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@OctavianDamiean What are the advantages in the scenario described above?
Everyone believes you're dead.
Until they catch you red-blooded and quite alive
@Abhishek: agreed, thats classic
@Zirak You could pretend it's not you.
@jAndy i was kiddin
my favourite: hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com <---- look into the HTML source
@jAndy yeap classic , it uses flash
you: "uhhh no...I'm his evil twin brother?"
mother: "I never gave birth to you!"
Wouldn't work
@KirstyHarris: excuse me mam, I have no sense of humor
mam ha!,,,... i call my mam that... people look at me weird
@Zirak "I'm his genetic experiment!" would definitely work
can i donate u some humour today?
@Zirak That'd lead to only one possible explanation, you're actually dead.
Oh shit
Well that sucks
@jAndy XD
@KirstyHarris: I accept donations, any day all day :p
What...what do you do? After you're dead and all
I've never been dead before
@dievardump are you still in Canada or are you back in France already?
@Zirak: I go straight finding the asshole who invented quantum physics
@Zirak My logic is undeniable.
@GNi33 Vancouver, I think
btw stupid question... can u remove the like indent on a <ul> and <li> by css... surely...
@OctavianDamiean hello VIKI
@KirstyHarris yes
@KirstyHarris Yep. padding
^ Thou is black magic
fab... thanks... it was doing my nut in!
well its proving an ass when im doing a nivo slider in a sidebar in WP...
i will do owt for the bloody thing not to offset from my pagewrap
@Zirak Me neither but think about the possibilities. You could name yourself John Doe for example, that'd freak a couple of people out.
Those are things I never really want to deal with... (nivo and WP)
@Abhishek Haha :D
awww i think they funky!
maybe im just a geek for pretty looking things
@OctavianDamiean: isn't "John Doe" a name mentioned in Diablo3 :p ?
and i know after speaking with everyone its like saying WP is like saying Voldemort
@jAndy Possibly, can't tell, I hate Diablo and the likes but the name is used for unidentifiable (generally dead) people.
Max Mustermann ;)
pretty much the same as that
I'd change my name to a ridiculously long one, so that it can't possibly fit into any grave
and why the hell would you hate diablo?
Maybe a hex-dump of windows
Would make introductions awkward
im gonna have on my gravestone bury me upside down so the world world can kiss my ass
if you want to get inspired by death, listen to Steve Jobs speech at Stanford university. Highly recommend it
watched in countless times
"Mom, Dad, this is 0x0002 0x19a0 ... 0x9784"
"I call him 0x1337"
Mhmm, Luke Skywalker, that's a nice name probably no one would know.
"If you live each day as if it was your last - some day - your most certainly, be right"
haha :p
@Zirak If we'd both pull that off you could be Lea and I'd be Luke. :D
what he's saying there in the next couple of minutes
is just mindblowing true
@OctavianDamiean "Mom, Dad, this is Luke"
"Leah dafuq he's your brother"
wtf is dafuq....
!!/define dafuq
@rlemon dafuq: DAFUQ! is an insult from a humorous site called 9gag. (source)
dafuq === da fuck === what da fuck === wtf
!!/urban dafuq
oh hahaha
@Zirak dafuq [what the fuck] , but in a more confused manner
@rlemon TinieScript
that bot is sooo funny... did u write the shit he says @rlemon
@rlemon Hmmm... it doesn't seem that they'd coerce correctly.
!!/tell KirstyHarris help
!!/urban pussy
@Abhishek RandomWords
@Abhishek [pussy](http://pussy.urbanup.com/125802) 1. Nice name for a cat
2. Slang for women's genitals
3. Cowardly
!!/urban ugh
@rlemon ugh Used to describe disgust or boredom
The examples are incredible
!!/urban urban
wtf the fuck
@rlemon Target eliminated
@rlemon [ROTFLBTCDICAJTTWADBSIHPWTRHITSBKABAYB](http://rotflbtcdicajttwadbsihpwtrhitsbkabayb.urbanup.com/385501) That's the longest Internet-acronym i've ever heard. It does mean:

Rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet dancing in circles and jumping through the window almost dieing by smashing into HP who's then running horrified into the street beeing killed accidentally by a yellow bulldozer.
| |

oh god, this horrible thing still works?
@Zirak fix hangman :P
stupid people always doubling up on my messages
!!/hang e
  |   |
@Abhishek oh no, formatting doesn't work for multiline!? who knew?
@Zirak I didn't mean to ... I don't lik ... just. Meh, whatever, come here Leia.
i wanna go hooooome
even more awkward ^_^
when and where ^_^
Damn that timing ...
The internet , Pointing out uncomfortable things since 1996
that is true
JS-Chat.... posting porn-tab - screenshots since... well some time
who did that ?
omg :p
and we all love you for that :D
haha why did I miss that.. dafuq
@Abhishek Self-referencing pointer segmentation fault
@jAndy u missed it twice
the second time it was a bt too much though
omg Abishek..you're a ladykiller
@Neil Not running on a computer
haha, a bit? it escalated :D
too quick
btw we have a woman in the room , so folks behave :-) - yeah it came from the uber king of open porn tab screenshots
well, that escalated too earlier, so...
//proposed by @Abhishek:
if ( women_present ) {
   room.average_iq -= 100;
Remembering that all be dead soon, is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in Life.
Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure, these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
Remembering that you are going to die, is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.
You are already naked, there is no reason not to follow your heart. -- Steve Jobs
actually, we can be pretty nice people
sorry I had to post it..
please star that great great quote
@Loktar random award!
@jAndy s/heard/heart/g
then I'll star.
@Zirak lol
@Abhishek You're not a bot?
@Neil I am a positronic brain
running on HAL over* 9000
@FlorianMargaine Error: Substitution replacement not terminated
I knew that one was coming
@Loktar that is you?
haha no
My back would be killing me
@jAndy i like that one
As you grow up, you learn that the one person that was never supposed to let us down probably will. you'll have your heart broken, and you'll break other's hearts. you'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them and you'll forget that time is flying by.

life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live your life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and Tell someone off. speak Out, be sincere and say it with conviciton... and never forget where you came from, because when you do: it's a long road home.
@GNi33: who said that
i'm not sure, but i heard it at the beginning of a song
@Abhishek Better hope it wasn't a devils threesome then
and kinda liked it
"life comes with no guarantees, no time-outs"
we should have a poetry / lyric / rhetoric session in here some day :-)
Life comes with "time-outs", they're called comas
Life has no guarantees? What about misery and eventual death?
Not really... comas are more like kernel panics.
@Zirak I like to think misery isn't a guarantee :-)
Or, if it is, it's at least as much of a guarantee as joy
more like a statistical probability
I'd also like to think that my hands are made of renewable jelly, that doesn't make it true
nah, you're going to be miserable. Unless you're really really dedicated, and can lie to yourself often enough that it's collected under your brain and only attacks you at a later stage.
Okay, I'll accept misery is a guarantee... but I also posit that joy is a guarantee.
@Zirak: explain please :o
@RyanKinal Yeah, that
@Zirak the only guarantee in life is that at some point, on some level, all of us experience it. otherwise we do not qualify as alive and the statement still remains true.
talking about personal misery or just the "knowing whats going on"
which leads me back to that ultimate Steve Jobs quote from above
node.js --- MongoDB or CouchDB?
Sure, you'll be happy, but it's like eating chocolate. You taste chocolate, and it's good, and then it's over, and all you have left is memory. I'm not saying you should wallow in misery, and I'm saying you'll be in a pool of it.
for just a user registry
@rlemon Mongo!
any day, all day, every day
(though I haven't used couch)
so two couch one mongo?
I wish I had an opinion on this.
I don't really count for that.
@jAndy Lying to oneself is the way people handle their sorry lives. They sweep problems under the rug and just ignore them, until they can't anymore.
!!/tell rlemon choose couch mongo
@rlemon mongo
@rlemon: rofl
two two
it was a setup just to say that :p
I sensed someone needing advice. CouchDB.
bonj all
salut :-)
Mind should count for two.
@FlorianMargaine how stable is Tartempion
don't use it
it sucks
and your plans on fixing it are?
it's stable, but it's missing some essential features and I have no plan to add them
what advantages does couch have over mongo?
it's comfortable
Gosh I love swipe typing.
@somekittens All advantages.
also, tartempion is an MVC framework without the V
@OctavianDamiean Man, that was incredibly helpful. Now I've reached enlightenment.
Can't explain in detail right now am on mobile.
I'm developing a dealer / sales portal for our partners. basic CMS with some small tools / features
I was hoping to try and use some of your guys projects to get this done.
give your shiz a real world test run
@rlemon you can try tartempion
it works
Couch is written in ErLang
and it's quite nice
it doesn't support anything but mongo. but support is easy to add
Could be pretty expensive mistake isn't it?
Maybe I'll install Ubuntu this weekend.
And then install Node. So I can join in on these conversations.
I did some nice job with tartempion actually :/
@RyanKinal Dooooo ittt!
@rlemon you can use tartempion actually :p
anyone else having issues with github?
you'll have to hack into it to add couchdb support though (just something like the file I just showed)
@FlorianMargaine: Sauron said the same about his cool eye-tower :(
@rlemon me too, I get some unicorn
This page is taking way too long to load.

Sorry about that. Please try refreshing and contact us if the problem persists.
huh, github updated their stats page: status.github.com
@rlemon solved now
@FlorianMargaine Meh, don't see a reason to switch
I will be honest, I have a design made and the content thought out. I'm a little nervous about trying for a full fledged node.js site
I've only ever "dabbled"
@rlemon No issues here
@RyanKinal it was giving me timeouts for a bit there
Hmmm... I have SlickText coding to do in the next few days. I should hold off on Ubuntu until I do that.
But it would be so nice to have a real CLI back...
Bah, Ubuntu takes like 20 minutes to install
Just go for it!
@RyanKinal install some vm and use putty :)
Maybe it's just more incentive to get my coding done before the weekend :-P
You don't even have to remove your Winstall
I kinda hate putty.
@OctavianDamiean hey, my girlfriend is just travelling to Graz
so, remembering Zirak's suggestion: leave her the hell alone! :D
I use putty when I have to (which, lately, has been fairly frequently), but I wouldn't say it's a good terminal/CLI application.
@RyanKinal 1000000% in agreement
Putty is a PITA
(I'm using it right now)...
I was using it yesterday
I haven't had any issues. What's so difficult about it?
re-installing Ubuntu on my second dev pc. Someone decided they wanted to try and learn linux while I was away and borked my main linux pc
pretty much fascinated about the "new" matchMedia() DOM API
var res = window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 680px)');

res.addListener(function( event ) {
    console.log('jAndy says, your viewport is now below or above 680px');
@rlemon How many PCs do you have?
looks really promising for better adaptive and liquid designs
It's not really that I have issues (except for the lack of resizability), but it's just not as good as other terminals I've used (including the MacOS terminal, and various linux terminals).
like linking CSS and JS there
@jAndy its too much in the window namspace
@ home I have 3 that I use, 1 headless server, and a closet full of parts. @ work I have 5 :/
@RyanKinal ...I can resize it just fine
@rlemon lol
@SomeKittens Mine seems to be limited to the 80 char width, no matter what the window width is.

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