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FTR: this is mens slutty clothing.
@rlemon With wings?
Slutty or just desguisment?
Strict definition, slut means many casual sexual partners (Specifically a woman), but this is dated. Slutty is often used about clothes and appearance, without any real implications about the person who wears them
@dievardump slutty and fun
1) Nick Swardson is hilarious...
2) I just watch "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry" again last night.
@Vivix "specifically a woman" -» Where did you find that shit?
Oxford dictionary
as said, it's dated
!!/urban slut
dated terms aren't correctly defined
@rlemon slut: a woman with the morals of a man
!!/urban slutty
oh that's terribly sexist
@rlemon slutty: Adjective used to describe a woman who acts like a whore.
Ha, well, urban is never 100% correct
urban dictionary is run by Mitt Romney apparently.
!!/urban fencehopping
@Vivix Y U NO MAEK SENSE!!!???!!?11 No results for fencehopping
Aww.. I was sure that was something
You know, I don't know anything about american politics, nor have I payed attention, but even I think Mitt sounds like a maniac-
You'd think the republicans would pick someone who would properly stand up for them-
Jill Stein (born May 14, 1950) is an American physician and the nominee of the Green Party for President of the United States in the 2012 election. [http://www.gp.org/committees/pcsc/2012/candidate-questionnaire/stein.shtml Reply by Jill Stein, to the GPUS Outreach and exploratory questionnaire for the 2012 GPUS presidential nomination] GP.org Stein was a candidate for Governor of Massachusetts in the 2002 and the 2010 gubernatorial elections.[http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2010/02/04/2_more_candidates_jump_into_mass_governors_race/ 2 more candidates jump into ...
@Vivix what is even worse is the amount of people supporting Romney
he won't win
<--- registered Green :-D
but MILLIONS agree with him :(
I'm guessing..a lot support without knowledge- at least I hope so
Apathy (also called impassivity or perfunctoriness) is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation and passion. An apathetic individual has an absence of interest in or concern about emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical and/or physical life. They may lack a sense of purpose or meaning in their life. He or she may also exhibit insensibility or sluggishness. In positive psychology, apathy is described as a result of the individual feeling they do not possess the level of skill required to confront a challenge (i.e. "Flow"). It m...
^ my political views :<
Hehe, I have that about our own politics. Because, they all sound sort of the same
and we got 6 main parties
^ my views on almost everything
groove on it
@RyanKinal if you liked "The Caravans - Six strings" you might enjoy this
Hi all , does anyone knows why this function doesn't work in iPad 2 it's work in ipad 1 $(".playButton").on("mouseup",function() { video.play(); });
what is the error
I'm guessing the video just hasn't loaded yet
Unless there is an error in the console
the click event is not trigger in ipad 2 it's work fine in ipad 1
@rlemon Groovin' :-D
wacomeng.com/web/WebPluginReleaseNotes.htm#_Toc324315277 if I read this correctly...was my initial assumption that it uses a java app incorrect? Mime-
@ElnazShahmehr that is because you now need to listen for a "Zero Length Swipe"
@RyanKinal he's got a lot of other good music. mostly similar :P
@Vivix Incorrect indeed
You just need the drivers
claps hands furiously
@rlemon Will probably be Spotifying
Too bad I don't own a Wacom- but! I can get some other people to test it-
that is because you now need to listen for a "Zero Length Swipe"
I thought that was a good troll... was lost in the midst of things
ohh well
f u apple
@Vivix You're making something like Draw Something?
More like a modern version of Paintchat
no game or anything, just- hang out and draw stuff, so a lot of focus on making the tools feel nice-
Paintchat was last updated 2003, and most of the great counterparts are places that rents out rooms, rather than gives out their source freely for people to put up
@rlemon You should try Super Tux Kart
It's quite entertaining
@AmaanCheval for mac?
do you people not listen to me?
Linux, man
Yeah, I know, it doesn't mix well for you or whatever
i saw Mac on the main page.
But it's fun!
I don't know. It's quite popular as a Linux game
Ooh, Windows too
I despise Apple. I loath the company with all my being. I cannot bring myself to support them or advocate anyone use their products. they lie, cheat, steal. they are bastards and are dragging down the industry with their stupid lawsuits and patents.
Hahahaha, calm down
This has nothing to do with Apple except having an app for their sytems
Its true though, they are an extremely agressive company, easily toppling Microsoft as most evil-
@Vivix Why is Microsoft evil?
@Vivix yes they are
Well, that was the joke back in the day. Not so much anymore
@AmaanCheval because they too charge enormous amounts of $$ for crappy products the world must use because they own a monopoly
@Vivix not too long ago. did anyone see any $$ returned from Vista?
Hehe, true
granted they are not suing my dog for having rounded paws.
But I remember early 2000s, desktop backgrounds with Bill Gates on a devil altar was normal
or telling me the 20 000 songs on my iTunes are in fact not mine, I only "rent them"
anyone with a monopoly will be hated
True, it's a default state
damn, Now I wanna play monopoly
but the more agressive the monopoly, the more hate
Apple doesn't own a monopoly
they are just bitches
True, but they were trying to force a monopoly with their iPad lawsuits
yes. and it is said Google is going after them now with a wireless patent lawsuit and will likely try to get iDevices pulled from shelves in the US
and Google employs more in the US that Apple. so they might get it
Only Monopoly I will gladly accept.
This guy thinks jQuery is a language: stackoverflow.com/questions/13004089/…
I just realized I have never played real monopoly
@Vivix wat.
<.< our school had ...fake ones I guess
@SomeKittens Well, jQuery might be considered a "dialect", but not a language.
not even a dialect :p
it's an API
What I mean is there's a particular way that you write JavaScript when using jQuery
When I first came here, I was planning to use jQuery to do simple show and hides, and rlemon made me realize how horridly stupid that was <,<
not specifically
But it looks sufficiently different, that I can't read jQuery without a lot of glaring and mumbling
Still, the original question was tagged
@RyanKinal just see how backbone.js and the likes use jQuery
@FlorianMargaine Abstraction Library(I still argue ToolKit)
yeah, a library with an API
Has anyone written a jquery compiler? That removes the jquery once you're done writing? Since, sometimes, the user downloading/caching the jQuery library just to read a form, is kinda..stupid. Since it just "simplifies" for the coder?
its called Coffeescript
Oh dear.
iirc CoffeeScript jQuery component just compiles it down to jQuery and not js.
which might not precisely re-writes jQuery code, but its the same deal. Quick&Dirty api which gots written down to JS
oh god.. compiles down to jquery.. something I never wanted to hear
yup lol
$ = jQuery
$.fn.myFunction = ->
  ### your code here ###
compiles to
  var $;
  $ = jQuery;
  $.fn.myFunction = function() {
    /* your code here */
coffeescript is such a fucking waste of time
That seems- strange, to my untrained eyes
@jAndy Also TypeScript and Dart
And your opinion of TypeScript?
bah... i briefly forgot how to use delegates in c# :P
it is. It's the same waste of time every JS->"compiler" is a waste of time
i'm good now.
its for the lazy ones.. who have no effort in learning the underneath language
TypeScript looks promising... but we don't need it
which don't have the number 1 priority on efficient and small code, but just "working" code as fast as possible
@rlemon Need, no; but the same could be argued for a lot of developer tools.
jQuery seems -- incomprehensible to me, as a noob, its so much shorthand that I loose track of what is actually going on, but I mean for someone who does jQuery, wouldn't something that converts it into base js be good for the end user?
TypeScript is even more laughable than Coffeescript itself
I would rather see more effort put into place to force the hand of the browser vendors to implement the fucking standards consistently and quickly.
@Crwth no, developer tools are useful. Wrapping a language up like that for the hipsters is not needed and useless.
what I can't figure is, why they try to break number one rule at its very basic, trying to change a very good running system
what advantages does it offer? some say readability and RAD. I say: I now have to learn how to read and write it.. so that argument fails.
Pretty much what rlemon said there
jQuery would slow me down, and confuse me, because I don't fully understand the underlaying language, so- yeah
trying to learn something else on top of that, would just mess me up
and if you think for a second one can learn CoffeeScript, TypeScript, DART, (or jQuery - it doesn't belong here but some people think it does) without understanding how JavaScript works in depth you are sadly mistaken.
good luck debugging
It's like jumping into modding a game as a kid, second you hit a bug, you have no idea to being looking for it
because you have noo idea where anything is, nor fully understand the language-
I guess they will bend and shake ecmascript so hard, so that eventually some f**kheads can type their class beyond : sick type of {shit in the wrong place }
however, I'm at least happy that TypeScript won't introduce any change in the core language for that effort
the only library ( I think it is a library- ) I use atm, is FAYE for node JS, because- I haven't even started digging in that hornets nest yet
@Vivix: there is nothing wrong in using libs and stuff. Everybody who generally says thats wrong is just an idiot
True, but the issue is, I don't understand what I'm doing, so it feels limiting and hackish
why would I re-write my web-socket library or any DOM abstraction or whatnot
you should avoid them while learning the basics/intermediate. anyone who argues this should be shot.
@Vivix I think that feeling generally passes through continued use.
like, I don't know if Faye is a client- or library- since I don't know what it does, it means that I can't fully exploit it
Yeah, I need to learn it before I can do it, before you break rules, you understand them. But, I don't know where to start yet, finishing up on some other things first
I'd actually enforce a newbie to use librarys. Use them wisely and learn from them, look under the hood
LIke, like, for instance, if I could do what I want to do, without node.js, or faye, to make it even easier to install for people who want it on their page, I would, but I don't know
Hm, I see what you mean, snoop around in the source and try to understand it, I guess that is what I'm going to start with
@jAndy you have been absent from the room of late. unfortunately it appears the majority of newbies that use the libs do not look under the hood. they also do not expand their knowledge past the lib.
as long as you don't use a lib as ultimate blackbox, its a great learning ground
but- still, if there's any proper way to start learning abo websockets and io sub pub stuff, I'd gladly start htere
@jAndy if only people understood that
before doing that :P
@jAndy Flaw: What's the use of looking under the hood if you won't understand a thing?
they do that and then we have to ive em atherepy
You've got to learn JavaScript first
It could easil be overwhelming- like the first time I saw var = ( something ) ? info : info; I just collapsed
I'm pretty sure I wrote that wrong
Well, I guess thats how you make process in learning no ? Looking at something you don't understand, get some resources and help from people and eventually, you'll know whats going on
It's one thing to learn JavaScript; looking under the hood teaches you how to use it.
@Vivix I think ternary operators are the things that confuse most beginners the most
thats,.. how I learn languages at least
programming or non-programming
@jAndy I just build a game or an app and look up how to do the specific parts I need
@jAndy Non-programming? How?
googled Ternary operators is that the ? : thing?
@Vivix Yes
And you got it right
@jAndy i'm self taught 100% for programming - this is how I learned. My "advice" on leaving them be for the beginning is stemmed from the massive amount of people who do not take it past the "blackbox" you described. They just skim the docs and never learn past that. (this is what I see in here every day)
yay, small victories, yes they look very confusing when you first see them, because it's so difficult to GUESS what they do
@AmaanCheval: well, just at present I'm learning spanish as 3rd language. I'm listening to audio books and of couse, I don't understand many parts. But when listening again and it got explained afterwards, I think thats one of the best learning techniques in general
@Vivix ahh, seems your google-fu is getting stronger :P
@jAndy Oh, yeah, totally
Delving into something is the best way to learn
you shouldn't go step by step.. disgracefully small steps to learn bit for bit to know whats a byte
I try to learn by looking up..definitions, references, and breaking down the problem to figure out how I should solve it on my own- try to understand what all the different parts do by messing with them
dig into it
I didn't learn by looking into libraries though. I learnt by seeing how sites did certain things that I didn't know how to do
I write a list of things I need to do, what the functions I need shuold do and should not do, and try to figure out how to write them
@jAndy thinking about Raynos? :D
@rlemon Google-fu-ist in training aw yeah
@FlorianMargaine: I have no clue how Raynos learns honestly :p
@jAndy he doesn't use libraries :D
always thought @Raynos just blames existing stuff :D j/k
@Vivix I learn by first asking what I want to accomplish. Then breaking it down to parts, then googling the shit out of those parts. then when I hit a roadblock ask someone and show them what I've done and my train of thought.
@Abhishek keeps loading when I ask a question
well, the problem is he does what I don't really respect a lot, re-inventing the wheels a lot
then I know if i'm bat-crap-crazy or at least on the right track with how I am understanding
I'm sorry, but I was unable to process your question within a reasonable amount of time.
Okay, just gave me this
its too limited , it seems
i wonder what is it doing internally , processing language on php ?
@rlemon Yeah, I feel like that's a good way to establish--how to think of how the parts fit together, in a way. Get a feel for how things flow
@jAndy yep :)
a great example on this is.. the need to operate on node-lists like single-nodes. That was one big reason for DOM librarys like prototype and jQuery in the first instance. Granted, those libs especially jQuery put way too much sugar around all that, but basically its that
so what to do.. write something like NodeComposite
which.. looked at the very basic, is a mimic of jQuery core
just from the perspective of the idea obviously
:5890738 depends on the question
so we're creating array-like-objects which abstract defined methods like appendChild etc. etc. and apply them to all our nodes in the array. Now we also need some sugar for getter/setter objects like dataset.. we write that too.. hmm would be nice to have some more elegance in also beeing able to set css styles to all our nodes, but thats just an object without function, oh dear we need to write a getter/setter for each attribute..
the point is, for what I blamed most ppl month ago here is, you end up re-writting your own library
(end of rant)
That's true, but sometimes you only want a small part of something

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