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but i dont know what i will pass in ajax
$('#editdata').click( function() { $.post('page_with_php.php', editdata : true, function(data) { /* here you have the variable 'data' with the echo of the php file, you do whatever you want with that data }); });
if( isset( $_POST['editdata'] ) && $_POST['editdata'] )
ahaa , its editdata : true
@sanchy didnt want work , i mean didnt want read this if isset statment
@peter, dude, editdata = whatever data you want to give to the PHP file
i making like that `dataType: 'json' ,
data :{

editdata : true,`
I don't know json :/ sry
@sanchy forget json im doing editdata : true,
this is my button <input type="button" id="editdata" name="editdata" value="Edit my Data" />
It doesn't matter what your button is
Your button has nothing to do with this you're asking
Your button is only important for .click()
so when is clicked i get data from database, is this what i need to pass in ajax editdata : true, ?that the php file and if isset statment will read them ?
@peter, what does the php file have inside of it?
i made this as you said , but it didnt go inside this if statment
`if( isset( $_POST['editdata'] ) && $_POST['editdata'] )
only this?
that's all?
i have my sql
delete the IF
and try this: $.post("phpfile.php", function() { ... } );
@sanchy if i remove the if , then other ajax calls will read this also
thats why im using if to prevent other ajax request to read this
@peter bro, make a proper question on the site with the full code and i'll help you
ok next time , thx im going to sleep now
I wonder then, how are you making the other ajax calls work?
Cya everyone. Thanks for your great help, as always!
4 hours later…
Switched to firefox
Q: permutation count code need help

Hunter.FaiThank for your reply, first thing i wish to thank you for trying to help me out, and i have post this in few website also no one trying to help at all. For my code, what i wish to do is permutation count. like 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 output to 111 = 1 112 = 1 113 = 1 121 = 1 122 = 1 123 = 1 133 = 1 ...

How does this work exactly?
function substring(all, start, end) {
if (start >= end) {
return all[start];
} else {
return all[start] + substring(all, start + 1, end);
The thing that confuses me is appending a "string" with a function?
Is it because the function is returning strings?
@W3Geek Yes
So it goes into like a deep subroutine that doesn't end until start is greater than or equal to end.
@W3Geek That's what's known as "recursion"
!!/tell w3geek google recursion
I know what it is lol I can trying to study it and visualize this the best I can... Say I input my name, Ryan Clark... It starts at 3 and ends at 8. It runs the else statement the first time through.
guys..... I answered a question... and it was a bad one.
It sees return all[start] + substring(all, start + 1, end);
Which evaluated is "n" + " " + substring(all, start + 1, end); I think?
and you would evaluate that as... "n" + " " + "C" + substring(all, start + 1, end); and so on... until start is greater than or equal to end which in my case would be 8.
So ultimately the function would return "n Clar". 3 to 8.
Wow thats really hard to visualize.
A: Compare Multiple variables in javascript

rlemonwell, i'll toss this into the ring, albeit it is likely not the right approach to this but it is fun. (note: browser compatibility issues and possibly over-kill is about to precede) var a = 1, b = 2, c = 1, d = 3; [a, b, c, d].sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }).reduce(functio...

hehe incompatible answers are fun :P
IE10 is out. Stop supporting IE8. Only support IE10 + IE9
people get whiny bitchy when you post that as an answer excuse, so I just murmer (browser support, blah)
anyways, night all.
@jAndy pong
@Raynos yo do you link to chrome frame for ie 6,7,8 or just link to 9 - 10 ?
How can I generate a regex expression involving all combinations of "a" and "b" with atleast 3 "a"s ?
@ladiesMan217 @Abhishek hi
@ladiesMan217 bro i want some help
same here man
did you read my question?
whats your question?
I Created one table on my html page which contains 2 field one for name and other for subject .I created 3 rows of table view on third row of table view there are + sigh which is surrounded between anchor tag
on click event of this anchor tag i want my table collapse with other data how is it possible pls help
@FlorianMargaine i wont be using Alloy. lets just keep this titanium specific :-/ alloy is a pita
i need help understanding its MVC pattern .. unless u can assist me , we cant use it
for instance if i have a view in side a view [ for instance i make a view button and use it in all my app now how do i assign events to this ? ]
What's the deal with every JavaScript question being answered with... Just use jQuery?
btw, i dont expect an answer. I'm just venting...
@Terry whats the question
and this is called jQuery syndrome . since most of "jQuery" developers dont know that javascript has a much faster solution then that
cause they dont even know proper javascript .. they just end up using "jQuery" and promote it
There was no question... I'm just fed up of 'jQuery syndrome' and seeing 'just use jQuery' for too many JavaScript questions on So. Thank you. I feel better.
Is it possible to get the filename of the html file that a script is contained in? I am using a server side program that rewrites urls, but I need the file.
I should say this... Don't get me wrong, I use jQuery all the time but 'just use jQuery' is not a proper answer for a 'Vanilla' specific question. No more, I'm done.
@Terry Honestly, I haven't really noticed that problem on SO.
but I agree...
Titanium is good , alloy is just killing it badly
@twiz Appreciate the reponse. Im out.
@Terry relax
@Andy You mean the request URI right
in this room
u will find vanilla specific answers
this room hates jQuery [partially]
@Abhishek Thanks, I think Im gonna come to this room more often... takes a deep breath in... exhales Back to work!
@Terry have a good day
@Abhishek You too!
i am prbably gonna end up writing a better framework for titanium
@andho Hi, I want to get the actual filename
using html :-|
I am writing /some/page/about, but the file is about.jsp
so you want to get "about.jsp"
yes, but there isn't always possible to just add .jsp, /some/page/customers could be our-customers.jsp
I want the actual filename, is that possible?
you cannot get the filename of the execute jsp script from javascript
you should however be able to get it from jsp itself
then put it into somewhere javascript script can access it
Yeah, I am trying to do that now
hi guys
@GNi33 hello
u free , i can use some serious help man
@Andy yes, althought that is a weird thing to do.
I am using requirejs
and I want it to automatically require a script with the name of the JSP
@Abhishek what's the matter?
@GNi33 Have you worked with MVC patterns before ?
Are you able to directly access you jsp files?? Eg. http://your.server/our-customers.jsp instead of http://your.server/some/page/customers
yes, a little, but not directly in javascript
@GNi33 okay
and my c++ (or was it c# back then?) times are some time ago
but that's something i really need to have a look into in the near future
i think i am dropping
Alloy an MVC Framework
for titanium sdk
i have some knowledge of MVC
cause i dunno if its even possible to re-use controllers init , if so how :-/
@andho I am in luck, I can use document.location.pathname. The rewriting only removes the jspextension. I can do it in JavaScript:)
addy osmani wrote some nice articles about js-mvc though
you shouldn't have to reuse controllers
basically it allows you to create Views & Controllers
@andho why not ?
what if i create a controller button [ a really inutiative ui ]
and i wanna re-use it ?
okay you got me there, what would a controller button look like?
Have you seen path button ?
shouldn't that fall into the view-part? :D
yeah it should be the view hehe
sadly i cant put it all in view :-/
sorry i cannot view that within this network
here is some controller behavior that needs to be assigned to it :-/
then somethings wrong with the concept i guess
controllers: are responsible for getting the required data, and sending it to the correct view ONLY
@Raynos sadly, in the windows - world, measuring your support - requirements depending on browser version doesn't quite cut it when the whole browser is OS-version dependent. There is still a vast userbase running XP or Vista, with XP not even having IE9. just my 2 cents...
I think this Alloy MVC framework is itself confused about its own existance
@Andy haha yeah
Models provide the business logic, containing the rules, data and state of the application.

Views provide the GUI components to the user, either presenting data or allowing the user to interact with the model data.

Controllers provide the glue between the model and view components in the form of application logic.
@Abhishek So what do you need the controller to do?
@andho apply visual effects
tons of em .. i may be wrong at this but this is my second MVC ^_^
@SomeKittens Oh, right. Silly me
@Abhishek Hmm, I always apply visual effects in my views, unless it actually is application logic. Or if it's business logic, i put it in the Model. So which is it. Is it just eye candy? If so it should be in the View.
idk how to put it in view at alloy
basically you have an XML file , and a .tss [ similar to .css for styles ]
what language is alloy
XML + javascript + tss
and the view templates are fully XML?
yes xml + tss
and alloy changes the XML into HTML?
tss can assign static values of style but cant do then dynamic
@andho changes xml to titanium sdk's javascript
if i would off had html i can write proper html on vim :-/
and i think i can write proper Titanium SDK code using javascript.
but it makes work 10x more
@Abhishek so this is a php question right
@andho how is titanium sdk php ?
Alloy is PHP right
its written in node.js
@Abhishek some frameworks automate all the stuff, leaving you unflexible. You have to break out of the framework or extend the framework if you want novelty functionalities right
i think i will just do things the craziest way le vanilla javascript way
Morning peeps
but i shall give this 1 last shot , i actually am failing to assign event handlers and i know u just cant do that with controllers , so gonna try making em vies but that way i lose my basic functionality ah inheritance come back to me please!
@Abhishek allow mvc is php
@Abhishek so it has three components
can't you do ur visual thing with the javascript part?
@Abhishek can't access git from here :/
@andho thats what i am trying to figure .. HOW!
@andho Where do you work?
i mean i can do that if i create it as controller
but if i do it as a view i will have to re-write everything
times and times
and times again :-|
@AmaanCheval :D u free ?
@Abhishek Yeah, why?
I do have to make a project for college, but who cares about that, right?
might ask u to test some crazy stuff :3
@AmaanCheval you should
I'm kidding. I have 3 days to finish it
@Loktar stumbled over a blog -> http://rectangleworld.com/blog/
you probably already know it, but i decided to show you anyhow ;)
that's very framework specific. Can't help you there! You can do it anyway, but putting it in controller is not good design, that's all. In ZendFramework, you are able to define ViewHelpers.
If alloy supported something like ViewHelpers, you can implement this functionlity in a view helper and provide a XML tag which invokes the helpers
@GNi33 Hey, that's cool
@AmaanCheval why'd you wanna know?
@andho Just wondering which place has such a restrictive firewall
@AmaanCheval hehe, you're welcome
Hehe, it's something crazy they did. They don't trust the global SSL verification authorities!!
there are some pretty cool effects on there
@AmaanCheval even a google search asks to accept the certificate, and cannot access github at all with an error
bleh alloy is still incomplete
i think for what i need
i can just use 50- 60 lines of javacscript , and i already did it :P
horrible colors, but i like the idea
@GNi33 Wow
@Abhishek the more a framework automates, the more trouble you're gonna get into :P
I think you should add his blog to the Feeds of this room
var styles = require('styles/layout.js');
funciton applyStyles(obj,styles){
	for(var style in styles ){
		obj[style] = styles[style];
function generateDefs(object,classname,properties){
	var generatedStyle = {};
	return generatedDefs;
and violla i can apply the core styles like that !
@AmaanCheval it's not really updated that frequently
last post, 20th of November, the one before -> 16th of August
creative-js would be a good choice though i think
and the blog of Nicholas Zarkas
Hmm, NCZ is pretty cool
it's great, the guy is a real inspiration
if you want to add feeds, you can
@GNi33 was scared you'd bite him
@AndersMetnik Only room owners can
@FlorianMargaine yeah, just had a look at the list, ejohn.org and stuff is still in there
hello btw :)
the list seems pretty outdated
Q: What will be the output of this program

KelaWhat will be the output for this if we call foo(hdubrub) function foo(str) m = 0 A = [] While c in str if (A[c] is null) then A[c] = 0 A[c] = A[c] + 1 if (A[c] > m) then m = A[c] end r...

@AmaanCheval uhm... what? :D
@GNi33 Florian cyber-bullies you, doesn't he? :P
Hello Everybody
its Bharat here
oh yeah, yes, he does ;)
i am facing problem ,while calling a javascript function from code behind using Scriptmanager
@BharatBhushan hello, gni33 here, don't mind the numbers in my name, just see them as B
i am calling this method using loop and it runs only once
not according to loop
@GNi33 What? I was supposed to see them as B?
GNi33 sounds cooler
@GNi33 he doesnt
he just trolls yew
its different :3
Bullying shall be Zirak level atleast
@GNi33 :What do you mean by B?
Amaan here is a small challange
wait pastebhin
So anybody here using Backbone.js?
@BharatBhushan nothing, i was just being an idiot, nevermind ;)
@BharatBhushan jsfiddle
var q = (from p in obj.Pinny_ShowOffer where (p.OfferID == objOffer.OfferID) select p).ToList();

if (q.Count > 0)
for (Int32 i = 0; i < q.Count; i++)
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "ButtonClick",
"ButtonClick('btn" + q[i].Weekday + "','" + q[i].Weekday + "');", true);
unformatted code alert
if you can do this , i can do the other hand of code to apply these :-3 help shall be appreciated cause i seriously dont wanna write code directly in this object manner
i am calling ButtonClick function in loop, but it run only once
I'm guessing the last "this" is supposed to be a link?
this is supposed to be the example above
Oh, this is the result
dont worry about the stylesheet
i can post process the style generated by u to follow titanium's changes
like px - dip
i have post this question here
@GNi33 hi :p
@Abhishek Show me the example CSS


there :D
If you aren't going to explain it properly, I'm not going to be able to help you :p
Okay basically take CSS file
which has rules for the object Button
@AmaanCheval no, not necessarily. the nick doesn't really mean anything anyhow, so...
its normal styles should go into a normal object inside styles
Just write the CSS code instead of explaining it
@Abhishek he does, i cried myself to sleep yesterday
Can anybody help me out?
should generate something like
Button : {
    normal:{ /* No pseduo selector */
@GNi33 did my first official estimations, and they've been approved without modification. Yay!
actually i didn't sleep at all tonight
screw sleeping problems, seriously
no fun at all
@FlorianMargaine first official estimations?
what for?
an 18 days project
(as per the estimations)
@FlorianMargaine wow
so not much for now, but hey gotta start somewhere :>
i sense sarcasm :P
no, really
oh, cool, so you're really trying to get into Project Management i assume?
I'm still an engineer, so I'm glad I'm doing pm stuff :)
@GNi33 yeah, my studies were oriented into that...
yeah, i know. great that you're getting started with that :)
!!/mdn Array.map
@GNi33 It may be due to full moon tomorrow?
man, my brain is still in 408, got to get me some more coffee
Florian Margaine has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
@OctavianDamiean now i see why u shruddered when i mentiooned titanium o/
I could say I told you but that'd be mean. :P
@OctavianDamiean ;-)
titanium itself is okayish
@OctavianDamiean hi! don't think so, my sleepless nights just kind of happen, doesn't matter how full the moon is
alloy fucks it up badly
i already checked on that one time :D
but well the only other solution is mosync and i really dont wana go there
The hell is alloy and mosync in that context?
Alloy is an MVC framework for titanium
@FlorianMargaine make sure you update the estimations as you go
MoSync is another native app building solution but this fucker is a C++ based SDK
and supports ALL mobile platform , and i mean all (x even Java Phones
@Abhishek are you developing HTML5 mobile apps?
@Abhishek You don't mind if the keys, like styles are in quotes, right?
@AmaanCheval nah
The code I write will probably be ugly because I don't know how else to write a parser
posted on October 17, 2012 by tjvantoll

A tutorial on HTML5's constraint validation API and how it can be used to enhance forms.

posted on October 25, 2012 by joemarini

An introduction to the PageVisibility API in HTML5.

posted on November 02, 2012 by tomwiltzius

Techniques for improving rendering performance in web applications.

posted on November 08, 2012 by oskareriksson

We take a look at some of the challenges we ecountered during the development of JAM with Chrome, using the Web Audio API

posted on November 16, 2012 by mikewest

It's official! The W3C has advanced the Content Security Policy 1.0 specification from Working Draft to Candidate Recommendation, and issued a call for implementations. Cross-site scripting attacks are one step closer to being (mostly) a thing of the past. Chrome Canary and WebKit nightlies now support the unprefixed Content-Security-Policy header, and will be using the prefixed X-WebKit-CSP

@andho yeah, don't worry :)
@AmaanCheval write in lisp, the parser is the code itself :p
(and yes, I added a feed :>)
@FlorianMargaine i'm in the same boat at the time
@andho it's for a maintenance though, so the project doesn't have a fixed price, estimations are totally free to move

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