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the hell?
Assignment and check in one go in another check?
Didn't get you
What are you trying to do there?
To explain his code
That if check will always return true if options is an object and is defined.
@OctavianDamiean That's my point
options = typeof option == 'object' && option
The first always returns true
options = typeof option == 'object' will not return true if options is undefined.
Oh, right, right, wait
typeof option == 'object' && option
That's if option is defined and is an object it will return true otherwise it will return false.
> Logical operators are typically used with Boolean (logical) values; when they are, they return a Boolean value. However, the && and || operators actually return the value of one of the specified operands, so if these operators are used with non-Boolean values, they may return a non-Boolean value.
Florian's way is more readable though.
@OctavianDamiean no, it returns option
all that is to say
don't use this.
@FlorianMargaine Which one returns option?
this conditional assignment doesn't work like an if
@OctavianDamiean var option = {}, options = typeof option == 'object' && option; option === options; // true
the conditional assignment works like the comma
Not always
Oh yea, that with the && option will return option yes.
yeah just reading your message
I was talking about the one without the and.
@Eugene don't ever use this kind of code in production
ah yeah
I dislike assignment in conditional checks ...
the ternary operator or the || are fine
Someone told me here onec, that bootstrap plugins are written well.)
he was wrong if you see this kind of code
jQuery is well written
most plugins aren't though
$.fn.button = function (option) {
    return this.each(function () {
      var $this = $(this)
        , data = $this.data('button')
        , options = typeof option == 'object' && option
      if (!data) $this.data('button', (data = new Button(this, options)))
      if (option == 'toggle') data.toggle()
      else if (option) data.setState(option)
As you can see. Button plugin.
so wrongly written
always use braces for the if
that's a stupid rule, but it's so true.
And it promotes readability
readability is subjective
Hey, is there any-common or not so- mistakes that will break an if statement?
That it is, as we saw with the shorthand discussion--yeesterday
not sure if it's for loops only
(and cases)
@FlorianMargaine I think it is
Thinking you're checking for the right thing if you actually don't and don't understanding what's falsy and truthy.
And functions, probably
@AmaanCheval nope, not functions
well, I mean, compromises the check- I'm running a.. console.log(statement) and if statement below, console outputs false, but the if statement runs its clause-
@Vivix ah, truthy and falsy values?
Yeah, not functions
yeah, eh it's checking the existence of an object-
Let us see your checks. ;)
break breaks for loops (and pbbly do & do while too) and cases, that's it
Okay, lets see
loops, switch, and labels
console.log(!document.getElementById('wtPlugin') && wacom == false);
if (!document.getElementById("wtplugin") && wacom == false)
"labels" are used in loops :)
I've never seen someone use a label
@FlorianMargaine What?
I rewrote it in jsFiddle, and there it works like a charm, the entire clause-, but I'm not sure what to look for-
What's wacom?
> Terminates the current loop, switch, or label statement and transfers program control to the statement following the terminated statement.
wacom tablet digitalizer, it's a drawing tool
No, I mean what type.
for (;;) {
    for (;;) {
        break lab;
it's a boolean, eh it changes state if it succesfully finds the drivers
Link us to the fiddle if you put it up.
jsfiddle.net/ABcAx/1 there it works
I can throw up a pastebin of the code as it is in the script, but it is the same construction
@Vivix always use === (:
it checks of type and value, right?
Also, it will work for sure yes, since !document.getElementById("object") will return true.
@Vivix put parentheses around the && statement
Yeah the jsfiddle works, but- hm I'll try some of florians suggestions
you mean (&&) ?
(docu.. && wacom) === false
Oh, okay
I don't remember the order of how it is evaluated, that might be it
or just use if ( !(docu.. && wacom) )
Okay I'll try that- enclosing the and statement changed the output, from false to true on second run
> Python is Ruby's sensible (and slightly more boring) sister.
really? ~~
It just really confused me- since it worked as intended in jsFiddle, but not in my script- I must be messing up something more-
@FlorianMargaine well python is a bit of a perfectionist, you have to admit
Python is also way hotter than her sister ...
@OctavianDamiean Meh, ruby is great at foreplay (test-based development)
personally, I don't find ruby and python so much different
Ruby is a shallow bitch... she also has crabs...
but I haven't dived too much into ruby to know
Everyone has their preferences
I currently like Common Lisp.
Lisp is the epileptic grandmother.
and JS is so close to it...
@OctavianDamiean Poor Lisp, may she rest in peace
CLisp is well alive and kicking!
@FlorianMargaine Yes, she ought to be put down
it's not "hype", I guess.
are you kidding me? clisp is awesome
the syntax is really nice once you get past the parens fear
@FlorianMargaine: what are common usecases for clisp programming ?
@jAndy it's commonly used in AI
but there are web frameworks if you want
and especially, Clojure is CLisp on the JVM
@jAndy Wearing off your 8 and 9 keys on the keyboard mainly.
I actually like Lisp, feels pretty natural and familiar but I didn't know where to use it really
Along with the Shift keys.
@jAndy yeah that's the problem I had
without the feeling of "just doing it out of nostalgia"
then found that clojure is clisp on the jvm
syntax, keywords... everything is clisp
then there is a framework (web), but it's really clisp
what you mean with (web) ?
backend oriented ?
what do you mean with backend oriented? :p
lol :p
I just meant like django or RoR, it facilitates web development
I mean is this "framework" intended to get used on a server or a client
@jAndy server, how do you want clisp to be used in the browser?
well, you could use clojurescript, but that's another matter <<
@FlorianMargaine: they found a way of integrating java into browsers.. so I pretty much wouldn't be shocked :p
I don't think there's a clisp plugin for browsers if that's your question
I'll have a look for sure
but clojurescript is like coffeescript
except you write in clisp instead of ruby
and it gets compiled to javascript (so you get macros and stuff, not just syntax, like cs)
but, at this point it feels like the community and userbase can't really compete with .. node.js / ruby (php excluded since it sucks ass)
which in turn probably means, less overall action, support, talk and movements
but I think the compilation is actually pretty straightforward, since clisp and js pretty much share the way they work (lexical scope, first class functions, etc)
yeah I guess
Clojure has a big userbase though
and there are big events around it
but it's the java world...
is Clojure pure lisp ?
always thought its somewhere located in java or python universe
what do you mean "pure lisp"?
ah no
it's common lisp compiled into java bytecode (so, interpreted by the jvm)
woot ? why is that ?
well it's like rhino or jython or scala...
sounds like a huge overall performance break
you get to write in the syntax/paradigm you like, and you get the performance benefits + library ecosystem of java
uh no
A -> B -> C (executable code)
whether you write in clisp or java, all the code is compiled to java bytecode, then executed by the jvm
must be much slower than A -> B (executable code)
isn't it still a - b?
java is: code -> compiled to bytecode -> executed by jvm
clojure is: code -> compiled to bytecode -> executed by jvm
so... the same
well if I understood it correct its Clojure (compiled translated to java) -> executed by jvm
hmm ok fair enough
no, not compiled to java, but to the java bytecode (not the code, the bytecode)
Wait, that'd mean that it should be possible to write Android applications with Clojure.
@OctavianDamiean I think it is
I mean I like the idea in terms of cross-plattform programming tho
+ java performance
the vm in android is not exactly a java vm.
@FlorianMargaine any idea how to stop the last Tick from being executed after (System.Timers.Timer)timer.Stop();
how does Clojure code which got translated into jvm bytecode compete versus .. grails / php / node.js ?
are there any performance comparisons ?
@cHao I know that, Java byte-code gets translated to Dalvik byte-code though.
So it should be possible.
@jAndy it's exactly the same performance as java compiled to jvm bytecode
@OctavianDamiean I read Dalek bytecode.
... ok i'll go now.
Let's give it up for rlemon! Now, next on the open mic night
@FlorianMargaine: well, now I'm actually pretty curious about it, make cost me the weekend :p
I'm still in deep love with Node, but Lisp is just cool
@jAndy hahaha :D
@jAndy yeah totally
and lisp is pretty familiar
coming from javascript
except for macros, I haven't learned any new concept actually :/
and still, the macros are kind of like C++ templates
well, the parameters thingies are nice too
what do I actually need to programm in clojure :p ?
well, yeah. not all macros are as dumb as c's :)
is it just an apt-get clojure please ?
@jAndy java world... maven
@FlorianMargaine: a JVM isn't enough ?
maven is the npm of the java world
thats actually a little caveat now.. I want Lisp and Clojure and I get a Java crashcourse first O_o
someone care to give me a good book recommendation? Pretty much anything programming related ;)
> Personally, I don't really classify CL as an FP language, even though
we have some operators that are related to those used in FP languages.
Those operators are in some ways specifically designed to not work
like other languages--being a Lisp2 is a common example. The
deliberate lack of functions to combine other functions [I proposed
CONJOIN and DISJOIN to take predicate functions and return functions
that did the AND and OR of their effects, respectively, and it was
rejected as something our users didn't want]. The absence of tail
@GNi33 Code Complete 2
Prototype and script.aculo.us
you can buy me one too.
there is as little as 5 books on my wishlist
Debug It, is a great book.
if I have them, that'd be great.
I'm still in shock that the WebSocket spec doesn't really mention anything about real message chunking, respectively there is no browser implementation which offers any functionality for that
I can recommend that one.
added to wishlist :)
@jAndy the little lisper is a pretty expensive book
@AmaanCheval is she cute ? ..
if so you can just say "Age is just a number and in love age doesnt matter"
@FlorianMargaine: indeed, I didn't buy it but rent from a friend when I read it
hopefully, christmas is coming soon
originally I heard the Crock recommend it somewhere
Speaking of debugging, I am horrible at it-
A: Chunking WebSocket Transmission

CodeCaster RFC 6455 Section 1.1: This is what the WebSocket Protocol provides: [...] an alternative to HTTP polling for two-way communication from a web page to a remote server. As stated, WebSockets are for commmunications between a web page and a server. Please note the difference between a web ...

Ah thanks, that will help me use the chrome tools- atm I just- removed the && and tried just the !object- and it stills blows through the if- I think I need to sit down and read this. I could just do it another way, but then I won't have learned anything but "this didn't work"
@jAndy why not simply using http chunks?
the point of websockets is that a single http request is made
with http chunking, isn't it the same?
ah no, it's just using keep-alive
@FlorianMargaine: well, admitedly I don't have a reaaaal usecase so far, but I was thinking of using app which 100% use websocket connections/upgraded HTTP protocls
and IF you have the need to transfer.. dunno, some large data you possibly want to be able to chunk that too
@OctavianDamiean looks good, and I'll need to motivate myself to finally read Code Complete 2
got it lying around already :/
Same here, never finished it myself either.
as it turns out, you would have to do the "chunking" on the server and then just send small pieces
I'm pretty far into it though
16 hours ago, by dievardump
@RyanKinal You're a pretty good public with me @RyanKinal
@dievardump I have no idea what this means
@Abhishek Hahaha, I wasn't serious :p
@OctavianDamiean I'm only a little past the first chapter, but I guess it's really the next book i should read...
I got so many ebooks "collecting dust" on my hard-drive, it's sad. Want to read all of them, haven't even got past one :(
I've gotten past 3 of the 28 I have
I've got around 110 or so
i just like to collect i guess
I put most of mine on Google Drive
And only the 5-6 I plan on reading soon on my phone
I'm at -6 books of my collection.
Gotta catch up.
110 of a newer release-date that is. I still have a harddrive somewhere with an ebook-folder i got out of a students-network
roughly 250gb, but all pre-2006 i think
250GB of ebooks?!
var Chuck = Object.create( Infinity.constructor, {
    isAbleToCountUntil: {
        value: Infinity * 2
vast amount of books about all kinds of topics
a lot of them tech- and graphics-related, but not all of them
phaahaha xD
on the other hand... i can't do anything with those
I don't have too many related to tech
I once torrented every Star Wars sourcebook/roleplaying book ever.
More about psychology, philosophy, or just fiction
Speaking of eBooks (and related hardware)... opinions on Kindle HD vs. Nexus 7?
@SomeKittens ooh, i got all D&D and Shadowrun - books around somewhere
@RyanKinal I plan on getting the 7
@GNi33 I have some Shadowrun
<3 Shadowrun
Unless whatever's planned to be announced on the 29th convinces me
looks for Shadowrun
I never got to play it :/
brb, meeting
but the whole universe it takes place in is amazing
gotta love some cyberpunk ;)
@RyanKinal in french, "good public" means you laugh at his jokes even if they suck for example
@RyanKinal for ebooks, kindle is really awesome compared to a tablet to read
but if you plan on doing anything but reading, tablet is of course the way to go
an ebook reader is just $100 though
@FlorianMargaine Ah, makes more sense now
is there an expression for this in english?
And I'd probably go with the Fire HD if I were to go with a Kindle. So, it's more of a tablet than a reader.
I'd say "good audience"
oh right, "audience" translation is "public" :-)
Makes sense :-)
I find myself saying "tough crowd" more than I'd hope ;_;
and "publique" is the translation of "public"
(the adjective)
"public" can also be a noun
it's like "audience"?
Not exactly
Public is more like people at the whole
... like audience? :p
Audience has the effect of someone you're trying engage
I guess it isn't
any use-case example?
"The audience enjoyed the show" vs. "The public wasn't happy about the new law."
The public is generally (quite a lot) larger than an audience
Trying to find an actual definition... for some reason, Merriam-Webster isn't being very helpful
Beat me to it ;-)
I've been thinking I should brush up on my French
I think I should learn French
@RyanKinal I can help :)
I briefly tried learning Spanish
Of course, by "brush up", I basically mean "re-learn"
@RyanKinal You said " that's awesome " or "sweet " or something else good to every link I posted yesterday -» " good public "
I wish Coursera had a language learning course :p
@dievardump Which we would refer to as a "good audience" in English :-)
And that's why I was confused
yeah... public (French) is audience (English)... I forgot :o
LOL. The pay is pretty bad for Vancouver
I would Expect at least the max they offer
I was kinda thinking that
Of course the word "junior" appears in the title
"Highly talented"
That is not Junior, usually.
Well, there's a difference between "talented" and "experienced"
But I mostly agree
Exactly. For me Junior/Senior is not exactly according to the experience, but to the skill. You can be "not professionally experienced" but being "senior" by your skills
Hum... it could do a great article
Like... the kind of article that lead to debate
I disagree
senior is a title gained by experience
EXACTLY what I meant.
experience ok, but not always "professionaly". "experienced" in a job title (for me) -» "professionaly experienced" / "senior" -» "awesome skill in your domain"
experience is different than skill imo
I mean
I always add senior now
experience is a kind of skill in itself
8 years or > == senior
Nope. Disagree.
I don't agree either
In my second Internship (where I sent my boss into jail) the only developer was a dev since 14years. He had no skill, no method, no brain.
just saying everyone else does it so meh
im going to slap senior on my stuff always now
its like the old mentality of doing 8 hours of "work"
thats how your measured as an employee at a lot of places
that old factory mentality
He was developing PHP 5, without POO, everything in Notepad (I said notepad, not ++) and all the application in ONE file
@FlorianMargaine: nice
"well john has been putting in consistent overtime, and you're only working 40 hours"
(The app contained a kind of CMS and a front website)
well john is a pos, and has to stay late because he doesn't know anything.
@dievardump haha notepad.. jesus
@jAndy yeah it looks awesome
I care little for titles. Mostly what happens is I do a job, and if expectations and requirements are clear, then I kick its ass, and my employer thinks it's awesome.
I remember when I was proud of making sites in notepad
I just subscribed on G+ "common lisp" search, got this link :o
@FlorianMargaine: second line, NOT SO NICE ---- SVN
I look back at myself with disgust.
@dievardump Sounds like a good story
@RyanKinal yeah same here. Im talking about the label of senior dev mostly when looking for a new job
@jAndy meh, svn's ok, and it's google closure :p there is a git version too iirc
because the title will say "senior x developer wanted > 8 years of exp"
@Loktar I usually ignore those :-D
@SomeKittens thanks
I should have more self respect and do the same :P
@dievardump Tell us more!
yes tell us more!
@FlorianMargaine Ooh, I'd completely forgotten about that
I quite liked that feature
The phrase "no brain" reminds me that I should re-read The Tao of Pooh again.
Re-read again? Maybe I should read it for the first time if it's worth that much
@AmaanCheval that's the only thing I use when going on g+
@AmaanCheval The fun story (the bad developer) ? The other is not really fun at all.
@FlorianMargaine Exactly. I don't go to G+ anymore because I forgot about that
@dievardump Sure. I'm curious as to how you sent him to jail, though
@AmaanCheval I went to the police ^^
Yeah, but for what?
Q: What (if any) are the performance drawbacks to using javascript for a Windows 8 app vs .NET

ben336I'm considering creating a new "don't call it Metro" app for Windows 8, and am very interested in the Javascript/HTML5 dev options. I'm experienced with Javascript and Java but have no .NET experience, so the ability to start writing code without learning a new language appeals to me. That sa...

@FlorianMargaine That is an incredible spider.
Also, a pretty awesome idea.
posted on October 24, 2012

In the past week I’ve done the viewport tests on the latest crop of devices, and things are definitely looking better. The visual viewport dimensions are now well-supported, and a consensus on position: fixed is in the making. The visual viewport is the part of the site the user is currently seeing, and its dimensions are reported in window.innerWidth/Height. These properties also refle

Where do I get help?

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