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there is no license on bootstrap slider
does that mean ..exactly what
idk. either way lememe is licensed and they cannot sell it without my permission. They have changed the 'developed by' to just say "lemon" when my name is clearly "rlemon" or "robert lemon" and they removed all back links to my sites / email
after some quick (angry) research the guy owns 47 other domains.
he forks repos, then sets up domains and sells them
he is also on some digital point forums (since banned) and twitter (since banned) with hundreds of posts trying to sell these scripts
so what can we even do
if he is not scared by CD request
I haven't emailed him yet, wanted to calm donw.
I am going to email him, after talking to some legal advice.
try to find a free ip lawyer to recommend what I do
I don't want to sue him I just want a CD order
basically if there is no license it means proprietary
but dunno
well the scripts in it, some are unlicensed. and lememe is GPL
but he removed attribution (To a certain extent) and never informed me he was selling my software
but with GPL the source must be distributed so there is not much point selling
for free
well from the forums i'm reading it looks like people bought it
I was informed of this from a potential buyer who did some research and found me
I know too little about this stuff
@rlemon Wow
I told him to cease all purchase orders, linked him to the source and told him i'd even help him mod if it he didn't mind giving me some cred (no $ just a backlink and leave "developed by rlemon")
Congrats, you're famous
@Zirak Congrats, you're a village.
@AmaanCheval Congrats, you're a man.
@KendallFrey Congrats, you're nothing.
*whew* no ken doll jokes.
@AmaanCheval Congrats you are Indian ;D
@KendallFrey Damn it
@KendallFrey Hey, this bear looks like it's sleeping...let's poke it with a stick just to be sure. Nice way to spoil your heels, Ken.
Now what will you match to your hawaiian-summer orange swimming shirt!?
kendallfrey.webs.com - use the free hosting provided by webs and :3 compose it yerrself man
My orange spray tan.
@rlemon Link to guy/forums?
update ur SO Profile then :D
Yeah, I have about 5 profiles around the internet that need to be updated. When I feel like it.
> I am a computer programmer at heart. C# is my language, and together we can do whatever we want.
Where's that from? It sounds familiar.
@Zirak its digital point forums. I'm on my mobile now. I'll like it in a bit
@KendallFrey your blog
Here are a few of my own lines
My blog?
> I play with language thats what i do , You call it poetry but its programming too
@KendallFrey webs :P
> OMG KEN I LOVE YOU ~ Abhishek
@Zirak ?
I actually have a separate blog. csharpramblings.blogspot.com
I do have a link. On both sites.
no i mean have a site
kendall.frey.com ! :D
there u can have link to all 3 :D
to avoid confusion ;D
I wanna buy a domain and move my site there.
But I need a credit card to do that :P
I'm pretty lucky that my name isn't common, I have a pretty good domain name
@FlorianMargaine Lucky
Even amaanc.com is taken
@FlorianMargaine same :P
I don't like my surname :p
But that is taken too
neither to i , its too long
what about horse?
Zirak, for some reason, is taken all over the place
hingnikar.com <- ITS MINE iTS MINE
@FlorianMargaine Cheval in French, right?
My gut tells me "horse" might be a popular domain name
> Prices on our premium domain names start at only $995
@FlorianMargaine oh god
@FlorianMargaine A darn ugly site.
I'm lucky to live on Saint Helena, no other person considered registering copy.sh here
escrow fee. or escort fee?
!!cowsay moo.com is mine
< moo.com is mine >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
@copy nice
@Zirak lies
zirak.com - loading sincce forever
@AmaanCheval you can get amaanc.me
or even amaan.me
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Zirak please dude no good looking people from your planet :P , induced heart attack
@Abhishek I wants a dot com, sir
@AmaanCheval get naama.com :D
Oh, I have to tell you something
and that is ?
Fuck you.
bend over and i will ;D
Fuck you, not me
This is getting... strange.
Fuck you as far as i see it is dual sided saber
women say it to men men say it to women , to generalize it in todays terms the giver says to taker and the takers says to giver
@Zirak ROFL
i am kind of lucky even <my screenname>.com was owned by me
well i think i need something for some change i should just create a 1 page blog . fuck it i should go back and code TiOM
@KendallFrey you code in C# , ever tried windows Phone ?
Nope, not other than using XNA for windows, which ports to phone.
k nvm
Did you get him banned?
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@AmaanCheval he was already banned
wow crazy, his name was even close to rlemons
thats so messed up
that guy is a POS
sounds like hes not working alone
> Yes, we can add the ability to watermark the images for an additional $20. Please pm and I will send you a Paypal invoice.
god man what a fucktard.
Maybe he's saying "we" to look more professional
Like it's his company or something
maybe, or its a team of people who do this kind of garbage regularly
Some people use "we" to sound important (rlemon did it once, somewhere)
We do that all the time.
At Dormless, we constantly use second person to hide the fact that it's a startup by two poor college students.
@SomeKittens How's that going?
@KendallFrey How's the bot tweaking going?
@AmaanCheval Basically on hold until finals are over.
I just got my news implemented.
What's that?
It does generally the same thing as rlemon's tl-dr-update thing.
I had implemented it on your bot.
How, exactly?
~/tldr Some message.
(sorry for slow responses, learning Dvorak)
That would add a news item to the feed.
~/news [count] would get the latest news.
ah, a feed
Sort of.
My use of the word feed is entirely arbitrary.
@Zirak Do you use Dvorak (1) only for textinput or (2) also all keyboard shortcuts
@KendallFrey I've had something similar for a while now, `/ring`, but it didn't see much use
@copy So far I've only begun, so both
!!/help ring
@AmaanCheval ring: Rings are room specific. /ring activate ringName message - activate a ring. /ring register ringName - register to a ring.
What does it do?
And what, pray tell, does it do?
@Zirak Oh, that sucks. Keyboard shortcuts are usually very well thought through, I'd want to keep them and just write text in Dvorak
Help message sucks (switching to qwerty...fingers run too slow for a chat.) When you activate a ring, it pings all those who registered to it with the message you provide.
Oh, cool.
Hey, that's neat
I didn't know that
@Zirak Since you've typed it out, you should just put it in the help message
ugh, source is a mess. Didn't clean it up since nobody used it or complained...I'll take a look
@FlorianMargaine Yeah I've seen it, googling "emacs dvorak" was the first thing I did after switching
@Zirak are you referring to lines 5-9?
I'm referring to lines 1-97
Why isn't 5-9 a try/catch?
That's your problem?
Not the fact that it's redundant?
var rings = JSON.parse( localStorage.bot_rings || '{}' )
@Zirak I guess, I just hate val1 || val2 syntax, it's a little unreadable. Also what if localStorage.bot_rings is truthy but not valid JSON?
Then I'm screwed anyway
Why would it be truthy? If someone wants to fuck the bot, then that's what they'll get.
Yeh but running in a browser that bot is probably sharing a localStorage space with the SE code and potentially other userscripts/extensions, nothing stopping them from using the same key
Correct. Then both of us will be screwed
I'd still prefer a friendly "You are screwed" message, rather than a SyntaxError that could be hard to find
Except it won't be hard to find, since line numbers exist
Line numbers are for pussies. Real Men use guesswork and other people's brains.
Seriously though, I phrased that wrong - I would include the bad input in the error message, would likely make it a lot easier to see where it came from. Or at least give a clue.
The line where the error came from is not a clue?
Besides, if it's in a hostile environment, trust me...a shitload of errors will be thrown long before it reaches that point, especially if localStorage.bot_rings is used by something else
I'm introducing like 7 global variables throughout the scripts (the core have lovely names like bot and IO, totally unique) and using about 4 localStorage entries, all prefixed with bot_. If something goes bad, it goes bad big time.
!!/ring register
@AmaanCheval Registered to ring tl-dr-update in room #17
!!/help ring
@AmaanCheval ring: Rings are room specific. /ring activate ringName message - activate a ring. /ring register ringName - register to a ring.
@rlemon I think future updates should be sent through this
@AmaanCheval Registered to ring <a in room #17
Oops. I thought the tag might work
ah crap, no unregister
Why do I see 0, 1, 2 in the alert instead of a, b and c?
@Abhishek congrats
@Nils (1)*Format your code*, (2)look up what `for in` does
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Hey!? It is kinda formatted!
var array = ["a", "b", "c"];
for (var str in array) { alert(str); }
Check the chat faq
^ That's formatted.
And please... ***NEVER*** use for..in for arrays!
Yeah how should I know?
Now you do
Just to be sure here:

Does socket.io always recognize the close of the browser tab as "disconnect" ?
Appears to work:
@OliverSchöning its supposed to
even if ur tab crashes or socket communication breaks it will have the disconnecte event
Format your code!
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What? The chat remove my indentations.
8 mins ago, by Zirak
Check the chat faq
It's the link at the bottom right labeled "faq"
@AmaanCheval Brilliant. Zach Weiner is awesome.
what do you have to smoke to create a config parser that hooks into node's require() and thus relies on a certain file extension and the path starting with ./?!
The fact you can navigate it using the keyboard (z back, c forward) gives it +10
in PHP, 9 mins ago, by benlevywebdesign
can anyone get to my site templeisrael
@ThiefMaster oohhh snap, just saw it
At first I didn't even see what you were talking about, but then "wtf?"
I don't like when I am the only one who can't access my site
\o/ successfully preached a girl to stop uploading 4pics / day on fb and demanding to like her .. now shes quitting fb \o/
$ curl -I benlevywebdesign.com/templeisrael
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
it will work for you but not for me
Try curling to it, see if your hosts file is messed up, check your server, the usuals
its not anything I did
Yes. The universe just hates you.
You should file a complaint: twitter.com/THEUNlVERSE
It has done this before and its just my service, I have visited my page one too many times and its says no more
Do you visit your homepage like this ?
no but I have refreshed a lot
@AmaanCheval you look .. Indian["a good boy"]
So I'm just stuck waiting unless I go to a different internet connection
@benlevywebdesign Proxy
@copy I know what this issue is, Its my server, its knows I have been clicking to many times and it stops me from visiting or something
Cause you can see my site just fine
and so he's telling you a way to work around this: proxy
ok I have done that but hold on
im trying to connect to my proxy page
I have this in an index.php file
$host = 'benlevywebdesign.com/templeisrael';

$host = "http://$host/";
$path = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])));
$url = $host . $path;
$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['USER_AGENT']);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_POST);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, getallheaders());
header('Content-Type: ' . curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE));
Php that is Php ...




JAVASCRIPT , format ur code btw
I think the developers at Amazon are on crack...
I thought I did
` is for inline
Ok so how do I do it the javascript way?
@Zirak Huh?
So I think I'm going to email this guy, although seeing his activity and his 42 other domains that also look as shady I'm not sure he will comply.
I will be looking for some free legal support soon
How do I proxy then?
@rlemon Haha just start reporting all his domains to every government agency you can
not sure that would actually do any good though...
Consider hiring a technical employee to help you with the tech stuff
Hey, possible stupid question:
This license doesn't allow you to modify the code, but it would still be acceptable to extend a class under this license right?
@rlemon What's up?
Horrible question here, some close votes won't hurt: stackoverflow.com/questions/13662608/…
@copy this is awesome thanks

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