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@Raynos stop looking for mentions of your pseudonyme :p
It was cool. Integrist, but cool to follow.
@dievardump what the heck is integrist
oh yeah you don't use that word
let me check
Any recommend improvements on gist.github.com/eaa2c76088902d42fb1d#L73
For readability
wow not sure i'm good enough with that
it's not that complex
just mutating a list of documents from mongodb
troll for readability, using semicolon and putting your coma at the end of the line, not at the beginning /troll
well I'll try to look at it
I can't see where you can define cb
shit long time I didn't code anything interesting
I like commas on beginning of line
var withDocs = entities
Should be one line imo
var entities = withMixpanel
    .map(function findMatchingNewUser(item, cb) {
            email: item.entity.email
        }, function (err, doc) {
            if (err) {
                return cb(err)

            cb(null, {
                entity: item.entity
                , user: item.user
                , doc: doc
I can't see where you can pass/use cb
I'm totally lost
var withDocs = entities.someFunction(
     ) // multiple properties / multiple functions

var withDocs = entities.someFunction(prop1) // single property
That's just hat I do though
if (err) {
    return cb(err)

if (err) return cb(err)
what? no
It's less readable
It's a single line
So less readable
Imo, it's more readable...
If it's a single line, and no brackets, I assume a single statement is following
Any time I see brackets, I assume several statements
Otherwise, why even have the option of no brackets?
because you have the option, you're meant to not put them if you can ?
Imo, when you think about it like that, and it works out the way you want it to, it's more efficient to read without brackets, Then again, it only works when everyone else does it.
It's "semantic" to a human if you do it right
@Raynos Other than that and the wrapping on print margins, it's pretty readable to me.
Oh hi, thanks
@Raynos test
@andrewjackson yeah probably
Oh just checking. lol
@dievardump map is an asynchronous mapping function
@andrewjackson I meant more. "is this map filter forEach chaining readable"
not style / syntax.
More about "is my way of doing functional programming readable"
@Raynos oh ok
than in that cause not so much readable lol
But do you register cb?
@dievardump the implementation of map registers a cb
@dievardump those map calls are not Array.prototype.map
Yeah I get it, thanks.
@andrewjackson :(
Is that one readable?
that one's readable, I just don't like the format style >.<
I read them like a sentence not like a command prompt
@andrewjackson recommend better readability
I mean
better formatting
Well now that I think about it, I don't think anyone would agree. So it doesn't really matter
    .forEach(function (dup) {

server.filter(route("/hello.json")).forEach(function (dup) {
also, what's route("/hello.json")? just help shortens the string?
@andrewjackson I havn't written that
it's supposed to be a filtering function
something like
function route(uri) {
    return function (dup) {
        return Route(uri).match(dup.url)
what does it return?
it returns a function
oh I see
jw, could it be required?
its inlined below as a TODO
var	HttpStream = require("http-stream")
,	chain = require("chain-stream")
,	filterFn = require('filter/method')
,	foreachFn = require('loop/method')
,	server = chain(HttpStream().listen(8080));

@Shaz I like it lol
@andrewjackson o.o
@Shaz pro!
If you didnt write it then :(
I did, was fun ;)
@Shaz use github ;)
What can I use to debug JS if jsLint says everything is fine and I don't get the correct results ?
@Raynos For what?
@Shaz everything
@raam86 your head
turns out route is really simple
@Thank you Raynos this is the reason I d\l firebug
I have this fiddle
I set up breakpoints in firebug and the taxes seems right, it has a value right to the end but I still get undefined
Best way to learn javascript?? Any tutorials or examples??
2 hours later…
function route(uri) {
    var match = pattern(uri)

    return filter

    function filter(dup) {
        return match(dup.url)
@Raynos you can define functions below the return
how's that work?
guess that's a node.js thing
RT @pbakaus: HTML5 devs, I hope you all voted at https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/webperf2012/. If yes, thanks! If not yet, do it! Nao! NAOW! You can shape the web.
@andrewjackson That's a hoisting thing
Q: Event Aggregator.. not getting a response, how to determine completion?

Duncan_mI'm rewriting a vehicle tracking application, a google maps based thing.. The users are able to search for a vehicle by typing a few characters of the vehicles "callsign". My application is based around a sort of "event bus" within Backbone.. when a search occurs I send a message on the bus sa...

A: JavaScript function order: why does it matter?

ZirakThis weird behavior depends on How you define the functions and When you call them. Here's some examples. bar(); //This won't throw an error function bar() {} foo(); //This will throw an error var foo = function() {} ---- bar(); function bar() { foo(); //This will throw an error } ...

Did you guys know window.find existed?
That is cool
@all: hai guys I need a help can anyone help me out in my issue
@all: For the first time if am clicking on nexi in my image gallery its returning null values
its my demo link
1 hour later…
@Zirak I'm getting into emacs. Any good link/extension/whatever?
1 hour later…
@andrewjackson function declarations are hoisted to the top
it's always valid to declare functions below their use
2 hours later…
anyone knows a firefox extension that displays the current max-width (used by media queries) e.g. in the status bar?
Q: class creation in dojo 1.8 using declare

Daniel DutonI'm using dojo 1.8 as javascript library. I'm trying to create a small Vector class for a project of mine. I've created a function clone to clone the vector object. Here is my class "td/Vector" define([ 'dojo/_base/declare', 'td/Vector' ], function(declare, Vector) { return declare(null...

@FlorianMargaine Use the builtin tutorial, it's great
Done that already
I'm somehow getting the hang of it. The hardest is to stop thinking like in vim
1 hour later…
@rlemon You around?
I am now
Its a third sense
Can you reply to texts right from the notification bar?
On your phone
Remember having heard some reviewers saying you could do that in Jelly Bean. I can't
I can expand notifications. But not text messages
Hrmm let me see
Nope but clicking on it of course opens the chat
I can see the text preview
Yeah, it's the same
Guess the reviewers hadn't actually checked
question : besides javascript , what other languages can control dom ?
dom is just the API AFAIK
Can as?
JScript, I think?
For IE
AFAIK its just ecmascript variants that can
just 2 ?
Maybe. I don't know
Actionscript JScript JavaScript
ActionScript can?
does html5 and all its features also include something ?
HTML not directly it seems
no HTML is the tag spec
Dom API is one api
There is canvas API audio and video apis
and those api's isnt realted to the dom api right ?
Of course not
ok thanks
Well, not really
Anyways. I'm out
That API isn't
To use the API, you'd probably have to use the DOM API too
amaan can you elaborate ?
yeah thats what i meant
like js uses the dom
i was asking who else besides! it uses dom
Canvas, for example
You can use JS to do everything on the canvas
But to actually make the canvas visible, you have to use the DOM API
if js is the top height , who is below it ? dom api or canvas api ?
Top height?
Most used, you mean?
control heirarchy
canvas is part of the DOM API
and the DOM API isn't below js, they both work together
the DOM doesn't need js, and js doesn't need the DOM
Canvas is part of the DOM API?
js uses the DOM api
but they're linked in browsers
yes, but it doesn't need to.
@AmaanCheval uh, yeah
Florain Im confused
Like Node.js. It's JavaScript minus the DOM API
@RoyiNamir in google chrome, JS is provided by v8 while the DOM is provided by the webkit engine
and js running commands via the dom api right ?
@FlorianMargaine Are you talking about the element, or the API that has the 2D context?
I've started associating Mozilla with MDN too much. Seeing that link, I instantly thought it was a new JavaScript style guide
@FlorianMargaine can you explain between dom and canvas element ?
@AmaanCheval the API is a bunch of methods on the HTMLCanvas element, so it's part of the DOM API :)
Hmm, yeah, that makes sense
so js controls the dom which controls the canvas element api ?
To my understanding, yeah
Thank you all.
what ????//
the DOM provides some hooks to JS, it's not "under" js
I didnt say its under
for example, there are immutable properties of the DOM
so JS doesn't control it fully, it's just that the DOM lets JS do some stuff
we were talking about the dom as API
ofcourse not 100% control
so assuming that js has access to x% of dom , it controls it and the dom controls the canvas api ?
the canvas is part of the dom, yes
Oooh! Canvas has addHitRegion!
I'd completely forgotten about that
Florian how canvas can be part of dom ? its an element... ?
@AmaanCheval collision detection made easy, heh?
Well, so far, it's for mouse events, so there aren't many use cases for games with collisions of characters, but I guess, yeah
So AFAIK , if canvas is an element , so dom is just the way which it can be controlled
so it cant be part of dom
it more likely to be part of html elements
please correct me guys
To control the canvas, you have to use the DOM
But canvas can't exist without the DOM API
It relies on it
So it's part of the DOM API
Right, @FlorianMargaine?
Amaan it is not part of dom api , the dom api can control it.
it doesnt say it is part of it
(if i understood correctly)
13 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
@AmaanCheval the API is a bunch of methods on the HTMLCanvas element, so it's part of the DOM API :)
it is not accurate too IMHO
think about it
wait no
Is that true for anyone?
@AmaanCheval not for me, but I don't have canary
I think my ITS is throttling AJAX. Is that possible?
whats the difference between jsconsole.com to just f12 in any browser
is it like jsbin or something ?
hey that's awesome, jsconsole works with the url...
what do you mean with url
its saves the script there
but is it something else than jsbin ?
( i didn't know this jsconsole site - till now)
Can someone write me a function for the Array.sort() method ?
I never understood how it works. :/
nvm (:
RT @koalie: I'm Comm'ing out. That is, I publish a weekly digest of @W3C news and trends. Here's the first edition: http://kwz.me/EG
@AmaanCheval I stopped learning erlang, I'm on to lisp now :x
Hi Guys
I neeed help
I want a pop up show when someone plays a video
is there someone live?
@FlorianMargaine I stopped too :|
Well, at least for now
@FlatLander Try fancybox it's amazing for that kind of work.
Do someone know why my masonry broken in jQuery. I have write exact code but something in css broke the layout. wait, I will post jsfiddle.
ok, waiting......
@parixit it's not show exactly on jsfiddle but this is code who have a issue
the problem is every item in masonry-wrap div is overlap each other.
@parixit do you got it.
@parixit gone. do you have checked it.
@delete do you have problem in every browser?
please check previous and afterwards div position set to absolute or fixed?
@parixit previous and afterwards div means.
currently wrapper is relative position with 100% width.
previous div of current div(your problematic div)
and same as afterward div means div which follow your current div
do you have problem in your main wrapper?
you means previous div means 2 who is outside masonry-wrap and currently means all inside div in of "#masounry-wrap"
r u developing in your local environment?
place this code just before and after your masonary div
<div style='clear:both;'></div>
Hi Expert
I have a <SELECT> dropdown which generate entry via PHP (none Ajax). When user click on any entry it will then get a get a data via Ajax.
the problem is still exist. the problem is I use 940Px wide and they take only 680px even my wrap div have 100% width or manually 940px set by css. they just overlap. can you help me by stopping them to overlap @parixit
What Do you think the dropdown name should be called?
for example <select class='SelectNetwork'> ?
Or what a reable name so I know its
@illbeback .SelectNetwork
reference to ajax when entry has been clicked
@delete is there any padding in your inner div?
or margin?
I am terrible with naming
if you just could not "CamelCase" your className, it'd be fun
@parixit border: 1px solid #B4B1B1;
height: 100%;
margin: 10px 0;
border-radius: 6px;
float: left;
margin-right: 10px;
Q: post in popup div like wookmark

sarhovI want understand how www.wookmark.com's popup done, I want to do same thing but can't I explained it in screenshot, http://rghost.net/private/40666533/9048bb08c7f7f530b743bb14f4e811d2/image.png How can I made like this, what I need? I have tried open the post in inline div which made absolut...

@deletethisaccount Need an example page.
Create a jsfiddle.
We are not magician.
How about this: .SelectNetworkFromSaleForm
@delete let me understand first.
1. your parent div which width is 940px
2. this is your inner div to which u give 100% width and it take only 640px width
It mean Network dropdown from Sale Form Page
the first row have 2 box (all outside). left one is 640 and second is 300 so that's fine.
or even better .SelectNetworkSaleForm
inside the wrapper it's about 3 box fit on 940px @parixit
I have gave them 300 + margin so they fit with 940 exactly. the right one have float:right so thing goes fine.
the problem is they are overlap in masonry plugin the bottom one overlap on top one. the problem occur is inside wrap
so in fiddle can you tell me where exactly you have problem?
I don't see anything strange in your page
And your explication does not help us I think
Give us id or classname
Inside wrap there is all your code...
@dievardump @parixit inside the <div id="masounry-wrap"> we have .box elements that is overlap each other that's issue.
There is no masounry-wrap
@dievardump press ctrl + f in browser and they will move you their.
I means search.
You commented it
posted on September 30, 2012 by Victor Rodriguez

Teenage Challenge - Top Gear - BBC - YouTube 5 Great Linux Commercials - YouTube Tears of Steel - Blender Foundation's fourth short Open Movie

@dievardump sorry yes, I have commented some css and that time it's happen. I later fix it on my editor.
Is it better to use $.get() or $.load() ?
@I'll-Be-Back They are different.
Oh, I will check the doc
@I'll-Be-Back Maybe next time, check the doc before asking a question ;)
Basically when a entry have been select on a dropdown - i want to put the html via ajax into div.
Thanks for link
@delete here there are box in your masonry
and there is 3 box in single row
they seems fine
yes, exactly.
no overlap
I am so confused that they look pretty well on jsfiddle @parixit but it's make overlap in my computer. Is bootstrap css create some issue for me.
You did not include bootstrap css?
ok so when u reload your page while testing please press ctrl + F5 while refreshing while testing
and one another point please check it carefully
for your box style keep
{ width:32%; float:left; margin-right:1%; }
like this
the thing work fine when page load but create issue @ script execute.
and after 3 box please place <div style='clear:both;'></div>
and make sure all box should be in relative position. As i have seen your style, there was some !important CSS, please do not use such style untill and unless needed.
what exactly your script does?
@parixit do you know why "<div id="masounry-wrap" style="position: relative; height: 264px; width: 680px;" class="masonry">" happen after my script excuted. i am not sure why 680 set.
I have used !important for testing.
Iwill remove them.
yes for that only, tel me what script for?
script for making masonry effect like masonry.desandro.com
why do you use suck kind of script?, you can adjust your div via css only
oops lights gone. if you have still problem please email me or later on we can chat. parixit572@gmail.com
no much power in my inverter
so sorry, i have to leave.
its nice to talk wid u
no problem , I have the night on my side. I will send you mail from ac at live.in thanks for help.
I am alive
@rlemon lol
@FlorianMargaine How much of Erlang had you done?
Does PDO allow dot for prepare? For example... :network_saletype.id
its failing for some reason
Got it fixed
$whereAr[] = $argFields[$i] . ' = :' . str_replace('.','_',$argFields[$i]);
Tetris in the terminal! gitris.com
Anyone knows a good page about node.js streams? I feel like I'm missing a something good from node.
Any idea how I'd loop through something like remove(3254)remove(32523) and delete divs with the id in the brackets inside the loop?
for example php sends back
#get 235 remove it
#get 35435 and remove it.
Any idea how?
Q: highlight page link when on page

user1255049I'm using the below code to highlight the page name/gallery shown when the corresponding link is clicked on. My challenge is that regardless of what link I click, only the very first link(page_id=24/Haagen-Dazs) is highlighted. Any ideas what's causing the issue? Thanks. CSS .active { bord...

Is it true, that strict mode enforces that all variable binding is done statically?
How to hide all elements inside <div class='SalePanelForm'> </div> .... This seem t be wrong: $('.SalePanelForm').hide();
@I'll-Be-Back the css selector would be .SalePanelForm > *
Oh nice.
What do you think of the code? feedback welcome.
@Abhishek wanna contribute to lememe? I'm making a chrome extension and need some funky fresh css
basically funky css for forms.
thats about it
pure webkit of course
it would be cool to offer "light" and "dark" theme choices
@Raynos do you have an example of an app built with streams? I can't seem to understand how the concept can be used for doing normal web app stuff? thx
@rlemon well dude i am typing this on an iPhone 4s and have no access to work computer till probably till tuesday eve.
but i will try to fiddle it on phone :3
btw @ThiefMaster iirc you once asked me if i did a mp3tag parser
jsfiddle.net/darkyen/cuCTh/5 <- Parses Mp3 tags inside the file inside the browser
@Abhishek no worries do it tues. :P
amma expand it to parse frame aswell [ on this phone ]
1 hour later…
Hey guys, I remember seeing this giant table of the behavior of == and === on a bunch of different inputs. Does anyone remember where it's located?
@CallumMcLean Ah yes I saw that. I'm looking for this hugeee table of "wtf"s though. It circulated quite a bit a few months back...
Ah, I don't know that one, sorry =P
RT @integralist: The ACE Editor Hits v1.0 https://hacks.mozilla.org/2012/09/the-ace-editor-hits-v1-0/
@Raynos shit my bad I confused it with a function expression
still though, I was wondering, how is it interpreted the second time the function is called on older ECMAScript flavors?
specifically IE

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