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what would be the binary representation of "short a = -1;"
2 hours later…
Anyone in here?
I just saw the funniest thing: mikedoesweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/…
hey all
anybode home?
Why @ZECTBynmo?
Ping me if you have a question
1 hour later…
@JamesHolloway wtf? jQuery? For that?? lol
Yeah, I thought it was crazy
That's ok, I'm trying to get jQuery to load in a WordPress site, it sucks
I can use my version of jQuery, but I can't access the jQuery(ready($) stuff
Which is weird
Anyone got a clue?
WP generates its own jQuery($) function, but I need stuff in it
@JamesHolloway Wp has its own jQuery? I did not know that. I googled and got this. Any use to you?
Yeah, I'm using Hana-Code to add PHP code into pages. I'm doing something like that, but its not the same thing. I unenqueue the default jquery, then I enqueue my version and jqueryui and then register them, but for some weird reason it never hits my jQuery($) function.
The thing to remember is WordPress uses noConflict
So any jQuery function you have to use jQuery to call
Q: Tips on how to refactor this unwieldy upvote/downvote code

bob_cobbBasically this code is for an upvote/downvote system and I'm basically Incrementing the count by 1 when voting up Decrementing the count by 1 when voting down If the number of downvotes > upvotes, we'll assume it's a negative score, so the count stays 0 Reverting the count back to what it origi...

Q: Why do browsers leak memory?

Dane BaliaA colleague and I were speaking about browsers (using a browser control object in a project), and it appears as plain as day that all browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE, Opera) display the same characteristic or side-effect from their usage and that being 'Leaking Memory'. Can someone explain why tha...

2 hours later…
MOrning guys
@Nils ({}).toString.apply( obj ) try it. :) or see this github.com/olegskl/is.js
@Zirak JSON expects quoted identifiers
ignore this^
Q: Dynamic tree structure using javascript and HTML

JimitI want to make familytree like image uploaded here. Can any one tell me how can I set left and top of div so, It will not overlap on div? I want javascript to set left and top so, It will not overlap on each other and perfectly display. Please help me. Thanks in advance. Actually, I want to...

please help me for this problem
You already have the perfect answer.
@Anders it is not gonna work. I can't do exactly what I want seems in second image
Okay, well it's a beginning, modify it to your needs?
Anyways you should really have tried something and asked a specific question instead of "I need xxx, How can i do that", the ladder way of asking questions is frowned upon here @ StackOverflow, because it makes you look lazy
Q: Working with cookies from a static page

portonThere is a static (not CGI, not PHP) HTML page (in fact, many such pages, residing in different directories). I need to store and read cookies for that pages (one cookies for all pages). I guess, this can be done using JavaScript, right?

Q: Gravity Forms not loading under https, jQuery is not defined

cmykrgbbI am using Gravity Forms on my Wordpress site, and so far so good. The problem is I have made the page secure (https/SSL), and this is making the form not to work. It looks like the issue is how the site is trying to load jQuery. There are 23 JS errors on the page, which seem to be due to a fail...

@AndersMetnik s/make you look/shows you are/
Hello Florian my frenchie :)
and indeed :)
A: Replace a string of the last 7 chars?

Florian MargaineI'll make a confession: I'm not so great with regexes either. How about splitting up using split? Less concise, but easier to understand. var myStr = "/private_images/last-edit/image-work-med.png";​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ var strs = myStr.split('-'); // Change the last element. ...

Florian when you are doing something like a "feed" so you get items in json and makes it into HTML elements. Do you then do it something like this:pastebin.com/DsS4YKPT
woops no hightlight :) @FlorianMargaine
Hmm what do you mean less concise*
longer to write
@AndersMetnik that's inefficient as hell :)
Whats the way to do it then? :-)
Hello GNi
@AndersMetnik 2 ways to do it
if you don't mind having a surrounding div, use this: pastebin.com/i3MntNLN
hey @GNi33
if you do mind, use a DocumentFragment, but it's more painful
@AndersMetnik overall, DOM modifications are slow. If you're doing them in a loop, it's usually bad
however, when you have to, using DocumentFragment is usually the way to go. But as you see, I avoided it there
and I'm just doing a single DOM modification
@FlorianMargaine Okay thanks, so basicly it's more efficient to create it in a string and then set string to innerhtml of wrapper item?
@AndersMetnik basically, working with the DOM is slow
so I strip down the "working with the DOM" part to strict minimum (i.e. one method)
Okay thanks a lot, will alter my process :)
working with strings is fast
@AndersMetnik but if you're doing a lot of stuff like this, use a template engine
messages received hugs
template engine ? :-/
they already optimize for these cases
never heard of that, onwards to google, I am :)
engine.render("<div>{data}</div>", { data: "meh" }); will spit out <div>meh</div>
stupid example, but you get the idea
@AndersMetnik ^
and the syntax varies between template engines of course, but the idea is to abstract the DOM manipulation to something that knows its stuff
and overall, your code will just be cleaner
I have a great idea how to do it instead, i'll show you when it's done, and you can critic me then okay? :-)
@AndersMetnik what's the idea?
hello everyone
I have question related PageMethos in asp.net. Can anyone help me in that?
Mornign all
@FlorianMargaine I think it's basicly how a template engine would do it, but I just can't be arsed to look it up if my idea is similar :P
Q: Confirmation Box while Item Adding event Moss

TimeToThineI need a confirmation box for Item Adding event on a custom document library, can someone tell me what would be the best way of doing it using C# or I don't mind using jQuery/Javascript plugin either.

can anyone help me with this question please
nearly crashed my mouse while desperately trying to hit the close button
whenever i read sharepoint, several alarms go off in my head
@AndersMetnik yeah that's a basic template engine :)
Cool, thanks for clarifying what's fast and not :) Ei. what's good practise for me :)
A: How to write a switch statement in Ruby?

ChuckRuby uses the case expression instead. case a when 1..5 puts "It's between 1 and 5" when 6 puts "It's 6" when String puts "You passed a string" else puts "You gave me #{a} -- I have no idea what to do with that." end The comparison is done by comparing the object in the when-clause wit...

this looks great
it does yes :)
@FlorianMargaine i like the slider
yeah slider is nice
browser support sucks however
Argh useable then
why am I getting exception for this code

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                sb.Append("<script language=\"javascript\">");
what exception?
i don't know how that StringBuilder-thing works. but theres probably some issue with escaping going on
and, get rid of the language-attribute
And why do you enter the escape hell?
sb.Append("<script language='javascript'>");
or even better, with type='text/javascript'
the language attribute is obsolete!
i havent seen the language attribute since my childhood
almost as bad as <font> tags
that said, I never understood why <hgroup> exists- but that's new
yeah, <center> rocks.
I'm a html noob, so I mainly use divs and spans- ul and li's
luckily, I guess, I didn't learn any html until recently, so- quickly learned not to use a lot of old methods
@TimeToThine That in my eyes look like java and not javascript tbh.
Java uses a stringbuilder pattern
C# also has it
And I think that is C#
does a <body> load before <script>? Or is that determined by onloads?
depends where you put your script-tags ;)
Holy crap, I think I just understood something about what is so wrong about var that = this; - am I right in saying that an object with that in it's constructor would not be deletable because the object always has a member that is a reference to itself?
So if I did this:
function Thing() {
  var that = this;
var stuff = new Thing();
stuff = null;
...then the created object would never get garbage collected?
I do not think so
I think it'd be garbage collected fine
So garbage collection only depends on external references?
There are two types of garbage collection. Reference counting and mark-and-sweep.
Reference counting is a flawed approach, because it fails when there are circular references.
mark-and-sweep is more common
It's a little hard to check, because obviously once I do stuff = null I no longer have a reference to the object to check whether it still exists.
@KendallFrey More common in JS or more common in general? I mean, does it very from implementation to implementation or from language to language?
For ex. I know PHP ref counts
I think it's more common in general.
@GNi33 Makes sense- I am abit worried that I'm slowing the page down with 900 lines of code in the header
So you reckon that the code above will not result in an orphaned object? (basically, is that a memory leak?)
@DaveRandom no, the that variable is in the stack of the constructor, it's not even necessary to garbage collect it
@rlemon for the future please stay within the topic — Dagon 22 hours ago
I doubt it, but the only way to know is to look up your implementation of JS, or test manually.
why do people just stir the pot?
@FlorianMargaine Good catch. I missed that.
But we could also have this.that = this;
that's different :)
but also totally pointless
and that's just a circular reference -- it's labelled as such
just like window.window.window.window works
@FlorianMargaine Yes but what if there are methods defined in the constructor that use that? I'm no longer going to use the this.method = function() {}; approach but I want to know where my existing code that uses it stands. I'm just pulling a whole bunch of code over to a Firefox extension where the page reloading does not send code out of scope, and I'm trying to get my head around the potential side effects of various things.
If you pass a closure out of the function, I'm guessing that would keep the object around, but otherwise it should be collected.
function Cat() {
    var that = this;
    that.method = function() {
    // the "that" identifier is destroyed once out of the stack, engine will use its reference: "this"

var meow = new Cat();
meow = null; // Destroys the object, garbage collected, no need to worry about "that"
basically, that is just another identifier actually
but it's the same reference as this, so there is no need to even think about it being garbage collected -- we should care whether this will be collected, and it will :)
Yes but what I'm worried about is this:
function Cat() {
    var that = this;
    this.method = function() {
      that.hasMeowed = true;

var meow = new Cat();
meow = null;
method() has a reference to that
But the only reference to method is inside this/that
it has a reference to the identifier that, which is a reference to this
but btw
Q: Better way to avoid trapping vars in a closure's scope?

pebblI have a quandary with regard to exactly how the JavaScript scope chain works in a particular situation, and despite my searching and reading I am still mainly working on assumptions. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on the following: var randomCode = function(){ var ridiculousD...

@FlorianMargaine Yes I know, I'm not writing like that any more. I'm just worried about existing codebases. But from what you're saying, what I'm worried about here would only matter if there is a reference to the object outside the object's own members.
It wouldn't even matter then.
it would, you'd have to delete it
it's not like you use weakmaps.
I just hate that I can't have private members with the Class.prototype.method = function() {}; way of defining methods
A circular reference won't prevent garbage collection, will it?
no it won't
an external reference will though
Then why would you have to delete it?
"outside the object's own members"
Well, yeah, but that's not a leak (presumably)
var o = {}, a = [], b = [];
a = null;
// "o" still has a reference in "b"
Your point is?
or I'm not getting it :p
var o = {}, a = [], b = new WeakMap();
b.set(o, 1);
a = null;
// no reference of "o" anywhere
I'm having to destroy everything on page unload in FF, but since everything is self-contained - no references are created outside the objects instantiated in the bootstrap, which is in a closure - just setting all the variables created in the bootstrap to null should destroy everything. Right?
> am I right in saying that an object with that in it's constructor would not be deletable because the object always has a member that is a reference to itself?
^ Original question
right, not sure you need it though
@KendallFrey ah :p
no leak then, indeed
@FlorianMargaine I do because FF extension code doesn't go out of scope on page unload. Unless I'm missing something.
the circular references problems exist only when you have JS/DOM references
in this case, you do have memory leaks.
@FlorianMargaine ...which I do. But they are all contained within the objects created in the bootstrap, so destroying all those objects should mitigate the problem (?)
var menu = document.getElementById('myMenu');
function AttachEvent(element) {
  element.attachEvent( "onmouseover", mouseHandler);
  function mouseHandler(){ /* whatever */ }
memory leak^
I mean
not GC'd
in IE.
FF shouldn't have this problem
Why not? Because mouseHandler is an inner function?
no, because FF is better than IE
and it makes the link between the DOM element and the js menu object
So what, to mitigate this you'd have to do delete window.menu; (or whatever the parent object is) after the AttachEvent() call? (or just pass the result of document.getElementById() straight in to the argument)
so when the DOM element will be removed, so will the menu object
just don't needlessly use closures
or just use jquery
@FlorianMargaine Heretic! :-P
Seriously though, I am trying to go jQ free with this if at all possible.
is there a way to get all children of an element? :)
nodes or elements?
ul with li's i have a li and need access to the other li's :)
so elements i assume :)
so the siblings, not the children?
ahh yeah true
is there an easier way to do that? :-i
HTMLCollection.prototype.filter = Array.prototype.filter;
var li = document.getElementById('your-li');
var siblings = li.parentNode.children.filter(function(e) {
    return e !== li;
I like the first-line-trick.
@AndersMetnik depends on which browsers you want to support
You'd make a good teacher
but basically, get the children of the parentNode and compare against the current li to get it out of the list
@Vivix yay thanks! ... why?
Well, you've made a lot of strange concepts feel not so strange and unwieldy, just how you describe it I guess
what are you talking about? :o
Well, nothing specific I guess, but like with the closures- leaks, and the time you talked about common lisp
things like that
lurks and soaks up examples
well that's cool :p
@DaveRandom look how jquery does it :p
@FlorianMargaine All majors please, will it work in them all? :)
depends what you call "majors"...
safari, ie, chrome, ff
ie 9 is fine
ie9? :)
then yeah, it'll work
btw what is androids browser called?
chrome for android
Hmm was thinking more of the default on samsungs devices ;)
for all androids? Mine was kinda no-name webkit I guess
you mean "navigator"? iirc it's a stripped-down version of chrome
Think that was it yeah- currently use Opera mobile- but I guess navigator supports most of what chrome does?
btw Florian could you explain what the trick is that you use? I don't quite get it
you know about [].filter() ?
nopes :/
to filter out elements of an array
look at this ^ @AndersMetnik
Thanks :)
function isBigEnough(element, index, array) {
  return (element >= 10);
var filtered = [12, 5, 8, 130, 44].filter(isBigEnough);
// filtered is [12, 130, 44]
it's like map for a different purpose
it's an iterator method
so it's great et al, but it doesn't work on HTMLCollection and NodeList
it's on the Array prototype, not theirs
so I'm just copying the method on the prototype of HTMLCollection, and there I can use it
Oh, I could use that to create a "Do unto all in array except this one"?
Ahh okay thanks :)
and .parentNode.children is "get me and all my siblings"
such a copy should only happend once per pageload shouldn't it, or that doesn't matter?
so you need to filter out "me"
@FlorianMargaine Yeah i get that :)
it doesn't matter, it's just a reference to the Array.prototype.filter method
it's better if it's only once of course
@FlorianMargaine Yeh thanks for that. I must admit that a few place where I have removed jQ from my code I have just gone and lifted the replacement code out of jQuery. I know they do things very well, I know it's nice and easy, I just hate shipping all that bloat, and I hate the insane inefficiency of the $('stuff') constructor. Most of the places where it is still used is for animation effects that I haven't bothered to write properly yet.
it's like doing var a = []; var b = a; var b = a; var b = a; @AndersMetnik
But I only need to support recent Chrome/FF and probably in the future Opera 12 for this particular job, so I'm not bothered about an IE-specific bug.
@DaveRandom then don't care about it :)
@FlorianMargaine .children doesn't contain text nodes though IIRC
@DaveRandom yep, it's a good thing, he only wants elements :p
I would've used childNodes otherwise
children is the only sane property that old browsers have, really ~~
Okay, though can't i do something like:

return ((e !== li) && (e.class.indexOf('active')<0);
As well ?
IE8 doesn't have nextElementSibling or firstElementChild or stuff, they can only work with nodes, which is a PITA
@AndersMetnik sure :)
gives me an error though :-/
e.class doesn't seem right tbh
maybe you meant e.className?
Yeh I was just looking at that
and the cool way is ~e.className.indexOf('active') :p
A: indexOf() + 1 vs indexOf() != -1

Florian MargaineHere is the most seen way: if ( ~that.indexOf( 'hello' ) ) { } The ~ operator does some magic and transforms only -1 in 0, thus it's the only falsy value.

yes I did, it just also gave error (compile error)
bindings.js:62:59 Expected ) but found ;
return ((e !== li) && (e.class.indexOf('active')<0);
missing closing )
@FlorianMargaine Nice! Is it safe to assume twos complement everywhere though?
return ((e !== li) && (e.class.indexOf('active')<0));
so i shouldn't write <0?
@AndersMetnik doesn't matter, really
-1 is not falsey iirc
indexOf returns -1 if not found afaik ?
Same rules as PHP, except '0' is truthy in JS
but the ~ transforms -1 in 0 (falsey) and everything else in non-0 (truthy)
but you're just missing the closing parenthese in your code btw
Yeah thanks, fixed that :)
I just want to learn all your other trixies as well :)
and class may be className too
changed that as well. was my first guess just the missing ")" that made me change it
does it work?
If you are looking for the active class I would do return ((e !== li) && ((' '+e.className+' ').indexOf(' active ')<0)); otherwise you might get false positives if it has e.g. interactive as well
it's a shame that IE9 doesn't support classList
.split() is inexpensive
still, e.classList.contains('active') is just the cleanest
@Zirak Are you from Israel?
e.classList ?
Don't think i can use that. Since i have 2 lists with the same items, that i update at the same time (one for web/tablet, one for phones)
Meh, I don't build apps targeted at little old ladies running IE6 anyway.
Ahh classlist going to be awesome, but support is lacking big time yes
No but classlist is IE10
I found out the hard way that recent android versions don't support classList either...
@FlorianMargaine found out it wasn't needed to sort them, would be faster if it just gave me all of them :)
@AndersMetnik if you're using some active class to filter, then yeah
HTMLCollection.prototype.filter = Array.prototype.filter;
var menuBars = document.getElementsByClassName('menu').filter(function(e) {
if (e.display === 'visible') {
return e
should work?
nvm... style.display
$('.menu:visible') :>
And display:visible does not exist, so you want to check for != 'none'
I'm sure modifying the prototype of HTML* doesn't work everywhere? Is that right or am I making stuff up again?
True, you shouldn't mess with host objects
@DaveRandom works in IE9 :p
@ThiefMaster yeah... it's just that the iterators methods are really useful
@rlemon KILLIT
@rlemon I just used the userscript... :>
@Raynos ping might interest you too jsfiddle.net/Ralt/ZfSnq jsfiddle.net/Ralt/TX2G9
@AndersMetnik filter callback must return true or false
still doesn't work
@AndersMetnik also, getElementsBy* return NodeList, not HTMLCollection
@FlorianMargaine fails in ff :/
hi all
and IE as far as i can see
somebody can help: i have to check whether a specific row is the last visible row in the table. where the table may have hidden rows
$row.is(':visible:last-child') duz not work
Will just go through them myself, only talking about 3 elements :)
@AndersMetnik meh, it's because FF (and pbbly IE) return an HTMLCollection
Is there any way to see the height of an element? :)
@AndersMetnik jsfiddle.net/Ralt/u6VeC/3 works in FF
and chrome
chrome is wrong there (standard says it should return HTMLCollection)
somebody can help: i have to check whether a specific row is the last visible row in the table. where the table may have hidden rows
$row.is(':visible:last-child') duz not work
@owsata that's jquery :)
ah ja
is jquery not javascript ;-)
it is, but he's not using jquery
actually sometimes I am :)
Ahh my object aint jquery ofc ;)
sup guys
@owsata $row.siblings(':visible').last() === $row
@hanleyhansen sup
@FlorianMargaine First day of work after 3 months of disability. No power at home because of the storm =/
@FlorianMargaine thanx ill try
@hanleyhansen arf
what are some JS hobby projects a freelancer must have on his/her portfolio? Looking for something quick and simple...
anything man
anything that interests you

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