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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

This shit sucks i shall spawn my own
sublime-jsrun: Sublime Text 2 Plugin to Run Selected JS in The Browser: https://github.com/sindresorhus/sublime-jsrun
@AmaanCheval oot
@Abhishek I use LiveReload so this isn't really of much use
Just seems interesting
i just use f5 , ctrl + r , my head!
I still do even though LiveReload reloads it for me :p
Just out of habit
But it's useful in some cases
Sublime has applescript built into it?
@FlorianMargaine what do you use for dyanmic url's in rp ?
Hmm, no, don't think so
osascript is what is run in the terminal to run applescripts
So call probably just runs something in the terminal
So yeah, it's just for OS-X
> Currently supports Chrome, Chrome Canary, Safari and Opera on OS X. Firefox doesn't expose JS to AppleScript.
bah, reading
I hadn't seen that earlier either :P
@FlorianMargaine summon yourself
@FlorianMargaine o shit you are using node-uuid!
@AmaanCheval , notice the IE , that is conspicuous by absence
Well, OSX
the point still stands
@Abhishek yeah
did you saw node-shorturl ? i mean the uuid are a hell to transfer ^^
the url is too long btw ~~ I don't have a short domain name
i am getting one ;D
api :3 or not :-/
for remoteprez?
nope for this if needed
cause filur.margaine.com/asdf324rfcviose0f9i23riu23ij4eh32kj4n4m23
is not very user friendly :3
who cares? remoteprez.margaine.com/anything is not friendly
Yeah, just say it's more secure or whatever
good point
kinda i think if short are needed we can use bit.ly
Yeah, but maybe make that optional?
phase 2
lets just finish this :D
I have a function refreshTag(id){} how can I pass it as a callback of an element.onkeyup , (the id argument )? please
@AmaanCheval actually, that's the original reason I used it for. Having someone else control the presentation because he saw the link is not something I want for my users
bitly api is harder then node internals to understand DaFUQ
usually the first argument in this kind of dom function is the event right?
I think that's what you want
@cyril Yep
can I access the element class throught the event?
Element ID or class?
You can access both, btw
@cyril Log the event, poke through the properties
You'll see that you have access to the element
And of course, once you have the element...
that's right sorry
can use this actually
Yep, you can
If it's for an "inline" handler, like elem.onevent
5 mins ago, by cyril
I have a function refreshTag(id){} how can I pass it as a callback of an element.onkeyup , (the id argument )? please
Details babeh
uuid.v4().replace('-').substr(0,9) //and then regen if already exists ;D
@Abhishek You've been here for like, what, a year? Learn to codify
@Zirak whats that ?
this is code
so is
but this is not - this is however
mind blown!
(morning sex)
Sex? What's that?
@Zirak Genders, man
difference between this.parentElement and this.parentNode?
One is a node, and one is an element
@FlorianMargaine lmao
@Zirak thats actually a good definition of sex
Q: What's the difference between an element and a node in XML?

Philip MortonI'm working in Java with XML and I'm wondering; what's the difference between an element and a node?

@FlorianMargaine thx helpful
althought html is now xml
need to use node is my case then
thx dudes
!!/google where the fuck should I go to eat
@Zirak up pls :(
@FlorianMargaine The beer! was a shortcut so it wouldn't trigger rlemon as well
now it's back to normal?
The invocation default remains !!
Abstrusegoose is dead :(
It wasn't that good lately anyway, but now it died
firefox... why can't you just have textares behave like divs -.-
Anybody in here has experience with csrf tokens in a xhr heavy site?
This...I forgot how good xkcd used to be: xkcd.com/429
Is that a no? :)
Not really, sorry
@Zirak xkcd is still pretty good, IMO: xkcd.com/1115
I like that one a lot
A lot less than what it was
It has its moments, but it used to be streaks of awesome
I suppose that's true
But given how long it's gone on, there will inevitably be more awesome in its past than its present.
Yeah, can hardly blame him
What If is pretty awesome.
@SomeKittens That is truth
It's done: dl.dropbox.com/u/2332843/markdown/index.html (Textarea is fail in Firefox though. so use Chrome) Oh yeah, what it is? A preview for GitHub markdown Readme's
Always wanted to have this when working on READMEs, although GitHub has a preview, it's not live and other tools don't have the same style / don't have the syntax highlighting
GitHub README editor with live Preview: bonsaiden.github.com/gfm
I had no idea that this exists: mathias.html5.org/specs/javascript
@IvoWetzel I wanted to do that... really.
It was my plan for my next project xD
But I wanted to render in the background
Like the mr doob live code editor.
@dievardump Fork it, change it :O
yeah when I'll have time to
@Zirak is your name one syllable or two?
@SomeKittens How can it be one syllable?
@SomeKittens Are you high? :p
I was writing a Haiku about him and I didn't want him to yell at me if he thought it was one.
Aww, how sweet
(this totally isn't a ploy to drive hits to my blog. I don't know what you're talking about)
There, more hits for you :D
bah, why can't I just comment?
I dunno, no one's ever had trouble commenting before.

No one's actually commented before either...
Anyway, you're a fat lier.
Recursion does not lead to more difficult code.
Recursion isn't harder to conceptualize.
And finally, recursion is beautiful if done right.
Your tail recursion is mimicking the iterative process (does python have tail elimination?)
@Zirak I'll agree with that last one, but recursion is very easy to do wrong unless you're uber 1337 like Zirak
No it's not. You define a problem by a smaller problem. If you understand the problem, you understand the solution
It's as easy to screw up as an iterative process, perhaps even harder
Then be uber l33t like me!
Just take this pill 2 times a day for 2 months
@FlorianMargaine i will need help re-factoring this ^^
Zirak Forte, just 99.99
I found recursion to be sort of like riding a bicycle. It took a lot of hard work to learn but once I got it, I understood it. Flipping a switch
I found recursion to be sort of like <learning something non-trivial>. It took a lot of hard work to learn but once I got it, I understood it. Flipping a switch
...</learning something non-trivial>
Now xml compliant
@Zirak what problems did you have commenting?
Ah, you had to sign in. Anonymous commenting enabled now
Muchos gracias seniorita
Bleh i am supporting multiple clients @FlorianMargaine
boo you , your philosophy of modular code has got into me :-/
Anyone get scared? No? Well, fuck me
@Vivix No thank you
I could say something filthy, but I'll settle with Aww
in PHP, 44 mins ago, by benlevywebdesign
How can I get images to all be the same size(width) for image post not posts with images in it
@IvoWetzel you've been working for 2 years!
Such a long time
you are an old man now
@ThiefMaster Jetzt sehe ich erst, daß du Deutscher bist. Da es hier keine PN-Funktion gibt antworte ich eben hier auf deutsch. Ja, ich verwende gerne deutsche Objektnamen, sogar im Originalcode mit ä und ß. — Peter Fren 1 hour ago
please.. be a troll
("there's no pm function here so i reply in german. yes, i do use german variable names, even ones containing umlauts etc.")
yes .. we understood already ... well .. at least the people who know german
as for mr. Fren , he should choose a different hobby
wouldnt naming a variable something like "værablenhær" break it?
Unfortunately more and more languages allow UTF8 identifiers
IMO that's major bs but apparently all those languages have enough people who think it's ok to support it...
I only use a-z 0-9 in variables and functions-
but I use a-å when writing, obviously.
.. from time when Jeff was not yet full of shit
Is using setInterval's an okay method of creating heartbeat on a chat/online-users-list? Disconnect never fires 100% reliably, and not all browsers seem to like onunload's
I've never really done online stuff, so if there are other standards of practice- that would be nice too
well ... that's how i would do it
then again , i kinda suck at JS
So do I- I guess I'll just do it that way until someone yells at me
Why not use websockets?
Then you do have a proper server-event when someone disconnects
Well I do have a disconnect event, but it's based on either, if the browser disconnects properly, or not, and it goes on clientId-
but sometimes, refresh, back, or alt f4, it does not- and sometimes it does not on navigating away or closing either- which makes it linger- but that might be my fault- somehow. Though- I totally should check websockets-
I'm using Faye on Node.js- haven't really figured out if that's a good idea or not, yet.
@Vivix it relies on an external service -- not something I'm fond of.
You mean how it connects to node or ruby on its own?
If I were to rewrite it for Websocket I would lose IE9 support-- not sure how much it matters now that IE10 is out. Ah- net-stuff is all new to me- not used to any methods yet
or actually, with socket.io I would not lose old support, but with the benefit of useing websockets where available- it seems
Okay- after considering it, both of those rely on external service- but Faye is Bayeux client, and socket.io is Websocket + other stuff. I could try to learn Websocket itself, or see if I could use ajax longpolling etc- but- in on itself, socket.io seems to be a better external service than faye... maybe
Eh sorry for insecure-word-vomit all over, but I really suck at this-
Hello kind JS folks.
Do you think this should work: $('html, body', document)
Assuming I am in the rare situation where the global document is not referencing the document to which I wish to refer
and also that using jQuery is currently a requirement
It does not seem to work, and neither does $('html, body', document.documentElement)
(and yes, I have confirmed that my local version of document refers to the right thing)
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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