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remember File API is new. not fully implemented APIs are floating around. Flash is not fully replaced unfortunately.
ES spec has nothing to do with file api
w/e you know what I meant
who in the hell is uploading Pearl Jam songs on grooveshark with skips in them!
OH! I get why it was doing it now. The error only showed because that's when it was parsing the JS. The error wasn't on the line itself, but rather in the element it was appending.
Updated canvas libraries comparison table — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aqj_mVmuz3Y8dHNhUVFDYlRaaXlyX0xYSTVnalV5ZlE#gid=0
@dievardump GOD'S ON TWITTER?!
Come on, God.
God is everywhere
Including your penis
If god is everywhere ,that would imply god is in god's penis too (pun intented)
Zirak said penis, I'm happy now
@SauravTomar False. God is not recursive.
He's more into brunettes.
I'm trying to change a color for one name of a forum shoutbox, but it seems I'm completely breaking it.
(1)Enter discussion on peni (penises?)
(2)Say "I'm completely breaking it"
This one is a very interesting course on udacity udacity.com/overview/Course/cs255/CourseRev/1
@Tomarinator Ooh, thanks
welcome, but its is very new, so the wiki and stuff needs to be created
but still its like fire on the dance floor :p
Your fires are weird
Can people ping themselves?
@Amaan Probably not
But if you do a message-reply to yourself...
@Zirak Won't work, methinks
@Tomarinator Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, beautify, hang, learn, nudge, ring, roll, spec, stat, todo
!!/mdn mozNotifications
@Tomarinator Command online does not exist.
@AmaanCheval Sure it does. Try sending:
:5861810 meep
@AmaanCheval meep
@Tomarinator If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always answers "Two seconds till". After you ask "Two seconds to what?", he roundhouse kicks you in the face.
@SauravTomar Yeah, sorry...documentation is way behind.
i didnt knew we could make gifs completely client side.
The code is available on Github
It was Created after a LazyWeb request by Paul Irish
damn cool
Crap on a Cracker! I was debugging and pulling out my hair for nothing... I was connected to the wrong comm port :<
then give it a grace period and fml again
!!/define fml
@Tomarinator Could not find definition for fml
Well, I don't want to be flagged, so:
!!/urban fml
@AmaanCheval fml: means Fix My Lighthouse. Back in the 17th Century, lighthouse keepers were tthe butt of everyone's jokes. When a lighthouse keeper was made fun of, his retort would be "why dont you fix my lighthouse!" which was shortened over time to FML. This term was made famous in the great battle of the Sole Bay in 1902 where 14 peolpe died and 1 person broke their glasses.
atta boy
Oh, so I was mistaken :p
fml === fuck my life
with a broom handle
no lube
@rlemon Flagged. :P
go ahead. i'm done work in 15 mins then off to the super market
by the time I get home the ban will be done
I will lul and rejoice
also I was not offensive. he asked what it meant.
i obliged
But dude!
You're cussing in front of a 16 year old!
Okay, 16 isn't that young
It is.
I remember when I was 16.... wait, I actually don't.
But dude! it's the fucking internet! rule 34
Not young enough to avoid cussing
I just imagine my childhood was awesome. I have many scars and no memory of it. how else would it have been :P
Tests are nice (tm)
1 message moved to recycle bin
probably shouldn't advocate that behavior to the young ones.
@ThiefMaster Can you help me with something when you get a minute?
@AmaanCheval Don't be a pussy
As you say, master
Hey all anyone know a good online PDF viewer for a large PDF document?
AHAHA I just received some french taxes I wasn't expecting (9 months later...) -» 550euros :(
@DaveRandom depends on what you want
Love this room's tagline - brilliant.
y u put classes in my javascript
I like tutorials on connecting to wireless networks on linux. "You need to install wpa_supplicant from the repository". Apparently, it's recursive: "To connect to a wireless network, one must first connect to a wireless network."
you can have a local repository
and you also can install stuff from local files
Sure, but how do you get them? You're not connected to the internet.
@ThiefMaster I needed some assistance resolving my own stupidity in that I forgot the email address I used to create this account but I basically just assaulted the Google login prompt until I got it right. Thanks anyway :-)
Same way you got the distro. From someone else or from another computer that is connected
Couldn't have helped you with that anyway
Really? You're not allowed to see email addresses?
Seems like an odd rule
Yes, it's obviously possible to do it, but I just find it funny.
I do see them
But I can't disclose them to non-moderators for obvious reasons
can anyone help me solve an issue
It only does this the first time when the page is loaded and then if you want it to happen again you have to refresh the page
-moz-animation-delay:0.95s; /* Firefox */
-webkit-animation-delay:0.95s; /* Safari and Chrome */
-o-animation-delay:0.95s; /* Opera */
@benlevywebdesign just make the animation a class of its own
then toggle it
wait.js is for me a " WTF MAN ? Just stop wasting your time doing no sens and no utility things, and think of the suicide option please, 'kthxbye "
Hey guys. Anyone know a good place for learning eventlisteners?
I'll take that as a definite maybe...
!!/mdn element.addEventListener
eh, close enough.
!!cowthink bot needs a few bug fixes.... I'll get around too it. Mooo...
( bot needs a few bug fixes.... I'll get  )
( around too it. Mooo...                  )
        O   ^__^
         O  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
@rlemon Thanks mate
@benlevywebdesign here is an overly complex solution to your problem. I did this on purpose so you can reverse engineer it and maybe learn a thing or two from the process. jsfiddle.net/rlemon/VEmu8/1
Q: How best to implement HTML5 support for my validation library

Vivin PaliathI have created an annotation-based validation library called regula. There seems to be some amount of interest around the framework and the next thing I'd like to do is to support HTML5 validation. Originally I figured that I would check to see if the browser supported the HTML5 validation that h...

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