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So I found the difference
Why one project was compiling on save and another was not
The project that auto compiled was an express project and in the package.json was the command
   "dev": "nodemon index.js",
I was able to get a watch method to work for typescritpt using the following
 tsc *.ts --watch
It seems to run even when closing and then reopening vscode
*It doesn't seem to run after reopening
6 hours later…
@1.21gigawatts Did you run this from a separate terminal or from within VSCode?
4 hours later…
How to skip passing requestDateFormat
export const dateFormatter = (
  date: string | string[] | number[],
  requestDateFormat: string = RequestDateFormat.YYYY_M_DD,
  displayDateFormat: string = DisplayDateFormat.DD_MM_YYYY,
) => {
  return moment(date, requestDateFormat).format(displayDateFormat)
for example dateFormatter(displayDateFormat)
Because if I provide formatter string like this, it will be applied as requestDateFormat
Is it possible to skip passing requestDateFormat in this case , like this dateFormatter(myDate, ,displayDateFormat) ?

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