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they could bring back LAN
that would be nice
SC2 needs LAN
Q: Custom Streaming Application - AJAX / TwitchTV

Howdy_McGeeSo I created this custom application and ported it into a few websites. It uses the TwitchTV API and pulls in active streams and the viewer count. The problem I run into is when the list gets so big it seems to become too much to do though ajax. I think this because sometimes it will show a strea...

/me is playing Icewind Dale right now
Q: Possible to set equal height for divs in pairs but only if browser width 960 or wider?

CreateSeanI'm working on a responsive site where I've found that I've got pairs of divs with heights that I would like to be equal, but only if the browser width is equal to or greater than 960px. Any smaller than that and the divs stack so different heights do not make a difference. DIV 1 | DIV 2 DIV 3 |...

evenin folks
if I declare an array by foo[], what do I get if I ask for foo.indexOf(bar) - if I haven't already declared it of course?
You mean an empty array? It should be -1.
@KendallFrey, ty
@KendallFrey, jsfiddle w/chrome console says undefined
@KendallFrey, n/m I think syntax prob
@KendallFrey, yea sry
5 hours later…
If I try liking it, it throws this at me:
> This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.
1 hour later…
@AmaanCheval its a good thing that games are coming to Linux... then I can get rid myself of Windows completely
Yeah. I need Windows for Ableton only.
I'll probably still keep it around
It's not like it bothers me or anything. It's a comfortable dual boot
@AmaanCheval Not bothering me either but not the cleanest thing. I like clean setups.
What do you mean by it's not the cleanest thing?
Lets say I like when everything is perfect, everything is in order. I would rather use two machines for using two operating systems (well, money is the only obstacle).
I dont like to boot into the other system just because i need a 10 minute Photoshop work.
To me, at least, everything is perfect this way. It's a great setup to have a dualboot
Ah, yeah, that makes sense
Though it is rather cheaper to have one machine with dual boot. I will give it another chance for sure. I was using dual boot, now I mainly use windows (as a full-time .NET developer) - but I miss my ubuntu.
@ragatskynet virtualbox :p
I used to have a windows xp in a virtualbox vm
with visual studio ultimate et al.
but a virtual box for windows is resource consuming, right?
Dualboot for gaming is totally annoying. Who wants to reboot everytime just to play a game?
@ShyamK yes.. vmware also
your only obstable is the RAM tbh
and since I have 8GB, it doesn't bother me much.
@ThiefMaster Totally. I just end up being on windows all the time on my MBP
Visual Studio and VMware totally hate each other. :-(
virtualbox is fine
Wine? some of the games work on it... not the best performance though
That's neat
Windows 8 for $15
What is keycode of @ mycode
This code is not working but

This code is working for '@' and Also for '2'
But i want only @
'@' doesn't have a keycode
Than how to detect '@' on keypress
Detect shift
see this a/c to this shift+@ code is 64
Try hitting '@'
It's the same as 2
Because @ doesn't have a keycode
than how to detect that user pressed @
1 min ago, by Amaan Cheval
Detect shift
If the shift key is pressed, and 2 is pressed, it's @
can you show some code?
Google it
var v=$(this).val();
this code work twice
i mean alert double
Why exactly do you store the value in a variable and then retrieve it again?
FYI, that shift check is rather ugly.
At least on German keyboards you can get @ by pressing altgr+Q or ctrl+alt+Q.
Yeah, I was worried about that
Keyboard events have way too many browser and regional differences
@AmaanCheval You made my day.... thank you ...It's working
So assuming that (only) shift+2 is the @ character is pretty ugly
@ThiefMaster what should i suppose to do in that condition...??
> For instance, shift + , causes a < character to appear in my applications, but the ASCII value returned by my test script belongs to the ?. When I discovered that I decided not to risk my sanity by performing further punctuation character experiments.
Screw y'all.
hello @OctavianDamiean :)
@OctavianDamiean Ubuntu 12.10 has a bug with WebApps :(
What are WebApps anyway? Who needs WebApps? :D
WebApp integration?
You can integrate with the sound menu and all
I wanted to make one so I could control Google Music using my keyboard's media keys
But with the bug, I can't get a single WebApp to work :/
well, that's ubuntu, always full of bugs
Pfff, WebApps.
Integration would be cool. They're not really web apps
You can search a website from the HUD menu. Things like that
I know, just messing with you. :)
posted on October 30, 2012 by Iain Hallam

I saw a carousel/slider for displaying featured content a while ago that does something that most don't. It started fairly simply, with the top feature large, and a playlist to the side of other ...

Oddly dead in here for a weekday
i just saw some photos of what sandy is doing to the us east-coast
I'm grumpy.
is any room regular from that region?
Don't know. @Florian is generally hip on people's locations, from what I can tell :p
@OctavianDamiean Why?
@AmaanCheval Because I had to leave my house, temperature inside — 23°C, temperature outside somewhere around 2 to 3°C.
Better? :D
heh, i was just like "wtf, that makes no sense unless you are living in a freezer" after reading it again
Also, yet another cat of mine will probably need a knee surgery.
Hi is that possible to create cross browser (chrome, FF, IE latest ) extension
Which sucks big time. It would be the second cat with a knee surgery within a month.
@gowri What extension are you referring to?
However, if IE is involved the answer is probably no.
any thing new
look at this challenge cloudspokes.com/challenges/1864
1 member registered for this . Thats i got this question
@AmaanCheval what?
Anyone from the room affected by the storm?
No idea how IE handles extensions, weren't those ActiveX based? If so ... urgh ...
maybe RyanKinal, but he should be fine
@gowri It says clearly that it's a Chrome extension
otherwise SimonSarris yeah
and Loktar a little bit
@OctavianDamiean BHO... just the name is meh
> We want you to create something similar to this Chrome extension that runs in Chrome, Firefox and IE (8+).
and it's .NET
Yes i misunderstand that
.NET? Doesn't make it better to be honest. :D
.NET is good.
It's MS, it just can't be good.
MS are great at providing full software suites
for MS development, VS + TFS + MS Project Server + Sharepoint... you have pretty much anything you'll ever need (and you need a lot), a lot is automated, great overview of any kind on the project
for servers, the AD suite is not to be presented anymore
I have yet to know a software that can rival with AD
and no, openLDAP does not.
openLDAP is years away from AD.
sharepoint is pretty horrible though
How can I do what this does by accessing the JQuery model instead anyone? var example = $('#'+idSelectGraph).first().children([i]).children([0]).attr('onclick');
Wrong line, I meant to post var example=$('#counterTreeviewUL'+idTreeview)[0].children[i].children[0].attributes[‌​1].value;
@FlorianMargaine Excuse me but what in the world is so good about AD? No really what?
@user1394965: Better post your DOM structure and mark the source/target elements.
AD's only excuse to exist is the presence and usage of Windows computers in the network.
Eliminate that component and AD is as useless as a stinking pile of donkey shit.
AD allows you to manage your users and basically your IT devices all over your company
Yes, devices which are Windows based. If you don't have Windows devices in the network you don't need AD to manage all that. ;)
not to mention the similar features such as user management also available in openLDAP, it also allows you to set rules on the softwares you can install and run, you can deploy software & updates with almost no worry
if you don't have any windows devices, you don't have any full featured suite on linux to handle all this
There's Landscape for that kind of use case in the Ubuntu world.
that's the problem with the linux world for enterprises: there's no full featured suite. there's this to handle this, that to handle that, other to handle other but nothing full featured
I already told you that there is Landscape.
yep, looking at this :)
has anyone seen this? -> biz.turbulenz.com/developers
It is a paid service offered by Canonical for business use cases. ;)
sounds pretty neat actually
landscape only manages the softwares, it doesn't manage the users with fine-grained permissions + shared directories + all the other stuff AD does
I have no idea what that is but I love their site's design.
@Loktar around?
and windows machines are still the standard machine, wheter you want it or not
because that engine does look impressive
@GNi33 too much text :(
@GNi33 nah, he's probably with Sandy
@GNi33 That does look good
@FlorianMargaine damn :( hope everything turns out well for him
Think most people are safe
@GNi33 found a thing after work thanks :)
It's just a risky situation
@FlorianMargaine That doesn't hold true in every company. I'm especially talking about the case of your own business' network.
@ragatskynet yeah, i'll have a look at this thing this evening too i think
Also for that kind of stuff there is SAMBA
@OctavianDamiean well, ofc, for my company, AD is plain useless
@GNi33 should be fine, Sandy should be almost empty when it comes to his house
not the same for SimonSarris though
ah, yeah. Simon is living directly on the east-coast, right?
new hampshire
@GNi33 Thanks for that link
Looks pretty freaking good
you're welcome. i'll have to look into it a bit, but what i've seen so far is looking really good
Yeah, suspiciously good
Maybe they're just starting out or something
Linux (with WebGL support only)

Why does it require WebGL support for the SDK to work?
@FlorianMargaine Yea, of course if you already have a Windows network in a company then you have to deal with it and use what tools fit best, in that case AD.
@FlorianMargaine okay, i think he isn't doing too bad
For Halloween, New Jersey is going as Florida. #Sandy
the code is... almost like using basic canvas :|
@OctavianDamiean but... most companies have windows network
well, is that a bad thing?
because seriously, I don't know any linux distrbution as user friendly as windows
@GNi33 well, I expect a canvas engine to abstract away all this, otherwise there is no point in using it :/
I'd prefer it this way
well, i see that a little different
@FlorianMargaine And that's why I'm using a Win7 desktop but always have a linux machine in the local network.
Theirs would only be an API I'd be integrating with
Not an engine I'd be using to help build my game
i expect an engine to provide me stuff like resource management, animation control, a sound wrapper and so on
(From what I've read, at least)
@GNi33 yeah... and there is not this, you manage the animations yourself for example
Oh, yeah, that'd be nice. If not, I can still use old code
for the basic drawing part, i don't think i'll need too much abstraction
@AmaanCheval that's not an engine then :]
@AmaanCheval so you'd use a full blown lib to get just the API part? hmmm
This is a full-blown library?
I really haven't seen most of it yet
> The SDK contains everything a developer needs to rapidly get their project going, polished and deployed, including:
well, it has an editor
i think it generates a lot of the code itself through this
but, as i said, i'll need to have a deeper look at it before being able to say anything about it really
> Engine Libraries: a collection of JavaScript libraries that built on top of the Low-level APIs that provide developers with features such as a Scene Graph, Material System, Forward and Deferred Renderers, etc.
I don't even know what they mean by those things
could anyone give me link of a price range selector slider ..
@FlorianMargaine I have a completely different view on user-friendliness though.
@OctavianDamiean using the command-line is not user-friendly.
according to common people
What most people refer to as Windows being more user friendly in fact is that people are accustomed to Windows because that's what everyone knows.
@NullPointer: ​<input type="range" min="0" max="100" step="2">rofl</input>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
@FlorianMargaine This is not what I implied or said.
@jAndy could you provide full link
i ahve tried http://jsfiddle.net/NkjQr/2/
but its not working
@NullPointer <input type="range" min="0" max="100" step="2">rofl</input>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.com
For a normal user there is close to none reason to actually use the command line nowadays.
@NullPointer: Oh I thought we're talking about native range sliders, not jQuery UI
I need to get some pants like these
@jAndy could you tell me why the slider in fiddle not working in my page
I hate jeans ... they crush my balls ...
@NullPointer: not really, I'm not a fan of jQueryUI and hence, don't use it
@jAndy than could you provide the any solution/link to do this ?
@NullPointer: I'm not sure what you're asking for. answerforeverything.com is down right now, I'd say ask google or the jQueryUI documentation (api.jqueryui.com)
@jAndy it's not down :D
@FlorianMargaine: haha :D
hacker is intelligent than developer. Is statement true ?
That statement sounds stupid.
There are smart/dumb hackers and smart/dumb developers.
haha, what the hell?
there's also a good probability that a hacker is a developer somewhere or of something...
hacker must know all fundamental and trick to break the fundamental. So hacker one step forward right
depends on "hacker"
If you look at it from a logical standpoint, your original statement doesn't make sense
It's like saying men are smarter than humans
Men are humans
(Assuming hackers are developers, which they would be considered to be often)
Hacker isn't very well defined either
Well said. Yes
@AmaanCheval for the media it is ;)
even intelligence is something that can't be defined
@rlemon Suggestion for LeMEME: put the lines for text above, before the customization options. Most people won't change options
I don't believe in the IQ rating
Me neither
yeah, but that's because you got 81
@gowri You Sir, mean a cracker not a hacker.
hello, can any one help me, i got error like: TypeError: c.curCSS is not a function
@OctavianDamiean I think he meant a black hat hacker
@Crazy4Php Don't know. What's your code like?
Yea, original term being cracker. :)
for me, crackers are script kiddies
florian is correct
Nah, the original term cracker is actually what hacker stands for nowadays.
not that I care actually
you could have an hour-long discussion about that now
Script kiddies are script kiddies.
i personally prefer black-hat - hacker
scriptkiddies and blackhats are different kinds of people
blackhats are actually smart, but "bad guys"
script kiddeis are stupid bad guys
did somebody say anything different?
Baaaaaaaaaad guys
script kiddies are idiots downloading some weird "hacking" program and pressing some buttons
"Script kiddies are script kiddies." "i personally prefer black-hat - hacker" - sounded like you were trying to say they are the same
I so hate the media for fucking up the term "hacking" ...
"lOL hackzd by Ult1M473 SuperHAX N3o"
Hate it with passion.
@ThiefMaster i was referring to the term "cracker" there
Is stack exchange has hacker community site ?
eithical hacker
The difference is, you crack into systems but hack on software (for example, kernel hackers don't actually crack the kernel they work on it, they develop - which has nothing to do with being a white-hat hacker by the way, that's a totally different story again).
the logo is nice.
@gowri you might like this answer, basically finding out a new flaw in HTTPS
A: CRIME - How to beat the BEAST successor?

Thomas PorninThis attack is supposed to be presented 10 days from now, but my guess is that they use compression. SSL/TLS optionally supports data compression. In the ClientHello message, the client states the list of compression algorithms that it knows of, and the server responds, in the ServerHello, with ...

Q: How does SSL work?

PolynomialHow does SSL work? I just realised we don't actually have a definitive answer here, and it's something worth covering. I'd like to see details in terms of: A high level description of the protocol. How the key exchange works. How authenticity, integrity and confidentiality are enforced. What t...

People write huge answers
Lots of peer reviewed knowledge. That's fantastic.
StackExchange is pretty awesome
@Crazy4Php: this may you looking for stackoverflow.com/questions/12048271/…
@Amaan: I am very proud to being and using stack exchange
being SE? you aren't SE :p
You are SE?
Oh nice to meet you SE.

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