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but for an ID, it's completely useless
That is 100% true
@FlorianMargaine o/
all those who wanted to see wiki-voice :3 , 3 days ;D
o/ @Abhishek
and i get a chance to run it the way i want :D
@Loktar \o
var blah = $('*').filter(function(index) {
     if( $(this).prop('id') == 'blah' ) {
          return this;
Yeah, I shouldn't direct my jokes to him
that just looked wrong :)
Which came first, movement or heat?
good question
@Zirak Movement came packing heat
@Zirak Wha?
there can't be movement without heat, nor can there be heat without movement, so which came first?
it's like the egg/chicken problem
If you can't answer "which came first, the chicken or the egg", you've yet to understand evolution
And yeah, what he said. Heat => movement, movement => heat. Which came first?
Well, they wouldn't be considered chickens earlier, would they?
it's the egg, but meh.
Surprisingly relevant against help vampires.
@AmaanCheval Thank you!
so, for common people, it's the same problem.
and for romney, it doesn't matter, god created it
@FlorianMargaine Unless the polls say otherwise, then he flips
Which came first, God or Chicken God?
Love Node.js? Then you're in luck! Mozilla Hacks just published the first in a series of 12(!) blog posts about it! https://hacks.mozilla.org/2012/11/tracking-down-memory-leaks-in-node-js-a-node-js-holiday-season/
> Finally, sooner or later, your app will crash. And you can bet it will happen right at the moment when you’re getting popular. And then everybody will laugh and say mean things about you on Hacker News and you’ll be sad.
@AmaanCheval ugh, don't try to select some text
@FlorianMargaine Why?
Looks fine to me
oh right, that's because I have fokus
I have no clue what's happening in that picture
According to my measly understanding of the universe, when particles hit one another, some of their kinetic energy is transformed into heat. But when we heat particles (for instance, putting a bucket of water on a stove) we can see they gain kinetic energy (the water-particles start fidgeting about until they turn to gas, which moves freely.)

So, heat transforms to movement, movement transforms to heat. Cool. Which came first and started the chain?
Looks good enough for a physics.stackexchange question?
Yeah, looks fine to me
Shall I put in my attempts at figuring it out (thought experiments concerning bubbles and the big bang)?
@Zirak needs moar jQuery
Even though they lack any sort of scientific or pseudo-logical foundation?
@Zirak Yeah, those are always fun
@Zirak How is that question different from the chicken-and-the-egg question?
The chicken-and-the-egg question is easily solved
@robjb The chicken and egg one is easy to solve
How so?
I get the feeling @jAndy may know something about this
@robjb Think about the basics of evolution
No, it's not. The chicken's ancestor is not a chicken
On second thought, you're right
So the egg came first. Either way, I don't know much physics, but it seems like something a physicist wouldn't be able to answer definitely. Post it and let's find out :)
//added this:
I tried to solve it by imagining a dude standing inside a bubble, watching the big-bang (he has a very special bubble, called Mr. Bubble). When the universe went all BOOOOM, at that first time-unit, I tried thinking about what would happen to the bubble. Having only a bit of world experience and a bit of logic, my first thought was "it'd heat up". But I hardly think that qualifies as an actual answer.

Am I getting it completely wrong? Will Mr. Bubble be blown back but remain at present temperature? Is movement a form of heat? Or are all kinds of energy essentially the same th
When particles hit each other, they don't make heat. Particles hitting each other are heat.
alright, I want the question's link now
Tags tags tags...
The bubble analogy just confuses me o_O
Not an analogy, just a little imaginary scenario
@robjb When an explosion happens, does it cause an object to heat up, and then move, or does it move, and does that movement cause it to heat up?
"Is movement a form of heat?" Actually, heat is a form of movement (kinetic energy)
> Is movement a form of heat?
I think so
Ah, I get it
Thanks @AmaanCheval
Q: Which came first, movement or heat?

ZirakAccording to my measly understanding of the universe, when particles hit one another, some of their kinetic energy is transformed into heat. But when we heat particles (for instance, putting a bucket of water on a stove) we can see they gain kinetic energy (the water-particles start fidgeting abo...

@Zirak Ping me if you get an answer
Will do
I think you're getting friction mixed up with molecule collisions.
Or maybe you're going below molecular level.
In fact, ping me if you have any of these cool questions, @Zirak
Either way, heat doesn't exist below the molecular level.
Can someone help me with this question, stackoverflow.com/questions/13241215/… .
@tereško Thanks for the link to those lectures.
@KendallFrey Where did I get it wrong? All forms of energy transform into heat. So, when something A travels in the universe singing a happy song, and then crashes into something B, he goes all "wtf?", rages a bit, causing temperatures to rise, and goes on at a slower speed.
Because of friction.
Whatever you want to call it, movement transformed to heat
Now if those somethings were molecules, they would bounce back at the same speed, assuming they didn't break.
Because there's no friction.
Since this room is web dev centered: I'm tired of using Google for "Top Hosting Companies" because it always come up with results that don't make sense, not consistent with other review sites, and all around bad results. Can you guys give me two or three recommendations on the best places to host your domains. I used FatCow (horrible), and I use GoDaddy (used to be good, but they've messed up my account many times). What's the best places to go? Not cheapest, but the fastest, most reliable.
What's really happening in friction is that the movement of the large objects is converted into movement of the molecules, which we happen to call 'heat'
But isn't friction happening because this phenomenon happens in all levels?
I should have studied the chapter of friction for the exam I gave
@DiscreteGenius everyone boasts linode is good
Go back to your question and replace all the 'heat' with 'molecular movement'
See what you get.
@DiscreteGenius networksolutions is pretty good
my old company's been using this for years with no problem whatsoever
Sorta makes sense
But the tables can be turned on this
molecular movement transforms to movement, movement transforms to molecular movement
So what causes the friction?
But when we molecular movement particles doesn't make sense however
Where you're wrong is that molecular movement does not transform to movement
What if the heat happening on the molecular levels is what we call movement?
@FlorianMargaine You would have to be a dick.
I am.
movement precedes heat.
@Zirak Huh? That's like calling a small pygmy 'normal'
when you heat the bucket you are exciting the molecules into movement than they in turn produce the heat
@rlemon but movement isn't possible without heat (at 0°K, there's no movement possible)
@FlorianMargaine there is no heat BECAUSE there is no movement
to reduce heat you reduce movement between molecules
@rlemon But the heat is causing them to get excited and move, right?
@KendallFrey Well, you brought up an explanation, saying that heat is inferred movement. And that makes sense. But the opposite makes just as much sense (to me), that movement is inferred heat.
yes but the heat causing them to move is from other moving molecules in an excited state
So movement is heat?
movement causes heat, not is
Not quite.
Ah, yeah, makes sense
Sort of
Heat is random movement (entropy) at the molecular level.
for a more discrete answer yes.
@rlemon Heat also causes movement. Grab a vial of anything solid, start throwing energy at it. It'll heaten up and start girating.
@Zirak the energy excites the molecules into moving which generates the heat
the movement is always the cause
Yeah, this seems like what we've studied in the basics of Physics
@rlemon Or, the energy excites the molecules into heating which generates the movement
don't believe me, wait for the answers :P
At a small scale, heat is the same as movement. They are the same thing. Same.
Does anybody know why the anchor tag ignores a "return false" or "e.preventDefault()"? Ive tried everything but it still tries to follow the link. Someone suggested its because the code in the ".on('click')" throws an error, but I cant see any errors with it. Might it have to do with bubbling?
People are googling "who is running for president," our democracy is dead http://gizmo.do/zsgmdZ
@Nuktu without seeing your code the answer is "unicorns"
@rlemon The answer is always unicorns. 42 is a lie.
var $thisSrc = jQuery(this).attr('href');
window.personIndex = $thisSrc.split('/')[1];
jQuery.getScript("js/page_builders/"+ window.pageIndex +"_builder.js", function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) {if(window.console){console.log("Page load success " + window.pageIndex);}});
return false;
> var $thisSrc = jQuery(this).attr('href');
I should slap you
this.href; // i do the EXACT same thing (not really, but i'm assuming you only need the prop)
not really
@rlemon Virtual slap taken, and appreciated
this.href has different behaviors depending on the browsers iirc (and for once, IE gets it right)
this.href === $(this).prop('href');
this.getAttribute('href'); === $(this).attr('href');
Pretty huge claim about the machines being altered
also in jQuery return false also fires event.preventDefault(); and event.stopPropagation();
@rlemon Ye i know, i left it in and just commented it out to show that I know how to use it and that i tried.
$('#sideBarNav').on('click', '.sideNavLinks', function(event) {
    var $thisSrc = jQuery(this).attr('href');
    window.personIndex = $thisSrc.split('/')[1];
    jQuery.getScript("js/page_builders/" + window.pageIndex + "_builder.js", function(data, textStatus, jqxhr) {
        if (window.console) {
            console.log("Page load success " + window.pageIndex);
    return false;
in the console do you see ANY errors when clicking the link
@Nuktu Press Ctrk+K to codify your message and save puppies from torturous death
@Zirak Thanks! Will do
@AmaanCheval People at physics.se didn't like my question as much
Because you don't have any answers yet?
~17 views, 2 ups (1 up discounting you.)
(2 up discounting me)
@rlemon No it follows the link, and gives me a 404 page not found
@rlemon window.personIndex will be '' however in this case
@Nuktu ^
["http:", "", "howdy"]
@Nuktu comment out all the code but return false
methinks the issue is in the getScript ??
@FlorianMargaine But its using the attribute href. In the html this would be href="/page1"
methinks "why jQuery when he can use $"
@Nuktu depends on which jquery version then
@Nuktu but @rlemon is right, try to comment everything but return false
@Nuktu ahh so you were using it right. my bad. I just assume so many people use it wrong (because they do)
@FlorianMargaine I commented it all out, except return false and it still tried to follow the link. The only way return false works, is when I use it inline on the anchor tag.
@Nuktu JSFiddle it
Your selector is probably wrong
@AmaanCheval Im not 100% on how to use JSFiddle, especially when using JSON/AJAX.
if (!window.console) {
    window.console = function() {};

var element = document.getElementById('sideBarNav'),
    list = element.getElementsByClassName('sideNavLinks');

function getScript(url, callback) {
    var element = document.createElement('script');
    element.src = url;
    element.onload = function() {

Array.prototype.forEach.call(list, function(item) {
    item.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
        window.personIndex = this.getAttribute('href').split('/')[1];
@AmaanCheval Ill give it a go though. Ive tried other selectors
getScript should actually probably follow how jQuery does it
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement;
var script = document.createElement("script");
if ( s.scriptCharset ) {
    script.charset = s.scriptCharset;
script.src = s.url;

// Handle Script loading
    var done = false;

// Attach handlers for all browsers
script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if ( !done && (!this.readyState ||
            this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete") ) {
        done = true;
        jQuery.handleSuccess( s, xhr, status, data );
that supports old ie
iirc ie doesn't like script elements onload event
@rlemon NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach :p
if I used it more than once I would have used your trick.
as it stands that would be redundant in this case (i.e more LoC and no performance gain)
but a nice list.forEach()
@rlemon Thanks, ill have a look over that!
@Loktar woa nice
yeah makes me jealous lol
thats so awesome
@Nuktu at least without jQuery debugging is a sinch.
is there something wrong with doing this: obj["some-key"] = undefined; ?
@Loktar Whoa
as in, unsetting that property?
Not really
@AndyPerlitch yes, there is the delete operator :)
delete would do the same
it's not wrong per se, but there is something better, so let's use it
delete obj["some-key"]
But delete would be easier to understand?
lemme try that
IIRC, the property stays in the object if you set it to undefined.
!!/urban RFC
@AmaanCheval RFC: Request for comment - traditionally, the way standards were implemented on the web. Someone proposes a set of rules for a certain action, others comment on it, and it's eventually finalized. Applications will often say they conform to RFC something-or-other to prove they interoperate with basic standards. The RFC most people use daily is RFC2616, aka HTTP/1.1
That was...fast
I feel like a help vampire who'll just ask what'll happen instead of trying for himself
No, but will it work?
@Zirak why don't you keep the file opened instead of rereading it every time?
Or you can...you know...look at the source
To be fair, I'm on mobile
Oh, yeah
@FlorianMargaine I don't open it every time. That module is loaded once, and the words are loaded onto an array
My bad then. Pretty nice code.
Nothing to say about it except it's good. It's pretty small too, so hard to make it "better" without personal preference
And amaan I am too :p
@Zirak Pfft. No easter egg?
woo hoo new chair day!
@Florian I wish the mobile site was better :/
For some reason I don't like it. Maybe because there aren't enough buffers, making sure it's "random". Or something.
It's good enough, though
I can probably extract another function or two, move loading the file into its own function (I managed to miswrite "function" 4 times)
@AmaanCheval You're mean ;-;
Fine. You're awesome
You're a cool person, alright? :p At least this persona of yours is :p
You think I'm fat
i do
something about the name Zirak makes me think of a fattie
Zirak sounds like a good name. I'd totally steal it
!!/choose "be lazy and continue with Ubuntu" or "wipe HDD and go with Debian"
@Zirak Both!
...well that feature totally backfired
@rlemon Now that's what I would do.
@AmaanCheval You wouldn't be the first
VMWare Player FTW.
@Zirak Where are you from? :p What's your real name? :p
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!
how do we know nothing about you? It bothers me :p
Breaking Bad..... WITH PUPPIES!
:D puppies
Your life must be very vein if the life of random internet person bothers you. Besides, what difference does it make if my name is Bob or Vladimir and whether I'm from Peru or Afghanistan?
FireFox, safely serving you pop-up free porn since 2004
@Zirak It just feels like I know you then
Doesn't really matter much
Names are important.
Guys a question. how undefined is falsy if !!blabla is an error ? only window.blabla is false.... so ?
I voted yay!
window.blabla and blabla are not the same thing
no really I starred you
You vote yet?
Yes very early
i better get my butt back to work
I walked to the poll, about amile from home
I showed my boss the "rigged voting machine" youtube video - he called the rest of the company around my desk to show them how ridiculous it was
if that is proven to be a scandal Mitt will never get an grief (real) for it. some patsy programmer will take the blame and serve 25 years
what is a good eula
open source application, free to redistribute, cannot alter, cannot sell.
no warrenty, no liability
That allows alteration.
I think.
Ah, ok
And it does allow selling.
I thought it didn't (Thus MIT)
Maybe I got mixed up with the FS movement.
ping @KendallFrey

Pinging @KendallFrey [123.456.789.10] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 123.456.789.10: bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=55
Reply from 123.456.789.10: bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=55
Reply from 123.456.789.10: bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=55
Reply from 123.456.789.10: bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=55

Ping statistics for 123.456.789.10:
- Packets: Send = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximation round trip times in milli-seconds:
- Minimum = 42ms, Maximum = 42ms, Average = 42ms
sorry setting up my bookmarklet
$ ping @KendallFrey
ping: unknown host @KendallFrey
Nope, GPL allows selling.
> You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
Huh. I guess I mixed it up with some other technicality
@AmaanCheval And you can't know someone from just, y'know, interacting with them?
"interacting"... you mean like, doing a quest on WoW right?
@Zirak Yeah, totally. But I'd just like to know more than just a random word you made up as a child
he is also 92
You know, identity and all. Yours is hazy
and loves fucking with children
Remember, with
he also is the breaker of all things hardware
How is a combination of syllables a couple of people made up near my birth of greater significance than a combination of syllables I made up myself?
and to proud to let us buy him a replacement CPU
My identity is who I am, and how governments label me has nothing to do with it
yea, try telling that to the sex offender registration office.
@rlemon I'll break your hardware
@rlemon haha, I forgot about that
@Zirak I don't really know. I knew you'd say that though
Fine. You can pretend my name is Steve, and I live in Hawaii. Happy?
West Side Story is an American musical with a book by Arthur Laurents, music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, and conception and choreography by Jerome Robbins. It was inspired by William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. The story is set in the West 50s and West 60s of the Upper West Side neighborhood in New York City in the mid-1950s, an ethnic, blue-collar neighborhood. (In the early 1960s much of the neighborhood would be cleared in an urban renewal project for Lincoln Center, changing the neighborhood's character.) The musical explores the rivalry between ...
some younger folk may never get the reference otherwise
@Zirak Why all the anonymity?
because why not?
Because I don't tell you when I take a dump or what I had for breakfast. Because it doesn't matter. It's meaningless and valueless.

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