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bullies always get rewarded
This is true
guys I'm dealing with the most bizarre bug with google maps v3..
wanted to ask a wordpress question
That's a pretty big claim. And probably unverifiable.
I have a custom overlay using OverlayView for my info windows, I have code that makes it so that only one can be open at at time. but when the user clicks another marker when it's open, it flickers for a second and then opens the other marker's info window
Google are perfect in every way, and people who suggest otherwise tend to disappear in mysterious circumstances
@DaveRandom lol unreal
i want hover effect for buttons
so inorder to prevent loading time
here is the kicker... it only does that in the initial zoom. if you zoom in or out to any level it won't flicker
i use #preload in the CSS
but still the images are not preloaded
there is a delay
hey people! can anyone assist with a jscript / jquery question?
what im i doing wrong
@techno show your css
@mmmshuddup ...and if you zoom back to the original level, does the problem come back again? I'm guessing the problem is that your code relies on some value that does not get initialised until a zoom operation. Check that you initialise everything at the start, and make sure you didn't forget a var keyword. "use strict"; is good for "spot the stupid mistake" problems.
@KirstyHarris If your first question is "can I ask a question?", ask the second one.
could i request some help please on my site... for some reason i cant work out what wrong :)
@DaveRandom Yes, if you zoom back to the initial zoom it starts happening again.
@mmmshuddup fiddle or it didn't happen
@phenomnomnominal...rusticblonde.hostizzo.com... basically i dont understand why my NIVO slider is not working, its acting strange :S
@techno and are you using an element with an id of preloadedImages?
@DaveRandom huh??
hey Florian :)
No, like in your HTML
@FlorianMargaine pwned
@FlorianMargaine hey! yep, life's busy
I saw you added a github repo :p
Github account looked so empty...
@phenomnomnominal.. i just cant see why it isnt working... ive called the style sheet and the jscript and i believe i have put the correct paths to the bullets but it not finding them and resizing etc :S
@phenomnomnominal what's wrong
@Oleg how's life? still working in paris with your friends?
@mmmshuddup read: please can you create a jsfiddle so I can have a look at it?
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, pretty much the same stuff.
Florian.... do you know anyone who could urgently assist with a jquery nivo question... im stumped 0_o
@DaveRandom Yes. Does google maps work in JSFiddle? :O
it could take a while though.. it's kind of a big app
@techno, the point of using that to reload an image is to load the images into a div off the screen, so you can then refer to the same image later. Is that what you are doing?
@mmmshuddup errr... don't know. Failing that a link to your site would be fine, basically just somewhere I can see the problem happening
when you place the cursor over a button
its color should change
@DaveRandom The two most confusing problems I'm having is showing the terminal cursor (like, how it moves over or to a new line when you type) and showing the username beside every input line.
so im preloading the second image
@techno Why do you use two images? Why not combine into one?
so that user does not need to wait for the second
@Oleg don't know
I cannot find any tutorials on this?
@techno, yeah I get that. I'm asking you if you have an element on your page with the id of #preloadImages?
@techno Make a single image from those two. Then place it as background with background-position
can anyone assist me kindly on my jquery problem please : rusticblonde.hostizzo.com.... im not sure why it is acting that way :S
On hover -> change position. Profit!
@phenomnomnominal no. i have given you the hover code
Yes, but what I am wanting to use for my cursor is a underscore.
1. You "preload" your images so that there's no delay on hover.
2. You do fewer http requests.
@DaveRandom It's not live anywhere yet. :S
@Oleg it's not the way to do it
@techno You sure about that? Okay then. I recall css sprites are quite good.
How would you replace the standard blinking pipe with a blinking underscore?
@DaveRandom can I give you a pastie? lol
i would be EVER so grateful :)
@mmmshuddup You can but if it needs much setup I don't really have time atm
@KirstyHarris Acting what way?
its basically expanding and shrinking and not displaying the images :S
@DaveRandom Yeah it does. I won't waste your time. hmm I'm gonna try getting something going at JS Fiddle. maybe that iwll work we'll see
@techno - What I think you are trying to do is use CSS to preload an image yes? The way that normally works it to have an element on your page, with it's position set so that it is off the screen. To that element you apply CSS such as: #preload { background-image: url('') }. Then when the page loads, that images gets loaded straight away. Then in another bit of CSS, you have #element:hover { background-image: url('andUseTheSameImageHere') }. Does that make sense?
i know this aint the jquery room, but it appears to be closed and i thought this could be the next best room to ask in :)
@KirstyHarris Can you explain what you want it to do instead? How do you want it to work?
@DaveRandom.. this is my site rusticblonde.hostizzo.com
@phenomnomnominal ok
is there a jquery room ?
im new to css
well thats the thing i just want it to display it correctly... i havent got my example at home that appears to work fine so i think ive mistyped something somewhere
check the tutorial i pasted before @techno
@phenomnomnominal how can assign an element
@KirstyHarris Also this might just solve all your problems (at a guess)
if u check it out, u will see it like causing the sidebars to stretch etc
hmmm, yh i will do. :) its just a shame i cant seem to sort the nivo as i have sorted it at home on my local host and it works fine... i just dont know what ive missed on the site
I see jQuery uses CSS to make the terminal cursor.
and it uses some kind of timer to animate it.
@DaveRandom... any ideas what im missing lol :)
@ragatskynet where?
How does it move when you type though?
@W3Geek The cursor issue is actually trickier than I thought when I first read that, but showing the username should be easy enough I would have thought...
@DaveRandom I think I am over-thinking the username. You would just probably append that to the results before showing them.
The cursor is very tricky?
I love chrome. It's the attention to detail that I like so much about it
like when you close tabs, it doesn't resize immediately but waits so you can close a bunch without waiting for it to resize
Chrome DevTools is the best thing in the ever.
It looks like the in that demo, it uses span elements.
You won't see that on internet explorer, that's for sure
@phenomnomnominal ^ that one +1
Especially the new rulers they added in Canary (has it made it into stable yet)
IE does have dev tools though.
Yes it has
I haven't used IE in so long
IE for Mac died a long time ago
The terminal cursor blinking is actually very easy to do... Just moving its position over when you type is the hard part.
Could you not just have a <span>|</span>, and prepend whatever the user types before it?
not that hard
Hmm, but wouldn't you have to listen for each key?
each keypress?
depends how you did it
Only to the enter key.
It works like the chat we're using.
No, because the cursor should move on the input line, and change whenever they type into the input?
There is a good demo of what I'm looking for.
Well if you want a cursor then yes.
hmm theres the whole code on that site
#preload-01 { background: url(domain.tld/image-01.png) no-repeat -9999px -9999px; }
I am navigating to it to see if I can find something to help me.
@phenomnomnominal got your point
if i use an id
Yep like that.
That will preload the image
you can then use it however you want in the rest of the page
@phenomnomnominal ok
how will i refer to this id
You don't need to
now i have

You have another element, say <div id='coolAsElement'></div>
okay yes
so then you need an element like <div class='download'></div>
except, the url should be the preloaded one?
i have a clss
called download
That source has like 1000 lines. I don't want my terminal to perform anything complex, just simple fake commands.
I don't know where to look for there cursor implementation... >.>
@phenomnomnominal how should i replace the hoover code
Here are the things you need:

1) <div id='preload'></div>
2) CSS: #preload { background: url(URLTOYOURIMAGE) no-repeat -9999px -9999px; }
3) <div class='download'></div>
4) CSS: .download:hover { background: url(URLTOYOURIMAGE); }
@DaveRandom still working on the fiddle. I got the map loading but I can't get the markers to show up
I'm guess I should just give up for tonight and go to bed. Maybe sleep will help. If not, I'll be on tomorrow.
Good night.
Can anyone work out why I hate my website for me? There's something I really just don't like at all.
@phenomnomnominal Too much glitter?
Or not enough...
@phenomnomnominal no url, the background sucks, the colors of the breadcrumb suck?
like, I don't even see the "back" text clearly
Yeah definitely
The background distracts too much from the content.
yeah the background definitely sucks
^ +1 what Florian said (higher)
Yeah I knew I hated it
Asked my idiot designer sister to mock something up for me, this is what I get...
Don't worry. My website isn't much better.
mine is way better
I'm going to rewrite it though
I'm the King of minimalism! oregu.com bwahaha
wow js fiddle SUCKS for google maps
To be honest @FlorianMargaine, yours bores the shit out of me haha.
But I do like it
@phenomnomnominal yeah, same
I'm going to rewrite it, but I got no time ~~
I already have some idea about what it's going to be
I feel ya! I finished my degree yesterday, I have 2 weeks til I start work, and I know what I'm using it for!
congratz :)
Weirdest feeling. Haven't had nothing that I HAD to do in such a long time.
@FlorianMargaine that's neat
@Oleg right? I love it
Yeah that's very cool. Damn me and my jQuery addiction.
@Oleg with a very small lib jsfiddle.net/TX2G9/2
the weird version: jsfiddle.net/TX2G9/3
very small lib = gist.github.com/4061749
You can for in the Array.prototype and assign, no?
there are many things in Array.prototype
And people might extend it
^ that +1
and I can't loop over Array.prototype.
for (var p in Array.prototype) console.log(p);
Yeah, those functions are most likely marked as not enumerable
Otherwise all that crap code using for..in to loop over arrays would break even more
which makes sense
(not that it'd be a bad thing..)
@ThiefMaster Apparently so. I get undefined as well in Chrome console.
Maybe not so in FF?
yes so
he said the reason why :)
they have no reason to be enumerable by the way
I wonder if cross-browser shit will ever be all gone.
@phenomnomnominal remove IE8 and you got pretty much great stuff already.
Yeah pretty much
But it's not like there's nothing
I'm for these differences
it pushes innovation
IE auto update will just solve everything though
IE9 auto-updates?
is IE10 backwards compatible? By that I mean does it run on Vista?
I don't think so.
That's a shame
it is
well, they announced it will be
that was some months ago, dunno about the current state
I tried installing it on Vista (holy .... I had Vista) and it said: "Hey, fella, it's a no!"
And then there are still the millions who still have XP.
yeah during beta it's win8 only
@phenomnomnominal yep, that's the biggest issue
it will be on win7, not on vista
I'm still waiting for a decent browser on a console
I tried running some fairly hefty JS on a PS3, just crashed
I got my shiny Apple now. Self-esteem OVER 9000!
Chrome on iOS is just great
@DaveRandom you still there?
Object.iterateOwnPrototype = function(object, callback) {
  var i, l, props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object.constructor.prototype);
  for (i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) {
    callback.call(object, props[i]);
Object.iterateOwnPrototype([], function(propName) {
@FlorianMargaine ^^ because you haven't seen enough horrible code yet today :-P
@mmmshuddup Yep, sort of, bit busy but go for it
> Chrome on iOS is just great
Fixed that for you.
If i could, I'd do Chrome. Canary is just the best.
Well, Canary is Chrome too so the argument is still true. ;)
You'd do it? That's a whole new dimension of browser love!
Yep, everything about Chrome is perfect
@DaveRandom Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Array.prototype).forEach(function(e){console.log(e);‌​});
I would do Chrome.
it's a shame that forEach(console.log) doesn't work
@FlorianMargaine Nope, not nearly horrible enough. I only threw up a small amount.
oh wait
awesome sauce
well, the output is weird
@FlorianMargaine In firefox it probably does; it's just chrome that requires a proper this in those functions
@ThiefMaster looks like so, fixed that
@DaveRandom I got the fiddle working. is there any way I can PM it to you? I don't prefer to share my entire app with the world lol
@mmmshuddup Awww, just realized you have a kitteh in your gravatar! :)
@OctavianDamiean :) his best friend is my shih tzu too lol
@phenomnomnominal I share the same feelings but towards git.
For those who like responsive design here's a responsive cat: roxik.com/cat
Yeah Git is great too. Not quite doable for me, but most excellent. Github too. I love the issue tracker app
this one is my favorite:
That is so wonderful.
what is it O_o
@jAndy it's a shark's worst nightmare
It's an Orcat.
Hi, Help me, please.
Sending POST with hidden <input> value does't work in AngularJs.

Just imagine that thing hunting down a big white and purring while slaughtering it.
@OctavianDamiean lmao
but what if it was trying to eat this:
Doesn't matter, a Sharcat wouldn't be much of a threat to an Oract.
my god ... this keyboard. I tell you, never spill coke on your keyboard. They don't tell you that it won't work as good after that.
you're right.
lol I did that to my laptop once a few years ago. they don't tell you that the keyboard is right on top of the motherboard..
Crap.. @DaveRandom seems to be too busy and it's getting late here. I'm gonna have to try this again tomorrow. Thanks anyway Dave. maybe you can help me tomorrow
Hi, Help me, please.
Sending POST with hidden <input> value does't work in AngularJs.

smells like vampires
You know what's funny? Orcas are actually dolphins, shark eating monster dolphins but still dolphins.
That instantly made me think of garlic. Which I now realise is silly.
yeah they are mammals. and really clever ones too
they say orcas are really clever about the way they kill their prey, sharks can't handle them :)
well chaps it was fun. but I have to go now. my tv show isn't going to watch itself
@mmmshuddup So much for dolphins are just gay sharks.
@OctavianDamiean LOL
Right, laters.
@mmmshuddup my chrome page failed.... on this message
i somehow really like unity, but writing "JavaScript" in there is just a little weird
Look at my new email address.
var acc_v : float = 1.5;
@OctavianDamiean hehe, nice
Greetings. I've just written up a question in which I was explaining a problem I had understanding the results of Range.compareBoundaryPoints(), which are very counterintuitive. I actually ended up finally understanding what was going on while writing the question, and now I'm wondering if I should post the question simply to document how compareBoundaryPoints() behaves? I'm fairly new here, so I'm not sure what the etiquette is for something like that.
Yep and answer it yourself
Okay. Thank you!
There's even a checkbox for that when creating a new question.
It's called "Answer your own question".
@OctavianDamiean How?
@AmaanCheval You just join the Linux Foundation.
does anyone know a good way to detect if position: fixed works as expected without ua-sniffing?
It's fairly universal for desktop browsers isn't it? Are you worried about mobile?
it does not work on IE6
haha, nice one (only comment on an answer posted by me)
How are you doing, John Resig? — Kernel James 22 mins ago
Oh, do people still support ie6? my bad.
but it is more of a feature for which you have to pay additionally
yeah, this is more about mobile browsers, like the ipad 1
oh yeah, old iOS safari doesn't support it either I don't think
but i don't want to use ua-sniffing, pretty much because the ipad on iOS5(?) already supports fixed
not promising anything though, just googled position fixed shim
> Pluggable architecture to support e.g. XDomainRequest for CORS in IE.
I'm passing variables to a db using ajax
@GNi33: $.ajaxTransports
I'm stuck on that one, what do you mean?
having a look...
@sid I'm listening
oh, i never knew about these functions
here is my code
//Browser Support Code
function upimg1(){
	var ajaxRequest;

		// Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari
		ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
	} catch (e){
		// Internet Explorer Browsers
			ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
		} catch (e) {
				ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
			} catch (e){
				// Something went wrong
				alert("Your browser broke!");
				return false;
	// Create a function that will receive data sent from the server
when radio button 1 is clicked, upimg1() is called
and so on for button 2 and 3
but the table gets updated when i access the php file direcly
what might be the error?
@ClayEllisMurray How do you use $.ajax?
!!/google jquery ajax
how do I make a code block?
@ClayEllisMurray Ctrl+K

url:"user/profip.php?visibility=Whatever you need here",
data: true

That should make your ajax requests easier
22 hours ago, by Zirak
From now on, I (and I ask other owners to do as well) will bin any message containing unformatted code. Either learn the chat's markdown formatting, or shotgun with Ctrl+K before sending. Thank you, The Management
Wow!! that seems impressive!!
Is github extremely slow for anyone else right now?
hm, not really
Oh sorry, I tried to format it right but it didn't work.
seems quite okay
@ClayEllisMurray so .. you see a person , making a native JS XHR , and instead you suggest him to use jquery ?! *WHY !!!
so does it go inside a <script>
Because it makes your code look a lot easier and make is easier to work with
@sid yes
@ClayEllisMurray , just because it looks easier, does no make it better
OK. So how can I pass data to Whatever you need here
I don't have any problems with using a library
I couldn't find any question in SO

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