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@loktar I am not a freelancer, I am a student age 21
@loktar, mind filling in the form at the bottom?
I filled it out
so are those just concepts then @benlevywebdesign
or did you actually do some work for disney and netflix?
@loktar, Those were just university school projects
@rlemon rlemon has 6035 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 326 answers, for a q:a ratio of 71:326.
!!/stat Loktar
@benlevywebdesign oooh ok
@rlemon Loktar has 9077 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 363 answers, for a q:a ratio of 4:363.
I ask no questions evar!
Im sad I asked those 4 even
!!/tell Loktar wuddup
@Loktar Yo! you seem new here, let me be the first to automate then say 'What is up?'
afternoon folks
@loktar do you have the original background image with out your text on your site
Remind me please, what happens if I define function foo(a,b) and call foo with only one arg (foo(a))?
@loktar do you like my site look,layout?
@jamesson Inside the function, b === undefined
@benlevywebdesign haha I wish :?
I lost the graphics source for my site
@Zirak, but it will not simply break, right?
@benlevywebdesign yeah your site looks cool
oh but its word press
my other site is jasonrb.com
Just because you didn't pass in all the variables (or too many)? No
but.. I need to redesign
It may break because you assume they exist when they don't
@Zirak, right, but not if I don't query be
ok cool ty
Rock on
in PHP, 11 secs ago, by SomeKittens
is there no such thing as !=== ?
!== or !=
@jamesson Correct, you'd use !==
Nice topic, btw
@SomeKittens, replace your site with jsFiddle, problem solved
points please
@b01 Do you know what means?
> close vote please
@rlemon love it
@rlemon, nice
Attention all Americans: if Obama does not make it back into office I will personally ensure you are all fired!!! <small><joke>acting like a US fortune 500 CEO</joke></small>
@rlemon, I cannot watch the debates, for me thats saying something
would be funny if it weren't the case.....
I just don't understand how it is legal for a candidate to buy his votes like that
@rlemon, havent seen mad in a while, methinks they went downhill
@rlemon: wtf u talkin about, we live in the worlds greatest democracy </snark>
how a CEO can legally threaten his employees if his candidate doesn't get voted into office..... like WTF USA
Free T-Shirts! That is how you buy an election!
Fuck, I'll do anything for a free t
@rlemon, the douchehats are not the problem, obama being a doormat is the problem
I got my early ballot in the mail yesterday, promptly marked obama, someone other than arpiao, sealed it and mailed it off.
obama is not doing the best job, agreed, but he is at least trying to change a broken system.
no hes not.
@kyle, you live in az? So sorry
If he was we wouldnt still have the patriot act.
or the NDAA wouldnt of been signed
Gitmo would of closed.
lots of hope and change that didnt happen..
@Kyle, here is more sad wonkette.com/486926/…
so because he hasn't got everything done lets put Romney in office?
@Loktar, +1
its not that he hasn't gotten anything done.
he is trying, and he is (imo) doing a fuck tonne better job than Bush
hes continued to be the status quo
you dont have to try to sign the patriot act.
@rlemon, If obama needs my vote to win he is truly fucked
Just dont do it.
I dont think he needs the vote - Romney is pretty much giving them away
he also extended Bush era tax cuts, to the Ire of many democrats
anti arpaio protest ^
hes been a pretty conservative president tbh
@Loktar, you might be the last person paying any attention
lol nah
@rlemon isnt even a US citizen
and he knows more than a lot of people here (in the us I mean)
I am glued to the news sites.
I find that the funniest
@Loktar, I just cant take the drone strikes
I like to learn about as much of the world as I can. I do sometimes get my information from bad sources.
how so many people from other countries know more lol
@jamesson yeah that too wtf
so many more drone strikes under Obama than any other president.
@Loktar, Not surprising, we destroyed our education system
yeah :? no child left behind! :P
I will be happy to see the Patriot act gone, the military budget downsized considerably, and the department of homeland security abolished.
military budget is pretty insane
albeit the dept. hls I know little about other than their illegal stuff
if they do do good stuff, the rest of the world doesn't know about it
eh yeah idk
ok guys, gtg, c u inabit
@Loktar and Romney wants to put more into it
the problem with things like that is you have no idea how well they work until it fails
see ya @jamesson
btw I dont think Romney is any good either
I feel the same way about both candidates
well the Dept of homeland to me seems like a big ol' bush "Fuck you and your rights, I'll make a loophole and make you love it!"
yeah the problem is it wasn't just Bush its the US gov as a whole really
I just think Romney stands to do more damage, Obama is at least not a fucking retard ass-clown who wants to take away rights and fuck the economy (outright)
no way will the gov ever give up that power now
when I say Bush I mean the entire Bush administration
I dont want to go to war with Iran, I think with Romney that will be more likely
my view is romney == more wars, more debt
As an outsider watching the debates and following the US presidential "fight" (as it is) I can safely say: The rest of the world is listening to what Romney is saying, then seeing that ~40% are voting for him. Which makes us think that you agree and believe in what he is saying...... That is scary. I would be ashamed if people though that about my nation. (insert all of the apology/hockey/aboot jokes you want)
I don't see the problem with electing a rich man, slightly out of touch with the common mans problems. What's the worse that could happen?
@rlemon not all americans are stupid
When you are on the front lines of WW3 and your wife/mother/sister is being raped by a doctor(?) legally... you can look back on this.
at least 47% aren't
@KyleTrauberman nope... just the ~40% :P (that is the point. if he had like 10% vote it would be like... ok ... but that many people agreeing with him is scary)
I feel like its my civil duty to not put the black mark next to his name
anyways, lets end this on a high note or the US guys will get angry and pull a gun on me.
Dang Skippy! (peanut butter)
@rl YES!
Ive been known to get heated..
/me bleeding heart american
but @Loktar and I have an understanding now. He is hard core patriotic and loves his country (even in it's worsts) - I am a free lovin Canadian (Native american actually) who thinks the world should be free (why wouldn't it be. British stole our land :P Fuck you all lets just share)
hey I have Native American blood too :P
Free Oil For All!!!
Lets get slippery!
@Loktar i'm 1/9th french. rest is native american (swampy cree)
and the french is metis
so kinda half and half
Im mostly polish otherwise
AND! I am proud to say I don't have my status card.
Because really, I'm no harder up for being Native than anyone else (non native) in this country. In fact i'm better off because i'm a white male than a lot of others (sad but true is most of the world). So if I don't pay taxes i'm just putting the bill on every other hard working Canadian. I don't believe in that... so I don't got ma card :P
which, if you don't know, native status card in canada gives you tax free
@Loktar side note: the chick that stole everything I owned and took off (from a few days back convo, I think you were here) was polish. I learned fucking polish to speak with her family!
food was good though.
crazy poles.
haha, I wasnt here for that story
but yeah Im only polish by blood.. never have been outside of the US besides going to Canada
and it was my Great Grandma who came over, so a ways back
yea her parents were off the boat
so I speak somewhat conversational polish
can't read or write it :P
was with her ~5 years
ugh.... feels like it has been 4:55 FOR EVER~!!!!!!!!!!!
I got tired of working (does it show) but I still need to type frantically so the people around me think i'm trying to hurry and finish up some important work.
Ive been reading emails..
im so crazy tired
I started a workout program at the local gym have to be there at 5am everyday
Pay day. so i'm just excited to eat something other than Kraft Dinner for once this week.
lol nice
well Im headed home see you later
I bought $700 in fish tank equipment last pay. was kinda a tough pill to swallow
salt water?
youll have to post pics once its setup
/me gone for realz
it's only ~1.5 months in. wait till december and it will be fully cycled and setup
var template = generic_lookup_Enr_Rds_ViewCross_selected
window.generic_lookup_Enr_Rds_ViewCross_selected = function(id, to_s) {

In the above script, How to insert the variable(1st Line) to window.generic_lookup_Enr_Rds_ViewCross_selected(2nd line)
@Loktar Are you one of those delusional people who think they're going to persist?
does anyone know whether the github auto generator page themes are available for forking?
Couldn't manage to find them via github's search :(
damn browsers, damn vendors
oh the hate!
I had this great vision of getting all getOwnPropertyNames and getOwnPropertyDescriptors from Node.prototype, Element.prototype and HTMLElement.prototype and mix it into a custom self defined object, alongside Array.prototype
like having a natural abstraction for handling multiple nodes (don't call it jquery)
which works fantastic in Firefox
but for some reason chrome and safari almost completely deny access to most properties or don't even expose them, not even in that prototypes
You mean, how they omit properties and only have methods?
thats one horrific thing yes
posted on October 17, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

International Space Station - Using space internet to control robots Robots at Work and Play Isotopic Evidence of the Moon’s Violent Origins Amazing Images From Nikon's 2012 Small World Contest Why Felix Baumgartner's Mission Was Nearly Aborted At The Last Minute

for instance, HTMLElement.prototype.className is just available on Firefox
but neither chrome nor safari expose that
or I just can't find it
Because it's a property, not a method, so it's only initialised in the constructor. Something like that.
however. I certainly visioned too hard for a true cross-browser compatibility. It just looks messed up, everybody stores things differently, kinda random decisions or something
I liked the idea tho
Yell at webkit?
I guess if I'd yell at webkit I gotta puke at IE
didn't dare to test that code there after this horrible outcome on ff/chrome/safari
Care to share?
well let me setup a fiddle
I had to cut some code from my requirejs modules, might need some more fixes to make it run like so, second
You don't have to post a fiddle, just upload the code somewhere
well, actually you're right
on that site, use this code
I didn't put that into any file so far, just experimental
anyway, the problems "start" even when accessing "READ ONLY" on properties from HTMLElement.prototype. Some just cannot get accessed, to I try-catched those and just write dummy entrys into the objec to extend using the proper key names at least
but, it was getting worse, when using some of those key names in a totally different object, is not possible for "some" properties again, so I had to explicitly delete the prop before re-assigning
all in all, its terrible. Would work on Firefox I think with some ugly quirks and hacks, but whats the use
hah, fun
actually, the whole idea picks up concepts like @Raynos NodeComposite stuff, just without the need to hardcode which methods/properties you want to abstract
and it would work like a charm, if all vendors would put Node properties and methods in the correct places and expose them via prototypes
without strange errors and whatnot
hi anybody there?
@jAndy you have to hard code
thats just how it works
in fact ive done similar meta programming things
like reemit
if you want to do apply batch things on objects you need their definitions. If they dont exist them create them somewhere. Maybe by hardcoding in the library
@Raynos: well as I said, it would work if implementations would do a better job there. Infact, Mozilla did the best job thus far by putting all HTMLNode properties and methods on the correct prototypes. Infact, you can extend/mix those and re-apply them and it just magically works (having node collections with all required methods/properties)
its just that there is no standard definition of where to put those props (Node.prototype, Element.prototype, HTMLElement.prototype) plus vendors do create those things very differently still. Pretty much remembers me on old'ish __parent__ and __proto__ implementations, just messed up without any standardization

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