the Marihuana Tax Act: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marihuana_Tax_Act_of_1937
oh yeah, of course
i give up.
honest i learnt or tried to, too much
@KirstyHarris Don't give up, learn JavaScript.
> The Act levied a tax equaling roughly one dollar [...]
Love it
ive got feck all patience for it tonight lol
panic rooms on instead
@Zirak Good 'ol times, eh?
what? ew
@KirstyHarris don't give up. it's 22:30 here and i'm still in the office. and i can't give up :/
thats late
@KirstyHarris are you trying to do this jsfiddle.net/rlemon/fj6au
> === Equal to
@canon You've obviously never talked to a purple beaver.
Oh yes? Not identical to?
yh but fade in rather than like jump in
and the special fun is when you gotta hack your way through an application you've never seen before, because your co-worker got sick and it's due tomorrow
seriously, i have no idea what i'm doing right now
oh shit thats bad :S
well, at least there's coffee
@GNi33 This'll cheer you up: youtube.com/watch?v=FnA87uiraos
wow, so nice!
i got that far @rlemon... but the fadeIn wasnt working because i guess it were because the div was hidden
Puff, the magic dragon
@OctavianDamiean ^
protip: if you must do this in JS you will want to change the opacity value.
I bet there is one with that name around
Lived by the sea~
oh right ok
He frolicked in the autumn mist, in the land of Honna-lee~
Puff === brothel
rather than the hidden....ok... i will mess with this. Ty... @rlemon... owe u twice over...
@KirstyHarris Does it have to be "visibility:hidden"?
ah see THATS what i was looking for!
maybe i should had used display
@GNi33 That song was mentioned in the movie "Meet the Parents" with Ben Stiller, god I hate that actor.
instead of visibiility
they do different things
but both instances were cool to go neways
visibility:hidden still consumes space in the page flow
so you go to a cat steven - video on youtube, INSTARAGE!
"Reading comments, I wish people would do investigation outside of the indoctrination programs. The idea that Muslims are actually a Peaceful People is true for those who desire to be peaceful. But Islam is not peaceful or humane in practice or design. It is a radical control function via twisting of Gods Word to suite the need of a demented false Messiah. It's false man made religion.

Turn away from Cat Stevens and burn his music. Maybe angered fans will force him to rethink his evil."
-- some stupid asswipe with jesus-avatar on youtube
give me chatrep, @KirstyHarris FORTHWITH
@KirstyHarris jsfiddle.net/rlemon/fj6au/4 here is js solution
how do i do chat rep lol!
@rlemon nice
that reminds me i need to give some out to the cool guys
everytime i read shit like that, i want to burn catholic churches
I still can't believe this got more than 2 upvotes: stackoverflow.com/questions/6211431/…
@rlemon Rejected because of the lack of jQuery UI, you heard me!
"It's false man made religion"
@zirak have some more...
...now I feel like a whore
I've got more quarters! /jingle
Look at what you've done to me. Gaze upon your work, ye mighty and despair!
@Zirak Doesn't it feel good?
@Zirak: feels good right ?!!
Robert Lemon 21 seconds ago
Mark B is a moron. We can all point and laugh at him now.
are you ill182
i just fucking rage over people considering their way of live, especially their religion over somebody elses
I think you are... mr from Austria!
still the old so-problem. the simpler an answer, the more votes, because more dumb people can judge the answer as 'correct' :p
that nickname must be over 10 years old
you sir, now have two subscribers
@Zirak Pfft, you just want more upvotes :P
I'm still voting for an expert commitee which has separate votings
@ThiefMaster VOTE-FRAUD!
Arrest him!
@GNi33 I had to get a new one. work associates questioned the rlemon420 handle.
But yeah, it's interesting how some really simple answers get highly upvoted.. One of my answers today was at +2 or +3 when it just consisted of "No, it does not make any sense."
A: Is it a good idea to update hash salt every login?

ThiefMasterNo, it makes no sense at all. The purpose of salting hashes is to make them unique even if the original password is the same. This avoids e.g. rainbow table attacks or re-using a stolen hash on another website where the hash is sufficient to login (happens with bad remember-me implementations). ...

man I was so bored/tired today..
found the simplest algorithm to implement in JS
@rlemon hehe, weeee :D but i don't put stuff on youtube, so there won't be much to look at ;)
@Loktar Nice
@Zirak if you look at the code you wont say that :P
@Loktar whats your wifes name? can I have her cell phone number? I only ask because I think it would first be polite of me to call her and tell her I'm about to ask you to have my children you canvas god you!
but ty
@Loktar Did you find any ore or diamonds?
@rlemon lol
guys I cant take full credit at all
^ I implemented it from there, he lists the basic algorithm he used
@Loktar ...indeed
@OctavianDamiean lol
what I want to do is make a 3d walkthrough
@Loktar whats with the kerning?
no friggin clue
@Loktar wow, nice!
irritated me when I saw it
Im like wow.. that comment makes me look like a handicapped spammer
@Loktar Maybe you are and didn't know yet. :D
any recommendable chrome plugin for having vertical tabs ?
haha maybe
Like a very weird matrix
im thinking about doing a 3d version, like Notchs demo
Government plan?
...maybe it was xkcd all along
@jAndy Yea, "turnTFTby90Degrees 2.0".
!!/google "turnTFTby90Degrees 2.0"
@jAndy The Google contains no such knowledge
even THE google doesn't know
I should have written "turnDisplayBy90Degrees 2.0" ... tada, vertical tabs.
its actually quite an accomplishment to have 2 chrome windows open on 27 inch iMac and having "too many open tabs" to properly beeing able to read the titles
!!/google "vertical tabs chrome"
@Zirak haha I know
I want to go back and rewrite it my own way
you guys should look at some AI code
if you like nested for/if structures
I used his alg pretty closely, and then quickly did a few things on my own like tracing the walls
I hate the while 's for example
I'm missing the forawhile keyword
the "algorithm" is crazy simple though, I think the code is overly complex for what it does. But I didn't realize that until I was almost done
maybe thatll be my Friday project
@rlemon You're good with photo editing stuff, right? Do you think you can add a santa hat to chatbot's gravatar?
Have one lopsidedly hanging to the right of the eye thingy
@jAndy Nothing beats flash designers who think they can write complex game logic
No liez, in my flash-hacking days, I saw like 80 nested if statements
> Fill in a condition on line 1 of the program that will evaluate to false. What will happen to your robot?
if ( false )
    alert("Let's go down the first road!");
    // what should we do if the condition is wrong? fill in here:
    console.log('I false!');
thankfully (I guess) I've never seen that
nighty night
I bet they didn't see that coming. :D
@Zirak give me three minutes
rips three minutes from my life, gives to rlemon
Careful with that Zirak, your're 92 already ... you don't have too many minutes to lose.
remembers me of "in time" (good movie btw)
oh yeah, I pushed changes
!!/ban 1337
@Zirak User 1337 added to mindjail.
@jAndy GOOD!? What!? Justin Timberlake ... horrible movie. Just horrible.
@rlemon fixdzoarz
!!/unban 1337
@Zirak User 1337 freed from mindjail.
I liked it
the pokerscene was awesome :P
Charlie Wilson's War, that's a good movie.
Yeah it was pretty good. Mainly the point of it.
Phillip Seymour Hoffman is always good.
Theodore Rex was awesome

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