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Then watch just the first part
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, but it's a long climb
impactjs is limited to 2d? Looks interesting though
@Zirak crazy awesome video
!!/tell rlemon help info
@rlemon info: Grabs some stats on the my current instance. `
@FlorianMargaine Florian Margaine has 8710 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 20 questions, gave 428 answers, for a q:a ratio of 5:107.
@rlemon I awoke on Thu, 13 Dec 2012 14:02:26 GMT (that's about 1 minute ago), and got invoked 2 times, learned 10 commands
!!/info whatswhat
@rlemon I awoke on Thu, 13 Dec 2012 14:02:26 GMT (that's about 1 minute ago), and got invoked 3 times, learned 10 commands
yeah, even if I add a "who made it" thingy, it won't work on commands learned through current memory (since they don't store that info)
well make em store it and purge current commands
@rlemon The deed has been done.
there i'll do the deed
you cannot buy windows 7 anymore :(
@rlemon ah man
:( :( :(
I didn't want to have to buy a boxed version, that means I have to leave my office.
Can't you order the boxed version somewhere online and have it delivered to you?
bah, JSON.stringify doesn't like regexps...
What was that property name... toJSON?
!!> var obj = { toJSON : function () { return 4; } }; JSON.stringify( obj );
@Zirak "4"
toJSON is called when the object is turned into JSON, so you can define custom stringifying behaviour
:6687105 [you can haz like thiz](http://google.com)
i knew it :D
@Zirak that's nice
!!/learn chattools http://stackapps.com/questions/3161/chat-easy-input-tools-provides-keyboard-shortcuts-for-common-text-formatting-c
@rlemon Command chattools learned
!!/tell GNi33 chattools
@rlemon Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
nice chatbot is nice
hm, can i use those as bookmarklet?
!!/spec RegExp.prototype.toString
@RyanKinal You kiss-ass
@RyanKinal What for?
!!for being a kiss-ass?
@RyanKinal even the bot trolls (xD)
@RyanKinal Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand for being a kiss-ass?
@RyanKinal What for?
siri trolled me
... nevermind
At times like this, I wish it had NLP capabilities
@AmaanCheval What for?
!!fuck you
Is it a fixed response?
@FlorianMargaine Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand fuck you
!!go to bed
@FlorianMargaine Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand go to bed
Depends on bitchiness levels, but people complained, so I stopped it from getting bitchy. Now it just has the listeners.
@OctavianDamiean Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand `bitch`
!!why anyone would want to own an Apple device?!?!!?!
@rlemon Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand why anyone would want to own an Apple device?!?!!?!
!!why I am getting sexually confused by unicorns
@Zirak Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand why I am getting sexually confused by unicorns
Siri gives u medical service helps when u say i am having cold
but trolls hte hell out when u say I am dying >_<
seriously ?
who the hell wrote that code .. couldnt they just all emergncy services on such things
Siri is creepy. She needs to get together sometime with Glados
:( There is an elephant in the room again.
!!/urban elephant in the room
@rlemon elephant in the room n. A very large issue that everyone is acutely aware of, but nobody wants to talk about. Perhaps a sore spot, perhaps politically incorrect, or perhaps a political hot potato, it's something that no one wants to touch [with a ten foot pole]. Sometimes [pink elephant in the room].
!!/urban pink elephant
@rlemon pink elephant A brand of cigarettes in France. All the cigs are pink and have vanilla flavoring (a.k.a. they are amazing) They come in a black box with a pink elephant facing backwards on it and "Pink Elephant" written in pink.
@FlorianMargaine confirm?
... because these sound amazing.
@rlemon don't know em
Should it turn those urban meta-links (the terms surrounded with brackets) into actual links?
My code broke over night!?
Prince of persia detects my intel i5 as Pentium II
@OctavianDamiean Shouldn't have installed that code-randomizer
I want!
sounds like it's true, yeah
@OctavianDamiean Have you cleaned the recombulator?
here is how bad-ass I would be smoking them
I love skinny pink rods in my mouth
I don't get it.
In vegas you can pay to "get it". get it?
Yesterday it didn't complain about same-origin today it does.
what the hell?
the origin changed.
Maybe you need to place your location?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
@Zirak Did you just call @OctavianDamiean straight?
Maybe your recombulator is busted. I can replace it for a small fee.
@Zirak That's a good idea, I'll do that right away.
@rlemon Graz is Austria's Vegas, technically speaking I could get it down here too. ;)
Did I see somebody recommend the book Jump Start Node.js a couple days ago?
@RyanKinal Did you? DID YOU?!
Sorry :p
I messed the formatting up
Just had to get you back ;-)
And now, having searched, I don't see the phrase "jump start" in the context of a book.
Okay, started reading the sample of Jump Start Node.js, and in the introduction, there were two red flags:
> [Author] Don began his programming career with strongly typed, object-oriented languages such as Java and C++
> the beauty and elegance of weakly typed dynamic languages such as Python
1) Java
2) Python is not weakly typed
maybe he didn't mean type as in casting, but type as in he is always so exhausted when he codes Python he barely pushes down the keys.
he is weakly typing it.
lol, could be
Oh, and the second quote there ended the sentence with "... and Ruby"
Word up
any backbone kids in here?
I have a backbone :-)
java is statically typed, and python is strongly typed?
how strong is python typed
And so do both of my parents... so...
is the human backbone a particular bone in the body, or just the entire spinal set of bones?
The latter
And I have to go to a meeting :-(
@andho wiki.python.org/moin/… (TL;DR: You can't do crap like "foo" + 1337)
what do you call the technique when you cache the return of a function already?
ah, thanks
couldn't remember the word
Also known as "memorization with a lisp"
w00t iOS google maps app is out :-)
oh god
I have to debug jqzoom
@ThiefMaster lol, already reading that
Okay, backbone.js question for anyone that is interested: Is there a way to make the "el" element of a view be the root element of the template I use to render the view? Or do I always need a separate el element that the template gets appended to?
hey guyz, I am trying to create a textbox with autocomplete functionality (like google.com) any heads up?? (I can not use jquery ) Is it possible without AJAX call?
Anyone has done it before?...my data needs to come from a DB ...
I am using Spring MVC
Why can't you use jQuery?
So, you want to dynamically communicate with your server, without communicating with your server?
bots dead for a minute while I upgrade his pc
Anyway, just create it using plain DOM/XHR functions.
Or just take some crappy premade script. It'll most likely create tons of globals and have ugly code but hey, you won't have to write code for it!
@Rafe -1. Needs more jQuery.
@Rafe you can replace the element
k..I can not use jquery because I have never worked with it before I am more of a back end guy
@Rafe but other than that, i don't think it's possible
@Zirak: so AJAX is the only way?
@Sudh Sort of an inside joke, actually. :P
Yes, unless you already give the client the autocomplete data during the page load.
@Sudh Especially in this case you want to use something like jQuery. It makes things easier for you.
meh, if you don't know javascript, learn it. Don't throw learning it away by using abstractions like jquery.
@ThiefMaster: yes, but I need to deliver it by Sunday.... SO I want to try something I am more famaliar with...
@andho - I'll try setting el as the result of my template render
you can deliver it by this afternoon if you spend as much time and effort reading principals as most people do trying not to learn them.
I love setting up a new pc. and forgetting I haven't installed any drivers yet. :(
I hate downloading drivers.
You said you are a "backend guy". That sounds like "almost no JS knowledge".
If I only had this component to deliever
@ThiefMaster: JS I know
Are you also familiar with DOM methods and XHR?
You can also, you know, tell them "I can't by sunday, give me more time or let someone else do it"
I know DOM methods...XHR just went above my head honestly
See the gist I linked you above and the references in it. It's not that hard.
Ah well, read about it on MDN...
!!/mdn XMLHttpRequest
1 message moved to recycle bin
@andho sigh
I need to make a room called "pit of lies"
then we can semantically bin shit like that
you guys are so rude
ok guyz so what about I get all the auto-complete data when the page loads
We'll make amends when we burn in hell, or whatever makes good people sleep at night.
and then do this autocomplete thing
why don't you make a bot, and give him owner
Possibly a major waste of bandwidth
we have a bot.
!!/tell andho help
@rlemon is he bad ass
ohh yea
he's offline.
@ThiefMaster: I mean for now when we have like 30-50 items
I'll set it up
nahh i got it
for now.
yeah i saw that from your earlier msg
I can ask for more time later
bot you're making me look like an ass
there we go
So what you guyz think how much time it takes to implement an ajax call with autocomplete functionality to a backend guy
@Sudh with well defined specs XHR submission and response handling can be done in like half hour
from scratch
depends on how fast a learner the backend guy is, what he already knows about http
no jQuery
so what's the deal with you guys and jquery
@andho *hides behind lead shield*
@Zirak: interesting read your write up
do you do pure javascript only? or is it because of newbies
@andho it's a fine tool for DOM abstraction, and the additional ajax and animation features are nice. but suggesting to someone who knows no js (limited rather) to use a js abstraction library is like giving a pyromaniac a can of gas and some matches.
jquery is the dark lord who made me kiss my sister when I didn't know she was my sister and then he went all WOOSH WOOSH and admitted he was my father and I was all like NOOOOO and he was all waat and then there were prequels which sucked
jQuery should be used for RAD. not as a crutch because you cannot write the same effects without it. period.
@rlemon that's like saying, you should know how the computer interprets programs if you want to do any programming
It almost doesn't bother me anymore
@andho no that is fucking retarded.
if you are writing assembly you should know the hardware.
you don't really have to know the abstractions, but don't come asking us questions if you don't want to learn
@andho No it's not. Those are completely two different levels of abstraction.
if you are writing a in a language abstraction you should know the language it abstracts.
you don't*
Q: Why do JavaScript dates treat days and months differently?

surfitscrollitI've noticed that in JavaScript, when creating a Date, months are zero based, and days aren't. For example: var foo = new Date(2012, 1, 1) ..produces February 1st 2012 Why is this?

@Feeds A fine question, actually...
because javascript was made with magic and you can't understand magic
or explain why it is the way it is
@rlemon not all the gory details of the abstraction, you just have to know the language enough
that when you need, you can dig into the abstraction
where some will agree, I will say no.
if you want to be a front end developer you need to learn the tools of your trade.
You can explain some things, like the bug where typeof null === 'object' What's really retarded is that they insisted it stays that way when writing the spec...I think it was Microsoft who insisted on that
I ain't no front end dev
I wouldn't expect my doctor to botch my surgery then say "well sorry, I am normally an esthetician, I just knew a little about heart surgery so I thought I'd give it a go"
i'm not saying you should use jquery without learning javascript, but this backend guy just wants to do a little autocomplete as fast as possible, he already knows his dom
A: What benefits are there to native JavaScript development?

ZirakLet's talk about cars. Oh wait, we already did - remember that time we met, a few weeks ago, over steak and drinks? That was a great stake. We talked about cars. In fact, you seemed to be quite the expert on cars. You were able to explain, in detail, all of what's right and wrong and exciting ab...

@rlemon it happens
I want to get that new car really quickly. I can A) work hard and have great results. B) Take the short cut, rob a bank, get the car, get shit on, get thrown in jail, get raped by some burley man named jim.
how often people come in here and have "arguments" for not having to know JS to use jQuery is astounding.
@rlemon You forgot C. You could simply steal the car.
@FlorianMargaine was watching The Wrath of Khan last night :/
any comments on this?
Can I use this as the foundation for my autocomplete textbox: roseindia.net/tutorial/jquery/…
jsp... lol
!!/google javascript autocomplete from database tutorial
@rlemon: It's a java web app....I can port jsp code to my servlet that's not the problem...Front end and JS is fine?
no, it's fine. I just lul at jsp. wasn't sure anyone still used them
kinda like frames (framesets).
I assume they are gone
they aren't we use them as views.....but yeah they are gone from backend now
Found what changed since yesterday ... I've deleted my GitHub API key from the GitHub settings panel, now obviously this site isn't a valid origin ...
Suddenly it works again. :D
BTW, any hints on how to make it a reusable component? I need to use it at a lot of places
Damn its cold outside... :[
@mainerror, Graz - Austria
web developer and Ubuntu evangelist
259 tweets, 150 followers, following 282 users
Needed a onebox ...
that's what she said
You can apply that sentence on anything :]
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
that's what she said
34 secs ago, by Octavian Damiean
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
that's what she said
30 secs ago, by Florian Margaine
34 secs ago, by Octavian Damiean
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
that's what she said
19 secs ago, by Octavian Damiean
30 secs ago, by Florian Margaine
34 secs ago, by Octavian Damiean
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
that's what she said
Fail, you did it wrong.
do you guys like, code in bed, and bed your code
@andho No. Code is too abstract to bed.
@OctavianDamiean that's what she said
@Neil She actually did. :(
@OctavianDamiean "that's what she said"ception
I am done.
1 message moved to recycle bin
@Neal Spontaneous sheep syndrome?
Stop binning my posts...
Stop being annoying
@FlorianMargaine why did you not bin your ception posts?
because they're not playing with the bot :/
I wasnt either.
@FlorianMargaine that's..
@Neal uh? thought you were answering to one of zirak's messages playing with the bot, sorry
@FlorianMargaine no... I wasnt. I was responding to his sheep syndrome message. and now the joke is lost :-P
@neil... random question. If i do an event handler onmouseover... to display a certain div....... if i have contents in that div... for example, erm... lots of pictures... will it display everything in that div/
@KirstyHarris it should.
okies... a
depends on the css of the images.
ok... well i wanna do like a funky menu like.. as in when it mouses out of the div to hide it so to speak... using my new found jquery skills ;)
css that shiz
I will return after a short break. I need to re-align my bits and bytes.
Say I decide to use a plugin, for example jQuery masked input. I have a fairly large webapp with many pages containing lots of different forms with lots of different inputs. One option is to write jQuery in each page, but that seems bad since JS will be all over the place. Another is to put it in a centralized JS file, but that seems bad since I will be calling lots of selectors for elements that won't exist.
whats hanleys new handle?
@rlemon @h8 something

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