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I set up some file watcher to sync my local code to dev box. Restart dev server & refresh browser.
@Raynos lost files ?
2 hours later…
Java. Apps are dead
Flash will be too
Silverlight you suck
Htm5 i <3 you
How to make a div fixed in center of the screen, until it reach another div and then stick to bottom of that until it again will have enough space to float in the center of the screen? :)
@rlemon stop evaluating products without even testing em surface is an awesome effort and nexus 7 is too testing both of em neutrally and then giving an opinion will be better and imo surface overpowers nexus 7 by miles , light years
does it make sense? i made a quick example, and its working on the way down, however on the way up im not sure how to measure. jsfiddle.net/wJBDT
@tereško more about ctrl + s in text editor refreshes dev box + refreshes browser so I dont have to alt tab
Ok i figured it out: jsfiddle.net/wJBDT/1
really messy right now, im aware .. however i think that approach isnt bad?
and then i need to add resize function so i dont get old values when resizing
hello everyone
does anyone here knows how to scroll content without showing the scroll bar? just like in facebook message
Im pretty sure FB have a scrollbar in the small chat window?
Why would you hide that when you actually wanna scroll content? Quite bad ux design I would say
@Abhishek HTML5 is awesome... its a pity that I suck at making things pretty
@ShyamK nah just pay time to it , its like a woman needs time money and dedication
or it will slap u tight and leave u unsatisfied and frustrated 8-) [ if u know what i mean ]
@Raynos How? I saw that Yeoman did that too
How do i autoformat code in sublime ?
@FlorianMargaine o/ hello good morning !
we will be having a meeting on tapeer discussions on saturday .. this time on whats app , hope u will be joining in :-)
Hello. I have a question about javascript. Here is my code: pastebin.com/wDxuUhpL . Demo here: jsbin.com/welcome/36405 . I want to ask why when i is 1, my browser will get the third p tag (which mean the tag will textContent 3) and it isn't the second p tag
@AmaanCheval live-reload
npm install it
Q: Airport autocomplete by City name and airport code

RajkumarWe are developing an travel web app and here is some scenario with airport code autocomplete, which i am struggling to get it working as intended. I am getting all the airport codes & city name from xml and bind it to text input. The scenario is When user types "Mani" It should display "All c...

I need help with the above link
Is anybody here
@Abhishek Bottom right. Select the language
@Raynos Hmm, I'm not using Node most of the time
Live.js seems to do the same. I guess I'll just end up making myself an extension for this or something
Q: Specifying force and angle in ApplyImpulse in box2d

Deepak MahalingamI need to apply an impulse on a object with a particular force and at a particular angle in Box2d. If I am right the syntax would be the following: body.GetBody().ApplyImpulse(new b2Vec2(direction, power),body.GetBody().GetWorldCenter()); The problem is my direction is in angles. I found ...

Morning All
Good Morning
Only europeans on now, I suppose
Morning, that may be~
good earthly rotation consistently causing the sunlight shining on formerly dark areas of the earth on certain parts of the planet
@AmaanCheval it doesnt do so
@Abhishek Screenshot
@FlorianMargaine Good idea. I'll look for Sublime Text plugins
I'm not used to vim
@FlorianMargaine i am at college and the windows vim looks like ugly over the super ugly windows , cant actually use vim now :P
just use terminal vim
I never use gvim
but yeah, unless I use my vimrc, I feel like vim's kinda ugly
although it's still better than other text editors/IDEs.
i am quite liking sublime atm
googles Sublime, is intrigued
Yeah found it, looks kinda sexy
I often loose focus, and feel kinda disoriented, so-that eh far zoomed ou on the side looks kinda nice. Though, if I were to buy something, rather than use notepad plus, I should probably do more research
You don't have to buy this
downloads non-limited trial
Well, not haave to, but ought to
@Abhishek sublime doesn't appear on alt-tabbing?
@ShyamK Sometimes, yeah
You on Linux?
I think it's a problem with Chrome on Linux
@AmaanCheval yes
how would it be a problem with Chrome?
so funny
it's totally awesome
Oh my, that's quite a wall
yeah, but quite awesome one
Oh yeah, really hammering the point, hehe
You're*, come on!
and "file, you're"
Can some one help me out with my script: basically im trying to position a fixed div when it reach a static div
aka when you scroll
i made something really basic here: jsfiddle.net/wJBDT/1
however when im applying this code into my jQuery plugin (rewrite a bit, so it looks nicer) i have a problem: if the user reloads and starts lower on the page, the user has scrolled down that is, ill get a wrong value for my current scroll and then it all breaks a bit
@designer I would recommend for you to start with reading eloquentjavascript.net/contents.html and then watch lectures in yuiblog.com/crockford
@tereško i dont really see how that helps me? so i wrote this really quickly cause my working example is depending on a lot of stuff in my plugin. Is it because you think it is a retarded stupid problem or that my code looks retarded?
please help me in a more specific direction maybe? Dont know if im asking for a lot, but reading all this is probably gonna help me out a very little cause i already wrote a lot of working js but still having this small issue
Since it's jQuery, I'm not actually--capable of fully reading it, but I'd just try to make it wing it on whatever scroll-offset you get
Since I can't read it properly, I can't be of much help-
Would someone be able to help me with my problem:
Q: Ruby on Rails: jQuery datepicker - dates between validation

JazzI have an app that allows a user to create new projects, and the search for them later. One of the options they have when creating a project is giving them start and end dates. At the moment all the code works properly for creating and searching on the dates, but I am now wanting to restrict what...

Hey any idea on Titanium?
@Vivix thanks, ill try to explain so you can understand
im not sure if this is easier for you to read, however.. my problem right now is that im actually comparing the scroll when i hit the right position, to the current scroll - which means that if the user started lower on the page it will remember that position as being the right one, but it isnt
Okay, yeah that helps a bit. Okay- hm
Q: QuickStack - A Simple Browser Extension

BeRecursiveAbout QuickStack QuickStack allows you to quickly view StackOverflow questions without visiting the question page. This was inspired by the Reddit Enhancement Suite and it's feature that allows quick viewing of image posts. It is currently only packaged as a browser extension for Chrome. Github...

Well, that's a doozy for me-
Meh its so annoying i cant realise how to handle this quite simple problem
You could probably try to make sure whether or not the user have scrolled, and trying to do some checking there to correctify
language win
Then you could probably find the offset in what the user has scrolled on load and eh... what's the word..compensate for it?
hahaha but it sounds so messy :D
Because, if I understood- you are using the scroll to find the position and fire the action at that position? And so if the scroll is not default at start it will be -- icky, but then can't you go without loading that value at all before the user actually starts scrolling?
im wondering there should be something cool fix
Like okay im just gonna explain the steps:
1) The user loads my page,
2) There will be a fixed position div (top 50%), so i dont actually know for sure where it is
3) When the user scrolls down and the div follows, i want it to stop at the point where it reaches another div, like the next section.
I don't have any solutions right out of my head- but surely there must be a way
hello @all
$( ".ui-sortable" ).sortable({
revert: true,
update: function() {
var order = $(this).sortable("serialize");

get order blank
can somebody help me to save href in json, but as string, and not object
json.org ? That one said something about strings. That's as far as I've come in learning about JSON, though.
Anyway: I'm surprised how much sitting down and writing down what I want functions to do, and not to do, helped in figuring out how to streamline my script
O brein, u so sily
"A value can be a string in double quotes, or a number, or true or false or null, or an object or an array. These structures can be nested."
@rlemon Do you play games on Ubuntu at all?
That looks good
(It's been released, yes)
Yeah, if it's the original you mean, it's about 3 years old or something
Or actually, 2 years
I am trying to fire multiple jquery .load() function multiple times, but sometimes i get 403 forbidden error, after setting ajax caching off, now i am getting error in random pattern... please help\
@Abhishek oh good!
@AmaanCheval nope
games are for windows
ubuntu is for productivity
by definition they do not mix well
I disagree
you can be very productive in games.
@rlemon LOL. troll. -» TROLLOLOLOL (edit === ping === dievardump FTW)
Evening all
Where are you?
well afternoon
and London
Q: jquery - form data to object to html

elgarconI have a form. When I click the save button, I want to create an object from the data and pass that info to HTML elements on the same page (div.form_content). I decided, instead of creating a variable for each HTML element to create an array of HTML elements. I know the first html element is g...

it's not even 4pm at london...
I know am just being lazy
typing afternoon takes more energy then typing evening
> The Pragmatic Programmer recommends that you should use one text editor for everything. My chosen weapon editor is Vim.
And now look at all the energy you'd had to expend, explaining yourself. *:^)
@Crwth tell me about it
thats why I don't like programming in C++ but C#
I like the pull-request answer and the answer to this answer
I want to make portal for my friend using ASP.NET like this addisonlee.com
And so?
where to start and is ASP.NET a good choice for it
You should dive your head into sand. That'd help.
Aggressive @FlorianMargaine
Like that.
That make me thrill
@FlorianMargaine there's no desert in Uk
ouch... car bomb attack in Beyrouth
@TimeToThine But there is sand.
Is it Gin O'clock?
@Abhishek @Loktar labs.ericsson.com/blog/…
oh neat
thats really cool for mobile
For the mistake I made I need to jump into sand so need to have a desert :L
woa, you're so fat?
Shit I want to become a FirefoxOS applications dev :(
Stop always point on my typos and erros. I know I do a lot. That's ok. I'm French, I don't need to be perfect. "That's cute" -» That's what they say.
@FlorianMargaine I got 6 pack :P
@dievardump becane to become is not very comprehensive actually :x
especially with the french word
(I'm kinda trolling)
searched "bowser" on play store. no webrtc browser :(
@FlorianMargaine They understand. They always understand they Think " French -» Bad in English -» But cute -» He meant Become "
> This app is incompatible with your Rogers Wireless HTC HTC Desire.
This son of website knows that because I'm connected to my gmail account?
Before I ever dare to critique anyone's English, I remind myself that their English is better than my <insert their native tongue here>
I'm french too, I can have fun with his typos :p
Well, yes, then you're allowed.
@FlorianMargaine not only typos.
Except you're European French, and i think @dievardump is Canadian French...
Not sure how this will turn out. *:^)
@Crwth nope, he's european french too :)
I'm just visiting for one year
With mention of Rogers cellphone?
@Crwth stop using this smiley. Now.
@Crwth he just lives in canada (montréal), but he's european french :)
I will not; it has been my smiley for over 20 years... sorry. *:^Þ
@FlorianMargaine In 2 weeks, I'll take everything and GOOOOO to the USA then Vancouver
visiting @Loktar ?
Ill be asleep if he does most likely
Dunno. Did he answer me yesterday when I asked where he lives?
@dievardump Omaha NE
Ive been getting up at 4:35 am everyday..
so Im in bed by like 7:30-8.. like an old man
well, you're old
haha yeah its because I started a workout program
married, two kids
everyday at 5am
so only for 10 weeks
what's the tv show already?
4 kids :P
meh, christian.
Too far. I'll take the Flight from Chicago to San Francisco
:( well Ill wave
You can wave back!
You should fly right over actually
@Loktar you're like this guy
So I'll maybe flight over
YEs, exactly
@FlorianMargaine haha
that guys cooler than me :P
nah, he doesn't do canvas
That guys is THE GUY
and this one is THE DUDE
looks like I killed the room
or rather, the dude killed it.
I think, in term of father, that guy (MArried with Children) and the guy from Malcolm/Breaking bad are THE GUYS
Homer Simpson, Family guy and the other one are not real so they can not count.
Our team at Google (Cambridge, US) is looking for someone who loves visualization and coding! http://hint.fm/extra/position.html
@dievardump hehehe i'm all coding minimal chat today
in fact closing it in between popins
so I never hear the pings!!!!
take that!
also I find that girl mildly attractive
assuming it's a girl
otherwise... o_O
haha @rlemon I thought the same thing
Im hoping its Fernanda
Q: How To Include JavaScript Files Only In Single Posts?

user1218948I know, wp_enqueue_script(); help us to include Javascript files in wordpress header. But i want, index or wordpress home page ignored and javascript include in all single posts? it's possible? i tried something like that, but its not working.... <?php function my_scripts_method() { if ( is...

@rlemon Game suggestions?
@AmaanCheval you looking for something to play?
And I don't know from which genre because I haven't played enough games to know which genre I like
@Abhishek Doom 3?
d3 is okay
but still pricey
do you like strategy, controlling unit, or FPS/shooting stuff
I really don't know. FPS, maybe
doom 3 bfg wouldnt be a bad choice if you havent played it
then of course theres the ever popular an awesome Team fortress 2
not sure of your budget but Dishonored is pretty fun if you enjoy sneaking around
and if you've never played Minecraft Id give it a shot
Minecraft, huh?
or try an MMORPG
@AmaanCheval play hitman
or Dishonored
they are great
^ really impressive flash game
really impressive
@Abhishek yeah dishonored is pretty cool
I enjoy all of the looking glass games
dishonored is pricey currently thats the only drawback
Deus Ex should be pretty decently priced
for a low cost, hardcore FPS (if you dont want to try team fortress 2) you could also try tribes ascend
that game is fun.. but like I said pretty hard core
@Loktar Counter Strike beats Team Fortress by miles
meh, idk
did u even played it ?
counterstrike is ok.. but when its all about jumping and crouching in midair while no scoping it loses some of the fun
@Abhishek yeah I've played it
I played the original
@Loktar not anymore in Global Offensive
and CS:S a few times
u can't do it in GO
the CS:GO beta said otherwise
thats the last I played of it
i think they patched it
:-/ meh will have to go on windows to test it :'(
i like to play the good man style , schimidt scout
yeah I didnt pick up CS:GO
with deagle or the dual elites
Im sure I will eventually
and everybodies dead :D , hehehe
thats how I am in TF2 with either the heavy, or huntsman sniper
I never use a heavy sniper
too much noise :-/
1 shot and everybody is about to kill you
haha no I mean the class heavy, or the class sniper with the huntsman (bow) in team fortress 2 :P
sorry i think too different
despite the fact if i can get the barret m108 in any game i'd use it :3 that fucker is 50 cal garunteed death
Hi, what's the '$#x41' encoding ?
What encoding is that and how can I "decode" it with javascript?
$#x41 ? Sex for one ? // to perverted
@warl0ck gimme reference
It's like escape encoding, I saw it somewhere today
do you mean the dolby's
X41 ?
Oops, it's &#x41
not $
&#x41 is an html character :P
getting error for this one

<asp:TextBox ID="txtb" OnTextChanged="javascript:return RestrictCharToInteger();" runat="server" Width="46px">20</asp:TextBox>
And how do you "decode"? I didn't find a function like "unescape"
the browser engine should be enough to decode that , aye ?
which function ?
@Abhishek how do I decode that with javascript?
Q: Javascript decoding html entities

Srcee Possible Duplicate: How to decode HTML entities using jQuery? I want to convert this text: "&lt;p&gt;name&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style="font-size:xx-small;"&gt;ajde&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;da&lt;/...

@Loktar , @rlemon :3
whats up?
i wanna show u something :3
it just came (x
:D [ i am grinning like a stoned happy person :3 ]
haha ok
:-/ waiting for phone to upload the image (yawn)
@Abhishek That's what he said.
You just came? Please, keep it to yourself.
^ what I got yesterday
@Loktar That's your children? (didn't know you also had a girl)
Ive got 3 boys (one lives in MI with his mom a former GF of mine) and then my daughter Gabi
Are the two on the left twins?
haha no
people used to ask that all the time
they are all like 18 or so months a part
wow ok
grats @Abhishek!
^ Look it :D
Meh, Gabi looks like her mom
I am so happy i am dancing !
everyone says that :?
Gz Abhishek :p
thats awesome @Abhishek glad it went smoothly for you
4 and half months of waiting :3 not that smooth but (XD)
visa will be much easier :D
Loktar are you sure she got a father?
@FlorianMargaine LoL
Seriously... It's disturbing
yeah I was there for the conception
aww come on she looks like me a little bit!
Yeah j/k :P
^ my wife.. and me of course
looks like you are being nailed! by her finger
#oh no :-\ that just sounds wrong
Damn, you edited.
so I dont look 30!
Nah, rather 40.
@Loktar you look like meh 42
fu all
bend over then ;D
@Abhishek you didnt post your passport pic dude
I know you cant take a pic of the whole thing for obvious reasons
:-| woot well wait (XD)
lol but ID pictures are always the best
they scaled it on X-axis :-(
hahah nice
Thanksgiving and Christmas scale my x-axis too its ok :P
My id pic is ok, the beard saves me
my current one isnt too bad
im not excited for my next one though, I have less hair
I like your knife one
yeah thats my fav pic
that knife is so damn big!
Thats what she sais
Thats me when i saw the source code done by my elders
@Loktar Nope, younger. I could be... tempted.
haha nice @Abhishek

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